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Nailed by Tory Baker (7)


I find myself once again getting ready and waiting for Dex. I argued with Dex that we are moving too fast, but I can’t stop myself from feeling like he is the one. He’s not just the one I’m going to give my V-card to, but he’s the man I want forever. He’s the fairytale, the happily ever after, the whole shebang. I can see us building a life together, see us having children, see myself growing old with him.

This morning’s experience was out of this world. I never thought being with a man would feel like that—and we didn’t even go the whole way. But, it’s not just sexual—even if that seems to be what we’re experiencing the most. I like being around Dex. He’s sweet and funny and he makes me laugh. I’m not self-conscious around him either. I even feel beautiful when I’m with him. I like the way he takes control of things too. I know some women might hate that kind of thing, but it excites me. I feel safe, cherished and most of all important—maybe even precious to him. No one else has ever made me feel that way—has never even tried before. And I might be young, I might even be a virgin, but I have dated and most of those dates have bored me out of my mind.

Dex couldn’t be boring if he tried.

I start packing a few outfits, not exactly sure what I might need. I pack a few casual things, some outfits I wear for work and then pajamas. That makes me giggle, because I would almost lay odds that Dex will never let me wear those. At the last minute I decide to pack a dressy outfit too, just in case Dex takes me out somewhere. I don’t want to embarrass him. Then I throw in my toiletries and of course, my shoes…

Dex will have no way of knowing the pain involved in just picking out a couple pair of my favorite shoes. After spending way too much time going back and forth over my pretty babies, I decide to just bring the four pairs that I love the most. I ignore the way the other pairs are crying out to me. It seems a crime to leave them behind.

By the time I’m done packing I hear the doorbell ring. I locked it this time, not wanting Dex to be upset with me. I’m going to stay at his house again tonight and I’d rather do it not grumpy because he’s gone all pissy on me about putting myself at risk.

I put my bag down by the door and rush to unlock it. Once I get it open, I practically stumble backwards from the way Dex looks.

He’s wearing relaxed Levis with his worn boots, and he has on a white-collared snap-buttoned shirt that brings out the green in his eyes. He looks at me, his eyes twinkling and a big smile on his face.

“Hey baby,” he says, stepping in closer to me.

Before I can respond, he grabs me and pushes me against the wall, his tongue thrusting into my mouth, devouring me. He plunders my mouth like a Viking soldier in battle, taking everything in his path.

He takes and I give.

“Hey, honey,” I gasp when we finally separate. For a minute I get lost in his dark gaze.

“Hey,” he murmurs, the rough pads of his fingertips teasing along the base of my neck. The calloused, rough, hardworking touch sends chills down my spine. Dex is all man… He’s my man.

“I like the way you say hi, Dex.”

He leans in and places a small kiss against my forehead. Then he bends down and grabs my bag. He smirks once he notices that it can’t be shut. I might have decided to add another pair of shoes to the four already inside and they’re trying to tumble out of it. He shakes his head but he doesn’t say anything.

He puts my bag in the backseat of his truck and then helps me into the passenger side. He makes sure to buckle me in and I don’t move to do it myself because I expected it. He’s done it each time and it might make me weak to admit it, but I like it. It’s just another way he’s taking care of me. Once he has the belt secured, he squeezes my thigh, closes the door and walks around to the driver’s side.

We’re driving down the road with the radio playing softly in the background before I seem to snap out of the haze he always puts me in with just his touch. I thought we were headed to Dex’s house, but I’m surprised to see we’re at a restaurant.

“Dex, you didn’t have to take me out to dinner, honey.”

“You’re hungry, right?”

“Well, yeah,” I mutter, because I definitely am.

“We both worked today. I’m too tired to cook and there’s no way I want you to after being on your feet all day.”


“You’re my woman, Emma. That means I take care of you. This is one of the ways I want to do that. Okay?”

“Okay,” I whisper, feeling foolish, but sighing because everything he does steals a little more of my heart. “Thank you for taking me out to dinner.” He may not know this, but despite having been on dates before, this will be the first time I’ve been excited about going on a date… The first time it ever mattered.

“Sweet Emma, the pleasure is all mine,” he says.

Walking into the restaurant, he has his hand possessively wrapped around my lower back. I may be a virgin, but I know what he’s doing. He’s staking his claim. I look up at him, stand on my tiptoes and kiss him. It’s just a short kiss, not even a little sexual. It wasn’t meant to be. I just wanted him to know that I really like him and I like everything he’s doing to show that I matter.

I can see he likes that I’m not afraid to kiss or touch him in public. He doesn’t hide the pleasure on his face and that makes me feel warm and happy inside. I realize that by doing it, I’m staking my claim on him as sure as he is by keeping his hand on me. I doubt he misses that’s what I’m doing either, and he doesn’t mind. I’d even venture to say he likes it. Which is good because I don’t ever want to let him go.

Once seated, our waitress comes over, hands us some menus and takes our drink orders. For a minute I’m embarrassed that I can’t drink and I stumble over ordering a soda. It doesn’t seem to bother Dex at all and I relax.

“Everything looks so good, Dex. What are you having?” I ask him, unable to make up my mind.

“What I want they aren’t offering on the menu, Emma,” he says, his deep voice quiet, but sincere.

“Oh… uh…wow…” I respond, my face heating and my body tightening with need. I can feel the inside of my thighs getting wet just from the heated look in his eyes.

Dex throws his head back and laughs and I can only sit there and watch, taking in the beauty and the sound of his joy. I could really love this man.

Is that possible after such a short time together? If I told him that would he freak out? Would it make him happy?

It definitely seems to be what he wants. I mean, he already wants me living with him. I just… I’m not used to things happening so quickly. I’m not used to men like Dex.

I’m not sure there are other men like Dex.

While I’m lost in my thoughts Dex’s face slowly changes and he begins to tense. The change is so dramatic it worries me. At first I think I’ve done something wrong, but I shake that thought away. Dex likes me. I follow his line of sight and see a blonde staring at us and heading our way.

I instantly get a bad feeling about her. I’ve dealt with vultures before, more of the high-society kind because of the circles that my parents kept and I can tell that’s exactly what this woman is. She actually reminds me of that sea creature in a children’s mermaid movie I watched once. It’s not her looks, because sadly she’s actually really pretty. But the way she is looking at me, almost sneering, gives me pause. This woman knows Dex, she might even be something to him, and I’m suddenly feeling way out of my depth here.

“Dex?” I question, needing some kind of reassurance from him. He squeezes my hand comfortingly. His eyes come back to mine and he holds my gaze without blinking.

“It’s okay, Emma. She’s no one. I promise. There’s only you in my life. She’s my past and has been for a long time.”

“Uh… okay,” I answer, and though his response makes me feel marginally better, if she’s his past why does she look like she wants to kill me and why does he seem so upset? “It’s just you seem…” I trail off, not sure how to describe it without angering him, plus she’s getting closer. I can hear the clicking of her heels on the tiled floor. I was actually hoping she wouldn’t come over.

“I’ll explain anything you want to know, baby. I have nothing to hide from you. I just hate that she’s here on what is our first real date and I hate that you may hear things that I would have rather told you in the comfort of our home.”

Our home…

Shit. When he says it like that, all fear seems to leave me. Those words, accompanied by the look on his face, make me feel like I’m his whole world.

“Well, hello there, Dex. I was hoping to see you again.”

“I can’t say the same, Tamara.”

The woman’s face hardens and her mouth snaps shut. Dex’s barb hit home. I’m a little shocked by it too. Dex is a no-nonsense kind of man, but I didn’t expect him to be quite this rude when dealing with a woman.

It doesn’t take her long to recover, however.

“I meant to tell you the other day when I saw you at the store that you left your boxers at my house.”

I get a sick feeling in my stomach. For some reason when he said she was his past, I was thinking years and years ago—or maybe that was wishful thinking. And she might be pretty on the outside, but the fact that she’s not on the inside is really clear. What would Dex ever have seen in her? If this is the kind of women he likes, why did he ever start talking to me?

I curl my fingers into a fist under the table and try to control my reaction to her. I even manage to paste a fake smile on my face—the kind I used at my mother’s dinner parties. I really would rather snatch her fake blond hair off of her head.

“They’re not mine.”

“What? Of course they are—”

“Maybe some other man’s, because we both know there are many that come in and out of your bedroom. But they aren’t mine,” he says, but he’s not looking at her. He’s looking at me. His eyes are trying to tell me something and I try to concentrate on them, tuning her out. I replay his words and something just snaps into place. I don’t know why, maybe Dex is right and we really are meant for each other. But I get the message he’s delivering. Dex doesn’t wear underwear. He goes commando.

When I was at his house, I watched him get dressed. When I told him he should at least wear underwear when he was leaving the house—just in case he got in an accident, I still remember what he said while laughing.

“I don’t wear that shit, babe. I like for my balls to breathe.”

It made me laugh too, and now it makes me squeeze his hand and smile. I see satisfaction move over Dex’s face.

“Well, aren’t you going to introduce me to your sister?”

I almost come unglued but before I can respond, Dex intervenes.

“Tamara, you know good and well she is not my sister. I fucking told you the other day that I was off the market. Emma is my woman and you’re interrupting our date, so if you don’t mind I’d appreciate it if you’d leave.”

“Well, I was just trying to be civil. If I’d known this was your kind of taste, I would have played our time together differently.”

“His taste?” I ask, unable to stop myself.

“Young and virginal. I could have played innocent for you, Dex, and I guarantee I could make it a lot more fun than she does.”

“You did not just—”

She interrupts me before I can finish. “How old are you, anyway? Are you even legal?” the bitch asks and the cap I’ve been keeping on my temper is almost gone.

“Tamara, you really need to leave now, before I ask them to escort you out,” Dex warns.

“I just asked Jemma here a simple question, Dex. Besides, she needs to know that a little girl might hold your interest for a little bit, but you’re a grown man with definitely wild and naughty tastes. You’re going to need a real woman soon,” she responds.

“Emma, my name is Emma,” I answer, my voice stern and vibrating with anger. I want to claw her face up, but I don’t want to ruin the date. Plus, I don’t want to act like the little girl she’s accusing me of being. So I try to be an adult—it’s not easy though. I’d much rather tear into her.

“Whatever,” she mutters.

“Of course you probably have a hard time hearing, what with your age and all. You may need to have the doctor check that out, you might need a hearing aide. I think quite a few women your age have them these days,” I respond, smiling blankly. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to get back to having a dinner with my man.”

I turn back to Dex, dismissing her. I have to; if I don’t I won’t be able to stop myself. I look down at my menu but when Dex squeezes my hand I look up at him immediately.

“Your man,” he whispers, his dark eyes shining and his lips spread into a large smile.

“Mine,” I confirm and he leans in and kisses me briefly.

“You know my number, Dex, when you start looking at women again,” Tamara growls from behind me.

I feel it before I can see it. Dex is done.

Like done, done.

He stands up, looking at the bitch and in a no nonsense, quitting all of the bullshit kind of way, gets between her and me, his arms folded at his chest.

“Tamara, it’s time for you to leave now, and that’s the only warning you’re going to get.”


“And trust me, if you don’t leave, forget you ever knew me, that I ever got drunk enough to fall in bed with you for one very forgettable night, then it’s going to get ugly.”

She looks at him, pure venom coming out of her eyes. Then she finally turns around, flipping her hair and stomping off.

After she leaves, Dex says “Baby—”

“That was not fun,” I sigh, trying to get my thoughts in order.

“Emma. Look at me,” he orders. “I promise, there’s no one but you. There hasn’t been anyone but you in a long time. Tamara is a crazy drunken mistake that happened a long time ago and—”

Dex has a past. I don’t, but I’m not naïve enough to think that he didn’t. I also know that I can trust him and if he says it’s been a long time between me and another woman, I believe him. I know Dex and I will have a lot to discuss later on, and I’m not looking forward to it, but what I have with him is an adult relationship—despite the fact that it’s happening at the speed of light.

“Can we try not to run into sea creatures until I get food in my belly?”

“Sea creatures?” he asks, confused.

“She looks like the evil monster from that mermaid movie.”

“Mermaid movie?”

“It’s a kid’s movie… but it’s cute. We’ll watch it later.”

Dex shakes his head and then he busts out laughing. “My woman wants to watch a mermaid movie, we’ll watch a mermaid movie,” he mutters. He’s still smiling when the waitress takes our order…

And he’s still holding my hand.




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