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LAUREN (Silicon Valley Billionaires Book 1) by Leigh James (18)

Chapter 18

“I already told you—Clive Warren hacked into my system before I ever went near his company.” My patience was starting to wear thin. The fluorescent lighting in the room was giving me a headache, as was the endless circle of questions.

Agent Marks of the FBI watched me, taking another sip from his burnt-smelling coffee. “But you haven’t told me what you were looking for. Or why your boyfriend turned himself in for doing the things you’re claiming that you did.”

I’d gone in that morning and asked to speak to the detective about Gabe, but instead, Agent Marks had intercepted me and locked me in this room for over an hour. I hadn’t even notified my attorney that I was here. She was going to have an absolute fit. I rubbed my temples. The agent, his acrid-smelling coffee, his buzz cut, and his impeccable gray suit were starting to annoy me.

The only thing I’d learned from him was that Clive Warren had indeed turned himself in for self-proclaimed tax evasion. His electronic equipment had been seized. However, Agent Marks had made no mention of Jiàn Innovations. I kept quiet on that subject for the moment, until I could figure out my next move.

“I was looking for evidence that Clive was testing the technology he stole from me—or that he’d sold it,” I said. “When I heard that Clive had been arrested, I knew it was only a matter of time before my activity came to light. I wanted to be forthcoming, and I was about to call the police. Gabe turned himself in because he was trying to protect me.”

Gabe. Just saying his name made my heart lurch. He’d spent the previous night in jail, awaiting his arraignment. I was wild to see him, to make sure he was okay. He was in a holding cell in the building somewhere. He’d been arrested for multiple things, including Internet fraud and unauthorized computer use and access.

“Why didn’t you just go to the police—or better yet, the FBI—when you found out you’d been hacked?” the agent asked. “Why all the secrecy? Why’d you break the law too?”

I nodded at him. He had a valid point. “I had to keep my secret technology safe. I didn’t want it to come under outside scrutiny, so close to coming to market. It’s protected as a trade secret, and divulging information about it to anyone—even to the authorities—causes it to lose its secret status. That’s my only excuse, but it’s a real one.”

Agent Marks crossed his arms over his chest and looked at me. “Ms. Taylor, I know you went to MIT and you’re a CEO and all, but do you understand that particular excuse is not a legal defense?”

“Of course I understand that.” I tried not to lose patience with him. “But my technology has the potential to benefit millions of people. I have a duty to protect it. I made my decisions based on what I felt was for the greater good.”

“You know that we could have helped you, right? If the FBI and the National Security Agency had gotten out in front of this, you might not be in this situation right now.”

I swallowed hard. “That was a risk I wasn’t willing to take—that if.

The agent raised his dark eyebrows at me as if he thought I might be a little crazy. Maybe he was right. The longer I stared at his face, the more his eyebrows looked like hairy caterpillars. Woolly bears were what my sister and I called them. The kind Hannah used to collect and build habitats for when we were kids.

“I’m going to need a signed statement from you,” Agent Marks said.

Great. “Of course.” I tried to sound agreeable. “But my attorney needs to review the statement before I sign it. And I need to know what’s happening with Gabe.”

Agent Marks nodded at me on his way out. “I’ll send his attorney in to talk to you. She’s waiting outside. And you can call your lawyer too. I’ll get the paperwork processed. But this is just the beginning, Ms. Taylor. We’ll be coming to Paragon soon for a preliminary investigation into this matter. We’re officially involved now.”

Double great. As soon as the door closed, I put my face in my hands. I refused to cry, but I did want to take a moment to fully comprehend what a truly fucked-up situation I was in.

Gabe was in jail. He was in jail because he’d confessed to crimes I’d committed, including wiretapping and hacking Warren Technologies. As far as I knew, he hadn’t yet been charged with the crimes I’d merely asked him to commit for me, which included having armed guards conduct illegal surveillance on Clive Warren. Not to mention physically threatening him.

Clive Warren was also in jail. He’d confessed to tax evasion, which seemed out of place amidst the various other crimes he’d committed recently. As far as I knew, he’d said nothing about hacking into Paragon or selling my technology to Jiàn Innovations. Now that Gabe and I had come forward, the FBI knew that he’d hacked me—for better or for worse.

At least the Chinese criminals he was working for couldn’t get to Clive in jail.

Neither could Gabe, for that matter. He was going to have to keep waiting to bash Clive in the face.

My patch was on track to win FDA approval soon. Of course, I had to get out of the police department and get back to work in order for that to happen.

My phone buzzed. It was a text from Stephanie, my assistant. Board has called an emergency meeting for today at three. Can you make it?

The board was going to have questions about Clive Warren’s arrest, and why the CEO of our new partner company, Dynamica, was currently in jail. I had a lot to answer for. Having the conversation wouldn’t be pleasant, but I would at least be able to cross yet another unpleasant thing off of my to-do list.

Yes, I texted back. Then I fired off a quick text to my personal attorney, Bethany O’Donnell, letting her know that I would need to speak with her soon. I tossed my phone onto the table and made myself sit up straight. This was not the time to be weak or overcome with dread. I had serious business to take care of, and I needed to keep my wits about me. That was my best—my only—defense.

After what seemed like forever, there was a brief knock on the door and an attractive woman came through. Her brown hair shimmered with tawny highlights, her makeup was carefully done, and she wore a blue skirt suit. As it was a Saturday morning and most professionals in Silicon Valley favored T-shirts and jeans, I figured she must be Gabe’s lawyer.

I jumped up. “I’m Lauren Taylor. Is Gabe okay? Have you seen him?” The questions tumbled out of me, one on top of another, but all I wanted to hear was that Gabe was all right.

“Kami Robards.” She held out her hand.

Instead of shaking it, I just sort of clung to it.

“I’m Gabe’s attorney. He wants you to know he’s fine. He wanted me to tell you that first thing.” She motioned for us to sit down. “I was just with him. They’re canceling his arraignment, and he’s going to be released shortly. The charges are being dropped.”

“Oh, thank God.” I blew out a shaky sigh. “But…why?”

“Because Clive Warren just signed a statement saying that he was aware that you and Gabe had been taking a tour through his system, and that he’d given you permission to do so.”

I sat still for a moment while I processed the information. Clive was lying. “But Clive didn’t know that we’d hacked him. And he sure as hell didn’t give us—me—permission to monitor his system.”

“That was Gabe’s response as well,” Kami said. “As his attorney, I advised him to keep that to himself. As should you.”

“I’m not going to say anything. I just want to get Gabe out of here.”

She nodded. “I just spoke to Detective Conant and Agent Marks on my way in here. You can go now. Agent Marks said he’d come to Paragon to get your statement, and also to interview you.”

“Perfect,” I said, and swallowed hard.

“I’ll make sure Gabe gets home safely after we process his paperwork.”

“I’ll wait for him,” I said immediately.

“It’s going to be a few hours.” Kami gave me a sympathetic smile. “It’s interesting to meet you. All Gabe did was ask if you were here and if you were okay.”

My cheeks burned. “He did?” I sounded as if I were a crushed-out seventh-grade girl, which I’d never been, even in the seventh grade.

She chuckled. “Yes, he did. It’s nice to see him finally serious about someone.”

I looked at her, startled by her bluntness. “What makes you think he’s serious about me?”

She raised a perfectly waxed eyebrow. “Because Gabe’s been my client for a long time. He’s an upstanding CEO with an immaculate record and billions of dollars to lose. He had himself arrested for crimes he didn’t commit in order to save you from jail. If that isn’t serious, I don’t know what is.”

“Oh. Huh. Thanks.” The words sounded stupid, but I had no idea what sort of response was appropriate.

The attorney cleared her throat. “On a less personal note, I expect that the FBI, the NSA, and the police will be keeping an eye on the situation. They’ll also be watching you and Gabe. So you should proceed with caution. You should definitely meet with your attorney. I’m sure the federal authorities will want to follow up with you, no matter what Clive Warren’s claiming. There’s a chance your records are going to be subpoenaed.”

My stomach sank. “What’s going to happen to Clive?” The fact that Clive had exonerated Gabe and me of any wrongdoing made me feel unsettled. Clive might do me a favor, but would he do one for Gabe?

Only if it was in the form of a stab in the back.

I took a deep breath and tried to focus on what Kami was telling me.

“Clive’s going to have his arraignment for the tax charges, and they’re going to schedule a date for trial. If the presiding judge sets a bail amount for him, he could be let out on house arrest. What the FBI’s going to do with him about this other matter, I don’t know.” She paused for a beat. “You really should go. I promise I’ll get Gabe out of here safely.”

I nodded but still didn’t move. “Can I see him? Gabe?”

“Only for a second,” she said. “And only because he already asked me if he could see you about ten times.”

I tried to hide my satisfied smile as I followed her out of the room. The police headquarters was bustling as we headed down the dingy hallway to the room where they were holding Gabe. Kami knocked on the door, and we went in.

Gabe was sitting at the table, running his hands through his hair. He looked up at us, and his eyes immediately locked on mine.

My world stopped as relief flooded through me. “Hey.”

He stood up and pulled me into his arms, putting his face against my hair and inhaling deeply. He squeezed me, then looked up at his attorney. “Kami, since you brought Lauren in here, I’m assuming introductions aren’t necessary.”

She laughed briefly. “Of course not. But I can’t leave you two alone, and she can only be in here for a minute. This isn’t the time or place for a reunion. You’re being released. You can hug each other later this afternoon.”

Still, I clung to him, unable to pull away just yet. “Are you okay?” My voice came out muffled against his chest.

“Of course.” He pulled back, his eyes searching mine. “Are you?”

I nodded. “I’m better now that they’re letting you out. But I’m still mad at you. Actually, I’m furious.” Even as I said it, I kept my hands on him, betraying my words.

But I should be furious. Gabe had turned himself in to the San Jose Police Department and the FBI to protect me, and he’d done it behind my back.

“We can fight about that later.” He ran his hands down my sides. “Right now, you need to go. With security. And I need you to either stay at Paragon or at my house. I want Timmy with you until I’m out of here.”

I reluctantly released him and stepped back. “I’m going to go to the office. The board called an emergency meeting for later today.”

“Are you ready for whatever they have to say? They’re probably not going to be too happy with me right now. Or you, for that matter.”

I was prepared to defend both Gabe and myself to the board. Or at least, I would be when I let myself fully comprehend what I needed to disclose to them.

“I’m not concerned about that, not right now anyway.” I could still hear the worry in my voice, though.

“Then what are you worried about?” Gabe could already read me too well.

I swallowed hard. “Clive is responsible for us both being released, and I don’t know why. Or what’s going to happen to him.”

“We’ll have to wait for the arraignment.” Gabe shrugged. “But as much as I appreciate him getting me out of here, I still don’t trust him.” He watched my face. “You are not, under any circumstances, to make contact with him to ask him questions. Okay? He’s dangerous, even in here. Now, more than ever, you need to keep a low profile. Stay away from him.”

I nodded. Gabe’s brown eyes had a stormy, warning look.

“Sorry to break this up, but Lauren, you need to get going,” Kami said. “I need to wrap things up with my client.”

I’d forgotten she was even in the room.

Gabe pulled me back into his arms. “Is everything going to be okay for you at work?” I asked. “Are you worried about fallout from being arrested?”

“Nope.” He kissed my cheek.

I relaxed against him for one last moment. His confidence soothed me. I blocked everything out except for the feel of his chest pressed against me and his strong arms encircling me with his warmth. He kissed my cheek and then released me. “After I’m done here, I’m going to Dynamica, and then I’ll meet you at the house tonight. Okay?”

“Okay.” I leaned up and kissed him briefly on the lips. The contact sent heat rushing through my body, and I craved more of him. “I can’t wait for you to get out of here. And…I love you.”

Gabe smiled and ran his thumb along my jawline. “I love you, too.”

Kami was watching us with her perfectly manicured eyebrows raised. She opened her mouth to speak, but Gabe cut her off. “She’s going, Kami. We heard you.”

It almost physically hurt to step away from him, but I did it anyway. “I’ll see you tonight.”

Gabe nodded, watching as Kami led me out. She closed the door behind us and turned to me. “He’s going to be fine. I promise. We’ll be done here soon. Just do what he says, okay? Take your security detail and go back to your office. Have your attorney contact me.”

“I will. Her name’s Bethany O’Donnell. For the record, she’s a little…aggressive.” Bethany was going to be on a holy tear when she found out I’d been question by a federal agent without her present.

“Good. That’ll help.” Kami handed me her card. “I can catch her up to speed.”

“Thanks. It was nice to meet you. If anything comes up, will you please call me right away?”

“I have a very high hourly rate. I can promise you, Gabe’s getting out of here soon.” She smiled at me warmly. “Now, go. And take care.”

I headed slowly down the hall. I hated to leave Gabe behind, and my mind was racing with everything I had to do.

Detective Conant was standing in the lobby. “You know you’re free to go, Ms. Taylor, but the FBI will be in touch to follow up with you shortly. I’ll be in touch, too.”

“Great,” I said.

Just great, indeed.




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