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Must Love Pogs (Must Love Series Book 3) by Xavier Neal (3)

I slump down further on the BMX park bench. “Remind me again why every time we’re in your hometown you drag me here.”

Azura, my best friend and partner in all things work related, giggles from behind her camera. “Because part of your job is to find new talent, and this place is always filled with it.”

On a displeased groan my attention falls to the tablet waiting to be touched in my lap.

There are very few downsides to my job. I’m more or less my own boss. I get to travel anywhere around the world I want with my best friend. I’m allowed to not only write the way I talk, which apparently makes me a more relatable blogger, but I get to pick the subjects whenever my mood strikes. The only real restraints I have are whenever there are competitions to capture, and even then I only have to go to them if I deem them important enough. Between who my father is and the name I’ve made for myself in the sports industry, I rarely have to pay for anything other than souvenirs, and never have to answer to anyone other than the man at the top of the corporation who signs my pay checks.

“Write about me,” a raspy voice I’m beginning to loathe invades my thoughts.

Ah. The downside. Cocky, arrogant, self-obsessed athletes who feel I should be licking their nut sack as opposed to the other way around.

They make the little things I travel with, like serenity candles, necessary.

Reluctantly, I look up to see Jordan Gallant smugly smiling at me.

He doesn’t have enough real teeth left to be flashing them that proudly.

“Come on, Little L,” he tries to coax. “You know I’m a sure thing, baby. All I’m missing is the world class recommendation from you.”

“The only recommendation you’re getting from me is for a better brand of mouth wash. You smell like cheese balls and desperation.”

Azura tries to stifle her laugh.

The green eyed gremlin continues to grin.

“Shouldn’t you be guarding a bridge or bothering people about paying a toll?” I sneer with a tilt of the head. “Why are you in my face? Why are you obstructing my energy flow?”

He tries not to glare at the reference to his size and abundance of body hair. “Why do you do this to me every time we see each other?”

“Do what?”

“Pretend I’m not the next big thing about to break onto the extreme scene.”

“I’m not pretending.”

He rolls his eyes at my rejection.

“You’re B class talent on your best day. You don’t even have the balls to try a double flip in the air let alone something that would actually make my heart pound or panties wet. I live for those vibes. Those are the ones I ride. Those are the ones I chase. Those are the ones that keep multiple zeroes on my paycheck. Your biggest claim to fame isn’t even related to the sport you supposedly love! It’s making out with the actress, Meegan Malone, like that’s some sort of accomplishment. Everyone’s made out with Meegan. Self-included.”

Azura squeaks and slaps me on the arm. “You made out with Meegan Malone and didn’t tell me?”

“What happens in the mountains, stays in the mountains…” I playfully retort without bothering to look her direction.

Well. For the most part. The guy she ended up sleeping with that night had no such luck. Who I physically connect with isn’t based on their ‘sex’ so much as the pull I have to them, or in her case how much Patron I had.

“Point being,” the firmness in my tone hardens, “writing about you, recommending a sponsor picks you up, telling anyone in the extreme sports field that you are worth more than the price you paid for your bike would be bullshit. I don’t tolerate bullshit in my career. You don’t get to the top of the Mt. Kick Ass by supporting those who don’t even have the stones to be themselves. Which you don’t. Your style mimics Michael Glasskoff with fewer risks taken. Your wardrobe mimics Dallas Esterway with a bit more Johnny Cash. And your ego is a carbon copy of Derek Foster who, unlike you, has earned the right to be the cocky bastard he is. I was there when he landed and the crash cushion deflated. There was definitely something much bigger than his padding protecting him that day.” The vibrating of my cell phone in my purse beside me briefly pauses my speech. “Here is my last free recommendation to you . Figure out who the hell you are and who the hell you wanna be. Once you’ve got that, then figure out how to convey that through your sport. BMX riding, like everything else, is not just about skill, but art.”

I pull the ringing device out and am surprised at the name.

With a wide grin, I prepare to hit the answer key, but shoo away the nuisance in my face first. “Go now. I have an important call to answer.”

Jordan tries to hide the hurt from having his ass handed to him. “More important than me?”

“Aw,” my fake coo is offered with a similar look. “Everyone is more important than you.”

His jaw hits the ground as Azura finally lets a laugh free from beside me.

“Hey there, Hot Stuff,” I answer with mirth in my voice, mind immediately picturing how red his face is turning. “Wasn’t expecting your call.”

Honestly, I wasn’t. After he drove me to the airport Monday morning, which is when we finally discussed why I don’t have my own car or apartment even if Highland is where I spend most of my free time, I assumed our time in paradise was over. While we spent the weekend having so much sex it still hurts two days later and avoiding the stereotypical in depth chats about what growing up was like and where we see ourselves in ten years, I just assumed that was enough for him. It would’ve been more than enough for any other guy I hooked up with….But Oliver is far from their type. It’s why this weekend was one of the best I’ve ever had in my life. It’s why him calling secretly scares me. I’m the kind of woman that’s fun for a weekend…not sure how much more. At least…that’s the message the cosmos constantly deliver to me.

“I would’ve called Monday night, Sunshine, but I remembered you were going to be busy at some dinner….”

Not exactly work busy, so much as McCoy busy. My best friend married into a huge family with a fondness for family gatherings. Lucky for me one of her sister in laws makes these amazing twice baked potatoes that makes long flights and overly filled PDA meals with them worth it.

“And then I would’ve called yesterday morning, after my doctor’s appointment, but my brother, Eddie, needed to vent. Then I planned to call last night, but because I got into work late on Monday-”

“I told you I could’ve taken a cab-”

“I had to stay really late and play catch up.”

His ignoring of my interruption expands my smile, while the long drawn out silence shifts me uneasily in my seat.

There’s no reason I should be anxious about him calling. He obviously didn’t do it by mistake . He obviously isn’t calling just to get laid again. He wants something more from me. The big beautiful universe is giving me that clue like it’s daring me to ignore it. Again . I ignored it when I left for the airport and he swore this wasn’t just a onetime thing. I ignored it during the entire flight when I felt like I was soaring and not because we were in the air. I don’t usually ignore signs and vibes from the cosmos, but what if this path ends in heavy havoc and heartache because he doesn’t feel it too? That’s not a cure I feel like scouring the globe to try to find.

Leaning back against the bench seat, I try to lighten the situation the best way I know how, “Why don’t you just admit you called because you missed seeing me naked and the rest of this conversation will go a lot smoother?”

The scoff sounds on the other end of the phone elicit several snickers from me.

Oliver trips and stumbles over his words, but doesn’t deny the accusation.

“Do it or I’ll end the call.”

My threat receives a low grumble. “I’m at work .”

“Are you in your office?”


“Are you alone?”

His second delay is accompanied with a heavy sigh, “Yes.”

“Then the ultimatum still stands.”

The sound of his small chuckle wraps around me the way I wish his arms would. “I don’t just miss seeing you naked. I miss seeing you smile too, Sunshine.”

I tuck my bottom lip between my teeth to keep from squealing.

What is it about him that does this to me? How is it I always expect to be the one to make him blush, yet he never fails to return the sentiment?

“When are you heading back to town?” Oliver continues, any hint of nervousness now nonexistent.

“Next weekend.”

His attempt at hiding his huff fails. “Busy schedule?”

“Tomorrow I’m in Colorado through the weekend. Monday through Wednesday I’m checking out this really wicked wheel chair competition in Seattle. I fly in Thursday, but have a doctor’s appointment for my birth control shot and have already promised my parents I would go to dinner with them.”

“Is it a dinner for family only ?”

The hint to be invited isn’t missed. Nor taken. “We’re going with James Hopkins and his family.”

Apparently, James swears me and his son Casey are a match made in heaven.

We aren’t.

And not just because we’ve made out with the same guy more than once.

“Is James Hopkins…a name I should know?”

The innocence in his question makes me sweetly reply, “Played on the same team as my father. Almost like an honorary uncle.”

Which is the primary reason I don’t let myself expose the fact that his son is same sex orientated. It’s not my family to dictate, nor do I want to deal with the bigoted bullshit he would begin to spew. Not my kind of vibe.

There’s a pause followed by a worrisome exhale. “Am I gonna have to learn a lot about sports to keep seeing you?”

Unable to resist teasing, I ask, “If I said yes would you be willing to try?”

“You say yes and I’ll start getting tutoring sessions from… all of my brothers, really. Between the four of them I’m pretty sure they’ve got all the ‘normal’ shit covered.”

We exchange a small laugh before I state, “You must really like me to endure that level of torture.”

“I do,” Oliver replies without hesitation. “And not just because of how amazing you look naked.”

The unusual declaration has me adjusting in my seat again.

I don’t get it. We have very little in common, but that only seems to make this whole situation more appealing. It’s almost as if just the idea of our mixed melody lives, trying to find a cosmic composition, is enough reason to keep trying to sync up. It’s a challenge. It’s intriguing. It’s exciting! And I love things that are exciting….Hence the job choice.

“Friday night?” He proceeds with eagerness in his tone. “Think I can have you then, Sunshine?”

“That can be arranged.” I flirt back. “Think you can make it that long without seeing the goods?”

Oliver chuckles and my eyes momentarily fall closed at the gorgeous sound. “I might need something to help tide me over….”


There’s a very distinct groan of desperation from the other end of the line. “Text me tonight when you get off?”

“Hopefully you’ll be an active part of that process.”

Another heated groan floods my ears, which causes me to triumphantly snicker. Oliver swiftly clears his throat and says, “Have a good rest of the day, Sunshine.”

“You too, Hot Stuff.”

We both linger on the call in blissful silence for a moment more before ending it.

As soon as I move to put my phone away my best friend snaps, “Who the hell was that?!”

I try to keep my reply casual despite the fact that my entire body is humming. “Just um…a guy I hooked up with this weekend.”

“What?” She bites. “What guy? You didn’t mention any guy! First the Meegan thing, now this?” Her camera drops into her lap. “What am I gonna find out next? You’re leaving me to be CEO of your own extreme sports network?!”

My eyebrows lift high. “Is this really about me not telling you a couple things or is this actually about the small human growing inside of you that I hope gets your coordination and not Destin’s?”

Her flaring anger seems to subside. “He really isn’t coordinated.”

I shake my head quickly.

Her husband may know a shit ton about computers and cars, but he’s lucky he doesn’t fall flat on his face anytime he glances at a skateboard.

A small smile slides onto my face as my hand lands on her lap. “Relax, dude. I swear I am not keeping a whirlwind of secrets. You’re my best friend. I tell you everything.”

Almost everything anyway. From the moment we met almost four years ago we have been inseparable. Sometimes I think it’s because we’re kindred spirits with the whole wanting a sister to love you, yet are plagued with one or in my case two who are disgusted with your presence. Other times it’s because I know I can trust her to be the logical one when my adrenaline meter spikes a little too high. She may love watching, photographing, recording, and editing videos, but she cringes at doing anything that requires her feet to leave the ground for too long. Basically, she helps keep me balanced and from attempting to do ridiculous things, like sky diving without a parachute, while I keep her from being bored when she’s away from her husband.

“You didn’t tell me about the Meegan thing.”

I roll my eyes. “Okay. Fine. I made out with her a couple years ago, but to be fair when I get a little too drunk you know it’s more about proximity than being prudent.”

Azura tries not to smirk. “And this guy?”

Just the thought of Oliver returns my smile in full force.

“God, you’re glowing,” she pokes fun. “Are you sure I’m the pregnant one?”

“My birth control shots work just fine, thank you very much.”

An image of me with a small bump unexpectedly pops into my mind. Before I even have time to bat it away, Oliver’s face appears over my shoulder, hands caressing the area with pure joy.

The bolt of bliss is undeniable.

Quickly, I shake away the idea.

No. Absolutely not. Not only would I be the worst possible candidate for a mother, I just met the guy! There’s no reason I should be picturing love, marriage, and a screaming, tiny thing in a baby carriage.

Am I out of tune with my energy flow again? Did I forget to put on a dash off Eirene’s oil today?

“Remember I went with my friend, Randy, to his high school reunion?”


“Well, one thing led to another and I ended up hooking up with one of his old classmates.”

Her mouth cracks open.

“One of his very very hot, 6’5, blue eyed, southern dreamboat classmates.” This time when her eyes bulge I add, “I didn’t see Randy again until we met at the airport.”

Azura swats at me a second time. “What the hell, London!? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?!”

I shrug. “I don’t know, we’ve been busy?”

The sight of her frown returning rushes me to defend myself.

“Come on Az, I landed and we went straight to McCoy central which was filled with food and married people flirting. Then yesterday, we spent all day working on the spotlight piece for Ezra Collins, and today it honestly didn’t seem worth mentioning. It was…no big deal. Just a long, sticky weekend with a cowboy.”

Very long…. Very sticky…. Very loving.


I must be off balance to keep contemplating if our passion is rising to a level I’ve never been at before. Then again, everything about him, about us , is something I’ve never felt before.

“It’s obviously a huge deal considering the fact that when he called your face lit up like Christmas decided to come twice this year instead of just once.”

“It did not.”

“It did! And you never make plans with men.”

“Excuse me. I make plans with men all the time . Like two weeks ago I went hiking with Victor.”

“I meant more like romantic plans. Like dates .”

Another shrug leaves me. “Don’t usually have a reason to. Most men are interested in one thing from me and sadly it’s not my lady bits.”

Azura giggles at the term. “But this guy…?”

Sensing her need for a name, I input, “Oliver.”

“But Oliver ,” she waggles her eyebrows at me, “wants them?”

“And more apparently.”

Her big brown eyes almost pop from expanding so wide. “This is huge .”

“He’s huge .”

The sexual reference successfully causes her to gag and alleviates the pressure settling heavily on my chest.

As much as I love the high Oliver gives even from a phone call, I’m not sure I’ll be able to handle the crash when the time comes. When the scent of sex wears off. When he realizes it was fun, but now it’s time for Sarah Plain and Normal. You know the woman who doesn’t wear hippie crystals around her neck or purposely go searching for people who go extreme fly fishing in any conditions. Maybe one more weekend with him won’t break me like I fear it will. Perhaps, I’ll listen to the calling of the universe while taking a page out of Azura’s safety guide by putting a helmet, elbow pads, and a parachute on my heart. That way, if all this plummets, it’s less likely to get broken, maybe just bruised. Bruises I can handle. Broken…I cannot.




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