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Penance (The Chicago Defiance MC Book 2) by K E Osborn (14)





We pull up around the back of Club Modesty where a row of my brothers’ bikes are already lined up. Sass’s arms are squeezing around my torso hard as she giggles against my back, and I love how effortlessly she moved with me. Having her ride on my tail has brought a whole new connection between us. Feeling the arms of a good woman behind you—I now understand why men get a rush from it. I felt it, I’m still fucking feeling it as I turn off my engine.

Sass slides off from behind me and yanks off my helmet, her red-toned hair swaying from side to side as she releases it from the helmet. I slide off my ride as she places my helmet on the seat and then lunges for me, wrapping her arms around my neck and planting her lips on mine. I chuckle against her lips as I kiss her back while she rocks her body against mine.

Her kiss is brief as she pulls back and shakes her head. “I’m definitely going on plenty more rides with you, Sensei.”

Nodding, a sense of excitement washes over me. “You can count on it… come on, let’s go inside.”

She detaches from me, and I grab her hand as we head for the back door. The security guard on the exit gives me a nod then he opens the door for us to walk through. Since the Andretti attack on Neala, Torque added an extra security layer out the back of the club.

We walk in, the music assaulting my ears instantly. I’ve never really been one for the club scene, but this is the club’s club so we come here more than I care for. And for tonight, it’s the safest place for our women.

Sass’s eyes open wide as she takes in the glittering spectacle around her. We step up and enter the VIP room—the opulent area always tends to have that affect the first time people see it. Neala did a great job designing this place.

I lead Sass through to where Torque, Foxy, her best friend Ari, Freckles, Ruby, and Neala are standing—our brothers linger around in the background already drinking.

Foxy’s eyes light up as she notices Sass, and she opens her arms wide pulling her in for a tight embrace. Sass hugs her back as if they’re long-lost friends.

I grab Sass’s arm gaining her attention as she looks at me and smiles. “We’ll need to go upstairs for club business. Stay here with Foxy and the others. There are brothers out here watching you to keep you safe. Don’t move from the VIP area… understand?”

She snorts out a laugh, but nods. “Sure thing… I like it when you get all controlling.” She shuffles her body. “I get all tingly,” she murmurs with a wink as Foxy pulls her off to meet Ari.

I know they will get along fine. As my girl is pulled away from me, I step in beside Torque while the girls all intermingle and talk amongst themselves.

“How’s tonight going to pan out, brother?” I ask over the music.

He shrugs. “Don’t really know. Enzo and his guys should be here any minute to discuss shit. I figured with the noise in here, it’s as good a place as any to discuss our… issues. Enzo prefers somewhere away from the clubhouse, which is fair enough. No one can overhear, and I will station prospects at the door. Plus, there’s a ton of security, and the prospects are down here to watch while we discuss our options. And, we can keep an eye on the ladies at the same time.”

Nodding, I glance over to our ladies who are all making their way to the VIP bar. I purse my lips and sigh. “You think it’s going to get messy for them?”

Torque chuckles. “Probably. I told them to behave themselves, but get a bunch of women together, and you can never fuckin’ tell what the hell’s going to happen!” He slaps me on the back.

Trax nods to us signaling that something’s happening, and we all look up to see the Andrettis walking in. It’s almost as if the crowd of dancing clubbers part like the Red Sea to let them through, wearing their telltale black pinstriped suits and gold chains.

Enzo steps up to Torque, and he throws his hand out for Enzo to shake. Enzo shakes his hand a little overzealously.

“Torque, my boy, it’s so good to see you, eh?” he calls out, and Torque nods and subtly detaches from Enzo’s grip.

“Enzo, welcome to our club. We can talk a little easier upstairs. Come…” Torque requests, and he nods with a casual shrug as Torque gestures for Chains to lead the way.

Chains walks off through the back of the VIP area and climbs the stairs as Enzo and his goons follow with the rest of us behind them. The room’s going to be crowded up there, but better to talk in a semi-soundproofed room than a thumping club.

We arrive at the top of the stairs and turn to head into Torque’s office. Torque spins around to the security guard at the top of the stairs. “Make sure all the guards keep their eyes on the ladies in VIP at all times. Any signs of anything… you fuckin’ come get me. No hesitation. Understand?”

The guard nods and heads off leaving us alone with the Andrettis as Torque walks in and closes the door. The thumping noise almost fades to nothing. Enzo and his men walk to the floor-to-ceiling windows and look down below. “Nice room you got here, Presidente. Let me guess… soundproofed, bulletproof. Is it one-way glass, too?” Enzo asks.

“Yes, all of the above.”

“Clever, it’s exactly what I would do. I might need to open my own club. Actually, maybe we should open one together? We seem to work well. What do you say?”

Torque let out a stifled laugh. “Baby steps, Enzo. We called you here for a reason, I think you know that.”

“Of course. I’m guessing it has something to do with the Ishikawa? What have they done now?”

I step forward taking a breath. “They’re after more guns. After the shipment they stole from us last time, they said they require… more. They gave us two weeks grace to think over our decision. So we’re bringing you in, just like last time, to see if we can work together on a damn solution.”

Enzo grins and nods. “Excellent. I love foiling a plan. Can you give us some time to think it over? I realize you’ve not got much time left, so time is of the essence. We will be quick with an answer. We need to put our heads together and come up with a plan. They’re always a step ahead. We need to think outside of the box on this one. Can you do that, Torque? Can you trust me?”

Those last four words are full of years of distrust between us.

Can we honestly trust Enzo?

Probably fucking not, but right now we have no other option.

Torque looks at me, and I raise my brow in a look of ‘it’s up to you.’ Torque glances back to Enzo and nods moving out his hand for Enzo to shake.

Enzo shakes Torque’s hand then slaps Torque on his shoulder. “Pleasure doing business with you, Torque. Don’t know why we haven’t worked together sooner. We could be a powerhouse in this city,” Enzo chimes reaching in and kissing each side of Torque’s face, making Torque push Enzo hard on his chest and causing Enzo to laugh. “You’re so worried about saving face, Torque. Be humble, let a man celebrate our newfound friendship the Italian way.”

Torque glares at Enzo and shakes his head. “You kiss me again, I’ll punch your cock right up into your fuckin’ mouth.”

Enzo chuckles and nods his head as he waves his hand through the air dismissively. “Ahhh… you bikers are so damn tense. Fine, we do things your way.”

“Enzo….” Enzo turns back to look at Torque. “Thank you.”

Enzo nods. “Prego.”

Chains opens the door, and one by one everyone files out of the room leaving Torque, Trax, and me alone. Trax and I both look to Torque, and I exhale. “Do you think we’ll have enough time?”

“The more important question here is do you think we can trust that little scum sucking—”

“Trax, e-fuckin-nuff! I thought you were on the Enzo train. What? Now you’re off again? I can’t fuckin’ keep up with you!” Torque interrupts Trax’s tirade of abuse. Torque lets out a heavy sigh running his fingers through his hair. “Look, I don’t know if we have enough damn time or not. Last time we dealt with Ishikawa, we only just got through it with Enzo’s help. Sure, we didn’t come out with our guns, but that’s only because they weren’t there… if they were, it may’ve turned out to be a different story. We need Enzo as much as that pains me to admit. We gotta wait for him to come up with something… an idea, or at least part of one.”

Enzo’s saved our asses before, sure. I’m not saying he’s a good guy, far from it, but at least he’s attempting to work with this Defiance slash Andretti alliance. We all need to push toward a peaceful Chicago. Trax has to see that.

“I don’t know, brother. My head’s all over the fucking place. He helped us, yes, and for a moment, a brief moment, I was grateful. And what the fuck will we have to do when Andretti calls in the return favor? I can’t forget everything he’s done in the past, and I certainly don’t have to like that he’s helping us again now, or trust that he will come through,” Trax blurts out.

“No, you don’t. But it’s what’s fuckin’ happening. So pull your head in. The quicker you get on this train, the happier we’ll all be.”

Trax grunts out an unintelligible reply and spins on his heels walking out of the room leaving me with Torque.

Wracking my jaw from side to side, I watch Trax leave. “Do you think Trax will fall in line?”

Torque shrugs. “Honestly. I have no fuckin’ idea. But let’s not worry about that tonight, and for now, let’s get out there and watch our girls.”

I smirk. “Good idea.”

Torque smacks the side of my shoulder and lifts a brow. “Let’s hope they keep themselves in check, so we don’t have to step the fuck in.”

I chuckle. “With Freckles and Neala leading the party… I don’t think anything is off the table, Torque.”

Torque nods and snorts. “Fuck! Don’t I know it!”

We turn and head out of the room toward the stairs and make our way to the VIP area. The music grates on my nerves as I glance around the area to see the girls all dancing on the small dancefloor reserved just for them. They look like they’re having a great time, and watching Sass holding her bottle of beer as she sways her hips to the music seductively is making my cock twitch in my pants.

I make my way over to the corner with the boys. We hang back letting the girls do their thing. They wanted a girls’ night, so we’re trying to let them have one as best they can. Even though they know we’re all watching them like damn hawks.

We know we have another week’s grace from the Yakuza, doesn’t mean we’re not on our guard, though. It’s not in the Yakuza’s nature to step out of their timeline promises and come after us out of a set agreement, but one can never be too careful. So I’ll be watching Sass like she’s my motherfucking lifeline tonight.

Enzo and his men are all still here, there’s no need for them to leave. They’re guests of the club, and they may as well enjoy the atmosphere along with us.

Enzo and his second-in-charge, Franky, come to stand with Torque and me, and we strike up a casual conversation the best we can with the music that’s blaring around us.

The night’s moving at a fast pace, the drinks are flowing, the girls are having a great time, and everyone seems to be loosening up. It’s actually turning out to be an almost enjoyable night at the club for me.

My eyes keep drifting over to Sass, her toned but curvy body moving and rocking to the music, her hips swinging as her arms flow with the rhythm. She appears carefree and happy. I like seeing her like this, I just wish I were there with her, though I wouldn’t be dancing. That shit’s not me. I just want to be closer to her. She looks like a fire-haired goddess in the neon glow of the club lights, and even with all the other girls surrounding her, she’s the one who stands out. To me anyway.

My heart beats in my chest in time with the music watching her as I sip on my beer, my cock straining to be inside her again.

Torque steps up to me, bumping into my side making me turn to look at him. “You got it bad, brother.”

I take another sip of my beer, seemingly unaffected. “I’m not sure what you mean?”

He grins. “I see how you’re watching her… like a predator about to pounce his prey. I know because it’s how I look at Foxy. Sass has got her claws in you already.”

I take another sip of my beer as Franky, steps up to us and tips his head up. “Any of you brothers claimed that redhead? Not the old one, that young one with the tight ass?” he asks.

Torque and I both tense up. Torque because his mother, Freckles, was just insulted and me because that young one with the tight ass he’s referring to is obviously Sass.

Technically the answer is no.

I haven’t put a claim on her.

Torque looks at me wondering how I want to play this.

I could do it now. I could lay my claim right here, but I haven’t talked to her. So I subtly shake my head to Torque.

He licks his bottom lip and grimaces like he’s annoyed with me then looks at Franky. “No, she isn’t claimed yet, but she is with the club.”

“But just because she isn’t claimed, doesn’t mean she isn’t mine,” I blurt out making Torque chuckle.

Franky grunts and shrugs. “No claim means fair game in my eyes,” he calls out and walks off toward the dance floor and Sass.

I ball my fists, but then I think this is Sass we’re discussing. So my next thought is that this should be entertaining even though the man in me wants to go after him, punch him in his motherfucking face for going after her, but I know there’s more at stake here than my pride. The Andretti alliance is in play, and if I go after Franky, and pound on his face, then our alliance could be broken. And right now, we need Enzo. So as much as I don’t want to watch this happen, I need to let this play out however the hell it’s going to. All I know is that Franky knows she’s a part of the club. He knows she’s with me. So he knows if he wants to keep the alliance with our club, he won’t go doing anything too stupid.

Torque rests his hand on my shoulder. “Don’t worry, brother. A woman like Sass… she won’t bother with man like Franky. You have nothing to worry about.”

“I scoff out a laugh. “Oh I know, this should be fun.”

He strolls up to her smiling, making the moves, but she’s stand-offish as Foxy looks over to us hesitantly like she’s concerned.

Torque tenses, but we both stand back watching. Waiting for a signal. My stomach swirls in apprehension, I have no idea what I’m waiting for, what I’m watching for. Any excuse to go over there and pound on his motherfucking face. I don’t want to make a fool out of Franky, I can’t afford to, but I need Sass to know I have her back too.

Franky brings his hand up swiping some hair back from her face, she backs away slightly shaking her head, and my hands ball into fists.

“Torque,” I murmur, and he places his hand on my chest holding me in place.

Tension rises inside me as Franky moves in again, but this time he looks like he’s going in for a kiss. My stomach rolls as I press harder against Torque’s hand, needing to get to her, but he holds me back. I watch in slow motion as he leans in too close. Sass suddenly leans forward, her knee coming up between his legs and slamming into his cock as he falls forward into her, and she holds onto him as he slumps against her.

“Shit!” Torque and I both blurt out in unison as he lets me go, and we both take off toward the dance floor.

I reach out for Sass, and Torque grabs Franky while Foxy steps in on the other side of Sass as Freckles, Neala, Ari, and Ruby all laugh and cheer on Sass in some sort of support. I pull Sass to me looking her over for any signs of anything as she gives me a grin.

“Did you see that?” she chimes excitedly.

I attempt to hide my smile as I glance back to Franky who’s holding onto his junk while Torque pats his back.

“Sei una sporca puttana,” Franky spits out, and Sass opens her eyes wide and scoffs.

“Who the hell are you calling a dirty whore, you motherfucker?” she yells lunging forward.

Grabbing onto her arm, I pull her back and hold her against me as Torque gives Franky a gentle push and leads him away toward the back of the VIP area where Enzo, his men, and our brothers are all laughing.

With my hands, I pull Sass around to look at me and stare at her fiercely. “He’s an Andretti, Sass. You can’t go around assaulting Italian Mafiosos.”

She shrugs and grins. “Well, I didn’t know who he was, and anyway, he was hitting on me, and I didn’t like it. Guy had bad breath, and when he leaned in, it smelt like garlic or some shit.”

I smirk and wrap my arms around her waist holding her to me as the other girls walk away giving us some space. “You didn’t like him hitting on you?”

She smiles. “No, Sensei, I only like one guy hitting on me at the moment. I’m a one-man-at-a-time woman.” Her arms loop around my neck, and she leans in pressing her lips to mine, hard. I kiss her back in the middle of the VIP room not caring that the club and the Andrettis are watching. I need them to know she’s with me even though I may not have claimed her. For now, she’s mine, and I want them to know we’re working through this shit together.

Sass pulls back as another song comes over the speakers. It’s a little slower than the songs that have been playing, maybe not slower, but smoother. I know the song as in the chorus the woman sings ‘In the end it’s him and I’ and then the rapper drops beats through the verse. Sass looks into my eyes and smiles as her body begins to sway against me, and I cock my brow.

“What the fuck are you doing?”

She smiles as her body flows effortlessly with the music up against me. The song’s almost sensual as she begins to move her body in time with the music, and I stand here like a stunned mullet while she slides up and down almost using me like a pole.


She giggles. “I told you I was going to dance up on you.”

I clear my throat as I stand here trying my hardest not to get a fucking raging hard-on as she grinds against me, moving sexually and sensually along with the slow rhythmic music, and I have no idea what to do. Where my hands should go. Where I should be standing. Fucking anything. So I stand stock still like a pole as she dances up on me, with my brothers and the girls watching, grinning like fucking Cheshire cats.

My cock strains against my jeans while I try to keep myself in check as she slides up and down against me, her ass grinding in on my crotch then she moves up and down slowly—torturously slowly—her hips swaying from side to side in a sinful rhythm. She’s sexy as hell, her hair slightly sweaty from all the dancing she’s been doing. This woman’s driving me fucking wild, and all I want to do is kiss the ever-loving fuck out of her right here and now. But if I do that, she’ll stop what she’s doing, and honestly, I don’t know if I ever want this to end.

As time beats on, I start debating if I should take her to the bathroom and fuck the brains out of her.

The song draws to a close, and she slides back up me, her face coming in line with mine, her arms wrapping around my neck. Suddenly she jumps and wraps her legs around my waist, my hard cock pressing straight against her pussy as she thrusts her lips against mine. A round of cheering echoes from behind us, but I don’t even acknowledge them as I plunge my tongue into her mouth needing to devour her.

I don’t know if she’s tipsy, and it’s making her more adventurous, but fuck, if I’m not enjoying this side of my girl. I’ve never had a woman be like this with me, especially trying to turn me on in a room full of people. I never thought that would work. But it fucking did, and I honestly have no idea what’s going on right now as I start to walk. I don’t know where the fuck I’m going or where we’ll end up, but I stride carrying her through the back of the VIP area with my brothers cheering us on. I continue on out through the back hall and move into a more secluded area and slam her against the wall. She lets out an “oomph” as she impacts with the plasterboard, and we part lips briefly, but we quickly start going at it again as my tongue collides with hers.

We’re right next to the stairs that lead up to Torque’s office. I know no one is up there right now, so I figure, fuck it, and turn taking the first step carrying her up the stairs. It’s fucking hard work, but I manage. I’m strong, and she’s a lightweight to carry, it’s just difficult because I can’t see through our frantic kissing.

Once we’re at the top of the stairs, I head for the office and walk us in closing the door with my foot. The noise from below smooths out, and the only sounds in the room are the frantic clashing of our mouths teamed with our harsh breathing. I rush her over to the window pressing her back against it and kiss her even harder. Her pussy grinds into my fully-hard cock, and I groan into her mouth as she whimpers along with me. This is heating up fast, and I know exactly where it’s headed. I don’t want to waste any time, so I drop her legs, and they fall to the floor easily as she sexily slides against my body. I love how she feels rubbing up against me. I make quick work grabbing her arms as I lean back just enough for us to part lips, and I twist her. She lets out a shocked gasp as she spins fast and I shove her front against the glass, so her back is to me. I press my cock into her ass as she looks down to the club below.

“Don’t worry… they can’t see us,” I murmur.

“Shame,” she quips as I thread my fingers through her shorts and yank them down around her sexy-as-sin stilettos and off one foot. She’s wearing a pair of gray boyshorts tonight with a pink trim, and I have no idea why I find it so fucking sexy, but my cock jolts against my pants as I grab them, tugging them down and over one of her stilettos to sit with her shorts. She spreads her legs wider for me without me even asking, and I love that she knows what I need without me having to spell it out for her.

Running my hands up her sides, I lean in my voice low against her ear. “Place your hands on the glass.”

She nods pressing her hands out on the glass and leaning against it as I step in behind her unbuckling my pants and sliding them over my ass. They fall to the ground freeing my cock, and I move in grabbing my thick shaft. It throbs in my hand as I wipe it up between her legs, her juices coating my tip. She’s so easy to work up.

“You want it rough?” I ask.

She nods her head.

“Tell me what you want, Sass.”

She turns her head to look at me. “Fuck me like you mean it.”

My free hand grips onto her hip, my fingers digging into her skin, while the other slides my cock right into the folds of her slick pussy. She pushes back against me, and I don’t waste any time as I thrust up inside her which presses her hard against the glass.

Sass surrounds me completely, squeezing my cock as her warmth wraps around me tight. She feels like fucking heaven as we both moan from the overwhelming feeling of me being inside of her again.

Not pausing for too long, I pull back and thrust inside of her hard, fast, and deep. She moves with me, her hips shifting in time with my thrusts while I watch her reflection in the glass, her eyes looking down at the crowd of people below us. Seeing them all while fucking adds a sense of public display, and even though I know they can’t see me, it still feels like they know somehow, and for some reason, it’s a damn spectacular turn on. I know it is for her too as she moans and groans working with me to a new height.

She pushes back against me, thrust for thrust, but like a good girl, her hands don’t leave the glass as I grip onto her waist and force myself on and off her with harshness in each plunge. She wanted me to fuck her, and so I am.




A shudder runs through her as her pussy tightens around my cock causing it to pulse even harder. She knows exactly how to work me up.

Sass’s back arches, and I race one hand around her front and press on her clit making her scream out my name as a shiver runs over her skin. Her panting quickens, and I know she’s close as I continue to circle on her clit while fucking her hard and fast. All the while my balls are pulling up letting me know I’m damn fucking close too.

I circle on her clit pressing firm almost pinching it as she lets out a deep throaty moan, her back arching into me completely as she throws her head back against my shoulder in carnal bliss. I thrust up into her.




She shudders, her body misting in droplets of sweat while her hands ball into fists against the glass as she screams out her orgasm.

“Fuck! Raiden,” she yells as her body sags slightly while her pussy clenches so fucking tight around my dick I can’t stand it. My balls instantly draw up, goosebumps ripple down my arms as I clench my eyes shut thrusting up inside her one last time before my cock throbs as it explodes, sending a wave of euphoria through me as I come hard inside of her. Leaning forward, my lips grip on her neck then I nip her skin hard needing to feel her in the moment as I let it all out.

We slowly stop rocking together and draw to a stop as we both lean into the glass for support.

Our breaths are frantic as I leave my eyes closed just relishing in the moment. Sure we came up here in a heat-fueled lust, but now we’re both resting in the afterglow, and it’s calmer. More sedate. More mellow.

As she brings one of her hands down from the glass, it loops in behind my head holding me to her, and it’s the little bit of tenderness I need right now.

“Suddenly, I’m super tired,” she murmurs.

“I know the feeling.” I chuckle then kiss her cheek and slowly pull out of her.

She winces slightly as we break apart, and then she turns around to face me. “You sure they can’t see us?”

I smile. “Why… did the thought that they could turn you on?”

She grins mischievously. “Maybe.”

Letting out a small chuckle, I pull a few tissues from the box and clean her up then throw them in the bin. Then I lean down grabbing her boyshorts and pull them up followed by her shorts. She pouts at me as I then draw up my pants and look back at her.

“The idea you’re into public sex is half-exciting and half… scary.”

She giggles wrapping her arms around my neck, pulling her bottom lip in by her teeth. It’s hot as hell thinking about the fact that they could see me.

“I didn’t think anything would scare you, Sensei.”

That statement awakens the typhoon inside of me. My stomach swarms and swirls at the thought of all the things that could go wrong. Of all the possibilities, of all the outcomes. Right now, I have no idea how the coming days are going to play out.

That scares me.

I am not a fearless man. I may portray a calm façade. But the storm inside is very real.

“There are plenty of things that scare me. You just have to be close to me to find out what they are.”

She smiles. “Well, I like that at least now I know what one of those things are. I’d like to break down some more barriers with you if you’d let me.”

I shrug. “I think we’re bound to be spending more time together, Sass. But for now, we’re both spent, so let’s… ‘chillax,’ as you so eloquently put it on that sofa for a while before I take you home.”

She bursts out laughing as she shakes her head. “Holy shit, did you just say chillax?”

My tongue clicks to the roof of my mouth as I lead her to the sofa. “No.”

Sass grins and wraps her fingers through mine as I sit on the sofa and lay down, then she positions herself in front of me. Her fingers link through mine as I hold her to me and press my lips to her neck. She nuzzles back, and I smile liking the closeness between us right now. The dull thump of the bass echoes through the floor, but other than that, it’s relatively quiet in here. The soothing sounds of her slow breathing filters through the room with my rapid heart beating in my chest, and right now I’m not sure why but I feel nervous.

Nervous because I want something more perhaps?

I want a life with Sass, and I know while I’m part of this club, a life—a long life—is never guaranteed.

Not only that, trouble is brewing in my family at the moment, and bringing her in right now could only bring her harm. The thing is, though, I don’t know if I have the strength to let her go, now that I have a firm hold on her.




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