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Love at Long Last (Triple Range Ranch Western Romance Book 3) by Emily Woods (12)

Chapter 12

As the week progressed, Valerie continued to learn what it took to run a household on the ranch, throwing herself wholeheartedly into the task. She'd developed calluses and blisters as well as a persistent ache in her lower back, which Marge showed her how to stretch it out so that she could sleep at the end of the day.

“Isn't anything easy here?” she mumbled to herself, but of course the other women overheard her.

“It'll get easier.” Kate smiled and offered to rub her shoulders. “But it takes time. It took me nearly three months, I’d say.”

“And for me, even longer,” Elise admitted with a sympathetic grin. Valerie had learned that the woman had come from a prosperous family in Italy and, up until coming to America, had never done a day's labor in her life.

“Not one of us was born into this,” Marge added. “But if you're determined enough, you can do it. I have faith in you.”

“At least someone does,” Valerie replied with a grimace, but then immediately was sorry for her grumbling. “Thank you for showing me. I know I'm a slow learner.”

“Not in the slightest,” Kate assured her. “Now, today we'll do laundry, and that's probably the worst of all the tasks.”

Resolute, Valerie pasted a smile on her face and nodded. “Okay then. Let's do it.”

She was in the midst of hanging up some shirts later that morning when she heard a rider approach. Even from a distance, she could see that it was Wesley Crawford. Was he coming to pay her a call? Even though she’d barely looked in the mirror that morning, she knew without anyone telling her that she was a mess.

She saw him enter the house and then come out again within two minutes.

“Good morning,” he called, spotting her despite her effort to hide. “Do you have a moment?”

Sheepishly, she emerged from the barn, attempting to tidy her hair but ending up putting some chicken feed in it instead.

“Good morning, Mister Crawford. What brings you out this way?”

Leading his horse over, he approached her with a smile. “I was hoping to convince you to come over my way for a picnic, or are you too busy with your chores?”

She thought perhaps he was smirking a little, but decided to ignore it. “I'm afraid you caught me unaware, sir. I'm not sure if I'm needed here today or not, but I'll enquire.”

Her voice came out stiff, and her words were more formal than necessary, but she couldn't stop herself. She dearly hoped that the others would say there was too much work to do, but she didn't think they would. Marge had been feeling much better as of late and Elise's morning sickness had passed. However, before she could even take one step in the direction of the house, Wesley stopped her.

“Oh, I've already spoken to the ladies of the house and they assured me that you're quite free to come away with me, should you desire.”

He said that last part as an afterthought, clearly believing that no one would decline such an offer.

It was on her tongue to do just that, but at that very moment, Thomas came into sight and against her better judgment, she found herself accepting. “I would be delighted to have a picnic with you,” she exclaimed, her voice overly loud. “If you'll just wait a few minutes while I make myself presentable.”

Thomas scowled at them, but she tossed her head and walked toward the house as though she hadn't a care in the world.

“It'll be nice to be in the company of such a well-mannered gentleman for a change,” she continued, making sure her voice reached his ears.

Once inside, her heart pounded. What had she done? She had no desire to be alone with Mr. Crawford, but the words had sprung from her lips before she could stop them. As she rushed to the room she shared with Maddie, she wondered if she could feign a headache or...

No! She would go. Wesley Crawford didn’t deserve her contempt, no matter how high-handed he’d been, and she wouldn't be false to him, no matter that she didn't desire his company.

Quickly, she changed into a blue dress that was not her fanciest, but would do very well for a picnic. Looking in the small mirror over the basin, she tidied her hair and pinched her cheeks.

“I'm so sorry to abandon you all,” she chirped to the women who were working in the kitchen. “But Mister Crawford has kindly invited me out.”

Three sets of eyes fastened on her, each one wearing a different expression. Marge was outright skeptical, Elise was worried, and Kate was confused.

“It's just a picnic,” she said casually, struggling to keep her voice neutral. Each woman was well aware of her pursuit of Thomas, and she could see their concern on their faces. “It's nothing.”

“Of course not,” Kate replied quickly. “Please enjoy yourself.”

“But Thomas...” Elise began.

“Thomas couldn't care less,” she retorted, and then felt deep shame for being so aggressive. “I'm sorry, but I really need to get away. I'll be back in two hours. I just...” She couldn't finish her sentence. A deep weariness overcame her and she wanted nothing more than to collapse into bed.

Kate came to her defense. “Go, try to relax and perhaps you will come back with an answer to the question that has been burning in your heart since you arrived.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to ask her what she meant, but then she stopped. Perhaps she didn't want to know.

“Thank you. I won't be long.”

Before she could change her mind, she rushed out the door, intent on distracting herself from her worries for one afternoon.

“You look lovely,” Wesley said smoothly. “It is very clear to me that you are a lady.”

She sensed that this was very important to him, but she only smiled. “Thank you,” she replied lightheartedly, offering him a small curtsy and a polite smile. “And where are we going?”

Helping her into the wagon that he'd brought, he explained. “I want to show you my homestead. I'd like to hear what you think of it.”

His reply put her on guard. Why should he care what she thought of his home? Unless... But no, he couldn't be thinking so far into the future after just one meeting, could he?

“I'm sure it's lovely,” she replied carelessly. “But it's such a fine day. It would be lovely to eat on a hilltop overlooking the Triple Range, would it not?”

She thought she saw his jaw clench briefly, but then wondered if she imagined it as he nodded agreeably. “Whatever you wish.”

They rode for nearly a half-hour before reaching the side of a mountain with a magnificent view. “It's beautiful,” she enthused. “Just perfect.”

As he helped her down, he confided, “Yes, it is because now we both get what we wished for. If you look to your left, you can see my land. It stretches out across the entire valley.”

It was indeed vast, and the house she spied in the middle seemed like a small mansion. “However did you build such a splendid place in the middle of nowhere?” she gasped. It made Luke and Kate's fine home look like a shack.

“Ah, well, money will get you almost anything, won't it? Something I suspect you know quite well.”

She didn't appreciate the implication, but merely said, “I'm not sure about that, but you do have a wonderful home.” At that moment, her stomach rumbled rather unbecomingly. When he frowned a little, she tried to laugh it off.

“I'm afraid I didn't eat much for breakfast this morning,” she informed him good-naturedly. “So I'll have a good appetite for whatever you've brought.”

The comment was said to please him, but it seemed to have the opposite effect. All at once, she realized that he was probably the type of man who preferred to believe that women survived practically on air and had no bodily functions other than those that would please a man, such as batting eyelashes or simpering at his accomplishments. A sudden desire to escape overcame her. How long would it take to run back to Triple Range Ranch, and did she dare try? It became clear to her in an instant that whatever Wesley had in mind for her, she wasn’t interested. Despite where he lived, he was no different from the scores of wealthy men back home. She should have tried harder to get out of the invitation.

Since the ride had taken more than half an hour, Valerie presumed that walking would take more than five times that long and so had to dismiss the thought. Instead, she decided that she would make it quite obvious that she was not the woman for him, and have some fun in the process.

Digging into the lunch with all the manners of child, she enjoyed not only the food, but also the disdainful look on his face. She ate more than he did, presumably because he'd been turned off his lunch by her hearty appetite.

“Are you going to eat that?” she asked, pointing to his untouched piece of pie.

“What? Oh, I don't think so, but I…”

Before he could say another word, she reached over, snatched it off his plate and took a large bite. “Kate and Elise are good cooks,” she said with her mouth full. “But this pie is the best I've ever had.”

With perverse pleasure, she watched him scurry to pack up the remains before she could gobble up another bite.

“Shall we head back now?” he asked, displeasure written all over his face.

“If you like,” she murmured, stretching a little. “But it would be nice to enjoy the sun a little.”

Deliberately, she removed her wide-brimmed hat and turned her face toward the sun. He stared at her, horrified. “I fear you have been influenced by the women in the West,” he declared, his brows lowering so much they were practically in his eyes. “I'm sure you know that your skin will freckle with such exposure.”

Now she laughed with reckless abandon. It was a freeing moment for her, knowing that she really didn't care what happened to her skin or whether this man approved of her or not. From the look on his face, she suspected that he feared for her sanity. “Yes, I know. But I think I quite like the tanned skin of the women in the West. It gives them a healthy glow, don't you think?”

It delighted her to see his lip actually curl in disdain. “Well, I suppose some might think so, but I prefer a woman's skin to be milky white, such as yours.”

“Oh, but it won't stay that way for long,” she declared. “I plan to take up horseback riding and maybe even learn how to rope cattle. The women in the West are very liberated. I'm really enjoying that.”

“Yes, well, I don't know about that. I think that makes them a bit too manly, if you ask me. I like women to be women. Shall I drive you back now?” He stood and took a few steps toward the horse and cart.

She nodded, but instead of replacing her hat, she let it lay on her lap and tilted her face up to enjoy the sun all the way home.

“Thank you so much for the lovely outing,” she said with a grin. “Shall we do it again?”

“Oh, well, I'm very busy just now,” he blustered. “I can't promise anything. Perhaps I'll come by when I have some free time later in the month or in the autumn. It was very nice to make your acquaintance.”

He'd barely helped her down before taking off in the direction of his ranch. Valerie waved at him, but he didn't see it, so intent was he on making his escape. Again, she allowed herself to laugh wildly. It was not something she'd been allowed to do at home, as such behavior was frowned upon among women, but now there was no one to prohibit her from doing so.

So she laughed some more.