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Matchmaker by Lauren Landish (17)

Chapter 17


“Whoa, don’t drop me!” I half scream, half giggle as Cody tosses me into the air while the cameraman zips around us, snapping dozens of pictures. After a short ‘reset’ and some personal time that’s supposedly ‘private’, I’m continuing my photoshoots with the rest of my suitors and trying to seem upbeat and open with each and every one, though it’s hard when my mind is on one, in particular.

There’s just something about Hayden that . . .

“Chill, I got you,” Cody assures me, cradling me in his arms and pulling me against his broad chest. “You’re as light as a feather.”

“Tell that to my stomach,” I reply, smiling as the camera flashes in my eyes. “It was about to empty all over you, tossing me around like that.”

Cody chuckles, wiggling his eyebrows at me. “Kinky. I can dig it.”

“Gross!” I laugh.

We do several more shots, changing positions, one with me sitting on his shoulders, another riding him piggyback, to show Cody’s size and strength like Meredith insisted. For the last shot, he even goes as far as holding me up with one hand, and I swear my side is going to be bruised from all of my weight being centered on his palm.

“That was great, Cody!” Meredith calls, sticking her thumb up and pointing to the stairs. “You two can head below deck while we reset for the next shoot.”

We slip down to the same couch I was sitting on with Hayden just minutes ago, and it’d feel strange but the vibe with Cody is just so different. He’s almost brotherly with me, teasing and joking, which makes me laugh as I relax beside him.

After a few minutes, Nate comes in, his eyes locked on his clipboard. “Meredith is ready for you again. She said to tell you to stop and see McKayla and Brad for any touchups and be on set in ten minutes.”

I nod and look over at Cody, who gives me a smirk. He gives me a quick hug before heading off to do . . . well, whatever the guys are doing when I’m not around. You’d think that being on a boat would mean I’d know everything, but we’re on a big boat, bitch. They must have some cabin in the back with video games and fishing rods or something, because the crew seems to bring them from nowhere and they disappear just as quickly.

I hop in a chair in front of McKayla for a quick primp of my hair as Brad simultaneously sweeps powder across the shiny areas. With a flick, McKayla unties my suit and helps me into the next one. I swear, I never thought I’d be comfortable being naked in front of them for wardrobe changes, but the pace is just too rushed for me to be shy. With a minute to spare, I step back on deck.

“Are you all right?” asks Dean when it’s his turn, stepping up as I rub my side. He looks handsome, white dress shirt open at the top and the sleeves rolled up, his hair gelled to perfection, but I don’t get any butterflies in my stomach like I do with Hayden. “You look like you’re holding your ribs.”

Don’t get me wrong, Dean is handsome in an old Hollywood type of way with his tall, slim physique, brown hair, and crystal clear blue eyes, but I just don’t feel a connection with him. I guess it’s just one of those things where despite Dean’s being near perfect, he just isn’t perfect for me.

I flash him a friendly smile. “I’m fine. Now that the Goliath is gone,” I say jokingly.

Dean chuckles, flashing his perfect white teeth. “Cody is quite a brute, isn’t he?”

I nod. “I’m not sure brute is how I’d describe him, but he is a giant. I think he chose the wrong show. He should’ve been on the Deathmatch version of Survivor.”

Dean laughs, interlocking my arm with his, turning to face the camera with his dazzling smile. “Or The Ultimate Fighter. Something tells me he’d be the last man standing.”

“The show’s going pretty well,” Dean says as we change poses and the lights flash in our eyes. “I’m surprised, actually. When I signed up, I thought this would be one of those things that fell apart within the first week due to booze and scandal. Thirty guys and one chick? Even a sixth grader could see how that would be a recipe for disaster.”

“It is,” I say, feeling guilty as I think about the stolen moments with Hayden. “I just hope I have enough personality to make it worth watching.”

“I wouldn’t worry,” Dean soothes. “Trust me, you have more than enough spunk to keep viewers tuning in to watch you break hearts.”

“Don’t remind me.” I’ve tried very hard not to think about the men I sent home, even though most of them were probably just here for a chance at a quick fifteen minutes of fame.

Dean nods as he places his hand on my hip as the photographer orders him to turn around. “I know, hard to choose and gauge someone from so little time. But hey, I have to say I’m honored to be in the final four, and I’m looking forward to spending even more time with you.”

I feel uneasy as I force a grin. “I am too.”

I finish out the photo shoot with Dean, enjoying several giggly moments and even a soft, chaste kiss. We finish up out on the extreme front of the boat for a quick posed Titanic-inspired shot with me flinging my arms wide open. When the photographer calls it a wrap, we have alone time to ourselves high above the water instead of disappearing below deck like I did with Hayden and Cody.

“That was great,” Dean says, helping me to sit down on the smooth decking.

I nod, smiling. “It was. I’m sure the pictures will turn out fantastic, too.”

Dean sits down beside me, taking my hand in his and tracing my fingers with his fingertips. “Not as fantastic as you. You know, I’ve been looking forward to having a little alone time with you since this deal started. It’s even better than I thought it would be.”

It breaks my heart, staring into his sky blue eyes and seeing something reflected there but knowing that I’m unable to reciprocate. “Thank you,” I say softly, lowering my lashes and staring at my toes.

“Hey, look!” Dean says excitedly. I look up and see him pointing out over the water. “There’s a pod of dolphins.”

I try to follow his finger’s path, but all I see is gorgeous sparkling water for miles in front of us to the horizon. “Where?”

He leans in close, his head just behind my shoulder and his breath on my cheek as he lines up our sight. He points again. “Right there.” And suddenly, I see them! A whole group of dolphins, and like it was planned, they begin leaping in the air, their acrobatics amazing to watch. I glance back at Dean excitedly, and he’s not looking at their joyous antics but is staring at me, watching me enjoy the moment. He glances at my lips and then moves in for a soft kiss. It’s sweet and nice, but there's no heat, and I know he felt the void too when he pulls back, a thoughtful look on his face.

From below, I hear Meredith yell, "Okay, Emily, time to get ready for the last shoot."

Dean helps me stand but puts a stalling hand on my arm. "Hey, Emily? What do you think of Lee?" I glance below to the set, where McKayla and Brad are working on Lee for the photoshoot.

“I’m not certain. He’s got a lot going for him,” I say, wondering where this is going. “Why do you ask?”

For a moment, it looks like Dean isn’t going to say anything and I wonder if he’s just looking for gossip to take back to the guys. He finally sighs and speaks up. “It’s just that sometimes, you have to be careful about the snakes in the grass. They’re camouflaged for a reason.”

I frown. “What do you mean by that?”

Before he can answer, Brad and McKayla finish with Lee and he comes over with a swagger, climbing up on the deck with us and giving Dean a polite nod.

“How’s it going, Doll?” Lee asks as Dean steps away, leaving me confused. Unlike the other two, I have to admit I am a bit attracted to him.

“Fine now that you’re here,” I say, flashing a smile that I hope hides the uneasiness I feel from Dean’s words.

Lee grins at my compliment, moving in close. I’m enveloped by the smell of his cologne, a spicy fragrance that gives me a heady sensation. “Did they bore you?”

“Not really. We had fun,” I say diplomatically. “Just like I hope we’ll do.”

Lee squares his shoulders, rolling his neck before adjusting his tux. “Well, then, I have to make sure I don’t disappoint. Let’s own this photoshoot.”

After a quick visit with the dynamic duo, I’m shooting with Lee. He keeps me entertained, making me laugh with his banter as we change poses for the photographer. I find myself enjoying his company so much that I forget about Dean’s ominous warning and lose track of time.

I feel slightly disappointed when Meredith calls, “That was great, Lee! You’re done. You guys can go back below deck for your solo time. Nate will tell you when it’s been the allotted thirty minutes, but we’ll be here for a while getting everything cleaned up before we head back.”

I look at Lee, and he smiles “After you.” We head below deck and sit, simply staring out the huge wall of windows as the sun dips down to touch the waves at the horizon line. It’s a beautiful moment made even sweeter with Lee’s smooth talking. “That’s my new number-one sunset. Right here with you.” My heart swells. We talk a little more, his attention never wavering from me as we discuss everything and nothing. I’m surprised when I hear Nate calling that it’s time to head back.

* * *

After the crew is packed up, they join us for the rest of the ride back to the mansion. I spend a lot of my time on the ride back watching the guys interact and absorbed in my thoughts. I’m dreading doing the confessional Meredith wants me to do, exhausted from spending a day out on the water. But I know I have no choice.

We pull up to the mansion, and after I say my goodbyes to Cody, Dean, and Lee, Hayden gives me a little wink. I don’t have time to wonder what the wink is about as McKayla and Brad swarm me as soon as I get out of the SUV.

“Come on, chica,” McKayla says. “Let’s do a quick touch-up for hair and makeup before your confessional. We’ve already grabbed your wardrobe.”

Brad purses his lips, looking at my face with a critical eye. “I think I can tweak what’s already here and not start from scratch, save us some time.”

McKayla snaps her fingers. “Ooh, good thinking. I’ll do an updo and let a few of these salty waves trail down by your face.” She nods, looking at me as if she can see the vision right in front of her face. “Yup. Uh-huh. Perfection!”

“Damn, is the earth about to end?” I joke as the two give each other a high-five and get to work. “I think this is the nicest you two have ever been to each other.”

“Bitch!” Brad snaps at McKayla, showing that I spoke too soon as they swirl around each other, getting me ready. “Get out the way! You’re in my light. Scoot that prissy ass over or Em is gonna have stripes for contour.”

McKayla stops twirling a curl of mine to scowl at Brad like he’s roadkill. “Not my fault you can’t do makeup for shit.” She adds some more curls to my hair before stopping to eye it critically, turning to Brad for his opinion. “What do you think? Too poufy?”

Brad finishes applying blush to my cheeks and sneers at my head. “Do you even know the meaning of the phrase too much volume, Ms. Bouffant Betty? Any more air in there and she’s gonna float away on the next stiff breeze.”

I let out a laugh. The sound of my giggles seems to remind McKayla of something because she says, “Oh, and Ms. Thing, I got a secret message for you from your honey buns.”

I stare at her, my heart thumping in my chest as she teases it out until I’m nearly ready to explode. I might have spent most of the day with three other men, but honestly, I’ve been comparing them to Hayden. “Come on! What?”

McKayla makes a face and relents with a smirk. “Third floor, fifth door on the right. Midnight. Apparently, you sleepwalk . . . a lot.”

Brad chuckles at the look on my face. “Just don’t get caught, girl. It’s so against the rules. I know we got on your case before, but I ain’t ever been a basic bitch, so I suggest you go get you some of that fine piece or I’ll have to show up at midnight myself.”

I laugh. “Sorry, Brad, don’t think Hayden swings that way.”

Brad raises an eyebrow. “Honey, you trying to tell me something? Big enough to swing? Good to know, good to fucking know. And if I were you . . . I’d wear something thin and clingy.”

Five minutes later, I’m sitting in front of a green screen in a white t-shirt, Nate explaining that they can edit it later so that the colors look flattering on my skin. Whatever. I’m ready to roll, as Meredith would say.

Speak of the devil, and here she is.

“All right, Emily,” Meredith says, giving me a serious look. “I need a lot out of you tonight. I need a full breakdown of each guy . . . all his good traits that make you like him and all his not-so good traits that make him not the one. I need details, with examples as much as possible. We’ll use these snippets to go back with footage from the dates, so when you talk about Cody helping you bungee jump, it’ll flash to that scene. Got it?”

“I got it, but I don’t really have anything bad to say about any of them, honestly,” I say slowly, not wanting to cross Meredith but at the same time not just wanting to search my memory of things to nitpick. “Won’t that make me seem petty?”

Meredith rolls her eyes. “Look, not every guy is your match. Everyone knows that, including them, so I need some footage of what might make them a match and what might not. It’s not personal. It’s just how the game works. Trust me, they’re confessing their thoughts on the dates too.”

Her words give me pause. I just hadn’t thought about them all sitting around and talking about me with each other, on and off camera. It makes me slightly uncomfortable, and I’m more than a little curious about what they’ve said about me.

With those troubling thoughts running through my head, I film for over an hour, doing snippets about each suitor, recalling moments with them and what I felt and thought at the time. It actually helps me focus and process a little as Meredith asks me leading questions, getting me to talk more than I’d planned on initially. At the end, Meredith and I go through the procedure for the card matches the next day. After spending the day with all four men, my choices on who stays and who goes is a no-brainer.

Meredith even agrees that Dean and Cody should go and that Lee and Hayden should stay.

“We’ve already been showing early scenes to test audiences and those two are the definite favorites,” Meredith says. “So I’m not surprised they’re your favorites too. Hayden seems a little growly sometimes, but hot enough, I guess. From this side of the camera, you really have sparks with Lee though. When y’all kiss, it’s Hollywood magic with little fireworks popping all around you.”

I arch an eyebrow in surprise. I’ve been trying not to seem biased but I would think my true choice would be obvious to anyone watching. “Really? I kinda feel just the opposite. I think I’ve got a real connection with Hayden. Maybe even a match!” I laugh nervously at my own joke, but Meredith’s lips barely tilt into a smile.

“Hmm, I don’t know,” she says quietly. “Think about it, but I’d pick Lee if I were you.” She doesn’t say it directly, but it almost feels like he’s who she wants the winner to be. With that said, she walks off, Nate trailing behind, her making notes as she spouts off about tomorrow’s scenes.

I stare at them walking away for a moment, thinking about what she said, and then remember with a flush that it’s gotta be close to midnight and I need to hustle inside for some “sleepwalking”.

* * *

An hour later, I’m closing the fifth door on the third floor behind me in the dark, whispering, “Hayden?”

I breathe a sigh of relief when I hear Hayden’s voice. “Right here. I thought you’d never get here. Come here, woman.”

He wraps me up in his arms, pulling me in tight to his body as he takes my mouth with a hot kiss. He’s ravenous, and I kiss him back just as hard, my body demanding satisfaction. He groans, murmuring, “God, I was so close to coming in my shorts today just from your straddling me, your hot pussy pressing up against my cock.”

“You had me the same way,” I admit, reaching down and grabbing his ass. “I’ve been on overload all day because of you.”

“Well, that’s something I can take care of,” Hayden says, moving down and pulling the hem of my sleepshirt up and off, leaving me bare. Taking a nipple into his mouth, he teases me until they’re hard and aching before looking up into my eyes. “I wanted to lick these pretty pink nipples, have the taste of your salty skin on my tongue.”

We move together, me almost ripping his shirt off so I can be skin to skin with him, our tongues tangling the whole time. I pause the kiss, and he pulls back, looking at me questioningly. With a smirk, I drop to my knees. “I want your taste on my tongue too. You going to let me suck you?”

Hayden groans, running his hand through my hair and grabbing a fistful as he looks at me in wonder. “Fuck, Em. I might come just from your words and how fucking good you look on your knees in front of my cock.”

Hearing no argument, I pull his shorts and boxer briefs down, sitting back on my heels for a moment to take him in, seeing him bathed in silvery moonlight. He’s beautiful. “Wow,” I murmur, and even without looking up, I know he’s smiling. I move in, licking and kissing and sucking his cock down my throat as he fists my hair. He’s holding back, letting me have control but showing me the pace he wants. I oblige, but suddenly, he pulls his hips back. I pout, licking my lips as I look up at him. “I wasn’t done . . .”

“You have me so fucking horny I’m about to come, and while I’d love to come deep down your throat, I want your pussy tonight.” Pulling me to my feet, he turns me, and I bend over a nearby table, thrusting my ass out toward him. “Call me a liar if that isn’t the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Liar,” I tease, looking over my shoulder, “because you are the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

Hayden slides behind me, pulling my body to him as he caresses me with his hands, the hot, heavy thickness of his cock pressing against my ass. Reaching around, his right hand cups my breast, kneading and pulling on my nipple while his other hand cups my pussy, rubbing and sliding his fingers between my lips until I’m trembling. Hayden rains kisses on my neck and shoulders, my skin burning with his passion, and I reach back, grabbing his hair and turning to kiss him hard. Hayden slips two fingers inside me, but it’s not enough, and I break our kiss, shaking my head and letting him know what I need by bending over more.

He slips a condom over his cock, giving me a light smack to my ass cheek as he lines up with my pussy. “You ready for me?” he asks, running the tip of his cock through my slippery folds.

He can damn well feel that I’m more than ready, so I just groan, barely choking out, “Hayden. Please.” And he fills me with one deep, almost savage thrust, bottoming out balls deep, and we both cry out, needing a moment to adjust. He holds my hips steady, slowly starting to move in and out, both of us panting.

After the almost feral nature of his first thrust and the fiery harshness of everything leading up to this, I’m shocked as Hayden seems to take his time, his strokes not hard but still fast, the lack of impact startling and electric. I’m caught, nothing but pleasure shaking my body from top to bottom. I squeeze him, desperate to make him feel as good as what he’s doing to me, and Hayden moans, encouraging me.

Faster than either of us would like, we’re falling off the edge together, muffling our cries as Hayden kisses my neck. He covers my mouth with his hand, and I totally give in, shaking as he holds me close. He pulls out to turn me around and wraps his arms around me to carry me to a couch.

We sit next to the window, my head nestled on his chest, watching the beautiful lights from the city below us. Suddenly curious, I look around. “What is this room?”

Hayden glances around, humming. “Seems to be storage for now. I guess they had to move furniture around downstairs for filming?”

“Filming . . . this is so strange. I still can’t believe I’m on a fucking love connection game show. And that I might’ve actually met a love connection . . .” Shit, I didn’t mean to say it like that. Right now, it’s just lust, but maybe . . . I glance up at Hayden, expecting him to be shocked or horrified or laughing at me.

Instead, he has a bright smile on his face, truly looking happy. “Me either, and I don’t know what comes after all of this, but I know that I want to figure it out with you.” He pulls me closer, and I nestle against him, knowing that we’ll have to go back to our rooms soon . . . but not yet.