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My favorite Mistake by Brooks, Sarah J. (14)

Chapter 14




I’d tried to talk as quietly as possible when Richard called me. I went far down the hall and just hadn’t realized that the secretary could hear me. Richard was asking so many questions and making me nervous and I worried that he would hold back the estate money. I should have been paying better attention. I should have been more diligent in protecting Alexis and her secret. But now, I was just going to take her mind off of it and have some fun.

“Should we ride the big coaster again?” I asked pointing up at the mountain ride.

“I don’t think my stomach will keep this food in if we do that drop again.”

“Let’s go try it,” I pulled her with me toward the line. “We will be in this line for an hour anyway, I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

I wrapped my arms around Alexis and held onto her as we waited in the line. Her hair was pulled up into a ponytail and her neck was exposed and close to me. Dozens of times I wanted to lean down and just start kissing on her. Dozens of times I stopped myself from doing it. The last thing Alexis needed was me groping her while she was dealing with such an emotional day.

“Thank you again for today,” she said and leaned back to let her head rest on my chest. “I really did need this.”

“Anytime. I’m happy to take you to every amusement park in the state if you’d let me.”

“Wow, that sounds like a true commitment,” she laughed.

“How many are in the state?” I questioned playfully. “Maybe I overshot that one.”

We both laughed and went back to cuddling as the line moved forward. Alexis had her back to me and would pull away slightly when we walked but then settle back into me when we had to stop and wait again. I hadn’t planned for this, but I was grateful for the time with her in that line. The connection between the two of us was growing again. Sometimes Alexis even turned toward me and wrapped her arms around me with her head on my chest when we stopped in the line. She looked up at me with the sweetest green eyes and then looked away. This was the feeling we had when we were in Las Vegas. The feeling as if nothing else mattered except being there in each other’s arms. We’d lost it at first in Los Angeles, but now I knew we could find it again.

“You look more relaxed now. How are you feeling about everything?” I asked while we held hands and walked back to the car at the end of our long day.

Alexis smiled and squeezed my hand, but she didn’t say anything. It was dark and I couldn’t see what was going on until we got to the next street light and I saw the tears pouring down her face again. I felt horrible. I’d taken her to the park to help her feel better and she’d ended up crying again anyway.

“It was a good day,” she said finally.

“I’m so sorry. Is there anything else I can do?”

“I don’t know.”

When we got back to my car I opened the door for her. She was about to get in before she launched her arms around me and kissed me. It was so unexpected that I stumbled and almost fell from the sheer force of her movement.

Her lips pressed hard against mine and I couldn’t help getting excited by the moment. I wrapped my arms tight around her and turned us around, so we were near the hood of the car. I sat there and pulled her toward me while our bodies pressed hard against each other. For a moment I thought she might want to have sex right there in the parking lot.

“Do you want to come back to the beach house with me?” I asked when we finally came up for air for a moment.

“Yes,” she answered.

Her eyes glowed with desire as she sucked in her bottom lip. I raged with excitement for her. It was going to be a really long hour drive back to the beach house if I couldn’t figure out a way to calm myself down a little.

“Okay, let’s get going then,” I said and pushed Alexis away slightly, so we could get into the car.

She didn’t move though. Alexis was still pressed up against my body and with that look in her eyes I couldn’t help but pull her back in for another kiss. This time I was in charge though, I let my lips gently touch hers. I pulled them away and looked at her and then kissed her again. This woman was utterly amazing, and I couldn’t have been happier to have her with me there.

It was nearly twenty minutes later before we managed to stop making out and got going on the drive back to Noah’s house. I sent him a quick text as a heads up that we were coming, but he never answered back.

Alexis held my hand in her lap the whole drive home, and she ended up falling asleep. The day had been enormously emotional for her, so I let her rest on the drive. I was prepared to carry her into my bed and let her sleep the rest of the night too if that was what she needed.

I’d changed from the man I was just a few short weeks earlier. Love had changed me. I cared about what was best for Alexis and I wanted her to know that I had her best interests at heart. She was an important part of my life and not just because of my father’s estate money; she was important to me because I was falling in love with her.

I still wasn’t sure of the way to Noah’s house and had to turn the GPS on, which woke Alexis up as we got closer to the beach. The constant directions to turn or prepare to turn were too much for anyone to sleep through.

“Are we almost there?” she asked groggily and pulled my hand in closer to her as she stretched.


“Okay,” she replied and then closed her eyes again.

She wasn’t sleeping, just resting as we finished the drive. Every now and again she would adjust her position and move my hand to a different spot in her lap. I found myself mesmerized by her and had to push myself to refocus my concentration on the road. It was dangerous driving with such a beautiful woman next to me.

“It’s too bad the sun already set. The view is amazing from Noah’s balcony.”

“We can wake up early and watch it rise,” she offered without opening her eyes.

I wasn’t about to argue with her. I honestly couldn’t remember a time in my adult history that I was bringing a woman home to bed with me and wasn’t just thinking about sex. But here I was, genuinely thinking of how amazing it would feel to have her in my arms all night. It was an odd feeling for me to want that sort of connection with someone, but I liked it.

“Here we are,” I said and pushed the button to open the garage door.

Inside, Noah had a motorcycle and two other cars that he’d moved to the front of the deep garage. His car wasn’t there and I pulled into the empty spot he had left for me. There was room for at least eight cars in his driveway, which was very useful when he had people over since there wasn’t much street parking.

“This is a beautiful house,” Alexis said as we walked up the stairs to the main floor. “Does he live here alone?”

“Yeah, until I came along.”

“That’s sad.”

“Why?” I wondered.

“It’s a huge house. I think it would be lonely to be here all by yourself all the time.”

“I guess I never thought about it like that. I enjoy my alone time, usually,” I said and walked Alexis over to the balcony without turning on any of the main lights in the room. “We have to look at the view first. Even at night, I think it’s pretty fantastic.”

There was enough moonlight to brighten up the beach and we could see the waves rolling onto the shore. As the two of us stood on the edge of the balcony we were quiet and took in the beautiful view. A sense of calm came over me when I was near the ocean. I hadn’t remembered feeling so calm when I’d come to the beach in college, but I certainly felt it while I’d been at Noah’s house.

“Thank you again for today,” Alexis said as she turned toward me. “I really appreciate you being there.”

“Like I said, I’m sorry I ruined it for you. I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I’d never take away your dream like that.”

“I know.”

The fact that Alexis wasn’t angry with me over the phone call was reassuring and really showed what a high level of character she had. The problem I was having was I was filled with internal contempt for myself and not telling Alexis the whole truth about my father’s estate. As much as I ruminated on those thoughts, I didn’t want to think about it at that at the moment. I had a beautiful, amazing woman right in front of me and I was going put all of my energy into her.

“Would you like the grand tour?” I offered and playful gestured toward the house.

“Oh, yes sir. I’d love a tour,” she replied.

With the lights on inside the main floor, the home lit up the walkway down below. I wasn’t all that comfortable having everyone who might walk by being able to look into the house, but I didn’t close the blinds. Instead, I locked the door behind us and proceeded to give her a tour of the house.

“This is the kitchen. I’m not sure Noah actually cooks in here, but there’s plenty of food in the fridge if you’re hungry.”

“I am hungry,” she said but not in a way that sounded like she wanted food. Instead, she smiled mischievously at me and licked her lips.

Instantly my body hardened with excitement. The anticipating of having her again was almost too much for me to stand. I tried to hold my ground, I tried to finish the tour, but there was no way I couldn’t give in to her sexual desire to have me.

“Oh really?

“Yes. Show me the bedroom,” she playfully grabbed my shirt and pulled me down the hallway. “Is this your room?”


“How about this one?”

“Nope,” I said smiling as we got closer to the room I was staying in.

“Then it has to be this one?” Alexis pushed the door open without waiting for me to respond.

“You’re so sexy,” I muttered without even knowing I’d said it.

“You really think I’m sexy?”

“Um, yeah. Is this an actual question? You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met. And not just because you’re beautiful. You’re sexy because of your smile and your heart. You’re just an overall sexy chic.”

“Okay, I’m already in your bedroom, you don’t have to keep buttering me up.”

“Mmm, butter, that sounds like a fun addition, let me go get some,” I pretended like I was leaving, and she pulled me back toward her.

Her pull was so hard that I just kept going and landed on the bed. Alexis quickly jumped on top of me, her legs straddling either side of me. I liked how she took charge of the moment, the sexual energy she had was exhilarating.

My hands caressed her ass as she moved her hips back and forth against me. I couldn’t wait to get her clothes off her and feel the softness of her skin against mine. It took every bit of self-control I could muster to slow myself down in that moment.

“Remember, I’m hungry,” she said in that seductress voice of hers.

“Mmmm, I remember.”

Her fingers worked on the button of my pants while she moved off my body. I was raging hard with excitement; there was absolutely no denying that. I wanted to be inside her, and I felt my body tingling with pure anticipation.

“Look who’s excited to see me,” she said playfully as she pulled my erect body out of my pants.

She looked up at me as she took me in her mouth. The vision of her delicious lips wrapped around my cock was nearly too much for me to handle. I groaned out with the pleasure of it all.

As much as I wanted to close my eyes and enjoy the sensation of being in her mouth, I also didn’t want to miss the mental pictures I was taking while watching her. She moved deliciously slow up and down my shaft, taking an extra-long moment at the top as her tongue licked around my head. If I could have stayed in that very moment for the rest of my life I was sure I would have died a happy man.

The longing to taste her found a way to mix with the feeling of pleasure she was giving me. Her mouth stroked me and I felt an urge to explode but didn’t want to give into that sensation just yet. I had to taste her. I had to feel the sweet nectar of her body on my tongue.

“I can’t wait,” I exclaimed as I grabbed her and flipped her onto the bed.

“What are you talking about?”

“I have to taste you, I can’t wait another minute.”

“Oh, you can’t? Well, then you better get going. I would hate to see what would happen to you if you didn’t get to taste me.”

The way Alexis was able to sexually banter back and forth with me was absolutely amazing. It was a familiar feeling because we had gotten along like this in Vegas. This level of compatibility was why I felt so bonded to her, so welcomed in her arms, and why I wanted to make things work with us.

Slowly, I played with her clothes as I took them off her. Each piece of clothing getting me closer and closer to tasting her delicious nectar and my mouth watered with anticipation. Alexis let out sweet moans of pleasure when I started to kiss my way up her legs. Her back arched slightly when I was close to her center as if begging me to take her in my mouth already.

With more self-control than I knew I had, I denied her for a moment longer. Instead, kissing on her inner thighs tenderly, with longing and desire. Having Alexis in bed with me was such a welcomed distraction from the stress of that day.

“Okay, okay, enough teasing,” she said a little exasperated by me.

“Oh, you’re getting bossy,” I pressed her thighs apart and looked down at her delicious body. “Don’t worry, I’m going to give you so many orgasms you’ll pass out.”

“Go for it, I dare you,” she laughed.

She wasn’t prepared for the delectable sexual torture I was about to give her. I softly started to lick her, moving from the outer edges in toward her clit and then around again. Each time taking extra care to lick and flick my tongue against her in just the right way, the way that made her stop moaning for a moment while she tried to catch her breath.

Soon I found myself sucking hard on her clit. Pulling her into my mouth while her hips thrust against me. She was stronger than she looked and as her body started to give in to the orgasm I had to hold onto her hips tightly as not to lose my grip on her.

“Okay, I give up,” Alexis playfully yelled out. “You win.”

“Oh, no, that wasn’t the game, he was just the beginning,” I teased and went right back to pleasing her.

Now that she had orgasmed, it was game on. Her body was primed and ready for more and more of those sweet orgasmic releases and I was just the man to give them to her. Making love to Alexis was more than just me wanting to feel the pleasure of the moment, I wanted her to know how much I cared for her. Not just in the physical sense, but emotionally as well. I was turning into a sappy mess and falling for Alexis in a way I’d never fallen before.

I managed to tease and play with her well into her fourth orgasm before she grabbed my hair and pulled my head up. She was angry, actual anger filled her face and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I can’t take anymore I need you inside me right now.”

I smiled as I grabbed a condom and slid it over my body. With slow anticipation, I slid inside her and gently kissed Alexis at the same time. She wrapped her arms around me and kissed me as I moved inside her. Each slow, meaningful stroke made me feel closer to her than the moment before.

There was no doubt in my mind that I wanted more time with Alexis. I wanted to see if we could make this thing work. The two of us had something I’d never had with anyone else.

Our night together at the beach house was undoubtedly amazing. We reconnected, had the best sex yet and fell asleep in each other’s arms as if we’d been lovers and friends forever.