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Partners in Crime (Gambling on Love Book 4) by M Andrews (4)



COLBY LEADS ME through the house to the kitchen and not a moment too soon. A minute longer around Hank and I would have melted into a pool on the floor. Sweet Mother of God, that man is gorgeous as hell even dressed up in fairy wings and a tutu, he’s damn fuckable. Just breathe, Nora, this guy could end up being your new boss.

We come to a stop in front of the kitchen table. There is a pot of tea and juice sitting in the middle, surrounded by plates of pink and yellow mini cupcakes, and green frosted sugar cookies. Glitter sparkles across the wooden table and little fairies dangle from the chandelier. This reminds me of the tea parties I use to throw when I was Colby’s age. I would make my brothers and sisters dress up in princess dresses and feather boas and drink tea with me. I think Colby and I are going to get along just fine.

“Do you wike to play dress up, Miss Nora?” she asks. It’s so cute the way she calls me Miss Nora.

“Dressing up is one of my favorite things. I even have a unicorn costume,” I reply with a grin.

Her bright blue eyes widen as she looks up at me. “You do?” she asks, mystified to have met an adult who likes to dress up in silly costumes.

“I sure do, I have polar bear and reindeer ones too.”

“That’s so cool.” She beams, walking around the table. She sets her small clipboard down and makes two checks. I rise to my tiptoes to try and get a peek at what’s on her list, but she’s hovering over it too close for me to see it.

As I lower back down, the little hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention, feeling Hank eyeing me as he joins us in the kitchen. It feels both good and dirty, like he’s contemplating what he wants to do to me. I’ve never had a man look at me with such intense desire before. I’d thought my clothes were going to explode off my body with the way he looked at me in the foyer.

“Daddy, Miss Nora has a unicorn costume,” she squeals. I watch as she runs around the table and grabs a pair of pink wings hanging from the chair, then brings them over for me to wear. “These are for you, Miss Nora.” She beams. I am completely fascinated by this sweet little girl. It’s strange, but I feel a connection with her.

“You are earning some major bonus points with Colby.” He gives me a sexy grin.

“And how am I fairing with you?” I ask curiously, giving him a sideways glance.

“You are winning points with me in more ways than one.” The tone in his reply is laced with a deep desire that sends warmth through my entire body. He takes the wings from my hand and helps me put them on. The slight graze of his fingers up my bare arms sends a chill through to my spine. Once the wings are in place, he pulls my chair out for me. A true gentleman. That is a rarity in this day and age. It only peaks my curiosity more as to why this man ended up a single father. What stupid woman let him and his adorable daughter slip through their fingers? He must have a girlfriend at least. Men who look like him don’t stay single for long, or that is what I’m going to tell myself if I get this job, because if I even let the idea that Hank is single slip into my head, I won’t be able to keep myself from doing wildly inappropriate things to my boss. I shouldn’t be thinking how I would love to climb him like a tree and attack that delectable mouth of his while my hands run through his dark brown hair. Not to mention, the scruff along his chin leaving a delicious burn along my face.

I slide into my chair and watch while Hank helps Colby into her seat, then pours some juice into her teacup. He sits down across from me and pours us each a cup of tea. My eyes linger on the ornate sleeve of tattoos etched along his muscular right arm. I want to trace my tongue along the vein running up his bicep. He’s muscle stacked upon muscle with broad shoulders perfect for holding onto while he pounds you into oblivion. Looking at him, you would never know he was a detective and a dedicated father. It gives him a dark edge that makes me wonder just how dark he can get. My thighs squeeze together at the thought. God help me, my panties are growing wetter with every minute I’m around this guy. He must leave a trail of destroyed panties everywhere he goes.

Charlie, my ex, could barely get a trickle out of me. I guess, in a way, my body knew he was a cheat before my head could process it. I should have known better, he had a reputation of sleeping with anything with a pair of tits. In my naive way, I thought that, because he chose me to be his girlfriend, I had somehow tamed the beast. Boy was I ever wrong.

He was faithful for about a month, pretty long for a man whore like Charlie. I’d hear about his latest transgression from my sorority sisters. He’d tell me he would never do it again, beg me to forgive him, and I would because I was an idiot back then. The straw that broke the camel’s back came on the night I arrived home early from studying at the library to find him sneaking out of the room of one of my supposed friends, sliding on his jeans. He still had his pants down around his ankles when I knocked him out. I told his little whore to get him out of my sight, then I had the bitch kicked out of our sorority. I have been happily single ever since.

Hank opens my file and studies it for a moment before looking up at me with warm brown eyes that make my heart skip a beat. I have been celibate for way too long. Get it together Nora.

“I guess my first question is, why on earth did you pass up the opportunity to move to Germany?”

I chuckle under my breath. It’s a question I get from everyone. “At the time, I didn’t feel it was the right move for me. I enjoyed working with the Corbin’s and their girls, but I felt like I was meant to stay here in Seattle.”

A satisfied grin tugs at his lips. He seems pleased with my response. “I hope whatever is waiting for you here in Seattle is worth it.”

“I’m positive it will be,” I reply, bringing my teacup to my lips. The warm Earl Grey tea calming me as I sip.

“Everyone I have interviewed thus far has had strict daily schedules for their clients, leaving little room for fun, so my question to you is how do you plan on incorporating education into Colby’s daily life?”

“My philosophy is that you should incorporate fun and play into educating a child. Make it so they are learning while also making it a game. Colby is four and she should be able to be a kid for as long as possible.” I glance over at Colby and give her a warm smile. She is staring at me intensely, listening to my every word. “Learning should be fun.” That statement gets a smile out of her and another check on her list.

Hank continues his thorough line of questions. I can’t tell if I’m more nervous about being interviewed by a cop, or because he’s the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. After every question, Colby leans in to whisper in his ear. The two of them are so sweet together. Hank is such a doting, loving father. Any man who dresses up in wings and tutu to make his daughter happy is a good man. I would stand on my head dressed up as a whale if it would make Colby smile. She is such a wonderfully sweet kid.

“Colby, would you like to ask Miss Cunningham any questions?” Hank turns his attention away from me to Colby.

“Yes, I would, Daddy,” she replies, turning the page on her clipboard. “Miss Nora, what is your favorite cookie?” She looks over at me with an intense look on her face.

“Hmmm.” I tap my finger on my chin, thinking it about it for a moment. “I would have to say my favorite cookie is monster cookies, because they have chocolate chips and M&M’s.”

“Those are my favorites too.” She beams, making a check on her list. “Do you wike to bake?” She hits me with another question. Hank just sits back and watches our interaction.

“I love to bake, and, if I get the job, I would love to teach you how to make cookies and cakes.”

“One more question. Do you wike Tinkerbell movies?”

“This is a good question, because if you get the job, you will be watching them on a loop,” Hank adds with a chuckle.

“I love Tinkerbell and her friends in Pixie Hollow,” I assure them.

“I just have one last thing to add,” Hank says. The brown in his eyes turning dark, almost black. “If you do get the job, I would ask that if you have sleepovers with your boyfriend, that you do it on your days off and not here in the house.” The sternness in his tone sends a shiver down my spine.

“First off, I don’t have a boyfriend, and even if I did, I would never bring him here out of courtesy to you and Colby.”

Hank’s eyes soften as he fights back a small smile. I don’t know which part of my answer brought on that smile, but whatever it was, I hope it’s in my favor.

“Miss Cunningham, I just need a moment alone with Colby. Do you mind waiting here in the kitchen?”

“I’ve got cupcakes and tea, so I’m good,” I reply.

“We’ll be right back.” Hank rises from his chair, then helps Colby down from hers. The two of them walk out of the kitchen.

While I wait for them to return, I snag one of the yellow cupcakes from the platter in the middle of the table and proceed to lick the frosting off while listening to the waves crashing against the shore through the open window. It’s weird but I feel right at home here. Between the tea party interview and the vibe I’m getting from Hank and Colby, I feel like I belong here somehow. Hopefully, that’s a sign I’m getting the job.

Just as I lick the last bit of frosting off my cupcake, Colby appears at my side with an excited grin on her face.

“Miss Nora, will you be my new nanny?” she asks.

Hank comes up behind her, wearing a smile of his own. “Colby and I have talked, we both feel you are a perfect fit, and we would like to offer you the job as Colby’s nanny, if you would like the job that is.”

“Will you pwease be my nanny,” Colby says, giving me heart melting, puppy dog eyes.

“Well, how can I say no to that? Colby, I would be happy to be your new nanny.”