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Part-Time Lovers (Friendship Chronicles Book 4) by Shelley Munro (5)

“Yvonne.” A masculine voice floated into her dreams along with the most excellent scent of coffee. “Yvonne.” Quietly insistent, the voice grew fingers. They stroked her bare breast, and she came awake with a jolt. Disoriented, her head whipped from side to side as she took in the darkened room.

“Steady, babe.”

Yvonne relaxed at the familiar voice. “Nolan. What time is it?”

“Just after nine. Susan and the girls are meeting you at eleven, right?”

Yvonne needed the bathroom. She slid out of bed and almost face-planted when her legs buckled. “Ow.”

“I thought you might feel sore. I’ve run the spa bath for you,” Nolan said, grasping her arm and holding her upright. “Coffee’s ready. I’m starving. Anything you fancy for breakfast? I’ll ring room service for whatever you want.”

Yvonne tried a step on her own and winced at the spike of pain. “A bath,” she said and was a bit embarrassed at the whine in her voice. “Um, coffee.”

“I’ve got that covered,” Nolan said. “Go and climb in the bath. I’ll bring your coffee in once I’ve ordered breakfast.”

Yvonne limped in the bathroom, took care of business and drank a glass of water. The air was steamy and smelled of citrus. The bath enticed her, and she battled protesting muscles and stiffness to climb over the edge and settle into the water.

“Ohh.” She sighed her pleasure as the warmth settled into her sore limbs.

A knock sounded on the door.

“Yes,” she said.

Nolan entered with a cup of coffee. Steam curled from the cup, and the scent…oh, the scent.

“Gimme! Thanks,” she added when he handed over the cup.

He kissed the top of her head. “Room service will arrive in half an hour.” He sauntered out and she twisted her head to watch. The man made her want to bite, to mark her territory—Stop right there. Friends only, remember? No ownership in either direction.

With her mind straight and priorities set, she turned her attention back to her coffee.

Yvonne sipped the fragrant beverage, pushed a button to start the jets and relaxed into the bubbly embrace of the water. The sex last night…stupendous. A prickle of sensual tension crawled along her veins as she recalled Nolan’s mouth on her, his fingers and cock inside her. She cupped a breast with her free hand and pinched her nipple, before reality tore through her. Jerking upright, she reached for her cup. More coffee. Now.

Yikes, something was wrong with her. She was a responsible mother and shouldn’t crave sex like this. Like a hungry wild beast, the idea of sex, the doing of it, stalked the recesses of her mind, bringing desperation, longing. She thought about Nolan. She thought about their weekend of freedom from children and drank the last of her coffee before setting her cup aside. Maybe she’d enjoy the ride…


“You called, darling Yvonne.” The instant he entered the bathroom his gaze went directly her breasts, and she tugged at her nipple.

“I brought my waterproof vibrator with me. I’d like to try it out.”

“Only if I get to watch.”

Yvonne flashed him a grin. “Done deal. It’s in the side pocket of my bag. You can’t miss it.”

He was back in minutes with the bright blue faux penis. “Looks exactly like the infamous Mr. Blue.”

“There was a lot of gossip in the café about Mr. Blue, the vibrator, after that episode of the reality show aired. Mine must be a cousin.” She trailed her fingers down her body and under the water to caress her denuded pussy lips. A sigh escaped at the decadent pleasure, and she saw Nolan watching with avid interest. “Hmm, that feels so good. I need to keep shaving or start waxing again.”


Her grin widened, and she held out her hand for her vibrator.

“Why do I feel as if I’m superfluous to requirements?”

Something in his tone irked her, lifted her chin in defiance. “You’re not always going to be around. What happens when you decide you’ve had enough of fun and sex with me? I’ve got two children, responsibilities. You’re a single male.”

Nolan let out a string of curses, his large frame tensing in the doorway while he squeezed her vibrator in his right hand. “Hell, you have no idea what I think.”

Yvonne sat up in the bath and glared at him. “One of us has to be sensible, look to the future.”

“I thought I’d made it clear,” Nolan said, irritation burning off him in palpable waves. He looked down at his hand and flung the vibrator at her. “I want you and the boys in my life. This isn’t a temporary thing for me.”

Some of the starch went out of her and she sank beneath the warm water again, her nakedness suddenly making her feel vulnerable. She gripped the vibrator tightly in her hand. “You threw us away quickly enough last time, and that’s why we can never be more than friends. The boys and I aren’t disposable. When I decide I need a man in my life full time, I have to be sure he’ll stick. I’ve already made one mistake, and I don’t intend to muck up again.”

“So none of this—us—matters to you.” Temper turned his mouth into a cruel slit, and she wished she could magically conjure up a barrier of thick clothes. This wasn’t the perfect place to pick a fight.

“Of course it matters. We’re friends.” Unease crept into her seconds after the words left her mouth. That wasn’t quite true. Her stupid, traitorous heart kept trying to turn their camaraderie into more. No. No sentimental crap for her. She bore no illusions about her pull on the opposite sex. Heck, her husband had left her for another man. What did that say about her sexual allure?

A thump at the door indicated the arrival of room service, and Nolan stomped away with another curse. Yvonne set the vibrator aside and grabbed a white flannel. She added soap and briskly washed herself. Five minutes later, she pulled a cotton robe around her and padded out to join Nolan.

“More coffee?” he asked, his tone abrupt, his mouth precision straight.

“Thanks.” Talk about uncomfortable.

“Scrambled eggs? Toast?”

“Yes, please.” Yvonne flinched at the politeness. Great. Just great. “What are you doing this morning?”

“I’m meeting Tyler and helping him shift furniture around at his new place.”

Yvonne nodded. “That’s nice.” Awkward silence fell. “I’m sorry. I—”

“Don’t.” Nolan made a slashing motion with his hand. “Not when you don’t mean the apology.”

“You walked away from me.” Yvonne felt the sting of tears in her eyes and fiercely willed them away. She would not cry.

“I didn’t walk away. I explained I couldn’t see you because of the reality show.”

“The premise of the show was farmers seeking a wife!” Her voice emerged in an unattractive screech, and she snatched a breath, fighting for equilibrium. She let the air ease out to the count of three before locking gazes with Nolan. “Believe me, I got the message.” When Nolan didn’t answer straightaway, she poured herself another cup of coffee and stood. “I’ll go and get ready. I don’t want to keep the girls waiting.”

His mouth firmed and he gave a clipped nod.

She felt a wave of petty satisfaction at being the one to leave, then the emptiness, the wrongness struck her. Damn, she hated arguing. She hesitated, sighed, and continued to the bedroom. Trying to discuss this further right now would only spoil both their days.

Nolan walked through the Remuera house at his brother’s side. He was meant to be admiring the native timber and the size of the place, but his thoughts centered on Yvonne. “Yvonne and I had a fight.” He dragged a hand through his hair, frustration churning his stomach. “Damn. I didn’t mean to blurt that out.”

“Oh?” Tyler said, the rise of his brows indicating curiosity, a willingness to listen.

Nolan hesitated and studied the man who was his half-brother. Tyler wouldn’t gossip, and he needed a man’s opinion. “She keeps saying we’re friends and according to her, that’s all we’ll ever have.”

Tyler leaned against the doorjamb. “What do you want?”

Nolan shuffled uncomfortably and stalked into the oblong-shaped room, his boots thudding against the wooden floorboards. “I want her, the boys in my life. They make me happy.”

“Have you told her you love her?”

“I—” Nolan came to an abrupt halt and spun to stare at his brother. “Fuck.”

A grin spread across Tyler’s face. “You don’t get bent out of shape like this if you don’t care. I figure you must love her if you’re thinking of a future, but you need to tell her. She’s not a mind reader.”

Nolan heaved a sigh, the idea feeling newer than it should. But it wasn’t as if he or Tyler had received a good demonstration of the finer emotions between adults. He couldn’t recall his parents embracing. No, their interactions were generally sniping matches.

“I’ve hurt her. Before the reality show, we were seeing a lot of each other. I used to spend quite a few nights at her place.” He scowled. “Somehow Mum got wind of it and she started spreading rumors about Yvonne. Then Mum entered me in that stupid show and I decided on payback. I should’ve explained things better. Instead, I backed off because I wanted Yvonne out of Mum’s firing range.”

“Bro,” Tyler said, his tone sympathetic. “A woman mightn’t understand. She wouldn’t see you were trying to protect her.”

“You think? How the hell am I going to fix this?”

“You’re asking me for advice?”

“Quit being a smartarse and help me.”

“Tell her about Dad and Elizabeth, about me. Explain you were coerced into doing the show and wanted to protect her.”

“And if that doesn’t work?”

“Play the long game and show her by deed. Be her friend, and when the right opportunity presents, tell her you love her.”

“And if she doesn’t believe me?”

Tyler clapped him over the back. “The long game, bro. If you really love her, then she’s worth fighting for, worth taking a few knockbacks. As long as she isn’t seeing anyone else, you’re in with a chance.”

Nolan nodded, seeing the sense of patience even though it galled him.

Later that afternoon, he and Tyler drove to the rugby grounds and prepared for the game. When they ran onto the field and he scanned the sidelines, searching for Yvonne.

“Enough of that,” Connor said, nudging Nolan sharply in the ribs. “Mind on the game. Sexy women come later.”

Yvonne enjoyed the rugby game. She stood on the sideline with Susan, Christina and Maggie clapping and cheering each successful drive and run the Hawks made toward the try line.

“What’s the score?” Julia asked, breathless and beautiful with Ryan and Caleb in tow.

“They’re actually winning,” Maggie said without taking her gaze off the game. “Connor will be so excited. Go, go!” she screeched when the Hawks got the ball. It flew from player to player and everyone cheered until one of the opposition did a head-high tackle on Tyler.

“Boo!” Susan shouted, and the supporters on their side of the field echoed her cry.

“Penalty,” Maggie said, seconds later. “I wonder if they’ll kick for a goal or decide to run the ball.”

Yvonne joined in the banter, her earlier sullen mood gone after shopping with the girls and her hair appointment earlier in the day. They were in Auckland until the following evening, so she might as well make the best of things. No matter what Nolan said, she couldn’t risk getting hurt again. Marriage—well, she’d thought she was getting forever when she said “I do” and look at the result. Her husband and her dance partner.

The final whistle blew, and the Hawks’ supporters jumped up and down in excitement, applauding wildly.

“We’ve won a game,” Maggie said. “Twenty-one to three. It’s unheard of. We need to celebrate.”

“Later at the club,” Julia said.

“Is anyone going to the clubrooms with me?” Maggie asked.

“I will,” Christina said.

“I’m going back to the hotel room to have another hot bath. My muscles are killing me,” Yvonne said. “You girls have tired me out.”

Susan gave her a quick hug. “I’m going to head off too. Want to share a cab with me? Maggie, can you tell Tyler and Nolan we’ve gone?”

Back at the hotel, Yvonne ran the bath and gathered her hair into a topknot, pinning it in place so she didn’t get it wet. Her morning visit to the hairdresser might have been expensive, but her dollars were well spent. The man had wanted to cut more off the length, and she was still wondering why she’d listened to Nolan’s plea to keep her hair long.

The bubble of the spa bath eased the ache in her arms and legs, and once dressed in a new pair of black trousers and a tunic top, she felt heaps better. She made a cup of peppermint tea and sat by the window in the late afternoon sun. The harbor was a busy place with ferries sailing over to Devonport and off to places farther afield. A tall ship drifted in the distance, the sails billowing with wind.

The door opened. “Yvonne?”

“I’m here,” she said, setting her tea aside and standing.

Nolan came to an abrupt stop. “You look beautiful.”

Pleasure sizzled at his compliment. She’d thought she looked good, but Nolan was devouring her with his gaze and her confidence soared.

He stepped closer. “Can I kiss you?”

Relief threatened her knees. She gave him a bright smile, happy that their argument seemed consigned to the past. His hands drifted over her hair, now highlighted with golden streaks and about four inches shorter. The hairdresser had also layered it to give shape and take out some of the weight. He smiled and leaned closer to rub their noses together before taking her mouth in a slow and thorough kiss.

“We need to talk,” he said eventually. “But I don’t want to spoil the rest of our weekend by arguing. No,” he said when she started to speak. “Let me just say this, then we’ll get back to the enjoying part. I want to be more than friends with you. I understand I’ve hurt you, and I need to make up for that. Let me prove to you how good we are together.”

“I don’t understand.” His kiss—so full of sensual promise—had addled her brain, making it difficult for her to concentrate.

“I know, sweetheart. I want to be your husband, and I’m willing to wait until you’re sure of me.”


He placed his hand over her mouth to halt her confused words. “I need a shower. I decided to head back here after the game. Do you fancy a walk along the waterfront? We could have a drink at one of The Viaduct bars.”

“That sounds nice,” Yvonne said.

“Great. I won’t be long.”

Yvonne stared at his back as he sauntered away, her brow knit in bewilderment. He wanted to marry her? She’d thought…

Heck. Friends, yes. Sexual benefits, yes. But marriage?

She’d gone into her first marriage with blinkers firmly intact. Sure, she’d experienced happiness during those years and she had her sons, but the way her marriage had ended still played with her confidence. She found herself stalking to the bathroom.

“You want to marry me?” she demanded, bursting into the steamy warmth.

“Yes,” he said over the sound of the water.

Yvonne sank down onto the edge of the bath, the chill of the porcelain beneath her bottom and the brief flash of discomfort in her butt cheeks driving her to her feet again.

“Not right now, but in the future. Once you’ve realized I’m serious about you, about us and the boys. And maybe we could add a little girl to our family.”

“Oh.” She found herself biting her bottom lip and stopped. He hadn’t mentioned love. She opened her mouth to ask and reconsidered. No. She agreed with him about one thing. She wanted to enjoy the rest of the weekend, and if he said he didn’t believe in love or some other such male thing, she might hit him. That would spoil the weekend.

He turned off the water and opened the door to snag a towel. “You really do look beautiful. I like your hair very much.”

Yvonne hugged the sincerity of his compliment to her heart. “It’s been a long time since anyone told me that.”

“Really? I’ve slipped up then. Because not only are you beautiful, but you’re sexy as hell. I’ve half a mind to drag you to bed and show you exactly how I feel about you.”

The pleasure in her deepened and took on an edge of sexual excitement. “You’re pretty sexy yourself, Mr. Penrith.”

“So I’m on a promise for later tonight?” His wide grin threatened her knee stability and she reached out to hold onto the door.

“Count on it,” she said and sashayed back to her cup of peppermint tea.




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