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Loving A Hero by Cheryl Yeko (12)


Chapter Thirteen


"Mmm," she murmured sleepily. Straightening, she gave him a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

He leaned over, taking her hand and entwining his fingers with hers. "You doing okay?"

After the police arrived at Bartlett's property, it'd taken hours before they'd been allowed to leave. Though roughed-up some, she'd refused medical treatment, except what was offered on the scene. Her bruises were all kinds of colors now, and the thought of her being hit sent fury roiling through him again.

Since Bartlett was dead, he had no outlet for his emotions and had to choke it back.

"I still can't believe he killed himself." She sighed. "It seems so sad, the way he lost his family. I feel sorta bad for him."

He bit back a reply, unable to feel the same sympathy for the man. Even if she didn't remember the incident, Bartlett had abused her when she'd been defenseless to resist. Then he'd terrorized her and Maggie.

The thought of how close Stan had come to losing her scared the hell out of him. Add the fact Bartlett had tried to kill him . . . No, Stan wasn't in a forgiving mood.

He'd wanted to get her home to Maggie as soon as possible, so they'd borrowed Duke's car and headed out as soon as the cops gave the go-ahead. Bob had called Dave to pick him and Duke up, and the man arrived in time to hug Shelly before they’d headed out for Rock Bluff.

Nearing midnight by the time he turned down his street, Stan squeezed her hand. "Maggie knows you’re coming back tonight and insisted on waiting up for you."

This time happiness shone in her pretty brown eyes, along with a strong dose of eagerness. "I've missed her so much."

She eagerly leaned forward in her seat as he pulled up in front of his place. The driveway was filled to capacity with cars, and he groaned, knowing every one of his family members waited inside to welcome them. Shelly reached for the door, so Stan jumped out and hurried around to help her exit.

The porch-light came on, sending a burst of brightness across the front yard.

As she stood, he bent and gently kissed her. Her familiar flavor sent a rush of heat through his body, and he didn't miss the flare of desire in her gaze. "Ready for the inquisition?"

She laughed, reaching up to caress his cheek. "I'm just glad it's over."

The front door opened, and Maggie came flying outside, dropping Barry Bear on the sidewalk as she leapt off the steps in her excitement. His family crowded onto the front porch, watching them expectantly. Carol bent to retrieve the stuffed animal.

Shelly turned to catch Maggie as she flung herself into her arms. The laughter of mother and daughter filled Stan's chest with a warmth of emotion, and he curled his arms around them both in a group hug.

“What happened to your face, Mama?” Maggie placed her tiny hand on Shelly’s cheek.

“Mama fell, sweetheart.”

“Does it hurt?” Maggie kissed the bruise on Shelly’s forehead.

“I’m fine, baby,” she assured her.

Maggie twisted around and slid her little arms around his neck. "Hi, Mr. Cooper.” She shifted, clinging to him so he held her balanced on one arm. She palmed his cheek. "I'm really glad you and Mama are back." She laid her head on his chest and yawned.

Stan smiled down at the adorable child, pressing a kiss to the top of her head, before lifting his gaze to Shelly. He reached for her hand, and they turned and walked up to greet his family.

“Oh, you poor dear,” Carol said, placing her arm across Shelly’s shoulders and leading her inside. “Let’s put some ice on those bruises.”

“I’m fine,” Shelly repeated, though Stan knew she had to be sore.

His father stepped up next to him, placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a quick squeeze. “How you doing, son?”

“I’m good, Dad.” He lowered his gaze to Maggie, who’d fallen asleep already against his chest. A smile crept across his lips. “Better than good.”

Colleen punched him lightly in the arm, her gaze on Shelly, who sat on a kitchen stool while Carol wrapped a handful of ice in a washcloth. “Mark stayed home with the girls, but he said to tell you not to let Shelly get away. She’s a keeper.”

“Yep,” Sandy said, grinning as Shelly turned bright red at being the center of conversation. “I second that.”

“Now girls,” Carol murmured, pressing the icepack to Shelly’s forehead, “don’t badger your brother.”

Stan froze when Shelly met his gaze over Carol’s shoulder, a smile on her lips as she mouthed the words, "I love you."

Then his chest burst with happiness, and he mouthed back, "Then marry me."

This time her peal of laughter was filled with joy as she said aloud, over the roar of his cheering family, "Okay."



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Don’t miss the rest of my Hero Series:


MOUNTAIN HERO: International Digital Awards Winner


Broken Engagement:

Finding her fiancé cheating with her best friend was bad enough, but when Michelle heads up the Rocky Mountains for a little R & R, it goes from bad to worse when her car breaks down during a major snowstorm.


Mountain Hero:

Along a deserted stretch of highway, Jason rescues a beautiful woman who’s being accosted by two men. But can he keep her safe when they’re left stranded during a harsh winter storm?


Love Blossoms:

Sometimes, one finds their Soul Mate in the most unexpected places.


EYES OF A HERO: International Digital Awards Finalist


Stumbling across a murder and getting chased off a cliff makes for one heck of a bad day. But when a handsome blue-eyed hero comes to Darcy's rescue, things begin to look up.

The last thing Randy expected when he made the hike up the bluff was to rescue a beautiful woman hanging off a cliff ledge. He soon learns that he's her only protection against powerful forces that want her silenced.


You can find the rest of my books at Amazon. Just search for Cheryl Yeko, or you can find my Author Page here:


You can also find me here:

Website: ‘Where Love Always Wins’


I also write under the pen name, CiCi Cordelia, with my writing partner and BFF, Char Chaffin. You can find us here:
