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Payback's A Bitch (Awkward Love Book 6) by Missy Johnson (14)



I look up as I walk into the office to find Sarah standing there, arms crossed. I smile at her, wondering what her problem is. You’d think I was ten minutes late, rather than early.

“What’s up?” I ask.

Did she see me talking to Linton out in the courtyard? I glance at the window. I’m pretty sure she could see us from there. Why would she have a problem with that, though? I get that having a brother in the same field as you would be hard, but if she has a problem with me even talking to him, then she’s even more insecure than I thought. It’s so easy to forget that they’re siblings, because they’re so different.

“I thought today we could see how you handle your first group session.”

I keep the smile plastered on my face, even though the last thing I feel like doing is smiling. Me running group therapy? God no.

“Great,” I manage to say.

I’ve been dreading this day since I started. It’s strange, because the idea of leading a session makes my stomach churn, but I could get up and make a speech in front a thousand people without batting an eyelid. I’m not sure how that works. I think what I have an issue with is having other people’s lives in my hands. How can I tell someone else how to live their life when I can barely control my own?

Maybe I’m onto something there…

I snap back to reality when Sarah thrusts some papers in my face.

“Here are some sheets that might help as prompts, but there isn’t much you can do to mess it up. You’re in room seven.”

“Seven?” I repeat. “What happened to three?”

I’ve been sitting in on the same group, twice a week since I started and it’s always in room three. I assumed when the time came to run my own session I’d be working with the group who were not only used to me, but I was used to them.

She smiles at me. “If you don’t think you can handle it…”

“I’ll be fine,” I say stiffly.

I read the notes as I walk. I’m trying to memorize the names of the clients in my group, but it’s impossible to do that while I’m weaving in and out of foot traffic. I reach room seven, take a deep breath and then march inside. I head straight for the front of the room, juggling my papers as I move, mainly just to hide the fact that I'm shaking so much.

I go back to memorizing the names again, but when I get to the last one, I stare at it, confused. Why would Linton be on my list as a client?

It has to be a mistake.

I look up and scan the faces in front of me. When I see him, his eyes are cast downward, fixated on the floor. I frown.

He lied to me.

It doesn’t make any sense. Why would he lie about something like that, especially when chances were, I’d find out eventually? I stare at him, waiting for him to look at me, but he won’t.

“Linton, can I speak to you outside for a moment?” I say.

He nods and stands up, walking over to the door. He stands outside and leans against the wall, waiting for me. I smile at the other clients.

“I’m sorry about this,” I say. “I’ll just be a moment.”

I walk outside and close the door. Finally, he looks at me with shame filled eyes.

“Why didn't you tell me?” I ask him when I get outside.

“Because I didn't think you want anything to do with me if you knew,” he mutters.

I shake my head. “You really thought I’d care?”

“Most people do,” he insists. “Whether they want to admit it or not.”

“And you still though that, once you’d gotten to know me?” I ask.

“No, but it was too late then,” he mutters. “If I told you the truth after I’d been lying to you, then you definitely wouldn’t want to speak to me.”

“But it makes no difference to me,” I say.

“You thought I worked here,” he says, frowning at me. “I didn’t even realize you thought that at first, but then I just went along with it.”

“That’s why you couldn’t meet me for a drink,” I realize. “When were you planning on telling me?”

“Honestly?” he asks. “I wasn't. My therapy finishes next week.”

“And what was your plan when you suddenly weren’t here anymore?” I ask. “What were you going to tell me then?”

He frowns at me. “I hadn’t considered that.”

I shake my head. “I just wish that you could’ve been honest with me.”

“Like you’re being honest with Cameron?” he asks.

I frown at him. “It’s hardly the same thing,” I retort.

“True. You’re not in love with me,” he replies.

I laugh. “You think I’m in love with Cameron? That’s ridiculous.”

“Is it?” he asks as I glare at him. “Have you kissed him again, yet?” I flush. He studies me closely, and then his eyes light up. “You’ve gone even further, haven’t you? You’ve slept with him.”

“How did we go from you lying to me, to this?” I grumble.

I glance back at the group, remembering what I’m supposed to be doing.

“Let’s talk after this, okay? I have to get back in there before your sister blows a fuse,” I sigh. A thought hits me. “I think your sister did this, so I’d find out,” I say, frowning. “Why else would put me with a group that I have no experience with?”

I take a deep. I’ll deal with her later. Right now, I need to lead this therapy session. I hold the door open and look at Linton. He hesitates and then shakes his head.

“I think it’s best if I sit this one out,” he says. “It feels too weird participating with you there.”

I nod. I don’t like the idea of him leaving because of me, but I understand. All eyes are on me as I walk over to the group and sit down. I smile brightly at them. Some smile back, some don’t react at all.

“Hi everyone,” I say, giving a small wave. “My name is Darcy. I'll be leading your session today.”

* * *

The session runs pretty smoothly, considering it was my first. After I’m done, the first thing I do is try to find Linton. I just want to make sure he’s okay, but I can’t find him anywhere. I frown, out of ideas. I turn around when someone calls my name. Sarah smiles at me.

“Did you figure it out?” she asks. Her smile widens. “You did, didn’t you?”

“You mean did I realize your brothers is a client?” I nod. “Yes, I figured it out. Do you have any idea how awkward you just made that for your brother?” I ask. I shake my head at the sour look on her face. “Do you even care?”

“Excuse me?” She glares at me. “Don’t you stand there and ask me that if care about my brother,” she snaps. “Of course I do. I'm the whole reason he's in here in the first place.”

“I bet you are,” I mutter. Her face goes red.

“I meant that I organized for him to have treatment here,” she retorts. “Not that I put him here.”

“I'm just saying that there were about a million better ways you could've handled that,” I sigh. “If you wanted me to know so badly, you could’ve saved him the embarrassment and just told me. All you did was make things harder for him.”

I glance at my watch and sigh. Thank fuck it’s nearly lunch time.

That’s it.

I walk outside and sure enough, he’s sitting under my tree.

“I thought I’d find you here.”

He looks up, and then he smiles at me as I sit down.

“You’re weird with me now,” he murmurs.

I laugh. “It’s nothing to do with you,” I assure him. “It’s just with you being a client, I’m not even sure if I’m allowed to talk to you.”

“Oh, come on, Darcy. It’s not a cult,” he snaps. “You can talk to who you want to talk to. It’s not like you’re dragging me into your office for sex.”

“As far as some people around here are concerned, I might as well be,” I reply. I’m only half joking. “I promise you, we’re still friends. That hasn’t changed at all,” I assure him. “We just might need to lay low till you get out of here. Especially if you’re sister has a problem with me.”

“My sister?” he repeats, looking confused.

“It’s a long story,” I say, shaking my head.

“Okay, fine,” he nods. “But I’m taking you up on that drink you offered to buy me.”

“I never offered you a drink,” I say, laughing.

“I'm sorry,” he says. “I’m a compulsive liar. Among other things.” Then he laughs. “I’m only joking. Or am I?”

“Well, it’s not like I’m in the position to have a go at you for lying to me,” I smirk. “I feel like that’s all I’ve done recently. Lie to people.”

“Cameron?” he asks. I nod. “How’s that going? he asks.

I wince. “Let’s just say things are becoming quite complicated…”

“Because you slept with him?” he asks. “Was it just once?”

I shake my head. “It’s been many, many times.”

“So how did you go from hating him, to sleeping with him?” he chuckles.

“Oh, I didn’t tell you?” I grin. “I’ve seen a whole new side to him. He’s crossdressing, now.”

Linton laughs. “Say what? Crossdressing? I’m guessing there’s more to that story?”

“Yep,” I laugh. “Much more. He actually wears a dress pretty well,” I admit.

“Ah, so you’re being supportive of his choices?” he smirks.

“I’m doing much more than being supportive,” I giggle.

“So you really are a kinky bitch,” he teases, shaking his head.

“Says the guy who has a thing for men dressed up as animals?” I fire back. “Honestly? I just want the games to be over, because I’m not sure if he really likes me, or if it’s just part of the game.”

Linton nods. “So, talk to him about it?” He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone. I frown, trying to remember if clients are allowed phones, or not.

“What’s your email address?” he asks.

I tell him. “Why?” I ask.

“Because I just sent you two tickets to a festival. It’s for this weekend and for obvious reasons, I can’t go. I have overnight accommodation in a ritzy hotel nearby, too,” he grins. “Take Cameron and sort your shit out.”

“What’s the festival?” I ask, instantly suspicious.

He grins at me. “It’s called Weird AF.”

“Weird AF?” I repeat.

“Yeah. As in Weird As Fuck?” he explains.

I shrug. Going somewhere to figure all of this out isn’t the worst idea, because I’m losing track of who’s playing who. One of us has to give in, otherwise this is going to go on forever. Besides, what can go wrong at a festival that calls itself weird as fuck?

* * *

“Are you excited?” I ask.

It’s Friday night, and we’re almost in San Diego, which is just a few miles from where the festival is being held. Cam gives me a look, which makes me laugh. Something tells me he’s not really looking forward to this.

“Excited? I expecting to be chained to the ceiling and whipped on the ass in front of a crowd of people?” he asks, his voice dry. “No, I’m not particularly excited.”

“You have to pay extra for that,” I quip.

“Anyway, I’m not sure excited is the right word.” He thinks for a moment. “Terrified? Yes. Nervous? Yes, but excited? Not so much.”

He shifts, the uncomfortable expression on his face making me wonder what he’s got on under those jeans. I’m picturing white lace and not much coverage, which makes me giggle at the thought.

“What?” he asks, narrowing his eyes at me.

“Nothing,” I say.

“Bullshit,” he retorts. “You have that look on your face.”

“I’m just picturing what you’re wearing under those jeans…”

He smirks at me. “You find it hot when I wear women’s underwear, don’t you?”

I gasp. “I do not…well, maybe a little,” I admit.

It’s a kink I never even knew I had.

“Guess I’m dirtier than I gave myself credit for,” I say, shrugging. I glance down and laugh. “Look how hard you are,” I tease. “It’s the undies, right? The way that Lace is rubbing on your balls is really doing it for you?”

“Or maybe it’s just the fact that you’re so into it that’s making me hard,” he suggests.

“Then maybe I should do something about it.” I give him a sly grin.

“Like wh—”

His eyes widen when it becomes apparent to him—and any passing trucks, exactly what I have in mind. I reach over and lower his zipper, then I slide my hand around his cock and help it spring out.

“What are you doing,” he asks nervously.

“Do I really need to spell this for you?” I tease.

I loosen my seatbelt, so I’m angled on my side, then I lean back over and slide my fist along his shaft. He grunts, gripping the wheel so tightly his fingers are white.

“What’s wrong?” I grin. “My belt is still on, so I’m being safe.”

I lean over, wrapping my lips around his cock, using one hand to grasp his balls and also help me keep balance. He groans as I slide my mouth up and down his shaft, sucking him hard. I roll my tongue around his shaft, sliding my lips along his length. I smile when I feel his hand on my head, forcing me to take him deeper down my throat.

“God,” he grunts, sliding my head down over his cock, forcing me to suck faster.

I massage his balls as I roll my lips all the way down to his base, then slowly slide back up to his tip, teasing him until he can’t take anymore.

“Fuck,” he hisses, his hips jerking forward.

He groans, holding my head down as he releases, shooting his load into my mouth while I swallow, sucking him hard until he pushes me away. I sit back up, smirking at him. He looks over at me and laughs, his expression dazed. He shakes his head and laughs again.

“Holy fuck,” he murmurs. “Where the hell did that come from?”

I grin and settle back against the seat.

“What can I say? I’m spontaneous.”

* * *

Startled, I look around, my eyes finally resting on Cam. He smiles at me.

“Was I asleep?” I ask.

“If the snoring is anything to go by, then yes,” he chuckles.

I scowl at him, because I don’t snore. But then I remember earlier and my mood lifts. He glances at me, like, his expression strained, like he’s thinking about my lips on his cock, too. Part of me wants to skip the festival and just go back to the hotel, but the rest of me is dying to see his face when we walk into this place. I googled it before while I was waiting for him to pick me up and let’s just say, it was nothing like I was expecting.

“Getting changed?” I ask him when he stops the car.

“Of course,” he nods, his dark eyes twinkling. “I even brought something extra special for tonight,” he adds.

He climbs over the back, while I turn around to watch. I burst out laughing as he squeezes into a short, silver, sequined dress, maneuvering it over his hips like an expert.

“Very cute,” I say. I lean over and kiss him, then I kiss him again, this time letting my mouth linger against his. I smile, because it’s definitely kind of hot kissing him dressed like this…

“Shall we go get Weird As Fuck?” he grins.

I throw my head back and laugh.

“Let’s go.”




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