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Mine (Falling For A Rose Book 7) by Stephanie Nicole Norris (17)


The metal doors buzzed, and Melissa Weatherby strolled into the room. The guards at Melissa’s side sat her down in a folding chair pushed against the table. Gathered in preparation for this meeting, Phoebe sat across from Melissa as Jordan stood at her side with his hands inside his pockets.

“How are you?” Phoebe asked.

“You mean besides the numerous times I’m thrown into the hole for protecting myself against these bitches in here?” Melissa said. “Dandy.”

Phoebe slipped a glance up at Jordan then back to Melissa.

“What are they doing to you?”

“Calling me an extremist and every other name in the book, pushing me around trying to get a rise out of me. I guess they want to show me how bad they are and I’m not.”

“We can have you moved from general population.”

“You mean like in witness protection? No thanks.”

Phoebe frowned. “Why would you rather be in general population where they can toss you into the hole for fighting?”

“I don’t believe for a second that witness protection—”

“It’s not called witness protection.”

“Well, whatever it’s called, won’t save me if you guys can’t get me out of here. By your presence, I’m assuming you’ve come here to help me with that.”

Phoebe cleared her throat. “We have some information, but I don’t think you’re going to like it.”

“Then why are you here? I told you I’m not putting my girl in this, so I know you didn’t come all the way back here to offer up the same deal.”

“Not quite,” Phoebe said.

At the bewildered look on Melissa’s face, Phoebe explained. “It’s come to our attention that your brother DeAngelo was the one helping your father build the bombs. We have evidence, and it’s our smoking gun. We can have your charges dropped and you released tomorrow. We just need to know if you have a picture of him we can use side by side with the evidence to prove it’s him.”

Melissa glanced from Phoebe to Jordan who stood quietly by her side. She didn’t know whether to be shocked or not at her brother’s involvement.

“How do you know this?” Melissa asked.

“We received a recording of your father staking claims on being the creator of the explosive device. Your brother’s image is caught in a mirror as it’s being recorded.”

“Can I see it?”

“Unfortunately, we don’t have it with us.”

“Why not?”

“We’re keeping it in a safe place. As I said before, it’s a damning piece of evidence, but we came here to get confirmation from you and give you a heads-up so you won’t be blindsided when this case takes a different turn.”

Melissa rubbed her face as silence crowded the room.

“I’m sorry, I can’t,” Melissa said.

Jordan peered at her, finally showing some form of emotion. To Melissa, Jordan was an interesting attorney. He never spoke much when they came to see her although Melissa had seen Jordan on TV talking to reporters about a case he’d represented at the time. Though Melissa was gay, she couldn’t reject Jordan’s gorgeousness. Rich brown skin, muscled shoulders, arms, and divine lips. She’d be up for having a threesome with him and her lady, if Jordan was into that kind of thing.

“This is not up for debate, Melissa, it has to happen,” Phoebe said.

“No, it doesn’t. Just because you’ve got evidence don’t mean you need to turn it in, and you can’t if you don’t have my confirmation. I don’t see how this would benefit me. My brother and I would switch places. How does that help the family?”

“You seem to be confused,” Jordan spoke up.

Melissa glanced up at him with a slow dragging appraisal, and she was ashamed to have felt turned on by his deep magnetic voice.

“We do not represent your family. We represent you. Period. This evidence was given to us. Someone wanted us to know it existed. What that tells me is A. someone wants you out of jail bad enough to give up your brother, including your brother. And B., whether you like it or not, this information can just as easily be handed over to the prosecutor, and they may have a picture of DeAngelo, then we won’t need your confirmation. It’s only a matter of time before those guys get wind that we have evidence that will turn this whole case around. It can be now, or it can be later. What you must decide is how much longer you’re willing to sit in here for something you didn’t do. We can have you released, but it’s up to you.”

Melissa sighed. “You think my brother would hand over a recording that implicates him in making that bomb?”

Jordan and Phoebe exchanged glances. “We have our reasons to believe he would,” Jordan said.

Melissa sighed again. “Does DeAngelo know?”

“If he does, it’s not because we informed him,” Jordan said.

“Well, will you?”

“Melissa,” Phoebe interjected, “I understand because he’s family, you want to give him the best possible chance, but understand, your brother was involved with a known terrorist group. He helped craft a bomb in the basement of a home with your name on it. If he cared as much about you as you do about him, neither he nor your father would’ve done that. But their mission was more important. It killed innocent people, and as bad as you would like to, you can’t help your brother, and neither can we.”

“Yes, you can, all you have to do is warn him!” Melissa shouted.

“But we won’t,” Jordan stated matter of fact. “He’s a terrorist, and we don’t defend those against our country.”

“Then why did you take my case? You had no way of knowing I was innocent except for my word!”

Jordan and Phoebe exchanged glances again. “That’s why we think it was your brother who provided the evidence. When he hired us, he assured us he had proof you were innocent, but he never said what it was. For all we know, he had a messenger drop that recording off, and he’s on the next plane out of the country.”

Melissa stared off into space with astonishment, not wanting to believe it, but knowing it was true. Her head fell into her hands, and Phoebe glanced at her wristwatch.

“Time’s ticking, Melissa,” Phoebe said. “If you want to get out before New Year’s Eve, you’ve got to speak now so we can get the ball rolling. Do you have a picture or not?”

Melissa sucked her lips in and let out a heavy breath. She was supposed to be excited that she even had an opportunity to get out, but instead she felt a major migraine coming on.

“Yes,” she said reluctantly, “get me out.”

The Next Day


When Phoebe and Jordan left the prosecutor’s office, they looked at each other and smiled triumphantly. With the evidence in their possession, the district attorney had no choice but to the drop the charges on their client. The smug look on D.A. Phil Grayson’s face was as comical as the way their eyes had all popped when the recording was revealed. Now Phoebe and Jordan had made sure Melissa Weatherby would be released before New Year’s Eve, which was a day away.

“Good job,” Jordan said, tossing an arm around Phoebe to pull her in for a hug.

Phoebe smiled. “You as well, big brother,” she said as they sauntered out of the station.

As they took the steps one at a time, a voice behind them called, “Hey, Rose.”

Both Jordan and Phoebe glanced back with pause.

“I can’t imagine how you must feel with your boy dating your sister,” Phil Grayson said. “The way he tongued her down last night for the world to see at the game.” Phil whistled. “Must have you and your brothers up in arms. I know if one of my buddies ever tried to get with my sister, especially a notorious playboy like Quentin, I’d most likely kill ‘em.”

Phil held that same smug smile he’d had inside the office moments ago. Phoebe’s eyes narrowed, and she went to speak when Jordan stopped her. Phoebe glanced at Jordan and watched as he cut his eyes back to Phil with a slow, methodic clap of his hands.

“Bravo, Phil. I mean really, that little speech you did there, congratulations. You assume you’ve insulted me, but let me enlighten you on something that you seem to have mistaken. My friend Quentin Davidson, whom I trust, has more honor and dignity than you would ever have in your meager little pathetic life. He may not have the best reputation when it comes to women. But unlike you, or any of your Neanderthal friends, I can say without a doubt that he will respect my sister, protect her, and love her with the type of passion you may live the rest of your days without ever experiencing.

“See, it’s always funny to me when suckas like you lose ‘cause when you do, you cry so hard on the inside that it’s vital to seek someone out to try and destroy. But please understand, the only thing you’ve done here is make a fool of yourself. Rose and Garnett LLC will still take the win.

“And my sister and my brother from another mother will go on about their lovely day. They probably have plans to bring in the New Year in the Bahamas. I may try to tag along with my pretty young ting,” Jordan said, changing his accent at the end to a Jamaican one. “I hope you don’t bring in the new year in that stale ass room at the Old Country Inn that you call an apartment. You should’ve gone to school to be a lawyer, Phil; then you could afford a condo.”

Jordan faced Phoebe. “Let’s go bring in the New Year, sis.” Jordan tossed an arm across Phoebe’s shoulder, and they cruised down the steps. With a grin on his lips and surprise still on Phoebe’s face, they strolled to Jordan’s and climbed inside.

Once they were away from prying ears, Phoebe asked, “You really mean what you said back there?”

Jordan glanced at her before cranking up the car. “Yeah,” he said.

“Then why did you give me such a hard time about dating Quentin?”

Jordan gave a curt shake of his head with a sly grin on his face. “You still don’t get it, do you?”

At Phoebe’s puzzled look, Jordan elaborated. “You’re my kid sister, no matter how grown you get. You, Eden, and Jasmine, you’re the embodiment of Mom. We’re protective of you because we don’t know how else to be, and as I said, Quentin’s reputation with women...” He let that linger. “Still, he knows how much you mean to us, and I know how much you mean to him.” Jordan sighed and switched lanes. “Put on your seatbelt.”

Without an objection, Phoebe buckled up. It had been easy to dismiss what her brothers said about Quentin. She had grown up right along with them. Phoebe hadn’t been blind to all of the women who threw themselves at Quentin. Some would grab his attention and others not so much. Her brothers didn’t know just how close Phoebe had watched Quentin. Pretty much every chance she got, but Phoebe had considered her brothers’ worries. However, she’d hope that the bond they’d all grown throughout the years would take precedence over Quentin indulging in a simple fling. So for now, Phoebe would continue to trust him.

Phoebe removed her iPhone from her coat pocket and swiped the screen. A notification sat in the middle. Quentin.

A smile filled her lips, and she double-tapped the screen to read the message. Inside, there was a picture and the words:

We’re front page news.

Phoebe smiled harder, and her mouth fell slightly apart. She hadn’t doubted they would make the news, but it was the way in which they did. Maximizing the picture, Phoebe stared at a collage of images of she and Quentin at last night’s game. In some of the shots they were smiling, while in others they were drawn fiercely together in a deep, delicious kiss. Damn, Phoebe thought. The picture had managed to cast her exact feelings at that moment. Completely swept away in his embrace. Phoebe’s heart warmed, and she peeled her shoes off with the heels of her feet and pulled her feet into her seat, folding them underneath her bottom.

“I saw that this morning,” Jordan said.

The car quieted as Jordan cruised down the highway.

“Be careful, sis,” he said, and somehow, Phoebe knew it was his final warning.

She reached and grabbed his shoulder for a curt squeeze. Jordan glanced her way, and Phoebe gave a soft smile. Jordan smiled back, and the car remained quiet all the way to Phoebe’s condo.

“Are you coming to the New Year’s Eve party?” Jordan asked as Phoebe stuffed her feet back into her heels.

“Probably not, but you already know where I’ll be,” she said, “or where I want to be.” Phoebe tightened the belt around her coat to brace for the winter weather and she unbuckled her seat belt.

Jordan nodded. “Most likely I won’t see you tomorrow, so, Happy New Year, Phoebe.”

Phoebe opened the door to exit the Porsche then turned back to look at him. “Happy New Year, Jordan,” she said.

They smiled at each other again, then Phoebe stepped out and shut the door. The wind had picked up, and it felt like one of the coldest days they’d had thus far. Jordan waited for her to enter, and Phoebe snuggled into her wool coat as her long legs took her to the entrance. After entering her code, the door buzzed, and she stepped into the lobby.

Jordan pulled off, and his thoughts traveled to someone he’d found a new friendship in. Selena Strauss. Over the last few weeks, he and Selena’s correspondence hadn’t gone past telephone conversations, but Selena intrigued him with her bright and comical attitude. Selena had kept Jordan laughing most of their repartee, and it made him want to whisk Selena away on a nice vacation somewhere fun. He wondered if she had any plans to bring in the New Year, and with his thoughts in that direction, Jordan dialed Selena’s number as he sailed across town to his condo.


Phoebe was in a daze as she stepped onto the elevator of the upscale downtown condominium she shared with her sisters. The end of the year had come so fast she almost felt transported. To close a case she expected would last for the next six months two days before a new year was unexpected but right on time. The elevator reached her floor and dinged just as Phoebe’s cell phone rang. She stepped off and strolled to her door while searching with a hand down her purse. When she’d found the device, Phoebe pulled it to her ear and answered while simultaneously fumbling with her keys.

“Hello,” she said with her mind still in a fog.

“Good morning, my lady love,” Quentin’s deep voice oozed.

A smile flourished across her face. “Good morning, my chocolate drop,” Phoebe responded.

Quentin chuckled. “Chocolate drop, huh?”

“Yeah, and sweet, too,” Phoebe said, entering her abode.

“But not sweeter than you,” he said. Switching gears, Quentin cleared his throat then asked, “Do you plan to spend New Year’s Eve with your family?”

“I don’t know,” she teased. “Eden did bring up a New Year’s Eve party that we were invited to.”

“I’m sure you’ve got a thousand invitations.”

“Not quite, but this invite came from Hunter Valentine.”

“Uh huh,” Quentin said.

“I have my options open. The day is still young. What are your plans for tomorrow night?” she asked casually.

“Hmm, let’s see. The fellas and I did talk about having a triple date with these set of triplets who mastered driving us crazy.”

Phoebe blushed hard. “Fellas as in you, Derek, and Luke?”

“Yeah, but I’ve changed my mind. There’s this hot lil cutie I’ve wanted to get all to myself for at least a few days,” he said. “She doesn’t know it yet, but I’m going to pick her up in the next hour or so.”

Phoebe’s eyes widened. “The next hour or so? Well that’s not enough time to let your date know, especially if she’s one of those girls who needs to prepare for any special occasion in detail.”

Quentin grinned. “Ah, you’re right, but it’s too late now.”

“Where will you be taking her? There are so many things for her to do.”

“I was hoping she would enjoy an evening… or two… with me in Paris, so she would need to pack a bag for at least three days.”

Phoebe clutched the phone. She was no novice when it came to traveling. She and her sisters had been almost over the globe and back. But spending days… and nights… with Quentin in the city of love sent an surplus of chills sailing down her spine.

“Paris,” Phoebe said in a breathy voice. Her heart knocked, and in another second, she felt herself lean into the hallway wall.

“Yes, my lady love, Paris.”

Phoebe exhaled with a feeling mixed with gratification and harmony.

“I would love to go to Paris with you, Quentin,” she said. “I can’t promise I’ll be ready in an hour and a half though.”

Quentin chuckled. “If you’re not, we will take what you have and buy the rest later.”

 Phoebe grinned. “Okay…” she sang.

“I’ll see you soon, beautiful.”

“See you soon,” she responded, ending their call.

“I guess I don’t have to ask if you have plans,” Jasmine said.

Phoebe glanced over at her sister and smiled brightly. “Jealous?”

“It depends,” Jasmine said. “I didn’t hear where he was taking you.”

Phoebe poked her lips out. “Paris.”

A jovial smile splayed across Jasmine’s face, and she pierced her fingers together. “Just a little jealous.”

Phoebe laughed and strolled down the hallway to her bedroom where she spent the next hour and a half preparing for their getaway to France. As Phoebe moved, she hummed a tune with a dreamy smile on her face. The thought of being with Quentin for so long warmed her loins in anticipation. When Phoebe was done, she flipped her suitcase and pulled the handle out on it as she strolled out of the room. Upon entering the living room, she was met with Eden’s smirking smile.

“What?” Phoebe said.

“I just want you to know that, that little stunt you and Quentin pulled at the game,” Eden kissed the tip of her fingers and snapped, “it was perfect!”

They both fell into laughter.

“We didn’t plan it!” Phoebe said. It was the first time she’d had a conversation about it besides when she spoke with Jordan.

“You might not have, but I feel it in my spirit that Quentin did it on purpose.”

Phoebe tilted her head to the side. “How?”

“Come on, Phoebe,” Eden said, crossing her arms. “After that big ol’ fight with Jonathon, he turns around and takes you somewhere that is so public there is no way you wouldn’t be spotted. Even if,” Eden continued, already knowing what her doppelganger would say next, “he didn’t have control over the kiss cam, he still knew being there together would put you in the news. The kiss cam was just the touch he needed. Quentin is literally confessing out loud that you’re his girl without even saying a word.” Eden shrugged. “And I can only hope that Derek will be that brave.”

Phoebe hadn’t thought about it that way. But hearing Eden say it made sense. It also made her warm up inside even more than before. Eden glanced at her bag with a raised brow, but before she could ask the doorbell rang.

“I don’t have to guess who’s at the door, do I?”

Without a word, Phoebe sashayed to the door and opened it. Her heart did a double thump as her eyes graced Quentin’s gorgeousness. Like a king in his own right, he stood tall, with broad shoulders sprouting into a thick herringbone wool cashmere coat. The spicy scent that drifted from him aroused her, making her nipples soar as they tensed. A delicious smile grew across his magnificent lips as his eyes took in her full beauty.

Unable to help himself, Quentin reached out and touched her face, sending a quiver through her body from his warm fingertips. Phoebe had spoken over the phone as if she would need hours to prepare herself, but she’d never been one to wear much foundation. She didn’t need it, and her skin glowed with a flawless finish.

“Pretty brown, brown, driving me wild…” Quentin sang. He stepped in while pulling her into his embrace. Staring down at her, he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth then slowly released it. “I’ve always been a fan of your beauty, my lady love.”

His minty fresh breath tickled Phoebe’s lips.

“Thank you,” he said, “for spending your new year with me.”

Phoebe blushed and leaned into the tips of her feet for a kiss. When their lips collided, they sank into one another, and a whirlwind of heat combed over them.

“Ahem…” Eden said, clearing her throat.

Phoebe giggled at her sister while allowing Quentin to continue their kiss. When her arms slipped up around his neck, a whistle sounded.

Pulling apart as if it took a mass of strength to do so, Quentin and Phoebe glanced over. Jasmine now stood next to Eden, both with knowing looks on their faces.

“Y’all can just get on out of here with all that,” Jasmine said. “Love birds.”

Quentin and Phoebe smiled, and Quentin leaned down to grab her bag. “With pleasure,” he said, taking Phoebe’s hand in his unoccupied one and leaving the premises.