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Reckless Highlander (Legendary Bastards of the Crown Book 3) by Elizabeth Rose (27)




Maggie awoke the next morning to the sound of the straight trumpet from out in the courtyard. She lifted her head and rubbed her eyes.

“What’s that?” asked Duff from beside her on the bed they’d shared.

“Someone’s here.” She swung her legs over the side of the bed. And that’s when she saw Reed. He was sleeping, leaning back on two legs of a chair with his booted feet up on the bed. When she had gone to bed, Reed was still out in the stable thinking. She hadn’t even heard him come into the room.

“Reed, wake up,” she said, putting on her shoes. His head was back with his mouth open and he was snoring. She hated to wake him. He’d had very little sleep lately. If the visitor was who she suspected, it promised to be a very stressful day.

She ran to the window and pulled back the tapestry that covered the opening to keep out the cold. It was no surprise when she saw the royal caravan coming over the drawbridge. It was Edward, just as she suspected.

“Who is it?” asked Duff, sitting up and yawning. He tried to stretch, but winced and held his hand over his shoulder.

“It’s King Edward,” she announced.

“Edward?” Reed’s eyes sprang open. He lost his balance, toppling the chair over and landing on the ground. Duff laughed.

“Duff, that’s no’ funny,” Maggie scolded him.

“Let me see.” Reed ran to the window and looked out. Despair showed in his eyes and he gritted his teeth. “Damn, I didna want this to happen yet.”

“What didna ye want to happen?” Duff ran over to the window and looked out. “Is that the king?”

“It is.” Maggie put her hands atop Duff’s shoulders.

“Reed, will ye bring me to meet yer faither?” asked Duff. “I’ve never met a king before.”

“Nay!” Reed shouted and stormed away, picking up his weapon belt and clasping it around his waist.

“Did I say somethin’ wrong?” asked Duff, looking up to Maggie in question.

“Reed has to make a decision concernin’ his faither, and it is verra difficult,” she explained to her brother.

“What are ye goin’ to do, Reed?” Duff rushed over to Reed’s side.

“I dinna ken.” He checked his weapons, not looking at the boy.

“We’re goin’ to go back to the Highlands together, right? Please, tell me that’s where we’ll live.”

Reed looked up and Maggie rushed over when she saw the anger on Reed’s face. “I said I dinna ken what I’m goin’ to do. Now dinna ask me again.”

“Duff, go get ready for Summer’s weddin’.” Maggie gave Duff a slight push toward the other side of the room.

“I suppose I should get this over with.” Reed took long strides toward the door and Maggie rushed after him.

“Wait, Reed! What are ye goin’ to do?”

“I’m goin’ to have to confront Edward sooner or later,” said Reed.

“Why dinna ye wait until after Summer’s weddin’?” She envisioned shouting and fighting and a bad scene. “The poor girl’s already frightened. We dinna need to make it any harder for her.”

“I suppose ye’re right.” He ran a weary hand through his long hair. “I dinna want to ruin my sister’s weddin’. I’ll stay in the shadows until after it’s over. Mayhap, I should just leave. Then I willna have to face Edward at all.”

“Reed, nay. If ye leave, ye’ll be runnin’ from Edward the rest of yer life and ye ken it.”

He looked at the ground and nodded. “All right. The extra time will give me the chance to try to figure out what I feel in my heart.”


* * *


The wedding went by much too quickly for Reed. He felt sorry he hadn’t been paying much attention, but his mind was muddled with thoughts of every situation possible concerning his relationship with his dear old dad. He stood in the shadows just outside the keep while everyone congratulated the newly married couple.

“Do ye think Summer will be happy?” Maggie asked.

He looked up to see his sister holding on to the baron’s arm at they greeted and thanked everyone. She was beautiful with her blond hair coiled atop her head. The tippets of the long, blue gown she wore fluttered in the breeze and it looked ethereal, reminding him of the vision of his mother.

“Nay, she’ll be miserable and we both ken it,” said Reed, shaking his head. “I wish she didna have to be in this situation.”

“Mayhap, they’ll find love together and she’ll be happy,” said Maggie.

“Mayhap the bastard will die in his sleep,” he spat. “That would make me happy.”

“Dinna wish that on anyone,” said Maggie. “Reed, ye need to meet with yer faither already because ye are turnin’ back into a verra unhappy man.”

“And ye think meetin’ with Edward will make me smile?” He looked over to the king, sitting on a dais in the courtyard. He was pompous and rich and wore an ermine-lined, green cloak and so many rings and gemstones that the reflection was blinding Reed in the sunlight. His wife, Queen Philippa, sat next to him, smiling and being kind to everyone.

“Excuse me, but we have an announcement,” said Rowen, raising his hand in the air. Once the crowd had quieted down, he continued. “As you all know, my wife, Lady Cordelia, is pregnant.” He pulled his wife toward him and everyone clapped. “We’ve decided if the baby is a boy – we are going to name it Edward.”

“Wonderful,” said the king with a nod, liking the fact a child might be named after him. However, it only infuriated Reed and he could stay quiet no longer.

“I think it’s blasphemy,” shouted Reed so everyone could hear him.

“Reed, nay,” said Maggie but he walked out of the shadows as he continued.

“Ye might as well name the baby Satin if it’s a lad. After all, we were spawned by the devil – so that means our faither is the king of Hell.”

The crowd gasped and shrieked and cleared a path as Reed made his way forward to the dais. King Edward’s body stiffened and he gripped the wooden rail in front of him as he stood.

“Reed, you simpkin, what are you doing?” Rook reached out for him, but he pushed his brother’s hand away. His eyes stayed focused on Edward.

“Reed,” said the king, his mouth turning up at the sides into a slight smile. “So we finally meet. I’ve been waiting for this day.”

“I bet you have.” Reed pulled his sword from his scabbard, creating a chain reaction of the king’s guards who lifted their swords and surrounded him.

“Throw him in the dungeon where he belongs,” spat the baron. “Now that you’re here, King Edward, I’m sure you’ll sentence this savage to death as he deserves for not only slapping me but stealing my bride.”

“Nay, that’s my brother.” Summer reached out to touch the baron, but he pushed her away so hard she fell to the ground.

“I’ll kill ye for hurtin’ my sister.” Reed’s sword clashed with several of the guards as he tried to get over to Summer.

“Stop it, Reed.” Rowen ran out but could get nowhere close to Reed since he was surrounded by the king’s soldiers.

“Let him through, I’ll take him down with my blade,” said the baron, raising his weapon. “It would be my pleasure.”

“Stop!” The king held up a hand, and the guards obeyed, but Reed didn’t. His sword clashed with the baron’s. Reed felt so angry he would probably have killed the man if Rowen hadn’t pulled him away and stepped in between them. Rowen held his sword in front of him.

“Drop the sword, Baron,” said Rowen. “We’ve just formed an alliance with the wedding. I’ll not have you breaking it right here within my castle walls.”

“I’m not breaking the alliance,” growled the baron. “This savage is a Highlander and has naught to do with it.”

“He’s my brother, and has everything to do with it,” said Rowen. “If you want to kill him, you’ll have to kill me first.”

“Me, too.” Rook stepped in front of Reed with his sword drawn as well.

“He’s my son,” said Ross stepping forward with his sword leading the way. “And ye’re married to my daughter. If ye hurt either one of them, ye’ll be breakin’ our alliance.”

“Nay, he’s my son,” said the king, surprising all of them. “Put away your sword, Baron, or you’ll be dealing with me. All of you lower your weapons. This is a wedding, not a battle. It seems the last two weddings I’ve attended have turned into battles. I will not allow that to happen again.” He looked at Rook and Rowen when he said it.

The guards, as well as the rest of them, put away their swords.

“You too, Reed.” The king watched and waited. Reluctantly, Reed shoved his sword back into his scabbard. “Come forward, Son, we have to talk.”

Reed shook his head, not wanting to talk since he still hadn’t decided what to do.

“Go on,” said Rowen with a nod of his head.

“We’ll be right here with you,” added Rook.

“He is yer real faither,” said Ross.

“Ross Douglas, I need to talk to you as well,” said the king.

“Damn,” he heard Ross say under his breath, walking forward to stand before the king.

“It was a long time ago when you forged one of my missives in an attempt to steal my mistress.”

“Why would ye think that?” asked Ross. Reed knew he was hoping the king had never found out about it.

“I’m sorry, but I had to tell him,” came a deep voice from the crowd. A man walked forward.

Maggie pushed her way through the crowd to get to Reed.

“Grandfather!” Summer rushed over to hug the man who had spoken. It was Lord Ramsay Granville from Hetherpool. He was Annalyse’s father. Ramsay’s wife, Lady Ernestine, was with him. They had been kind to Maggie when she and Duff came to England with Annalyse and the girls so many years ago. They’d taken her into their castle and treated them well because Annalyse had asked them to do it. Maggie was happy to see they’d made it to the wedding, but she wasn’t happy they’d spilled Ross’ secret.

“It was a long time ago when our daughter, Gabrielle, was birthing the triplets,” said Lady Ernestine. “Please, Your Majesty, can you find it in your heart to forget about the things Ross Douglas has done?”

“Aye, he has been the one to raise your bastards,” added Ramsay.

“He’s also been the one who stole them and took them to Scotland,” said the king.

“After you ordered them killed.” Queen Philippa stood, making her opinion known.

The king looked back to his wife and then over to the triplets. “I will pardon you, Ross Douglas, but only because I know I was wrong wanting my bastards killed. If you hadn’t saved them, I wouldn’t be aligned with them today.

“No’ all of us,” said Reed, bringing them back to the matter at hand.

“Everyone, go about your business, as I’d like a private audience with Reed right now,” announced Edward.

“Since I am Lord of Whitehaven, Your Majesty, I’d like to be there for the negotiations,” said Rowen.

“Of course.” The king nodded.

“I want the rest of my family there, too,” said Reed. “Includin’ my wife.”

“Come forward, all of you.” The king sat back down and so did the queen.

“I’m not leaving - this is my wedding.” The baron pushed his way to the front.

“Reed, you are the only one out of my bastard triplets that hasn’t made an alliance with me,” Edward told him.

“That’s right.” Reed stayed stoic, not wanting to fall into Edward’s web.

“Are you considering making an alliance and paying fealty to me like both your brothers have done?”

His heart pounded in his ears. He tried to breathe but couldn’t. He looked at Maggie and then his brothers and Ross. They all waited for his answer. Reed didn’t know what to say. He closed his eyes and dug down into his heart, trying to remember his mother’s words. It had to feel right before he agreed. His heart would tell him the right thing to do. Finally, he opened his eyes and answered.

“I am no’, Yer Majesty.”

The mouths of everyone around him fell open at his decision.

“You . . . are not?” The king wasn’t happy. He held onto the rail once more and rose from his chair. “So are you saying you are going to continue to raid me?”

He looked over to Maggie and his brothers. They were all shaking their heads.

“I am a married man now and have to think about my family. I will no’ raid ye anymore, but neither will I pay ye allegiance.”

“Really?” The king laughed. “I can give you a title and a castle and even knight you like your brothers.”

“Reed, think about this,” said Rook under his breath.

“It’s not that bad,” mumbled Rowen.

Reed walked up to the front rail of the dais and looked up to the king. “I made my decision from my heart, just like my mathair told me to do.”

“What?” asked the king, furrowing his brow. “Lady Annalyse has no say in this matter.”

“No’ Annalyse – I’m talkin’ about my mathair, Gabrielle. Yer former mistress.”

He heard Rowen and Rook groan from behind him.

The king laughed again. “Gabrielle – my mistress – died the day she birthed you. Or did someone steal her away, too, and I don’t know about it?”

“She came to me from the grave,” he said. “I swear I sat on the banks of the loch and talked with her. She told me to look into my heart and I’d ken what to do.”

“This is preposterous,” spat the king. “I won’t have you talking about the dead in such a disrespectful manner. I demand you pay me fealty just like your brothers.”

“I canna do that,” said Reed. “My heart belongs to Scotland. And that is where I’ll take my family to live.”

He heard a squeal of excitement from Duff, who was smiling from ear to ear. Maggie had her arms around him as he stood in front of her.

“Even Ross Douglas has made an alliance with the English,” said the king.

“I’m sorry, but I canna,” said Reed, holding his ground.

“You and your brothers have stolen from me for years,” said the king. “I’ve pardoned their outrageous behavior but only because they aligned with me.”

“I willna fall into yer web the way they did.”

“I am your father!”

“You may be my birth faither, but Ross Douglas is the only faither I’ve ever had. Ye wanted us dead, so what does it matter to ye now if I make an alliance with ye or no’?”

The king just nodded and sat back down. He didn’t answer at first, but then he spoke. “I cannot allow you to just walk away after what you’ve done. I’m sorry.”

“Kill him,” shouted the baron. “He needs to be reprimanded for stealing my betrothed and hitting a noble.”

“Aye, we need to address that issue,” agreed Edward.

“Excuse me, Your Majesty,” said Rowen, stepping forward. “But the baron and I had an agreement that I would take care of Reed’s punishment. I gave him my ship to secure the deal.”

“That was part of the dowry,” complained the baron.

“You gave him the Sea Mirage?” The king was on his feet again.

“Nay, Your Majesty. I gave him the Rover,” Rowen told him.

“Oh.” The king nodded. “All right then, you can decide Reed’s punishment. But he’ll still have to answer to me for stealing from me for the last three years.”

“We’ve all been just as guilty as Reed,” said Rook.

“And he’s also one of my sister’s sons – your sons,” added Annalyse.

Reed felt loved and special. His family was standing up to the king to try to protect him. This felt right, just like his mother had told him.

“Please, Yer Majesty,” said Maggie next. “I love Reed, and he is now my husband. I’ve seen a change in him since he’s spoken with his mathair. If he says he will no’ raid ye again, his word is good, I assure ye.”

“Not again with the ghost.” Edward turned to talk in hushed whispers with his wife. He didn’t look as if he liked what she was saying but finally nodded his head. “As a courtesy to my wife, since she was good friends with my mistress, Gabrielle, I will give Reed a fair chance to win his freedom.”

“What do ye mean?” asked Reed, wondering what the king had up his sleeve.

“I’ve heard you are nearly unbeatable at chess.”

Reed groaned. Not again with the chess game. He didn’t want to play chess with the king. “I dinna lose often,” he told him.

“And neither do I,” said Edward. “We will play a game of chess together. If you win, I will pardon you from your crimes and you are free to go.”

“And if I lose?”

“Then you will pay fealty to me, just like your brothers.”

“I dinna want what ye have to offer. I have already made my decision, no matter if I win or lose. I willna play the game with ye.”

“Then I’ll have no other alternative than to put you in the dungeon and have you tried at a later date.”

“Nay,” shouted Maggie. “Reed, please . . . just play the game.”

“Maggie,” he said, taking her hands in his. “I willna let Edward force me into a decision even if he is the king and my faither. I’ve already decided what we’ll do.”

“He’ll put ye in the dungeon. Ye might be there for years. I just found ye after all this time. I willna lose ye again. I dinna care if we live in England and ye pay fealty to Edward – as long as we’re together, that is all that matters.”

“He willna kill me, Maggie,” Reed said with a smile.

“He ordered yer death as a baby! Do no’ doubt he’ll do it again.”

She had a point. Edward was unpredictable. He was also used to getting his way. There was no way out of this one. All he would have to do is win one simple game of chess and then he’d take Maggie and Duff back to Scotland where they belonged. How hard could it be?

“All right, I accept,” said Reed. “Someone bring the game and let’s get this over with.”

“Not so fast,” said Edward with a chuckle. “This game is going to be a little different.”

“How so?”

“I know your skill and I want to challenge you. So this game will be a live game of chess.”

“Live?” he asked, not understanding.

“Aye.” The king held out his hand. “Choose your players, Reed. Because the chess pieces are going to be the people around you.”




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