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Mountain Daddy's Nanny by Samantha Leal (32)


She was lying on her back with her legs wide apart, and he was clinging to her hips. As he pulled her forward towards the edge of the bed she murmured for him to stop, even though she didn’t want him to.

“Stop being such a good girl,” he whispered as his hand traced a line up her stomach and stopped just under her breasts before moving down to her panties and slipping them off in one quick movement. She arched her back and breathed in deeply. He was right there, inches away from her sex, and there was no way she was going to be able to deny him.

As he gripped onto her tightly and buried his face amongst her folds, she let out a gasp and held onto the headboard as he slowly and deliciously ran his tongue the full length of her slit. The sensation was incredible, and she could barely breathe. No one had ever done that to her before, and the feeling of his stubble brushing against the inside of her thighs sent her into even more of a frenzy. His tongue was hot and experienced, his touch electric and powerful, and as she threw her head back and bucked her hips up to meet his mouth, he plunged his tongue inside of her and she unraveled in a wave of heat and incredible pleasure.

“Lynx!” she gasped aloud. When she opened her eyes, she sank down in the bed, realizing she was alone and she had just had the most amazing dream of her entire life.

Her heart was pounding and her skin was dewy with sweat. She sat up and pulled the covers around herself, cocooning her arousal. She couldn’t stand it… She was too turned on and all alone. She pouted and sighed as she fell back against her pillow. She remembered the night before and how he had kissed her outside on the driveway. The memory of his scent and his power made her pussy throb again, and without even moving, she knew she was soaking wet.

I am too much of a good girl, she thought. Maybe it’s about time I was bad…

She thought back to the last time she had been with a guy and realized it had been years. She had a high school boyfriend who she eventually broke up with not long after they graduated. But he wasn’t a man… Not like Lynx was. He had been nothing but a boy and the prospect of being made love to by a strong, sexy biker was almost too much for her to handle.

“But I want it so bad,” she said aloud.

Her body was still so ready and her nipples were erect and aching to be touched. She rolled over and bit her lip.

When is he coming for me? she wondered, checking her cell phone.

She hadn’t given Lynx her number, but there was a part of her that wished he had asked Lexi for it if he had been over at the clubhouse. With no messages to greet her, she sighed and decided her fantasy would have to wait until later. She had no idea when she would see him again; all she knew was that when she did, she was going to pounce on him.

She made herself coffee and turned on the TV. An old sitcom was on, and she half watched it while she painted her nails a rich red and flicked through social media. After she had been awake for around an hour, the buzzer to her apartment sounded and she picked up the phone to see who it was.

“Hello?” she said.

“It’s me!” Lexi called from the other end.

Tammy buzzed her in and waited eagerly for her to climb the stairs. She wondered if she had seen Lynx and if she had heard that anything had happened between them. 

When Lexi came bounding in, Tammy could tell instantly that she was happy.

“You found him?” she asked her eagerly.

“Oh my god, Tam… Yes!”

Tammy jumped up and hugged her, and Lexi’s eyes welled up with tears.

“I can’t believe this is happening, but yes, I found my dad.”

She told Tammy how she had gone to the club house with King and he had introduced her to Reid, one of the oldest members of The Forsaken Riders.

“He’s so sick, Tam,” she said with a sniff. “But I’m just glad I got to meet him and we’ll have some time together… I’ve been robbed of so much.”

Tammy rubbed her arm sympathetically. She knew how much this meant to her friend, and she was so pleased for her that she was getting to spend some time with her father before he passed.

“And I believe you have news…” Lexi raised her eyebrows and Tammy blushed immediately.

“Well…” she trailed off.

“I can’t believe you’re digging one of the bikers!” Lexi slapped her hands together ecstatically. “I never, not in a million years, thought that you would end up getting mixed up with those type of guys… Not that I can talk!” She burst out laughing and smiled.

“I know, it’s crazy,” Tammy admitted. “I never thought I would, either… But there’s something about him, he’s just so different.”

Lexi’s eyes fell to the floor, and she looked uncomfortable for a moment. Tammy picked up on it instantly and grabbed hold of her hand.

“What are people not telling me?” she asked seriously.

Lexi looked up at her again and went to open her mouth to speak, but no words came out.

“Lexi,” she shook her slightly. “What happened to him? Why do I get the feeling that something terrible has happened, and I’m being kept in the dark?”

Lexi sighed and rubbed her temples.

“I don’t really know how to tell you this,” she said heavily. “I mean, if it was anyone else, I don’t know, I think maybe they could handle it, but I’m not so sure about you…” She trailed off and looked into the distance.

“Lexi,” Tammy said angrily, “you can’t keep something important from me… I have a right to know, if I’m getting involved with him. I’m already in way too deep!” She got to her feet and stood in front of Lexi confrontationally, like if she wasn’t going to tell her, she was ready to throw her out.

“He told me about his past…” Tammy tested the waters. “About the foster homes…and about how The Forsaken Riders are the only real family he’s ever had…”

Lexi pulled her knees up to her chest and sighed.

“Yes,” she said. “From what I’ve heard, that’s right.”

Lexi was still not telling her something, and Tammy knew she was going to have to force it out of her.

“Listen Lexi, you’re like a sister to me. So why the fuck this is taking you so long to spill is really lost on me…” She crossed her arms over her chest and breathed in deeply.

“He just got out of jail, Tam!” Lexi spat the words as if she couldn’t bear to say them, and they were so venomous and harsh, they felt like a punch in the chest.

Tammy shook her head and rubbed her eyes.

“Jail?” she asked with disbelief. “What for?”

“For murder, Tammy… Lynx has been inside for over ten years, and he just got out.”

The whole bottom of her world seemed to drop out in that instant, and she gripped to the side of the couch for support.

“You must have it wrong,” Tammy said as she sat back down next to her friend and put her head in her hands. “How could he have done something so terrible?”

Lexi shook her head and bit her bottom lip.

“King doesn’t think he did…” she trailed off. “He wasn’t part of the riders back then, but apparently he’s protecting someone.”

Tammy’s head was spinning… If what Lexi was saying was true, Lynx had just spent over ten years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit.

“This is too much to take in,” she said and she realized she was shaking.

“He’s not a bad guy, Tam,” Lexi said sadly. “And I didn’t want to tell you because I didn’t want to ruin this for you…”

Tammy could feel the tears coming, and she covered her eyes and started to sob.

“How could I even consider taking this any further?” she cried. “I’ve never even left Slate Springs, I have zero life experience… How could I shack up with a convicted murderer?”

“He didn’t do it,” Lexi grabbed hold of her hand. “But it’s going to follow him around for life, and I thought you should know. Okay?”

Tammy got to her feet and pointed towards the door.

“I need to be alone for a while,” she said. “I’m not mad, I just really need to get my head around all of this…”

“I’m sorry,” Lexi said as she tried to wrap her arms around her, but Tammy shrugged them off. “I really am. But I couldn’t not tell you. You only would have found out anyway.”

“It’s fine,” she said as she marched to the door and opened it up wide. “I made you tell me. I just need some time to think, okay?”

Lexi nodded and made her way out into the hallway. “Whatever is going on with you two… You know if it’s worth sticking with or not. I know it’s a lot to take in, but I honestly don’t think he’s a bad guy. I just think he was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

Lexi turned on her heel and clipped down the hallway. Tammy closed the door behind her and slid down the wall. She was shaking with nerves and disappointment. When she met Lynx, she honestly thought there was something different about him. Their connection had been so intense, and she had even thought he was The One. She could see herself having kids with him and walking down the aisle towards him. She would have given up anything to be with him, but now, barely forty-eight hours into their relationship and he had already made her feel like a fool twice.

She looked across at her cell phone lying pointlessly on the table. After rushing over to it, she dialed Lexi and held it to her ear.

“Lexi,” she said when she picked up. “I need you to ask King for Lynx’s number…”

“Are you sure?” Lexi asked.

“Yes,” Tammy said defiantly. “More than anything I’ve ever been sure of in my life.”