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Purrfect for Me by Bolryder, Terry (3)

Chapter 3

“So you want us to check her house out?” Grayson asked, unable to wrap his thick skull around the situation.

Hunter paced a little, remembering seeing Kelly that morning. Yes, she’d been annoyed by him, his straightforwardness. But there was something else, and he could still smell it on her.


“Yeah, she’s really freaked out about something. I’m not sure if it’s me, but I get the feeling it’s something else entirely.” He looked out at the view of the forest from the back porch of the house Garrett and his crew had built for his mate, Dawn. The lull of the early afternoon hung languidly over the trees, the nearby wildlife resting in preparation for the evening hubbub.

“It’s probably you,” Grayson said between sips of lemonade Dawn had kindly brought out for them.

Hunter ignored his friend. “Anyway, her house is a joke. But she doesn’t believe me. So if you two could give a second opinion when she calls, that’d be great.”

If she calls. She’d have every right to call the police on you for barging in on her like that.” Grayson’s silver eyes were glaring up at him.

Garrett, thankfully, knew when to ignore Grayson, too.

“We can certainly give her a second opinion. But why this girl in particular?” The big bear shifter relaxed back into his lawn chair, soaking in the feel of the forest and looking ready for a little afternoon hibernation.

“Yeah, Hunter. Why do you care so much?” Grayson asked, sounding legitimately curious for the first time since their conversation began.

Hunter stood still for a moment, thinking about it. Yes, he was drawn to her in a way even he couldn’t seem to put a finger on. And yes, her house did need fixing badly. But most of it probably wasn’t as life-threatening as he’d made it out to be.

He just couldn’t stand the thought of Kelly being alone out there, with nobody to help her, nobody to rely on.

And the way she’d talked about not staying for long. The way she’d seemed so exhausted, so reticent to accept any help. The way her eyes kept watching the door, the windows, as if she were looking for something, someone.

“I guess because she seemed afraid.” Afraid unlike anything he’d seen in a human being before.

“You’re a sucker.” Grayson took another sip of lemonade nonchalantly. Hunter wished the sugar would disappear from his drink, then realized that, of all the people, Grayson would probably like it completely sour and devoid of sweetness.

“You’re one to talk.” Hunter glowered over at his friend. “You practically met your mate by protecting her.”

Garrett sat up in his chair eagerly. “So she’s your mate, then?” The burly man had known his mate just from talking to her over the phone, despite Grayson’s and Hunter’s doubts. So it made sense even the mention of the word “mate” would perk the bear’s ears.

But as for Kelly being his mate, Hunter wasn’t sure. What should a mate even feel like?

He couldn’t say because he sure as hell hadn’t found a mate before this. But he did know that he worried about her more than usual. And his cat was certainly curious to stick around, even to the extent of stalking her place midday and risking being seen.

But talk of commitment and mates and forever was just too much for him to wrap his head around right now.

“I said I was going to fix her house, not fuck her.” His friends were getting out of hand.

“You might end up fucking her,” Grayson said, raising an eyebrow.

“Making love.” Hunter corrected pedantically.

Grayson sat back in his chair and folded his arms, showing off his tattoos. “I make love when I fuck.”

Hunter wanted to smack his friend. But he figured he’d save the punch for a special occasion.

“Shut up, both of you.” Garrett shook his head, his frown showing even through his somewhat-overgrown beard. Apparently, his mate, Dawn, liked the shaggier look. “All right, when she calls us, we’ll be sure to head out there and do a detailed inspection of the place.”

Hunter glanced at the man who’d been his boss for the best few years of his life. “You’ll do that?”

“Yes,” Garrett said reassuringly.

“Tell her it’s a total dump.” Which, of course, it was. Any contractor in their right mind would agree with Hunter, even if he might have been a little bit overeager in his interaction with Kelly earlier.

“I will if it is a dump.” Garrett agreed.

“If Hunter thinks so, it is. That cat has low standards. He sleeps in the woods more often than not,” Grayson said, talking about him like Hunter wasn’t there.

Hunter took a long whiff of delicious forest air, the woods calling to the animal inside him more with each passing second now that his friends were onboard with his plan.

“I like being a kitty,” Hunter said, walking off the porch and following the call of the wild. He had just enough time for another run in the forest before he needed to get back to his hotel room to change and get to the bar. Hopefully, Kelly would be there tonight.

If nothing else, there was something else to do besides listening to Grayson and Garrett pine over their mates or beating suckers at low-stakes poker every evening.

“Oh, and Hunter?” Garrett called to Hunter, who was already starting to feel the shift overtake him. “What do we say if she wants the work done?”

“Then your schedules had better be booked full,” he said, glaring over his shoulder. Garrett and Grayson both nodded with comprehension.

Then with blinding speed, Hunter's cougar took off into the woods.

* * *

As Hunter waited at the bar with a drink, he wondered if he’d miscalculated about her house.

Had he exaggerated the shape of it somehow? No, it clearly sucked. His friends would back him, and hopefully, Kelly would trust him enough to give him a chance to help.

He really was her only hope around here. There weren’t usually contractors lining up for free work.

He set aside his third beer, wishing shifters could get drunk as easily as humans, and headed to the bathroom to take care of business. When he was done, he zipped up his fly and washed his hands, then headed out into the bar, surveying the room for her.

Still no sign.

Just as he was about to sit down, he heard a commotion outside. The sound of raucous voices and, above them, a feminine voice that sounded either irritated or concerned.

Hunter strode out of the bar, pushing the front door open so he could see into the night.

It was dim, but he could see Kelly out there, walking toward the bar, or trying to, while being accosted by drunks.

The men were part of a temporary work crew that was helping restore the hotel, and they usually weren’t allowed in the bar due to being overly rowdy and loud.

They hadn’t touched Kelly yet, but they were crowding her and clearly not taking no for an answer. Hunter clenched his hands into fists as he walked toward the group.

As he approached, Kelly’s eyes darted toward him, and he was warmed to see a hint of relief in her eyes at his presence. Her look was a silent plea for help, and he answered it, stepping up and getting between her and the ruffians.

He put his arm around her soft, nipped-in waist and shouldered the other men out of his way, taking her back toward the bar.

“Hey,” one of the men said. “We was talking to her

Hunter just turned to pin him with a hard glare. “She’s mine.” His customer, that was.

The men murmured to themselves and stumbled off down the road, probably to continue their dubious party in their hotel room.

Without Kelly, which made Hunter smile.

She looked up at him, gaping slightly. “You wear your hat even at nighttime?”

He reached up and took it off. “Habit. Sorry.” He ruffled his hair and then grabbed the door to the bar, holding it open so she could go in.

A nervous Mina greeted them, standing by the door and wringing her hands. “I’m sorry about that, dear. We try to keep the riffraff out, but

“No harm done,” Kelly said pleasantly, putting up her hands. “So how about dinner?”

While Mina rushed off to get food, Hunter looked Kelly over. She was wearing a soft grey sweater with black leggings underneath, a black belt emphasizing her curvy hourglass. She wore the same ankle boots as before, and they drove him crazy. Her curls were held back by a hairband, showing off more of her smooth face and luminous eyes.

He walked over to the bar and pulled out a stool for her, wishing there was a nicer place he could take her in this town.

Then again, this wasn’t a date. It was a business proposition.

Mina set down a sandwich and a drink, and Hunter let Kelly get comfortable and take a few bites before he brought up the topic of the evening.

“So have you thought about my proposition?”

She sighed. “Your friends said you were right. They’re really nice, by the way.”

“I think so,” Hunter said. “Sometimes, anyway.”

“That Grayson guy is funny.”

Hunter felt a tinge of jealousy at her complimenting another man, but he pushed it away, knowing he had no right to it. “I guess. Mean left hook, though.”

She giggled. “He punched you?”

“I might have deserved it,” Hunter said. “Then again, he’s fun to tease.”

“Why do you strike me as someone impulsive?”

“Because I am,” he said, taking another swig of his drink. “I’m an incorrigible traveler, and before I hooked up with those guys, I tended to move from place to place, incredibly bored.”

“But you think you’ll stay with them for a while?”

“I don’t know,” he said, growing serious as he stared at his glass. “I’m not sure they need me anymore. Now that they’re settled.”

“Hm,” she said, staring at him curiously. When he declined to say more, she put her hands flat on the table. “Anyway, they said you were right. How do I know you aren’t in cahoots?”

He smirked. “You think we’d all conspire so I can do some free work?”

She grimaced. “I guess not. But I still don’t understand why you want to.”

“Can’t I just want to help?”

She blinked at him, her big, sparkly brown eyes almost more than he could take. “I suppose, but it would be unlikely. It’s more likely that you want somethingmore.”

He frowned. “Just what are you suggesting?”

“I’m just saying… I’m single, and I’m not looking to change that up. I know there is a dearth of girls here, but

“I’m just looking to help you, Kelly. That’s all. If you want to beg me to date you or hold you, then I’m willing to reconsider, but otherwise, I’m here for the work.”

She gaped at him. “Beg you?”

He grinned. “A guy can dream.”

She laughed, finally relaxing slightly. “You’re incorrigible.”

“Grayson says impossible.”

“You and Grayson have an interesting relationship,” she said, biting her lip.

“You could say that again.” He straightened up on his stool. “Seriously, though, you don’t have anything to worry about with me. I’m not the type to go after a girl who doesn’t want me, and I can respect your boundaries while doing my work.”

“Hm.” She took another bite of her sandwich and chewed, her thoughts obviously drifting somewhere else. “I still don’t know what to do here. Things are complicated enough as it is.”

“Why are they complicated?”

She didn’t look at him, just kept staring at the bottles on the shelves behind the bar as if all the answers to life were there.

He straightened. “I’m getting the feeling you’re not telling me everything.”

“That’s because I’m not,” she said, shaking her head. “Look, you frankly seem like a nice guy. You’re attractive. But I’m still adjusting to the fact that my home is a pile of crap and my only hope of fixing it is a complete stranger who is working for free.”

“I’m not working for free.”

She looked slightly worried at that. “You aren’t?”

“I’m working for a painting,” he said with a smirk. “Make it a good one.”

She frowned. “I… I haven’t been able to work much lately, but I’ll try.”

“You can’t rush art,” he said pleasantly.

“Okay, seriously, why are you being so nice if you don’t want something from me?”

He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts. “Look, I have room in my schedule. Forget anything I said about romance, even though I think you’re incredibly attractive and would love to explore that as well. The main point is I have free time, and I hate thinking about a woman alone in the wilderness with a leaky roof and a door any wolf could break down.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Why would a wolf break down a door?”

“It smells food?”

“Oh,” she said faintly. “Just great.”

“What is? Why did that depress you? We’re going to get it fixed.”

“I guess because I keep trying to find a safe place, and I keep failing.”

He nudged the plate with her sandwich closer, encouraging her to eat. With the stress she was clearly under, she would need her strength.

But why was she under stress at all?

“Look, no place is truly safe when you’re alone. Sometimes you just have to let people help you.” When she wouldn’t look at him, he gently lifted her chin with one finger so he could look into her eyes. “Some people just want to help.”

Her eyes glazed over slightly as she stared at him, and then she jerked out of his reach. “It’s just hard to believe. I haven’t had very good experiences. And honestly, your time would probably be better off spent somewhere else.”

“Why?” Hunter asked, beginning to get frustrated. “I already told you what I wanted.”

“I just… I’m better off alone.”

“No one is,” Hunter said. “Believe me. I was alone for years before I met up with my current crew. As difficult as life can be, it’s better with people around.”

“But you were thinking of leaving them,” she said quietly.

“Only because it’s time to find someone of my own,” he said. “Seeing what they have, it makes me want more.”

“But not with me.”

He eyed her sidelong. She protested so much about dating him that it almost made him think she wanted to after all. But he’d have to wait for her to come to that conclusion, if it was true. “Whatever you want, Kelly. Just let me keep you safe.”

She sighed and leaned on the bar, looking defeated. A few stray curls had escaped. “So you really want to drive out there every day and work on my house just for a painting?”

He nodded.

“Then there is something you should probably know.” She ran a hand through her curls and downed the last of her beer, grimacing. “The reason I’m nervous is that… something is following me. I have baggage. That’s why I don’t want to get involved.”

The cat in him sat up, the predator activated at any sign of danger. “Baggage?”

What was it, an ex-husband? A boyfriend? His cat didn’t like it at all.

“I mean, I moved all the way out here to escape him, but he still might show up. I understand if you don’t want to get involved.”

Hunter made a face of disgust. “What kind of man would I be if I wanted to run after knowing that? Kelly, I’m here to help. And if your stalker shows up, I’ll kick his ass, too. For free. No need for a painting.”

She was quiet then, and if Hunter wasn’t mistaken, her face held a bit of a blush. “Okay. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

He rolled up his flannel sleeves to his forearms, suddenly feeling a bit hot. “If anything, what you said only made me want to come over more. I told you I want you safe.”

But why?”

“Do I need a reason?” Hunter asked, standing and stretching beside his stool as one of his favorite country songs came on. “Maybe I’m just a good guy.” He held out his hand for her. “And maybe I’ll accept a dance as payment.”

“For what?” She eyed him reluctantly.

“Escorting you home.” His smile made it clear it wasn’t up for argument, and she smiled slightly as she stepped off the stool, taking his hand as he spun her out onto the floor.

Once there, he caught her, dancing with her and ignoring the patrons’ catcalls. He kept a palm on her lower back and held her hand with the other, moving them slowly around the barroom floor, singing his song to her.

As she slowly relaxed in his arms, his damn cat wanted to practically purr.

Holding her was a mistake. Listening to her hum along with him as they swayed was sheer, heavenly torture.

He never wanted it to stop.

As the song finished, she blushed up at him and then went back to get her things at the counter so they could head out. Following her into the night, he could hardly wait to get started fixing her home.

No matter what happened between them, as long as he was allowed to help her, he would be fine.




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