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Leveled: The Fighter Series Novella #5.5 by TC Matson (5)

Chapter 6


With help from everyone, I managed to plan a wedding and get it together within weeks. Levi has a big schedule ahead of him and if we don’t do it now, we’ll have to wait at least a year…Or worse, go to the courthouse or Vegas. He’s not as opposed to either of those choices as I am.

Thankfully, I found a place willing to schedule me in quickly. It’s a beautiful and romantic setting in the middle of a thirty-acre property with a scenic view of a small lake. They’ve got a large room where the ceilings are forever tall, the walls are stone, and the floors are wood. It’s a perfect rustic blend for our macho life.

“I need help,” I whine, trying to finish the last inch of my zipper.

Holly steps behind me, already in her dress with her hair fixed, and tugs the zipper up.

She warms me with a smile. “Instead of your grand entrance, we could do a grand exit.” She dangles her car keys. “You say the word, and we’ll bounce out.”

I laugh. “I hope that car is a fast one, because Levi would be on my heels.”

“We drove Adam’s.” Kelsie chimes in calmly, sitting on the bed and sliding into her heels. “I’d have to wrestle the keys from Adam, but I’m sure I could just squirt him in the eye with milk.”

We laugh.

“Adam giving up the keys to his new precious Keza…” I snort. “Why does he name his cars?”

Kelsie rolls her eyes. “Him and his cars. Nova sounds so much better than Keza, doesn’t it? Surely I’m not the only one begging him not to name it that.”

“What the hell is a Keza?” Holly asks.

Kelsie groans. “Mine and Zayne’s name scrambled in there somewhere.”

“That’s so sweet,” Holly gushes, placing her hand on her chest.

Kelsie snorts. “Wait until he talks about her like she’s a real person. Keza needs gas. Keza needs a bath. Keza needs to be driven hard.”

“That’s where you tell him he’s pronouncing your name wrong. Kelsie needs to be driven hard.” Holly runs her hands from her tits down to her hips and does some weird flapping thing with her tongue.

“He handles that car just fine,” Kelsie replies, waggling her eyebrows.

Holly tugs the top of her dress and it causes her breasts to bounce. “This thing isn’t big boob friendly.”

Kelsie pats hers and beams proudly. “It’s good at holding the milk at bay.”

A knock on the door sends me moving out of view…just in case. I mean, we all know how Levi is—impatient as ever.

Lacy pops her head in scanning the room for me. “I found him,” she says and then shuffles in my dad.

In a black suit with a white shirt and a red tie matching my bridesmaids, Dad is handsome as ever. Instantly, tears warm my eyes and I fan them, desperate not to mess up my makeup.

“Daddy, you look…wow. You look good.”

His eyes are red, backing away his own tears. “Oh, Paigey…” He rakes his view over me. “You’re beautiful. Your momma would be so proud. She’s got to be smiling down on you today.”

“You two have to stop,” Holly says from across the room. “You’ll have us all fixing our makeup and we don’t have the time for that.”

Daddy hands me a tissue and I dab the few lone escapees under my eyes.

“Everything looks good to go out there. You’ve got ten minutes. Are you ready?” he asks.

I glance to Kelsie, Holly, and Lacy. “Are we ready?”

Kelsie shifts. “Honey, this is your day. We’re ready whenever you are, but if you wait much longer, I’ll need to pump.”

Holly cheeses and nudges Kelsie in the shoulder. “I’m walking down the aisle with a hunk of a man who needs to see I’m his dream come true,” she teases.

“When you claimed him, he didn’t have a kid. Now he does. You sure you want that responsibility? I mean, poop diapers, pee, laundry, and your sex life dwindles to quickies when the kid is asleep and that’s only if you have the energy.”

Holly’s face slackens. “Shit.”

“Kelsie wins,” I call out with a giggle.

“I have to give up my first true love,” she whines her tease. “I guess you can have my seconds.”

Lacy sarcastically coughs. “I’ll be arm and arm with my love.” She bats her eyes. “Yeah. I’ll ride your jealous tears down the aisle.”

As they banter, I spin back to the mirror and double check my makeup. I chose this gown because when I put it on, I never felt more stunning and sexy. The spaghetti strap V-neck shows off my cleavage and the back plunges offering nothing but bare skin. It’s soft with lace, long to my toes and without a train. I just hope Levi loves it just as much as I do.

“You ready?” Dad squeezes my shoulder.


Dad straightens, pulling on his jacket, and grins wickedly to the girls. “Well, for your information, I’ll be walking down the aisle with a princess. Read that and weep.”

I burst out laughing and toss my arms around his neck. “I love you, Daddy.”

“Not nearly as much as I do you. Come on, baby girl. You have a wedding to attend.”