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Love Notes for a Duke (Spies and Spinsters Book 1) by Lillianna Downing (21)

Chapter Twenty

Everyday Dane would arrive mid morning and with hat in hand asking for an audience with Miss Price whereupon he was curtly inform by the dour faced Mr. Filbert, Violet’s long time butler, that she was no longer taking visitors for the day.  Only to return the next day to do it all over again baring gifts that he would leave with Violet to pass along.  Ribbons to wear in her hair, an ivory and blue silk fan, soft as down gloves to keep her fingers warm as autumn approached, a silver and pearl inlaid hair piece and bouquets of the most beautifully arranged fragrant flowers.

He even changed the time of day he came to call but that proved futile for whenever he arrived he was told the ladies were out.  He had seen them from a distance on two different occasions but before he could make his way to them they had stepped into their carriage and were gone.  After more than a fortnight Dane was becoming exceedingly frustrated.  How could a man court a lady when she flatly refused to have anything to do with him. 

Dane had after a few day delay gone to see Lord Berkshire at the home office to tender his resignation.  Though he was having second thoughts about doing so he was not yet ready to give up on a future with Charity.  The earl informed Dane that Dr. Phillips could not have funded the gunrunning himself, there had to be a member of the peerage contributing financially and agents were investigating.  Maria was being interrogated but steadfastly refused to give a name.  In the end he expressed his disappointment but understood how Dane had to follow his heart.

Finally at the end of his tolerance Dane arrived on this morning the grey, cool, damp weather almost as miserable as he was.  The door was pulled open by the same stoic butler as on every day prior but this morning Dane did not give him the chance to put him off.  Instead he pushed past the stunned and stuttering butler handing over his hat and gloves as he made his way by.  He made it to the bottom step of the staircase before the servant found his voice.

“Your Grace, pardon me but Miss Price is not…”

Dane took the stairs two at a time calling over his shoulder as he went, “She is not seeing visitors.  Yes, yes I know.  Today she will see me whether she wants or not.”

Of course Dane had no idea which room was hers so he started opening doors as he went figuring there were only six bedchambers on the first floor, sooner or later he would find which door Charity hid behind.  After slamming into three rooms and startling two chambermaids Dane stormed to the fourth door not expecting to find it locked.  He was moving at a pace that did not allow time to stop when the portal did not swing open as the others thus causing him to slam into the wooden barrier.  He swore he could hear giggling on the other side of the door.  Rattling the handle he pounded his other fist against the wood.

“Charity open the door.”  His demand was met with silence until the butler sidled beside him.

“Your Grace this is highly irregular.”

Holding up a finger to the older man Dane told the butler, “Stow it Filbert.  I am here to see my lady and I will not be put off one more day.”

Dane watched as the unflappable butler battle with his sense of propriety until his shoulders relaxed slightly and the tiniest of smiles curled the corner of his lips.

“Our Charity has not been her usual fearless lighthearted self since her return.  Perhaps a visit from you Your Grace will be just the thing.  I’ll go see about tea.”

Reaching inside his pocket Dane extracted a small leather pouch containing an array of small delicate looking tools.  Choosing two he quickly and expertly snapped the lock free.  With a satisfied smile he replaced the pouch and slipped inside closing the door with a triumphant thud.



“Good day to you Miss Price.”

Charity swung around from where she stood before the window at the sound of Dane’s voice.

“How did you get in here?” she wanted to know.  When she had heard him bounding up the stairs she had quickly locked the door baring his entrance.

“You forget my dear that I am skilled in all matter of espionage.  A locked door is hardly enough to prevent me from gaining what I want most.”

Choosing to ignore the hidden meaning in his words Charity threatened, “I will have Filbert remove you.  By force if necessary.”  She felt somewhat foolish knowing that the aging butler was no match against the strong virile duke.

“Filbert is preparing our tea at the moment.”

She could hear the smile in his voice and that only served to increase her ire.  “I will not be having tea with you today or any day for that matter Your Grace.  I asked that you not call on me.  Why do you insist on showing up here everyday?”

She heard him step closer, she took a step back.

“I need to know that you are suffering no ill effect from your ordeal.”

His voice was soft and smooth as cream and Charity had to ball her hands in tight fists to prevent from reaching out to him.  He stepped closer still but this time she stood her ground.

“The entire business with Dr. Ph...the Shadow of Death is over now.  You have done your duty, it is no longer you job to see to my welfare.”

She could feel him close the space between them till there was only inches separating them.  His scent of sandalwood and leather filled her senses until she was near dizzy with the intoxication of him.

“If you are concerned that I am with child you can rest easy.  That part of your job did not result in an unwanted child.”  She told him, her chin raised and her lips pursed into a hard line.

“You were never just a job, Charity.  Not since our first night alone and you so bravely tended my wound.  Yes I had a duty to the home office to uphold but what happened between us was so much more than that.”

The huskiness of his voice and the warmth of his body so near made her weak and she felt herself wanting to give in to the desire to fall into his arms but she would not allow herself to succumb to his charms.  Backing away until she bumped against the wall she swallowed past the lump of longing lodged in her throat.

“You should not be my bedchamber.  What will people think if they knew.”

“I thought you weren’t concerned with what others thought.  Isn’t that why you refused my marriage proposals because you didn’t have a care for you reputation.”

Lifting her chin defiantly Charity told him, “If you haven’t noticed Your Grace my reputation is intact.  My absence was easily explained and besides no one believed that we were together.”

He moved closer, so close that she felt him brace a hand on the wall near her head as he leaned in.

“What if they were to discover the truth, that in fact we were together in every sense of the word.”

His warm breath washed over her cheek in seductive waves that had her heart rate increasing and her breath coming in short rapid pants.  God how she hated that he affected her like this.  She kept her face turned to the side hoping he couldn’t see how much his closeness affected her.

“There is no way they could know.  I have not spoken of it to anyone, not even Violet nor will I.”

“But what if they found out somehow?”

She shook her head, “No one would believe it now.”

Suddenly his mouth was right at her ear, his warm breath sending shivers racing down her spine.

“They would if it was I that told them.”

Gasping, she couldn’t believe that he could threaten her ruination, she pushed against his solid chest but he did not move.  Giving up and on a long exhalation she said, “You wouldn’t dare.”

Hearing him take in a breath as if he was about to say something but he hesitated and then he backed away from her.  She felt relieved and saddened by the loss of his warmth.  When he next spoke his voice almost sounded defeated.

“You’re right I would not do that to you Charity.  Not with the benefactor that has step forward to help with establishing the music school you dreamed of.  I would never jeopardize the success of your dream.”

Pushing away from the wall Charity needed to know, “Then why do you persist in coming here everyday?”

“Because I want the chance to get to know you better and for you to know me.”

That was not what she had expected to hear.

“Why would you…I mean.”

He took her hand in his raising it to his mouth, but instead of brushing his lips over the back of her hand he turned it over and placed his lips against her wrist.  She was sure he would feel how her heart raced.

“I want to court you Charity the way a woman such as you deserves to be courted.”

She was so shocked that she had no words and when he put a hand on the back of her head and drew her into him until his mouth was over her she allowed him to kiss her.

His kiss wasn’t hard or demanding or controlling.  It was gentle and sweet, coaxing her to say yes.

“Will you give me the chance to court you my sweet Cherry?”

Every last wall of defence that she had built up came crumbling down when he called her the special name that was his alone for her.  She raked a hand through his hair pulling him into her. Parting her lips inviting him to deepen the kiss.  He growled deep in his throat as he wrapped his arms around her hauling her body against his crushing her breast to the wide expanse of his chest.  He lowered a hand to her bottom and pressed her against his hard length and she let loose a strangled mewling moan.

He dragged his lips over her jaw, breathing heavily as he told her, “God I have missed you.”

He started moving her backwards without breaking contact with his mouth and soon she felt the back of her legs hit the edge of her bed.  She would have fallen down upon the soft mattress pulling him down with her had they not been interrupted by a sudden knock on the door.  Breaking apart just before it was opened by Filbert informing them that tea was being served in the blue parlor.

“We will be down straight away.  Thank you Filbert.”  Dane told the butler.  Charity marveled that his voice sounded perfectly normal and in control while she was still trembling and weak.

How she managed to get through the tea they shared with Violet without crumbling into a overheated lascivious mess at Dane’s feet Charity was not sure.  Dane left shortly after with her promise to accompany him on a carriage ride about Hyde Park the following day.

Every day since, Dane was by her side for at least a few hours, whether it was strolling along the footpaths of the park, attending the opera together or savoring the famous ices at Gunter’s Tea Shop on Berkeley Square.  Violet was their chaperone most times but on the days she was unable to attend to the duty they were accompanied by the ever watchful diligent maid Annie.  Not that a chaperone was needed as Dane conducted himself in the truest manner of a gentleman. The only time they touched was when he offered his hand to assist her into or from the carriage or his arm as the walked.  He never attempted to sneak her away to steal a kiss and there was never a hint that he wanted to do more.

There were moments especially at the end of the day when she was crawling in bed alone that Charity wished that Dane was with her to ease the heated longings for his body to fill her.  Other times she was grateful he was not pressing her into something more, it was a complication she could do without as she and Violet went about the business of opening her dream music school of the blind.

She had been surprised on day with Violet’s new of an anonymous benefactor that had donated a large sum of money to the cause that was so dear to her heart.  Before Dane had broken his way into her bedchamber her and Violet had met with a legal representative of the benefactor to go over much of the terms involved in collecting such a large donation.

The gentleman wished to remain anonymous until such a time as he choose to reveal his identity, if ever.  The ladies were charged with finding a suitable building to house the school, purchase all the necessary instruments and supplies needed to guarantee to make the school a success.  As well he insisted that Charity had final say on who was hired as teachers, deciding that two more besides herself would service and well as which students to accept in enrollment.

Dane was most helpful in scouting locations that were suitable to house the school and after viewing several different buildings they found the perfect one.  A sprawling mansion that took up half a block on Park Street, the owner Dane heard was selling at a reduced price to cover some heavy debts.  As he took Charity and Violet on a tour of the building explaining that most of the furniture, paintings and collectables had already been sold off leaving the rooms mostly empty.  There were several small parlors that were ideal for classrooms and the larger ballroom the two ladies decided would be perfect for showcasing the students talents where they could host recitals and fundraisers.

There were several bedchambers along the east wing that would be ideal for those students that came from far away and needed a place to live.  The west wing was mostly one large master suite that Charity decided could be converted into a single living quarter with its own small kitchen.  She hadn’t told Violet yet but she hoped to be able to take one more step toward her independence and move out on her own and a suite above the school was the perfect solution.

They would need to hire other staff such as a butler, a cook and at least two maids to see to cleaning and such.  Violet said she would handle the hiring since she was more familiar with such matters and was certain Filbert would turned out to be a great help with his vast connections among the working class.

Charity could not contain her excitement as they moved from room to room.  There was enough space to house all her needs and meet her expectation and the acoustics could not have been better.  When Violet went off to assess the kitchen Charity took a shaky breath to calm her nerves when suddenly Dane wrapped his arms around her from behind.  Allowing herself the luxury of sinking into his embrace she sighed, more content with her life than she had ever been.

“This is really happening.”  Excitement, awe, fear and a little self doubt were all mixed together.

“Are you happy?”  Dane whispered by her ear.

Pulling the ribbons on her bonnet she removed it to let it dangle from her fingers as she turned in his arms, wrapping her free arm around his shoulder.

“More than I can describe right now.  Though I wish I could meet this benefactor and thank them in person.”

“I’m sure when the time is right he will make himself known.”

“What makes you certain that it is a gentleman?  I could easily be a heiress with a love of fine music.”  She teased with a smile lighting her face.

The next thing she knew was Dane’s mouth capturing hers, his tongue probing, seeking entrance.  She longed for his kiss, his touch these past weeks and now all she could think was to fall into him and give him all of her.  In seconds he had her pressed against the wall, his hands tracing hot over her body while his lips spread wet trails down her throat.  She moaned when his hand cupped her breast, the nipple a tight point under her clothing.

“You have no idea how difficult it has been not to touch you like this.”  He panted against her skin as he pressed his hard length against her.  “Sweet Jesus, I want you.  Put me out of my misery and say you will be mine Cherry.”

Before she could answer him they were interrupted by a loud clearing of a throat.  With a groan Dane pushed away from her, bending to retrieve her bonnet that had fallen to the floor.

The next few weeks Charity was kept so busy with getting ready to open the school that she wasn’t able to spend as much time with Dane as she would like.  Since the first day of the tour Dane had been more affectionate with his attentions, stealing kisses whenever they had a moment alone.  He never pushed her for more which she appreciated but there were times when he left her so aroused that she thought she would burn up on the spot.

But there was more to her longing for him than just sexual need.  She thought about him all the time and often caught herself thinking about how wonderful it would be to be his wife.  Where once the idea had frightened her now she wished he would ask her again so that she could eagerly agree.  She had started falling in love with him while at the cottage but now after weeks of courtship and working side by side at the school she realized that she was madly deeply in love with the Duke of Westbrook. 

Though neither had spoken the words out loud she was certain he felt the same for her and when she dressed that morning she resolved that she would tell him how she felt as soon as the right moment presented itself. 

So it was with a light and happy heart that had her nearly skipping down the stairs and across the floor as she headed to the breakfast room only to be stopped by the sound of Dane’s voice coming from the blue parlor.  She was surprised he was here so unfashionably early but thought now was as good a time as ever to approach him.  Nearing the doors she paused when she heard her name and this was the moment she learned nothing good ever came from listening in on other people’s conversations.