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Never Dare a Dragon by Ashlyn Chase (13)

Chapter 13

Kristine landed on the lawn beside the woods and shimmered into her naked human form. Before she sprinted for her clothes, she turned back to be sure they’d succeeded. The mansion was engulfed in flames. So far, no one had come out…no one. She glanced around, looking for Jayce.

Where the hell is he?

Perhaps he was perched in a tall tree or circling high above, watching. Regardless, she had to get dressed before the fire department showed up. They’d certainly be there, and soon. Someone had to have noticed and called them.

Once dressed, she began searching the trees and sky for her lover. “Jayce,” she whispered loudly.

No response.

He had paranormal hearing, so he must have been far off—or… Holy shit. He wouldn’t have gone inside, would he? That wasn’t part of the plan.

The roar of sirens split the night, growing louder with every second. Kristine began to panic. She was supposed to meet Jayce on the beach, so she ran away from the fire and jogged beside the ocean until she was sure he couldn’t have or wouldn’t have gone that far.

By the time she returned to the scene of the crime, fire trucks and police cars had arrived. Oh yes, she had committed a crime. A big one. Arson.

But considering all the crimes she was stopping, she was convinced it was the right thing to do. Where the hell was Jayce?

Firefighters were unrolling hoses and sprinting toward the house. She heard orders being shouted and knew they were assessing the situation before charging into the building. Soon streams of water were attacking the fire from the outside.

The roof had caught, so they didn’t have to worry about getting firefighters up there to cut a hole, letting out the toxic gases. A steady stream of water prevented a widespread cave-in. So far the captain hadn’t felt comfortable sending anyone inside. Kristine’s stomach knotted as she witnessed her thorough work. She didn’t know whether to be proud or horrified.

At last enough of the fire had been extinguished so firefighters were able to work their way inside and look for survivors. Their shouts were not met with any answering cries for help. Jayce had said they were in there. Perhaps they were overcome by the smoke and were unconscious or already dead. Kristine hoped for the latter.

As she waited, she grew more and more concerned. If only she could shift and storm in there in dragon form. She’d be completely fireproof and safe. But what if they saw her?

At last the radio crackled, and a firefighter said, “We have some possible survivors in the basement. It looks like some kind of Battle Royale took place here. Four men, all beat to hell, bloody and unconscious. Oh, and one is in a cage.”

A cage! Oh no! That has to be Jayce.

She grabbed her hair in her fists and closed her eyes. Count to ten, Kristine. Don’t do anything rash. Before she got to five, she dashed off toward the woods where she’d left her cell phone. She knew her love could reincarnate in fire. She just didn’t know how. His family would know—but she didn’t know his family!

All she could think of to do was to contact the B and B and hope someone would know what to do. She found her fanny pack behind the rock and dug out her phone. Her mother was only a quick call away. Hopefully, she was at the B and B and not gallivanting around Boston with Conlan.

“Hello?” Amy sang on the other end of the connection.

“Mom! Please tell me you’re at the B and B. I need help!”

“Oh dear. What kind of help?”

“The kind that needs to know how to reincarnate a phoenix, still in man form, and in a cage…in the basement of a building on fire!”

Her mother’s voice dropped an octave. “Where are you? Long Island?”


“Crap. Hold on. Let me talk to Amber.”

“Why Amber? Isn’t she human?”

“Hold. On,” Amy said forcefully.

Kristine tried to slow her breathing. She couldn’t help anyone if she passed out. The three minutes she might have been waiting seemed like a lifetime. She edged her way toward the house and sneaked a peek at the scene on the front lawn.

A firefighter exited the building with a limp body draped over his back. EMTs rushed over with a stretcher. She watched as they did a quick examination and then shook their heads.

She felt a few taps on her right shoulder and jumped. When she whirled around, she was greeted by Amber. “Where did you come from?”

“I’ll tell you later. Right now, I hear you may need help. What can I do?”

Kristine pointed a shaking finger toward the fully engulfed mansion. “Jayce is in the basement. In a cage! I don’t know if he’s alive—or what to do if he isn’t. He’s a phoenix, but I… I…”

Amber laid a calming hand on her shoulder. “It’s all right. We’ll figure it out.”

A split second later they were in a smoke-filled space with concrete walls. Yet the room wasn’t hot. She spotted a slumped-over body in a cage.

“Jayce!” Kristine cried.

A firefighter was making his way up the stairs with what must have been the last of the three criminals over his back. He didn’t even turn around to see who had shouted.

Kristine tried to run toward the cage, but Amber grabbed her arm.

“Let me go! He needs me, and I’m fireproof.”

“I’m well aware. Married to a dragon, remember? But we need to know how to help him. We’re in the ether right now. Neither here nor there. A place between. I’ll explain later. Stay here.”

With that, Amber disappeared.

What the hell? Obviously, Amber had some big supernatural secret of her own. As mysterious as that was, Kristine gave it only a moment of her attention before returning to panic mode. “Jayce!” she yelled.

If the firefighter hadn’t heard her from this “ether” she was in, Jayce might be unable to hear her too. Just because he didn’t respond… Kristine’s hope was dying as surely as her lover was.

“Amber!” she yelled.

An older woman with long, white hair appeared next to her. Not Amber. “Who are you?”

“I’ll explain later.”

Could no one answer her questions now? She needed answers NOW.

“I know,” the woman said.

She hoped she meant she knew what to do. “Let me go to him! I’ll survive.”

“I know that too… And we’re going to deal with this—hold my hand.”

She took Kristine’s hand, and they stepped out of what felt like a cloud, leaving its cool dampness, into the crackling heat of the room. As they stood before the cage, the woman said, “I’m Mother Nature. I know what you are, little dragon. And your phoenix here needs your help. Breathe on him.”

Kristine wondered if she was actually out in the woods, hallucinating. Was this apparition telling her to do what she thought she was hearing? “Did you say to breathe on him? As in breathe fire on him?”

“Yes. Bathe his body in fire, and don’t stop until there’s nothing but ash…no matter what you see or how you feel about it. Understand?”

Kristine’s mouth dropped open, but no words would come out.

The woman jammed a fist on her hip. “I’d suggest you use that mouth of yours. I didn’t just create it for kissing, you know. He doesn’t have much time.”

She didn’t have any choice but to believe the stranger and act.

Kristine held onto the hot bars of the cage, opened her mouth wide, pulled in a deep breath, and then she exhaled a blast of fire aimed right at the man she loved. It felt so wrong, and yet she’d been told his brother was reincarnated in fire—twice.

Jayce’s body caught fire and burned brightly. Kristine felt tears sting her eyes but continued her onslaught of fire until she was tapped out and his size and shape were reduced to nothing but a pile of ash. She turned to the woman to ask if she was finished.

The woman who called herself Mother Nature was gone, but a hand reached out and pulled Kristine back. A second later, she stood next to Amber in the cool ether.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the ash stir. She watched as a glowing wing emerged slowly. She gasped and stared at Amber wide-eyed. “Can I go to him?”

Before Kristine could take a step in his direction, Amber said, “Don’t try to touch him or stop him. He’ll find his own way out.”


A moment later a brilliantly glowing bird rose up, flapped its wings, and easily slipped between the bars of the cage. He flew toward the stairs and disappeared into the smoke.

“Is he all right? How will he get out?” Kristine asked.

Amber set her hand on Kristine’s shoulder, and the two of them disappeared and reappeared, still in the ether; however, now they were hovering near the caving roof.

A moment later, the bird—now sporting the familiar brown body and fire-colored tail—flew out of the chimney and up into the sky.

“What… Where… When can I see him? Can you get me home from here?”

“Where’s home?” Amber asked with a sly smile. “Boston or Manhattan?”

“Wherever he is,” Kristine answered without hesitation.

* * *

Kristine found herself in the living room of the B and B. She and Amber were the only ones there.

“You probably need some explanations,” Amber said.

Kristine snorted. A curl of smoke exited her nostril. “You could say that. We probably have at least an hour to wait for him, so if you wouldn’t mind filling me in—”

“It’ll be longer than an hour. I imagine he’ll go to his parents first. And, um, he may not be able to talk for a while.”

“Why? Are they going to ground him?”

Amber’s expression quickly turned from serious to amused and then serious again. “Not exactly. Maybe you can talk to them but not him. Not yet.”

“I hate to meet Jayce’s family under these circumstances. I don’t even know where they live. But someone should tell them what’s happened.”

Amber scratched her head. Then she snapped her fingers. “There are a couple of people I can think of who can help. Well, not exactly people…”

“Huh? Like who—or what?”

“Like Ryan, Jayce’s brother—also a phoenix who recently went through this. He lives in Ireland, but I can go and get him for you.”

“Seriously? You can do this poof, grab, and transport thing anywhere in the world?”

Amber chuckled. “Have a seat. I think you could use a drink.”

“I’ll say.” Kristine walked over to the comfortable couch and sank down on one end, while Amber strolled over to the bar and took a bottle of wine out of the fridge beneath.

“Do you like chardonnay?” She opened the bottle and poured a glass.

Kristine nodded.

Amber poured another glass and then brought both over to the coffee table and set them down. She took a seat next to Kristine. “Here’s the quickest version I can give you. I’ll start with myself. I’m a muse. A minor goddess, recruited by Mother Nature because she needed a few modern muses to take care of technology that didn’t exist in ancient times.”

Kristine’s eyes widened. “Seriously?”

Amber smirked. “Trust me. I know how you feel. I found this pretty hard to swallow when I heard about it. But as Gaia herself would say, ‘I don’t have time for your doubt. Just go with it, Girlie.’”

Kristine took a large gulp of her wine, and Amber forged on.

“I’m the muse of air travel. Usually I take care of airplanes in trouble. Actually, I’m more apt to help the pilot stay calm and make a safe emergency landing. I used to be a flight attendant.”

Kristine decided she had seen and heard plenty of bizarre things in the past few days, and being, well, a dragon herself, why couldn’t there be muses? “Okay. You’re a modern muse. The muse of air travel. I didn’t see you use an airplane to take me anywhere.”

Amber patted her knee. “Right. You’re doing fine. As a minor goddess, I can go wherever I want, and as long as I stay in the ether, I won’t be seen. It’s imperative that humans don’t see me appear or disappear. The ether is that cool and foggy place we were in for a while.”

Kristine nodded as if all of this made perfect sense. “Continue,” she said and took another swig of her wine. She was going to need more than one glass if there were many more of these revelations.

“To make a long story short, I can go and get Ryan if he’s alone right now. He works with the local volunteer fire department. Or I can get Chloe if he isn’t. I think she’s still decorating their home—a castle on the cliffs, overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. You’ll have to see it someday. It’s stunning.”

Kristine scratched her head. “Sure, uh-huh.”

“Are you okay with me bringing them here? Either one can explain a phoenix reincarnation to you better than I can.”

Kristine took another generous swallow of her wine. Amber must’ve noticed because she rose and made her way back to the bar. Grabbing the bottle, she smiled in understanding and returned, plunking down the whole bottle on the coffee table.

Kristine took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Yes, I’d like to talk to them. Maybe it would be better if I talked to Chloe first. As I understand it, she’s Rory’s sister and a dragon too. So she might understand it from my perspective.”

“Good idea. Oh, and just so you’re not too surprised, she’s also a modern muse. The muse of fire safety. She does everything from alerting parents when their kids are playing with matches to suggesting people make sure their ovens are off. Even encouraging scientists who are working on better ways to prevent fires.”

Kristine worried her lip. “I’m not sure. Wouldn’t she—”

A pretty blonde woman appeared on the other side of the coffee table and startled Kristine.

“Did I hear my name? Is someone in need of the muse of fire safety?”

Amber rose and strode to her, clasping the woman in a warm hug. “Hi, Chloe. We do need your help but not in a professional capacity.”

Chloe gazed at Kristine. “Who is this?”

Amber gestured toward her and said, “This is Kristine Scott. You two have a lot in common. She’s a dragon and a firefighter who’s in love with a phoenix. Ryan’s brother, Jayce.”

“A dragon, are you? And a firefighter also? What a fine thing. Do you work for the Boston Fire Department?”

“No. At least not yet.” Kristine bit her lip. Should she have said that? She honestly didn’t know where she was going to wind up. A lot of that depended upon Jayce—and she still had more questions than answers.

This muse Chloe seemed nice enough. She had a lovely Irish brogue and a sweet smile. Remembering Rory saying that she was a queen and could be prickly made Kristine a little nervous, but the royal seemed plenty down to earth.

“Ah. Well, we can talk about work later. What is it you called me for?”

“I need to know about reincarnation. Jayce just… I just…” Kristine cast a panicked look at Amber. “A little help here?”

“Let’s all sit down.” Amber placed her hands on Kristine’s shoulders and steered her back to the sofa. Chloe sat in the adjacent armchair.

“Wine?” Amber asked Chloe.

“Thank you kindly, but no. I was using a nail gun. When I return, I want to nail the furniture, not me fingers.”

“You’re making your own furniture?” Kristine asked, incredulous.

“Indeed. There are custom touches needed in a castle—round rooms and such—and I enjoy doin’ it. But let’s get back to your story.”

Amber took a seat next to Kristine and nodded to her to go ahead.

With a deep breath, Kristine said, “Jayce got into a bit of trouble and had to be cremated—temporarily, of course. I need to know what will happen now.”

“What does ‘a bit of trouble’ entail?”

“Um…I kind of had to burn down a mansion, not realizing he was inside.”

Chloe shot to her feet. “You kinda had to burn down a residence? Were there humans inside?”

“Well, yes. They were very dangerous psychopaths. It was the only way I could think of to stop them from hurting innocents.”

“So, you want the muse of fire safety to, what…help you cover up your arson? Forgive you?”

Kristine hung her head. “No. None of that. I’m afraid what’s done is done. But Jayce—”

“What about Jayce?”

“That’s what I’m hoping you can tell me. He reincarnated into phoenix form and flew off. I want to see him, but all anyone will say is “not yet.” I’m told that if anyone would know what’s going on, it would be you.”

Chloe sat down and groaned as she dropped her head into her hands.

Alarmed, Kristine sat up ramrod straight. “What is it? What’s going to happen?”

“I apologize. I didn’t mean to concern you.” Chloe composed herself and patted Kristine’s arm, which was resting on the end of the couch. “I was just remembering what it was like for me. You won’t suffer like I did. I’ll make sure of it.” Her eyes narrowed and her lips thinned. “You see, nobody told me what had happened to my love. I didn’t even know what he was, other than a firefighter who met his demise in a backdraft. I truly thought he was dead.”

Kristine sympathized immediately. “That must’ve been horrible for you.”

“Feckin’ right.”

Amber chuckled and then slapped her hand over her mouth. “Sorry,” she mumbled.

Chloe took a deep breath and said, “I saw a glowing bird rise from the ashes. I thought I was hallucinatin’. We buried a coffin, but unbeknownst to me, Ryan wasn’t in it. I waited over two months with no explanation from his family. None. I thought he was dead forever. I went through the following two months like a zombie.”

“What? How could anyone do that to you?”

“Ryan perished in a high-rise fire. I was right there and saw him die but could do nothin’ about it. It was the most awful day of me whole long life. Because it happened on the job, there was no way to hide it. His family had to pretend to be in mourning. Naturally, I didn’t have to pretend. I mourned in earnest.”

“Oh my God. I saw you at the firehouse after the funeral! You were devastated. I hardly recognize you as the same person.” Kristine slapped herself on the forehead. “That’s when Jayce started flirting with me. When I learned he was the victim’s brother, I couldn’t believe it. I thought he was being callous, cold, and uncaring.”

“When in actuality,” Amber interjected, “he wasn’t grieving at all. He knew his brother was alive and well and in bird form for the next two or three months.”

Kristine glanced between the women. “You’ve both mentioned two or three months. What happens then, and will it be the same for Jayce?”

“Indeed,” Chloe said. “In phoenix form, he will mature at the rate of a normal bird. Something like a hawk. It takes about two months to reach maturity. If he comes back sooner, he could be a much younger human. That happened to Ryan—twice.”

“Jayce told me Ryan was actually the oldest.”

“Ryan should have known better, but he couldn’t wait and came back a bit early—more like seventy-five days. Jayce really should wait about three months, or ninety days, in order to look like he’s thirty.”

“So, you’re saying that I won’t see Jayce—as an adult man—for at least two months?”

“At least.”

“Damn,” Kristine muttered.

At that moment, the front door burst open, and laughter emanated from the front hall. It sounded like Amy and Conlan. The two giddy dragons entered the living room with their arms around each other.

“Oh! Kristine! I’m so glad you’re here. We have some wonderful news.” Amy grinned at Conlan, who was already grinning at her.

She held up her left hand, sporting a large diamond on her ring finger. “We’re engaged!”

Kristine had mixed emotions but tried not to let them show. Amy had known Conlan for a shorter time than she had known Jayce. Yet Amy seemed happier than she’d ever known her to be. Of course, that rock on her finger alone could put a grin on her face. Ginormous, ostentatious, gaudy… Yup. Just the thing to make her mother giddy.

But Kristine was more miserable than she’d ever been in her life. And it seemed to be for the same reason. Love. What a bipolar emotion!

“Congratulations!” she said and rose to hug both her mother and stepfather-to-be. “When’s the wedding?”

“I know it may seem rushed, but we want to be wed in three months,” Conlan said.

Amy leaned toward her daughter and whispered, “I’ll be fertile then.”

Conlan added, “We want to start a family as soon as possible rather than wait five years.”

Knowing how badly the Irish dragons wanted a new generation, Kristine understood completely. She could ask her mother if that’s what she wanted later when they were alone. In the meantime, she’d just concentrate on being happy for them. “So I’ll have a stepfather and a brother or sister soon.”

“Or more. Twins run in both of our families.” Amy giggled.

“How exciting!”

“Indeed, it is.” Conlan leaned toward Amy. She tipped up her face, and they shared a tender kiss.

Chloe cleared her throat. “By the way, Conlan,” she said in her Irish lilt, “did our grandmother gift you with a special stone at your birth?”

Grinning wider, if that were possible, he answered, “She did indeed. It was an aquamarine—exactly the color of me darlin’ Amy’s eyes.”

Chloe smiled. “It’s a happy day indeed, cousin. If you haven’t a venue yet, may I offer our ancestral home for your nuptials? It’s nearly finished, and it would give Ryan and me great pleasure to show the whole family our restoration.”

Amy gasped. “The Irish castle?”

“Indeed,” Chloe answered.

Conlan gazed at his bride-to-be. “By your reaction, I’d say you approve?”

Amy nodded enthusiastically.

He bowed to Chloe. “Thank you, your majesty. We would be honored. Is three months time enough to prepare for the invasion?” He chuckled. “I’m just havin’ a bit of fun. We want to keep the guest list small. Just family and plus-ones.”

Chloe gazed at Amber with mischief in her eyes. “Perhaps me brother can make an honest woman of you at the same time.”

“Seriously?” Amber exclaimed. “This should be Amy and Conlan’s day.”

Amy walked over to Amber and grasped both her hands. “I’d love to share our wedding day with you!” She turned to Conlan. “You wouldn’t mind, would you, darling?”

“I think it’s a grand idea. Both clans tying the knot on the same day? Less trouble for everyone, if you ask me.”

Amber sighed. “I have a few friends and family members who’d never forgive me if I didn’t invite them. You probably wouldn’t have enough room for everybody.”

“If we haven’t, we’ll make more.” Chloe winked and disappeared.

Kristine took a deep breath. Minor Goddesses like Chloe probably had no trouble making things happen.

A wedding in three months. Three months to wait for Jayce. If only I can make sure those situations dovetail.

“Mom, can you give me time to look into something before you pick an exact date?”

Amy’s brows rose. “Is everything all right?”

“It will be. I’ll explain later.”

“How long do you think you’ll need?”

“That depends on when I can talk to Jayce’s family.” As nervous as the idea made her, she had to do it sometime. It would be easier if Jayce were there to introduce her, but she’d be brave and introduce herself if it meant she could invite Jayce to the wedding.




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