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PHAELENX: Fantasy Romance (Zhekan Mates Book 3) by E.A. James (7)





Selene had barely gotten back to the royal compound when her mother flew into her chamber as if possessed by spirits.


“Selene! Where have you been, child? The wedding is today!” Arsinoe said loudly, panting from the effort of the stairs. Despite her red, sweaty face, she looked more beautiful than Selene had never seen. Arsinoe was in a lavish gold and cream dress, trimmed with ermine fur at the collar, with a long lace train that she held clutched in one hand.


“I am sorry, Mother,” Selene said automatically. “I forgot.”


“Child, what in the name of the gods is wrong with you,” Arsinoe said bitterly. “First, you forget to come down to dinner! Then you sleep in your clothes, look at you! You look as unkempt as a peasant!”


“Like the one Baelan is marrying?” Selene asked sourly.


“Selene!” Arsinoe said, her hand clutching at the bosom of her gown. “You must not speak that way! Lady Taryn is soon to be your sister-in-law!”


“I know,” Selene said dryly. “That was exactly the point I was making.”


Arsinoe heaved a huge sigh. “Please, Selene, change immediately. The marriage will take place at once, and you are expected to be there, along with everyone else who matters in this kingdom!”


Selene frowned. “Mother, I do not feel well,” she said. It wasn’t exactly a lie – Selene felt queasy at the prospect of watching Baelan and Taryn wed, and she couldn’t stop thinking about Phaelenx. She already missed him – she knew it was nonsense, but she couldn’t get the muscled warrior out of her head.


“That is too bad,” Arsinoe snapped. She crossed the floor and yanked open the doors to Selene’s wardrobe. “Here,” she said, snatching a gown and tossing it onto the bed. “And bathe,” she added sternly. “You smell like a farmhand, Selene!”


Selene flushed. “Yes, Mother,” she said in a rare show of obedience. “I will as soon as I am alone.”


Arsinoe left Selene’s chamber in a huff. Selene rang the bell for her maid, then ordered a hot steaming bath for herself. Maybe if I fall asleep in the water, I’ll miss the wedding, she thought bitterly.


Selene removed her gown, dropping it on the floor, and climbed slowly into the copper tub. The water was scorching hot – it burned her delicate skin – but she gritted her teeth and lowered herself into the steaming liquid until she was submerged to the neck. Selene lay there for a long time until the steam faded and the water began to cool. Then she reached for a sponge and scrubbed herself all over until her skin was stinging. She closed her eyes and imagined Phaelenx in the tub with her, his muscular legs woven with hers. The thought made her lower belly tingle and twitch with arousal and she sighed, closing her eyes and resting her head against the lip of the tub.


Selene wondered when she would see him again. Obviously, Phaelenx wouldn’t be at the wedding – none of the warriors would. But if Baelan remained anything like the brother she had known her whole life, Selene had a feeling there would be a warrior show after the wedding. She rolled her eyes as she stood and climbed carefully out of the large copper basin. Men are men, she thought. At least, until they’re not, she added silently, thinking of the besotted expression she’d witnessed on Baelan’s face the first night Taryn had dined with her family.


Selene wondered if Phaelenx would ever feel that way about her. Somehow, the thought made her feel hollow and empty and sad like she’d received news of a distant relative dying. With a frown, she pushed the thought of her head and dressed in a fine gown – deep eggplant-colored silk, with golden embroidery all over the bodice. She dressed her hair carefully in a heavy braided bun at the nape of her neck, then pulled a silk snood with pearls over her head and pinned it over her hair.


“I am ready,” Selene said out loud, to no one. The words seemed to hang in the air of her room and she rolled her eyes at her reflection before swishing her skirts and descending the staircase.


Aya was waiting in the great hall. “Your mother told me you would be here,” Aya said, dipping into a slight curtsey.


Selene grabbed Aya’s wrist. “Please, Aya, do not curtsey to me,” she said, rolling her eyes. “There is no need for that.”


Aya looked around to make sure no one was watching, then stuck her tongue out at Selene. “If the queen saw me greet you without doing so, I’m sure my father would be fined, or something,” she said, shaking her head and laughing.


Selene nodded, secretly relieved that Aya was apparently in one of her less-formal moods.


“I cannot believe it is happening today,” Selene said quietly. She put her arm through Aya’s as they walked through the royal compound.


“I know,” Aya said, clucking her tongue. “I cannot believe your brother is marrying!” She flushed. “You will hate me for this, but I always nursed a secret affection for him. That is until he said he never planned on marrying!”


Selene giggled. “I always knew it,” she said. “You could never keep your eyes away from him when we were children,” she said. “And trust me, Aya, I had no idea that he would ever break that promise. I thought he would die a single man.”


Aya turned to Selene and raised an eyebrow. “He met the right woman,” she said serenely. “And now he is content to settle down and become a family man. Perhaps that is all it takes,” Aya added, giving Selene a look that made her flush.


“Perhaps,” Selene said, biting her tongue so she would not speak of Phaelenx. Despite her best efforts to forget him, his handsome face popped into her mind and she shuddered at the memory of his hands on her body.




Selene blinked. “Yes?”


Aya laughed. “Now I know someone is on your mind,” she said slyly. “Do tell me.”


“No,” Selene said, tossing her head haughtily in the air. She put on a smug face. “Besides, I would not deny my brother the pleasure of being the center of attention today. It is all I can do, as a loving sister.”


Aya snorted. “You are not fooling me,” she said. “I know there must be something that’s gotten you so distracted. Or someone,” she added, smirking at Selene.


The two women reached the doors of the ceremony hall and Selene felt a wave of apprehension.


“Aya, I do not think I can go inside,” Selene whispered. “I am too anxious.”


“Selene, this is your brother’s wedding,” Aya said. “You must.” She glanced dubiously at Selene. “Where is your strength? You are always the one encouraging me to act out of turn!”


“I know,” Selene said. She took a deep breath and straightened up to her full height, holding her head high. “Come,” she whispered.


Selene led the way into the massive hall. It was very old – even older than the castle – and it had been built when Zheka had first been settled. Selene had always found the building peaceful and cool: even when it was scorching outside, the stone beams and walls of the ceremony hall seemed to calm to her. But today, her heart was pounding and the blood was pumping through her veins.


Aya took her place in the middle of the seats as Selene made her way to the front. She was relieved to see a vague look of approval on Arsinoe’s face as she took her place next to her mother and father. Baelan stood at the stone altar, looking joyous and anxious.


“Your brother looks so handsome, does he not,” Arsinoe whispered to Selene. “I have never seen him look finer.”


Selene barely had time to nod before loud trumpets sounded. The entire room fell to their knees as Queen Zornaya, Commander Aerdan, and Aerdan’s wife Lady Angelica began to walk down the aisle. The Queen looked radiantly beautiful, but there was a hint of unease on her beautiful face. Selene dipped her head as the royals moved past her and her family, taking their place in the golden thrones at the head of the room.


“Beloved subjects,” Queen Zornaya began. “We have come here to witness the joining of two souls, for all eternity.”


The crowd murmured and hummed with approval.


“I wish to introduce you all to Lady Taryn, the bride of Sir Baelan Covendane,” the queen continued, speaking in a loud, stately fashion. “She is to be treated with kindness and love, and may she and Sir Baelan lead a very happy life, with many children.”


Selene watched as Arsinoe dabbed her eyes with a silken tissue. She frowned, glancing down at the tops of her golden slippers.


Soft harp music began to play and the room fell silent once more as Taryn entered. She was robed in a bright, lurid red that made Selene’s eyes hurt. Her pale skin glowed with a supernatural cast, and her green eyes shone. Selene saw that Baelan was rooted to the spot, grinning like a fool as Taryn stepped daintily down the aisle.


“She is so beautiful, do you not agree,” Arsinoe whispered to her daughter. “They will have beautiful children!”


Selene bit her lip in distaste. “Yes,” was all she could manage to say. “I am sure they will.” More than anything, Selene wished that Phaelenx was with her. Even though he would be out of place in such a grand room, Selene knew his presence would bring her comfort.


The ceremony began. Baelan’s eyes stayed glued on Taryn, but Selene noticed that Taryn kept glancing around the room as if looking for something. A high priestess bound Baelan’s and Taryn’s hands with a silken cloth, then spoke an ancient Zhekan spell of love and fidelity.


The crowd chanted and cheered as Baelan and Taryn kissed. Arsinoe was weeping openly, muttering to herself about how happy she was. Selene forced a smile as the newly wedded couple walked down the aisle, arm in arm.


Queen Zornaya got to her feet and the room fell silent.


“In honor of this great marriage, a very special show will be held at the arena. Lavish food and drink will be provided for all, and tonight we will feast in the castle,” she said grandly, spreading her arms in the air. “Please, if you wish to spend time with the happy couple, think of joining us.”


Selene’s heart sank. Of course, there’s going to be a fight, she thought, shaking her head.


The crowd began to filter out of the ceremony hall. Selene pushed through the crowd to where Aya was standing with her father and younger siblings.


“Selene, are you going to the show?”


Selene sighed. “I do not want to,” she said. “But I have a feeling that skipping it isn’t worth the fight I’ll have with my mother later.”


Aya slipped her arm through Selene’s. “Come,” she said. “We will walk together, then,” she said.


The two women followed behind the large crowd. As soon as Selene was out in the sunshine, she glanced down to the docks. Men were swinging and singing as they worked, but as hard as she tried, Selene could not make out Phaelenx.


“Who are you looking for?” Aya asked, smiling.


“No one,” Selene said. She raised her eyebrow. “I do not know why you are so curious this morning,” she added lightly.


Aya flushed. “You have been strange and secretive,” she said. “I am just wondering, that is all.”


Selene felt an unexpected rush of annoyance. She didn’t know why she felt as though she had to keep Phaelenx a secret – perhaps with everything going on, it didn’t seem appropriate to dwell on her growing feelings?


Or was it something else, something more powerful?


Selene had never felt as though she was in love with anyone. But being around Phaelenx made her feel different, lighter somehow.


“I wonder who will be fighting,” Aya said dreamily as they made their way to the arena. “It’s been months since a fight has taken place – I hope it’s a good one.”


Selene wrinkled her nose. “I’d just as soon never sit through another show again,” she said, swishing her skirts. “But I am not surprised. Baelan loves the blood sport.”


Aya nodded. The women joined a long queue outside of the arena, then filtered inside. Selene took Aya up to the royal box, which was reserved for the queen, the commander, and just for today, Selene’s family.


Selene was relieved to discover the box was so high above the arena that she could barely see anything. She took a goblet of mead from a servant and perched against the cool stone wall, shading herself from the sun.


From below, a loud trumpet sounded.


“Welcome to the most exciting spectacle of the year,” a man yelled loudly. Selene frowned, peering down. He was dressed in a red tunic, waving a flag in the air. “Today we will celebrate the two most celebrated warriors of Zheka – Phaelenx Cobbler and Thracian Pitino!”


“Oh, gods,” Selene whispered, clutching at her breast. “No!”


“Selene?” Aya looked at her friend in confusion. “What is the matter?”


Selene felt faint as she sank down low against the wall. She wanted to look away, but the loud screams and jeers from the crowd made her feel compelled to keep watching. As the two men entered the arena, she gasped. Phaelenx was wearing a set of flimsy-looking leather armor and brandishing a short sword that was battered and stained. The other warrior, Thracian, looked angry and mean. Like Phaelenx, he had close-cropped hair. But unlike Phaelenx, Selene could clearly see that his thin lips were twisted into a scowl.


“It’s not fair,” Selene said quickly. “They have had no practice in months!”


“I know,” Aya said, clearly oblivious to her friend’s distress. “It will be so exciting, do you not agree?”


Selene wiped her damp palms on her heavy brocade skirts. The cool breeze ruffling her snood barely refreshed her, and she narrowed her eyes, leaning out of the window and watching as Phaelenx and Thracian circled each other.




“Fight! Slaughter him!”


“Tear him apart!”


The cries from the crowd were almost too much to bear. Selene’s eyes stung and her heart was pounding. Phaelenx and Thracian were still circling each other, almost like lovers preparing to dance. When Thracian lashed out, Selene gasped. Phaelenx leaped nimbly away, brandishing his sword and swishing it through the air.


Thracian growled, beating his chest. He threw his knife down on the dirt, lowered his head, and charged at Phaelenx. Selene reached for Aya’s hand, tightly squeezing her friend’s fingers as Phaelenx sailed into the air and landed with a hard thud on the dusty ground.


“Phaelenx!” Selene cried, biting her lip until she tasted salty blood. “Oh, Phaelenx! Be careful!”


Aya gave her a friend a strange look. “Phaelenx? Is he the man bewitching you, Selene?”


“Not now,” Selene said quickly.


In the arena below, Phaelenx scrambled to his feet. He thrust into the air with his sword, piercing Thracian’s side.


Thracian howled in pain, but he didn’t stop moving. He swung a powerful fist into the air, catching Phaelenx in the jaw and knocking him down to the ground.


As Selene watched, she felt as though her heart would pop out of her chest. The people cheered and booed, and Selene gripped the stone edge of the window, glancing down at the arena with her breath caught in her throat.


Thracian was bleeding heavily, staining the dusty arena floor. Phaelenx grabbed his sword once again, slicing through the air, and cutting Thracian across the abdomen. Selene gasped as Thracian stumbled backward, falling down to the ground. When his eyes closed, Phaelenx waved his bloodied sword in the air triumphantly.


“That isn’t fair!” Baelan cried from behind Selene. “They barely fought!”


“Oh, shut up,” Selene hissed. “One man is dead, aren’t you happy?”


Baelan smirked at his sister. “No,” he said. “I am not. I want more!”






“More blood!”


The cries for more bloodshed from the crowd made Selene feel sick to her stomach.


“It will be okay,” Aya whispered in Selene’s ear. “He took that man down easily, I am sure he can take another man down as well.”


“I do not want him to have to kill again,” Selene whispered. “I feel sick, Aya!”


The small man, who had announced the match, stepped into the ring and grabbed Phaelenx’s wrist, pushing his arm into the air. Compared to Phaelenx’s size, the small man looked like a rock next to a large tree trunk.


“People of Zheka, this is your champion, Phaelenx Cobbler!”


A smattering of applause and cheers came from the stands.


“But a source tells me that you all are hungry for more,” the man yelled.


This time, the cheers from the crowd were deafening.


“Release the Tigers!” the man yelled, scrambling out of the arena.


Selene gasped as two large orange Tigers slunk into the arena, roaring and plodding around Phaelenx in slow, uneasy circles. Tears came to Selene’s eyes. They are going to rip him limb from limb, she thought as a horrible sense of dread came over her.


“Baelan, stop this madness,” Selene cried, reaching for her brother’s arm and tugging at his brocade sleeve. “You must!”


Baelan narrowed his eyes. “Stay out of this,” he said arrogantly, tossing his head in the air. “This is my celebration, and I get what I want!”


“Yes, Selene,” Taryn said. Selene gasped – her new sister-in-law had seemingly appeared out of thin air. “This is our day, not yours.”


“Please, it’s inhumane,” Selene begged. “Please stop this madness!”


Below, the ring was going wild. Selene dared sneak a glance down. She gasped when she saw Phaelenx attacking one of the tigers, slicing its throat efficiently with his short sword.


Baelan cheered. “Kill it!”


Selene closed her eyes and uttered a silent prayer to the gods. Please, let him live, she thought. She was afraid to open her eyes. When she did, she saw Phaelenx backing away from the remaining tiger. People in the stands were throwing things into the arena – bits of trash, and weapons, and pieces of food. The tiger roared angrily, standing up on its hind paws. Selene’s heart froze as it leaped towards Phaelenx.


Phaelenx struggled with the tiger. Selene could see his face was shiny with sweat from the hot mid-afternoon sun, and she bit her lip and clenched her hands into tight fists.


For a few moments, the arena was silent as Phaelenx and the tiger struggled together. The tiger’s paws were resting on Phaelenx’s shoulders, and Phaelenx’s eyes were locked on the tiger’s fearsome jaws, dripping with saliva. Selene gasped in fright as Phaelenx twisted free and stabbed the tiger in the chest with his sword, dragging the blade into soft white fur until blood appeared.


The tiger howled in pain before dropping to the dirt. Phaelenx got to his knees and sliced the tiger’s throat. Blood sprayed all over his leather armor, and Selene could see that he was heaving and struggling to breathe.


“Now, that is a real warrior,” Baelan said smugly. “Tell me, Selene – do you not agree?”


Selene nodded weakly.


“Yes,” Taryn said, taking her place at Baelan’s side. “That was terribly exciting.”


Selene nodded again.


“Taryn has such brilliant ideas,” Baelan said, staring happily at his bride’s face. “Tell my sister, Selene.”


Taryn smiled sweetly and Selene felt a hot rush of anger.


“We are going to sail a fleet of ships around the world, and gather knowledge from each and every nation,” Taryn said, batting her eyelashes.


“She is brilliant,” Baelan repeated. “Do you not think so?”


“Um,” Selene said. “Zheka isn’t an exploring country, Baelan. You know that.”


Baelan frowned. “Mother and Father think it is a wonderful idea,” he said, narrowing his eyes. “Selene, perhaps it would behoove you to think differently.”


Selene bit her lip. “Right,” she said, glancing over Baelan’s shoulder at Arsinoe and Ashton. True to Baelan’s word, they both seemed thrilled.


“Well? Lady Selene?” Taryn raised an eyebrow.


“May I speak with you?” Selene forced a smile. “After all, now we are sisters.”


“Anything you must say to Taryn, you may say to me,” Baelan said forcefully.


“Please, darling,” Taryn said, stroking Baelan’s rough cheek. She smiled at Selene in such a way that made Selene’s stomach twist. “We will just be a moment.”


Baelan grumbled, but after a few moments, he went to join his parents. Taryn took Selene’s arm and guided her to the window.


“Tell me, what would you like to speak of?”


Selene bit her lip. “Taryn, what are you doing?” She asked in a low voice. “What is the meaning of your romance with my brother?”


Taryn looked offended. “I love Baelan,” she said. “And I love your parents, Selene.” She narrowed her eyes and flounced her skirts. “And if you do not love me, too, that is only your own fault.”


Before Selene could answer, Taryn turned on her heel and stalked away.