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Naughty, Dirty, Cocky by Whitney G. (23)


New York, New York



The next morning, my heart raced as I faced my first patient of the day. My gloves were on securely, the nurse had perfectly arranged the tools on the cart for easy access, and a vagina was right in front of my face.

“Dr. Madison?” The nurse whispered from behind. “Dr. Madison?”


“When are you planning on starting the exam?”

“Um, right now.” I scooted my stool as close to the patient bed as I could go. “Could you place your feet in the stirrups for me, please?”

“They’re already in the stirrups, Doctor.” The patient hissed. “Just like they were already in the stirrups ten minutes ago, and twenty minutes ago. Any longer, and my legs may give out. Do I look like I’m in good physical shape to you?”

“No ... I mean, yes. I mean —” I sighed. They might as well have asked me to perform neurosurgery. I never was good at this. For a very good reason.

“Dr. Madison?” The nurse whispered again. “Do I need to get Dr. Ashton to do this? You have another appointment in twenty minutes and you have yet to even start this one.”

“No, I’ve got it,” I said, picking up the speculum. “I’ve got it.” I moved the speculum close to the patient, preparing to insert it, but I dropped it to the ground.

“Okay, that’s it.” The patient sat up. “Get me someone else. Now.”

I didn’t even offer a rebuttal. I took off my gloves and rushed out of the room, straight for Dr. Ashton’s office. I knew he was here and even though he told everyone not to bother him until after lunch, I knocked on his door anyway.

“Does anyone here know what the words, Don’t bother —” He ended his sentence as he opened the door. “Do you have a pussy phobia? Is that why it looks like you’re crying about your assignment right now?”

“No .” I let out a nervous laugh. “It’s just that ...”

“Any day now, Dr. Madison. You can complete that sentence if you try hard enough.”

“Long story short, I severely hurt a patient the first and second time I did a pap smear. I fucked everything up and almost cost the hospital a lawsuit — twice. It got settled eventually and the chief realized it was an honest mistake but...”

“You avoided them as much as possible for the rest of your intern years — which is technically cheating, but since you thought women’s health was never in your future, you decided to never properly learn?”

I nodded and he grabbed my hand, tugging me across the reception area and down to the women’s health wing. He entered the room and grabbed a chart, immediately snapping into a mode I hadn’t seen from him since I started here: A sweet, compassionate doctor.

“Miss Farmington, I’m Dr. Ashton and I’d like to complete your exam today. Would you feel comfortable with me doing it?”

“Yes.” She blushed. “Absolutely.”

“Pay close attention, Dr. Madison,” he said softly. “We’re going to do four of these together today, so this won’t happen again.” He motioned for me to put on gloves and within seconds, all of his attention was on the patient.

I watched as he performed the exam with ease, never losing focus as he kept her occupied with small talk and laughter. It took him ten minutes to complete the part I was scared of doing, and twenty minutes to complete the breast and pelvic tests.

He completed the next two exams the same way — softly instructing me to pay attention to how “easy” this was, and by the time he was finished, I was somewhat confident that I could do the final exam alone.

“Turn these in to the desk for me.” He handed the nurse a clipboard. “Thank you for helping today. I’ll watch Dr. Madison complete the last one by herself.”

The nurse wished me good luck and left the room.

“What time is the last patient due in?” I asked.

Now.” He picked up a clipboard. “Get undressed and get on the table.”


“You heard me.” His voice was low. “Get undressed and get on the table. I’m going to help you with your problem, personally.”

“With all due respect, I don’t need you to give me a pap smear.”

“Good, because I wasn’t planning on giving you that at all.” He looked me up and down before leaving the room.

I stood still, in complete and utter shock. Half of me wanted to drop all of my clothes right then and just let him have me the second he returned to the room. And the other half of me actually wanted the same goddamn thing.

I slipped out of my shoes, panties, and my skirt, taking a seat on the edge of the patient bed before covering my lap with a piece of starch-white paper.

A knock came to the door and he asked if I was ready.

“Yes ...” My voice was so soft I could barely hear it.

The door opened and he entered with a clipboard in his hands. 

“Miss Madison,” he said, looking at me as if I was actually a patient. “I’m Dr. Ashton and I’ll be taking care of your pussy today.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s not the script...”

“It is today.” He smirked and sat on the stool in front of me and clicked his pen. “But first, a few personal questions. Do you currently smoke?”


“Do you currently do any type of recreational drugs?”


“Do you currently fuck other people?”


“Yes, or no,” he said. “Are you currently fucking other people?”

“I’m not ‘fucking’ anyone.”

“Good.” He wrote on his clipboard. “When’s the last time you had sexual intercourse?”

“I can’t answer that question.”

“You can, and you will.”

I shook my head. “A year ago.”

He dropped his pen to the floor in shock, but instead of picking it up, he simply pulled another one from his pocket and shook his head. “Did you come?”


“You heard me,” he lowered his voice. “Did you come?”


“Interesting.” He set the clipboard down and grabbed a pair of gloves, putting them on as if this was a real exam. “Lay back on the bed, please.”

I didn’t make a move. I simply stared at him — half turned on, half beyond turned on, so he stood up and gently pushed me back against the bed himself.

He smiled at me and quickly took off the gloves, tossing them into the trash across the room. “It’s a habit. I highly doubt I’ll need those with you today.”

“What do you mean?”

He avoided my question. “Put your legs in the stirrups and spread your legs for me.”

I slowly followed his command and looked up at the bright, white ceiling.

Within seconds, I felt his hands gently caressing the inside of my thighs. Then I heard him let out a low laugh.

“It’s rude to laugh at a patient’s body,” I said. “That’s the first rule of good bedside manner. With all of your years of experience, you should know that.”

“I’m not laughing at my patient.” He trailed a finger against my soaked slit. “I’m just wondering what made you get rid of all of the hair you previously had down here.”

My entire body blushed red.

“You definitely had hair here when I touched you in my office weeks ago ...” He smiled at me. “For the record, I don’t mind it either way.”

“Well, you’ll probably never see it again after today, so what you mind or don’t mind doesn’t really matter. Also —”

I immediately stopped talking once I felt him blowing against my clit, once I felt him darting his thick tongue against it. His hands continued to caress my thighs, and as he began kissing my pussy as if he were kissing my mouth, I lost all train of thought.

My breathing slowed as he buried his head in my pussy and slid two fingers deep inside of me.

“Ahh ...” I felt my legs getting weak from being in the stirrups, but he didn’t let me move.

Moaning, I reached down and grabbed a fistful of his hair as he sucked my clit into his mouth.

Oh. My. God ...

“Garrett ... Can you ...” I cried out, as he began fucking me even harder with his fingers, as the sound of them slipping in and out of drenched pussy filled the room. “Can you ... slow down? Slow ... Down ...”

“Shhh ...” He blew against my clit again — making me moan even louder, but he didn’t slow down at all.

He continued to tease me with his tongue’s perfect, sensuous rhythm, and each time I tried to close my legs, he tightened his grip on them and held them apart.

My pussy began to throb against his mouth and that only made him torture me more.

“Come on my face, Natalie ...” he whispered. “Come for me ...”

As he began to alternate between rubbing the pad of his thumb and his tongue against my clit, I shut my eyes. My body began trembling beneath his tight grasp, and I tried to hold onto some semblance of control, but it was no use. 

I cried out as my entire body shook against the table — sending some of the supplies from the cart crashing to the floor. I felt him continuing to kiss my pussy, as wave after wave of pent-up pleasure rolled through me again and again.

By the time I was still again, I couldn’t feel my legs and I was pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to stand up for the next two hours, if I wanted to.

Garrett trailed his tongue against me one last time before standing up and looking at me.

“You’re sexy as hell when you come,” he said softly. “I look forward to seeing that a lot more often.”

Keeping his eyes on mine, he grabbed a few soft towels from the cabinet and wiped between my legs until he was satisfied with his work.

Then, after picking up my skirt and placing it next to me, he walked to the door. “We’ll need to meet here for a follow-up within the next forty-eight hours. Just to be sure you’re completely satisfied with your treatment ...”