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Marcus (Natexus Book 3) by Victoria L. James (39)


As I say every single time I release a book, this might have my name on the cover, but it takes an army of backstage gems to make this particular paper concert come to life. I’d still be sitting in my bedroom, daydreaming of releasing my first novel if it wasn’t for the group of wonderfully kind, talented, and exceptionally supportive people that the universe decided to throw my way.

Gratitude isn’t something that can be put into words easily, but I’m going to try anyway.

First and foremost, I need to thank my husband Carl for continuing to let me travel down this book road. There are days when I don’t speak to you because I am so lost in writing, editing, or stressing over a deadline, but you never moan. You never tell me to quit. You never acknowledge my failures when you don’t have clean shirts ready for work, or when the fridge is completely empty. I tell you every day that I love you and it still never seems enough. You get me and I get you. We get us. We’re the lucky ones.

To my partner-in-book-world-crime, Lou J Stock. My Wilma. Not a day goes by when I’m not grateful to have your friendship. Not many people get the absolute heart of me without ever questioning it… but you do. You never let me quit. You’re the Mickey Goldmill to my Rocky. For that, I’m grateful. Also… your graphic designs kick ARSE! Thank you for being your amazing, selfless self.

To my editors, Claire Allmendinger, Heather Ross, and Katleen Lamour. Like… do you guys ever say no? Seriously. Blessed is the woman who has friends like you by her side, willing to squeeze her work into your already crammed calendars, offering your expertise and advice so freely. Each of you brings something different to the table, and I couldn’t be more grateful for every single comment you leave on my manuscripts. Even the ones that sound a lot like death threats. O.o

To WuWu. Thanks for always, always having my back. I love you and am so grateful for everything Bare Naked Words does for me. Without you and Claire, I’d be a sinking ship in a book-filled ocean. You’re my girls.

To my betas readers, Charlie M. Matthews, Lou J Stock, Mary Green, Sue Hollingmode, Kristina Hanicar and Francesca Marlow. I love you guys. Thank you for ALWAYS being there when I need you to drag your eyes over my words and find all the errors.

To Sue Hollingmode and Kristina Hanicar. You girls deserve so much more than I will ever be able to give you. The way you spend your days, even your weekends, trying to spread the word and the way you continue to put my books in front of people who may never have come across them if it wasn’t for you… it’s mind-blowing. Don’t think there isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t thank my lucky stars to have both of you on my side. You’re angels. Actual angels.

To my J Team Facebook group. Ah, there’s so many of you I could list here. Just know that every one of you is amazing, and I feel privileged to have you in that group and on my team. You rock. ALL OF YOU.

A special mention to a few here, though. Charlie M. Matthews, thanks for the pep talks when I felt like quitting with this book. You got a lot of my rants and you always managed to say the right thing to pick my arse up off the floor. I know I don’t take your compliments very well, but know that every word you said to me in those times was treasured. Thanks to my husband-stealing babe, Amy, for always being such a ray of sunshine in her WhatsApp voice notes. My boys adore you! To Fran Marlow, thanks for being the girl I can talk about everything with. I love chatting to you while on the toilet or in the bath. Nothing is ever off limits. Not even my naked butt. Cheryl… The way you love Alex knocks me off my feet. He’s definitely got a soft spot for you. We can’t wait to read ‘In My Way’ in the future. Hahaha. Also, thanks for bringing Tammara on board. Hey, T. *Waves* Valerie, do you ever stop? You’re so dedicated to helping me get out there and succeed, I need you to know how much I appreciate every moment of it. Stacey Atwin, you’re hilarious, but behind all the laughs, you’ve got a heart of gold and I smile every time you recommend me to someone who hasn’t heard of my stuff before. Helen Burns and Charlotte Murphy, you two are my buddies for life. Thanks for always believing in me, right from day one. Nadia! My petite Frenchie. You’re enthusiasm is infectious. Thank you for all you do! Rachel and Jo of Hourglass Events. Thanks for always having me at your events. You ladies have a special place in my heart. Amo… I love that you love it every time people get excited about Natexus. I love that, even after all this time, you still say Natexus floors you. Thank you for taking this series, and me, to your heart. Zoë Lowdon… You deserve a mention for taking a chance on little old me when you weren’t sure Natexus would be your thing. It meant a lot. I heard your threats to make Marcus good and I took note. Hope I did him justice for you. *gulp*

To all of my family. Thank you for covering your ears when people tell you there is sex in my books. We don’t need to discuss it. Although, Cousin Dave… I’m still going to need to research that strip bar at some point, my chocolate starfish wingman.

To my mum. You’re my best friend and the most selfless human being I know. How would I be able to do all of this without your help every single day? Easy answer: I wouldn’t. I wish I could shower you in all the special things you deserve. One day I will.

To my step-babies, (or humans that are now at least a foot taller than me) Paige and Connor. Thank you for always choosing to love me, even though you’ve never had to. You mean the world to me. I’m sorry I’m such an embarrassing goofball most of the time.

To Charlie and Harry. Good God, I love you. I wish you knew how much, but I know that’s an impossibility. You’ll never know. Ever. The depths of my adoration for you both go way beyond anything that can be measured, read, felt, or seen. The world is a better place because you two are in it. I’ll always have your backs and be standing guard… even when you’re begging me not to. I do all of this for you in the hope that you’ll be able to see that real life people can chase their dreams, too… even when there’s no guarantee of success. I want you to chase all of yours. Never stop. Never quit. Give life your all. I’ll be cheering you on from the sidelines every step of the way. Always.

Finally, to all my readers. Wow. Thank you will never be enough, but thank you anyway. You inspire me to keep going. Every single one of you.

