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Addy sat near the head of the table, just to Owen’s right. Owen never said much during their suppers, but he watched his team and listened to their banter.

He was so handsome. Didn’t matter if he wore a T-shirt or a suit or his tux—he always looked composed and in control.

What would it take to shake that composure?

Addy slipped her foot from the strappy high-heeled sandals she was wearing, then stroked the back of Owen’s calf with her toes.

His eyes widened. She couldn’t hide her smile when he gave her a disbelieving glare. She couldn’t tell if it was a silent warning to stop…or not stop.

She hooked her heel over his ankle and pulled his leg a little closer. He leaned an elbow on the table and leaned close to whisper, “Keep it up. I will carry you out of this room and go straight to our bedroom.”

Heat flooded Addy’s face. Her lips parted. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“Watch me.”

She bit her bottom lip. He looked as if he were about to scoot his chair back. One of the team asked him something, diverting his attention.

Addy couldn’t stop the throaty giggle that came out. She stared at her plate, wondering how close they were to the meal being over. She checked the still-full plates around the table and realized they weren’t close at all.

She looked at Owen, who met her gaze. Heat trickled down her spine. She bit her bottom lip. His brows lifted. She reached over with both feet and stroked them down one of his calves.

He slammed his napkin on the table and scooted his chair out. Addy gasped, shocked that he was following through with his warning. He pulled her chair out too, then scooped her up.

“Excuse us, please,” he said to the room.

Addy hooked her arms around his neck and buried her face in his neck as she held on to him. Silence met their exit, then male laughter as they made their way down the hall.

“You didn’t think I’d do it, did you?” he growled as his long stride moved them into the hallway toward their suite.

“No.” She giggled. “I thought you had more fortitude.”

He shook his head. “I’ve got nothing when it comes to you.” He set her on her feet at their door. She leaned against him, loving the feel of his hard body. He caught her face and crushed his mouth to hers. She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer.

Owen broke the kiss, then tilted his head and took her mouth again. Addy opened for him, offering him everything he wanted. She bent her knee and moved it over the side of his leg. He caught her up by her waist. She spread her legs on either side of his hips and held his face, kissing him as he opened the door to their room.

“We’d better move inside, away from the cameras. Don’t feel like pausing long enough to stop them.”

She laughed. “Oh! I left my shoes under the table.”

“We’ll get them later.”

“They’re part of my outfit.”

“What outfit?”

“You’ll see.” She smiled at his hissed breath.

He cornered her against the wall in the short hallway into their room. “Show me now.”

She shook her head. “You don’t get to run everything.”

“Yes, I do. I’m the boss, remember?”

She pushed him back to the opposite wall. “Not in this.” Stepping away, she began to unbutton her black blouse. She’d chosen it to hide what she was wearing underneath. She left her shirt on but open while she unzipped her jeans. She pushed them down her hips, then turned her side to him as she stepped out of them. Cool air covered her mostly bare ass.

“Addy, you’re killing me.”

She looked at him over her shoulder. His face was like carved granite, his entire focus on the skin she was revealing. She pushed her shirt off her shoulders, dropping it to the ground. His gaze moved up her body.

“Jesus Christ. What are you wearing?”

Addy faced him, showing him the front of the skimpy bodysuit she wore. It was fitted black lace over an open-crotch panty that tied in the back. The bra portion had open cups and a regular bra strap in the back. The ensemble came with sticky pasties that had black tassels. The whole outfit was a shocking departure from her normal sweet but conservative lingerie. Owen’s mouth hung open.

He turned from her, but she pushed him back—almost afraid he was going to run from the room. “Did I say you could move?” she asked.

He held his hands up. “I was just going to turn the light on. I want to see all of you.”

“I’ll get it.” She turned her back on him, knowing she was showing him her ass, framed by the bodysuit’s straps that were tied at the small of her back.

“What new torture is this, Addy?”

She flipped the light on, then slowly turned around. “One just for you. And me. Do you like it?”

His gaze moved over her body. “Fuck yeah. Come back here.”

She leaned against the door and moved her arms up over her head, stretching like a cat. She’d never seduced any man before and really had no idea how it was done. She hoped like hell Owen didn’t suddenly laugh at her, because she’d totally lose it.

A quick glance at him, and she realized laughter was the last thing on Owen’s mind. He was captivated by her body. Every move she made tightened the tension in his face. The corner of his jaw was clenching. His nostrils were flared.

She wanted to draw this out until he hit a breaking point, but she may have overestimated his endurance. She slowly walked toward him.

“So how’s this gonna go, Addy? You running this show?”

“I am. And it goes how I say it goes.”

He reached out and let the tassels spill through his fingers. “Uh-huh. I never figured you for cruel. Tell me I’m allowed to touch you.”

“You may.”

He caught her breasts in his hands. She arched her back. He groaned. He moved his hands around her back and down over her ass. He followed the straps of the bodysuit between her legs; she knew the exact moment he discovered it was an open-crotch outfit. She lifted her leg against his thigh, letting his fingers work her secrets. He stopped just as she was about to come.

She frowned at him. “Now look who’s being cruel.”

He pulled her against him. “We can end this right now.”

“Soon enough.” She pushed him back against the wall and started to unbutton his shirt, moving slowly from one button to the other.

He growled and shoved her hands away, managing to free two of his own buttons before she took over again. “My show, not yours.”

He laughed and leaned close to kiss her. “Yeah, well, if you don’t speed things up, this show’s going to end right here right now.”

She didn’t move any faster as she finished unbuttoning his shirt and then his cuffs. He shrugged out of it, then yanked his tee off before she had a chance to do it. “You’re cheating.”

“No, only trying to survive.”

She had her hands on the belt of his jeans, blocking him from tackling that. She slowly pushed the leather through the buckle and unfastened it. She looked up at him as she opened his jeans. His hips were so lean that, without the belt fastened, his jeans slipped down his hips a bit.

Addy ran her hands up his chest, over his ribs and pecs, arching her body against his, teasing him as he watched the tassels still covering her nipples. He caught her face and kissed her, bending his head to the side to sink his tongue between her teeth. When he pulled back, she slipped her fingers down his hips, between his skin and underwear, pushing everything down to bare his heavy cock.

He had thick thighs and his pants were not loose, so she left them at the top of his thighs as she knelt between his legs. His breathing was shallow. There was no humor in his eyes. In fact, all emotion had been choked out by the desperate hunger burning in his gaze.

Maybe she was doing this right.

She stroked his thighs then moved around to his taut butt. His cock was thick and long, jumping a bit as she touched everywhere but there. She caught it in both hands and brought it to her mouth, letting her tongue just flick over the crown, looking up at him as she licked him. His teeth were bared.

She let him go, then lifted one of his ankles so she could untie his boots.

“Forget my fucking boots,” he growled.

“You’re not giving orders tonight.”

He heaved a sigh and leaned against the wall, letting her have her way. He cupped himself as she removed his boots. She licked her lips, just inches from him, then reached up and pulled his jeans and underwear down his legs.

Owen stepped out of his pants and spread his legs, holding himself for her as she opened her mouth. Her arms went around his thighs, holding his ass.

She licked the sensitive underside of his cock, smiling as she let her tongue trace the edges of its crown. She knew he was close to breaking. How much more could he take?

She opened her mouth and took him in, deep into her throat. He pumped twice in her mouth, then pulled and yanked her to her feet.

He was no longer asking permission for anything. He took her to the bed and pushed her down on it, turning her onto her stomach. He lifted her hips and slid into her, a hot, hard rod. He was holding her ass cheeks, taking his pleasure, slow at first but in seconds, he was slamming himself into her. It felt so delicious. She closed her knees, wanting to feel even more of him, but he leaned over her and opened her thighs back up. With one final hard thrust, he released himself.

It was magnificent. Powerful…but she still hadn’t come, and she was so very hungry for him. She whimpered a complaint when he pulled out of her. He didn’t give her any time to think about it, though. He rolled her over then knelt over her, lowering himself onto her body.

His beautiful pale blue eyes stared into hers. The color was high in his cheeks but his eyes were somber. His thumbs stroked her face for a moment, then he leaned down and kissed her. Gently, as if they had all the time in the world. As if her body wasn’t still on fire. As if there was no need in the world now that he had been sated.

She felt a wash of anger come over her. He grinned. “Turnabout’s fair play, sweetheart. I’ll try not to leave you burning as long as you did me.”

She gasped. He kissed her chin, her neck, the space between her breasts. He tugged at one of the tassels. “Shall these stay or go?”

Apparently, he asked himself that question, for he didn’t listen to her answer. Holding the tassel with just enough pressure to lift her nipple, he nuzzled the underside of her breast, then repeated that torture with her other breast.

Addy rubbed her hands over his broad shoulders and bulky arms, easing her hands up to his face, holding him in place. It didn’t keep him still. He nuzzled the stretchy lace of her bodysuit as he made his way down her chest, over her stomach, to her mound.

The bodysuit came with a pair of attached panties that opened at the crotch and only had front coverage. Owen knelt on the floor at the foot of the bed and pulled her down to the edge of the mattress. Spreading her legs, he explored the fabric and the places it exposed on her body. She gasped when his fingers touched her clit, and then his mouth was there, sucking, stroking, working her into a fever of need. Each time she almost came, he’d slow down.

“Owen! Now!” She fisted the bedspread, unable to arch up against him, since he was holding her hips up. He stood between her legs and, still holding her hips where he wanted them, entered her, hard and hot and so rigid, filling her. His hips pumped as he pounded into her. She cried out, begging him for more, for everything, for all of him. He changed his hold to one arm under her hips, freeing a hand to play with her clit. She lost whatever control she had remaining over her own body. Ecstasy took her. She was aware at some level that Owen had come with her, but the echoes of her release lasted longer than his.

When it was over, she was done. Empty and yet restored. He lifted her up to the pillows, settling to her on top of the bedspread. It was dark in the room—the only light came from the overhead hallway light between the closet and bathroom. It was enough to let her see the intense look on his face.

She smiled up at him. “What is it?”

“Did I hurt you?”

“Of course not. You never would.” She touched his face, hoping to ease some of the tightness she saw. “Did I torture you too much?”

“No. Just right. What made you think of this?” He nodded at her sexy bodysuit.

“The girls and I were talking about having a bachelorette party. I was worried they might be partied out, with Thanksgiving and then Christmas and then Max and Hope’s wedding. Some of them came up with the idea of having a fuckfest.”

Owen’s brows lifted. “Fuckfest? Who suggest— Never mind. I don’t want to know.”

“They thought it was funny imagining you losing your control.”

“Oh, did they?”

“Yeah, but the really funny thing was seeing them trying to sex me up. I’ve been pretty shut down in that area since I was abducted.”

He rolled over to his side and braced his head on his hand. “So how did they ‘sex you up’?”

“Remember when we took over the game room and locked you guys out? Well, we were brainstorming what to do for the wedding. Things got a little raunchy.” She felt a little sad revealing what she told the girls, but maybe it was time that he knew. “I told them that I sometimes wished you’d lose control, that sometimes I feel you’re too careful of me.”

“Well, yeah. I love you. You’ve been through hell and back. I don’t want to take from you more than you can give.”

“But that’s just it. Sometimes your carefulness reminds me of all that happened, all that’s between us.”

“I don’t mean for it to do that.”

“I know. But that’s when the girls started brainstorming how I could push you over the edge, break through your control.”

He circled the soft flesh of one breast, moving around the pasty that was still affixed to her nipple. “I’d say you accomplished that goal tonight.”

She nodded, feeling rather pleased with herself. “I did, didn’t I? They pulled up some sexy lingerie sites, then somehow we all started watching porn in the hopes that I might learn some moves.”

Owen laughed, and Addy could feel herself turning bright red. She wondered what color her eyes were at the moment.

“You watched porn?” he asked, shocked.

“I did. They knew sites that mostly featured female enjoyment. It wasn’t awful. In fact, I kind of enjoyed it.”

“They’ve corrupted my innocent soon-to-be-wife.”

She hit his shoulder. “I’m a long way from innocent. Do you hate me?”

His brow wrinkled. “Hell no. You want to try something, I’m all in. Not sure I’d go for full-on role playing, but a new position, a new toy, some temporary rules, sure.”

“I love you.”

He kissed her forehead. “I love you. Thank you for tonight. I was wondering where our kids were.”

“We worked that out, too. Troy is having a sleepover with Zavi, and Augie is with the pride. Wynn was keeping them all in the movie room so they wouldn’t see when you lost control.”

“You girls had this all figured out, huh?”

She fought a guilty grin. “Maybe.”

“For the record, I didn’t lose control. I got exactly what I wanted. You. No walls. No fears. No worries. Just a straight line to your soul.” He rolled over, lifting her on top of him. “Since this is our fuckfest, and the night’s still early, I’m sure we have several more fun things we can do while you’re wearing that outfit.” He entered her, watching her in the soft light.

Addy moved over him, her hands on his ripped abdomen. Sometimes it really was a shock knowing he was hers now, forever, after all the hell they’d both been through. They had the new beginning she’d yearned for. “You did lose control, Owen.”

He grinned. “Maybe I did. Just a little.”

“Just a lot, or you wouldn’t have carried me from the dining room.”

“What’s your point?”

“I win.”

He started thrusting in her. “I think we both win.”




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