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Miracle On Aisle Two by Beth Carter (17)


Then it hit her. She had the perfect gift. It was in her freezer. Madison instructed Adam not to turn around, retrieved the item, took it to the laundry room, and set it on top of the warm dryer, hoping it would thaw in time.

He continued to peel potatoes over the trash, rinsed them off, and set them on the cutting board. Eventually, Adam said, “Can I look now?”


He faced Madison. “Are you still mad at me?”

“I never was mad. Not exactly.”

Adam set down the potato peeler. “Let me rephrase my question. Are you still upset about my sister?”

Madison shrugged. “You can’t help who you’re related to. The coincidence came out of left field and utterly shocked me, that’s all.” She relaxed. “I’m just glad you brought Dr. Fenton instead of your sister today.”

Adam crossed the room and caressed her cheek. “I’d never bring her. Like I said, we’re estranged. I always preferred Bruce over her, anyway. Now I have an excuse to hang out with him.”

Grinning, Madison stood on tiptoes and kissed his cheek. “You’re tall. Has anyone ever told you-”

Adam turned his head in time for a warm, full kiss on the mouth. Afterward, he cupped Madison’s face with both hands. “Thanks for letting us crash your house today. I can’t tell you how excited I am to spend Christmas with you—and Betsy. Usually, I’m in a hotel restaurant. I much prefer this.”

Madison felt giddy. “I have to ask. My shabby home doesn’t bother you?”

“Of course not. It’s cozy and filled with love. Plus, you and Betsy are here.”

The buzzer went off breaking their embrace. Madison walked to the stove. “That buzzer means I need to boil the water for the potatoes and put the casserole in the oven—if it’ll fit beside that big bird.”

“Impressive. You’re organized,” Adam said.

She grabbed the pot holders again. “I have to be since I’m head of the household. I’m Mom and Dad.” Madison moved the turkey up a rack so she could place the casserole underneath.”

Rubbing his belly, Dr. Fenton walked into the already crowded, tiny kitchen. “Man, it smells good in here. Beverly never stepped foot in the kitchen unless it was to drink the coffee I made.”

Adam said, “That sounds like my sister.”

Madison checked the clock on the microwave. “It won’t be much longer. I’ll get the rolls in after the turkey is done. Who wants to make iced tea—or would you rather have coffee?”

“Let’s save coffee for dessert,” Adam said. “I forgot I brought something special to drink. Be right back.”

After he stepped outside, Madison felt a blast of arctic air fill the house. She glanced at Dr. Fenton. “I wonder what he brought.”

Dr. Fenton shrugged. “Not sure.” His face fell as he turned toward her. “Madison, I’m truly sorry about how my ex-wife handled closing the clinic. I know it was abrupt and the timing couldn’t have been worse. I’ve been drowning my sorrows but I’ve thought about you, my other employees, and patients many times over the past two weeks. I’ve barely slept.”

The dentist exhaled loudly. “Beverly and her attorney were total jerks—and that’s being kind—to me, which I can take, but all of you took the brunt of it.” His eyes brimmed with tears. “You and Lisa were special—my very best employees, in fact. I wish I could help you find another job. I’m as heartbroken about your situation as I am about closing my practice.”

Madison studied her former boss who appeared to have aged five years in two weeks. His face was lined and his shoulders drooped. She set the pot holders on the counter and hugged him. “I don’t blame you for the closing, Dr. Fenton. Somehow, I’ll make ends meet. I appreciate your kind words, though.” She sighed. “We’ll all get through this. Let’s think happy thoughts today.”

Reappearing with Betsy on his heels, Adam thrust a bottle of champagne in Madison’s face. “I need to chill this.”

Her eyebrows shot up. “What are we celebrating?”

Betsy chimed in. “Mommy, let’s cel-bwate Santa.”

Winking, Adam said, “Yes, we’ll celebrate Santa.”

Madison swooped her daughter in her arms. “Good idea.” She took the bottle from Adam and placed it in the refrigerator. “Okay, guys. It’s almost ready. I’ll light candles while you get the food out of the oven. Adam, will you do the honors and carve the turkey?”

Adam eyes widened when he saw the big bird. “This’ll be a first. I hope we don’t have a Chevy Chase Christmas Vacation turkey.” He shrugged. “Sure, I’ll give it a shot but fair warning if I butcher it.”

“I have faith in you,” Madison said.

While the turkey rested, she placed rolls in a basket and handed them to Betsy to carry. Madison set the hot casserole on the table and quickly made a green salad with dried cranberries, pecans, pre-chopped red onion, and sliced avocados.

Dr. Fenton added ice and poured tea into glasses while Madison found a big platter for the entrée.

Adam let out a low whistle as he held a carving knife and fork above the bird. “Here goes nothing.”

Everyone gathered around as he carved expert pieces and placed them on the platter.

“It looks as though you’ve done this a hundred times,” Dr. Fenton said. “You could be a surgeon.”

Adam laughed. “And see blood. Never.”

Madison turned up the Christmas music. Amazing Grace played as they took their seats.

Betsy got her own special plate and sat down as she held her red fork in the air.

Staring at the festive table, Madison marveled as Adam served her little girl first. Since the serving dishes were hot, Madison stood and heaped food on everyone’s plate.

“Don’t be shy with the helpings,” Dr. Fenton said.

“Ditto,” Adam said as he licked his lips.

Madison piled the plates high and asked Betsy to say grace.

Her little girl said, “Fank you, God, for this food and for my Mommy.” She paused and bowed her little head again. “And for Santa and Adam. Amen.”

Everyone chuckled, said a chorus of “Amens,” and proceeded to eat.

Obviously famished, everyone devoured the meal within minutes. There was little discussion except for the men who boasted about how delicious the food was and went back for seconds.

Between bites, Betsy asked, “What’s for dessert, Mommy?”

Both men swiveled their heads toward Madison who said, “It’s a surprise.”