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Nashville Dreams by Pamela M. Kelley (21)

Chapter 21

Filming the results show was always stressful for the contestants. Much more so than the day before when they had to perform. It didn’t help that the show always wanted to maximize the drama and draw it out so the viewers would watch for the full hour. Each time a name was to be mentioned of who made the cut, they all had to march out on stage and wait, hoping that their name would be called. Only five people would be going on to the final show the following week. And at this point in the process, everyone was a real contender.

Cole was happy for Gina when hers was the first name called. But then the rest of the hour dragged. Almost forty-five minutes passed before they got to the last name, and Cole still hadn’t been called. He resigned himself to the fact that it was probably over for him and he’d be heading home. Kevin was by his side, still waiting, too.

“And our last artist that will be going on to the finals is….Cole Dawson!”

Cole had held his breath, waiting for the news and held it a few seconds longer before he relaxed and started breathing again. He’d made it. Kevin hugged him to show his congratulations and Cole wished him good luck. They both promised to keep in touch. The show ended as Cole walked off stage toward the others who were finalists.

Gary and Laura both came over and congratulated him. Gary shook his hand and Laura gave him a cheerful hug. “I’m so proud of you!”

“Thank you. I can’t believe it. I’m thrilled.”

“You should be. We’ll work on picking a song that you can really crush,” Gary said.

Laura nodded in agreement, and a thought occurred to Cole. He didn’t know if it was possible, but if it was, he knew the perfect song.

“Would you ever consider letting me sing Young Love? It’s a great song. It might be cool to have a guy put his spin on it?”

“That’s an intriguing idea,” Gary said. “What do you think, Laura?”

Laura grinned. “I’m honored, and I love the idea! It’s totally fine by me, but let me just check with Black Duck to make sure it’s okay.”

Cole’s cell phone buzzed in his back pocket. He’d set the phone on silent during the show. He pulled it out and saw a text message from his father.

“There’s been an accident. Chelsea is in the hospital. Come home ASAP.”

* * *

Cole called his father as he drove home and learned that Chelsea had been horseback riding and was thrown from her horse. She fractured a rib and badly bruised her whole right side, especially her hip, but there were no other broken bones. He was relieved to hear that she was okay.

“I’m on my way now. Could you let her know I’ll be there as soon as I can?”

“I sure will.”

“Right. I should go.”

“Drive safe.”

Cole ended the call and stared out the window at the long stretch of road ahead. He had about eight hours of driving and wouldn’t get to Charleston until after dark. Who did Chelsea go horseback riding with? As far as he knew, none of their friends had horses.

* * *

Chelsea was asleep when he arrived at the hospital. The doctor was gone for the day, but her nurse filled him in.

“She fell asleep about twenty minutes ago, after her last dose of pain medicine. She should be able to go home in the morning. There’s nothing much to do for a fractured rib other than rest.” Cole settled into the chair by her bed and waited for her to wake up. When she didn’t stir, he eventually closed his eyes and fell asleep himself.

The next morning, he woke with a stiff neck to see Chelsea watching him.

“You came quickly. I wasn’t sure if you would.”

“Of course I did. I’m glad you’re all right.”

Chelsea turned and winced from the pain. “I’m pretty banged up.”

“I can see that. My father told me too. I’m so sorry.”

Chelsea sighed. “I haven’t ridden in a while.”

“Who were you with?”

“Austin Radley, a guy I work with. He just moved, acquired several horses and wanted to take me riding. I used to ride all the time. It sounded fun, and I’ve never fallen before.”

Cole knew that Chelsea used to ride a lot when she was younger. This was the first he’d heard mention of Austin Radley, though. He wondered if he was the co-worker Chelsea had been talking to the morning he left for Nashville. 

“So, are you ready to go home, young lady?” The doctor, an older man who looked to be in his early sixties, stood in the doorway with a clipboard and a stack of forms.

“Yes, I’m ready.”

“All right, let’s get you out of here.”

An hour later, Cole pulled into their driveway and helped Chelsea inside and got her settled on the living room sofa with a few soft blankets, and a cup of tea. They’d stopped at the pharmacy on the way home and picked up a prescription for a pain med, too. Chelsea took one as soon as they got home and before long was dozing on the sofa.

While she was sleeping, Cole called the show producer and told him he’d be back the next day. While Chelsea was sleeping, he went to the grocery store and stocked up on things that would be easy for her to make, canned soups, bags of salad, bread and cold cuts and lots of fluids. She woke around one and Cole fixed her a bowl of chicken noodle soup and a grilled cheese sandwich, which was about the extent of cooking skills. They shared the meal together. Then he broke the news that he’d be heading back to Nashville shortly.

“You’re leaving so soon? Who will take care of me?”

Cole sighed. “I’m sorry that you’re sore, but you’re fine otherwise. I stocked the kitchen for you. You don’t have to leave the house if you don’t want to. And I called your mother. She’s bringing you a home-cooked dinner tonight.”

But Chelsea was still pouting. “All you care about is that stupid show.”

Cole sighed. “I made the finals. Do you have any idea how important that is to me? It could open all kinds of doors.”

“I never thought you’d really go through with it. I thought you’d be a lawyer and work for your father. That would be an amazing job.”

And it would reflect well on Chelsea.

“Law school is a backup plan. I’ve always told you that. This show is a huge deal for me.”

They were both silent for a moment.

“Do you want me to call any of your other friends to come visit?” he finally said. Maybe some company would cheer her up.

The shift in conversation seemed to surprise Chelsea. “Yeah, why don’t you call….Oh, never mind.” She looked away, and a prickly sense of unease crawled up Cole’s spine.

“What did you almost say? Who do you want me to call?”

“Oh, no one. I was thinking of Patty, but remembered she’s away this week. My mind is just fuzzy from the pain meds. I think it’s actually time for me to take another one.” She reached for the bottle while Cole cleared the dishes. Once she was settled back on the sofa, he packed his bag and hit the road back to Nashville.