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Remembering Ivy by Claire Kingsley (20)


James’s studio was in a loft in south Seattle. It was open and airy with high ceilings and large windows, the space filled with curtains, backdrops, lights, camera equipment, and props.

There were a number of people there, and everyone looked busy. James waved when we walked in, more in acknowledgment than greeting. He was speaking to a tall woman in a blouse and slacks. A man in a striped shirt and tight jeans was busy hanging things on a rack, and a young woman with her hair in a ponytail scurried around, looking frazzled.

Another woman, this one with a bright blue pixie cut, greeted us with a smile. “Hey, William. Good to see you.”

He smiled at her. “You too. Jade, this is Ivy.”

Jade held out her hand and I shook it. “Jade, hair and makeup. Nice to meet you.”

“Hi,” I said.

“Let’s get you ready,” Jade said to William. “Ivy, you can just hang out. There’s a chair over here. We have drinks just through that door. Bathroom is that way.”


I followed them in and Jade led William to a vanity with makeup and hair supplies. Everyone else kept working in the background. I took a seat off to the side where I could watch.

“Go get your hair wet for me, big guy,” she said to William.

He obviously knew the drill. He disappeared through a door and came out a few minutes later, shirtless, toweling off his wet hair. Jade got to work, putting in hair product and blow drying. She gave him a slightly fuller version of his usual careless style. It looked great.

The man in the striped shirt brought William over to the rack, then handed him a stack of clothing. William disappeared behind a curtain. A minute or two later, he emerged looking like a rugged mountain man in a plaid shirt, jeans, and boots. With his strong jaw and thick hair, he looked the part.

James got him set up in front of a white background. I guessed that the tall woman was the creative director. She conferred with James and then he started shooting.

It was fascinating to watch. James spoke in a calm voice, directing William’s poses. He looked so natural, not like he was posing at all. I had a feeling that was why this designer liked him. He was beautiful, there was no question about that. But his easygoing nature made him look like a man who was completely comfortable in his own skin. He projected an air of quiet competence. Like he knew exactly how to use every inch of that exquisite body.

I happened to know he did.

They changed backgrounds and adjusted the lighting. After a while, William changed into different clothes—a short-sleeved shirt and dark pants—and came back out.

James gave him some direction and then took more pictures. William’s eyes flicked over to me and I caught a glimpse of that enigmatic smile.

“Brilliant, give me more of that,” James said.

William looked at me again, this time grinning enough to show his dimples.

James glanced at me. “You need to bring her more often. I never get this expression out of you.”

After a while, James had William take a break while they put together a different set. Then it was time for Jade to touch up his hair, and another wardrobe change.

He came out from behind the curtain dressed in nothing but black briefs. At first I thought they hadn’t given him the right clothes for his next set of pictures, but James motioned him over.

“They want some shots of you in their new underwear line. I’m not sure if these will make it into production, since they usually use you for other things. But we’ll give them some good options.” James fiddled with something on his camera, not really looking up. “I’m going to need you partially erect for this. Sorry, I know it’s cold in here, so that makes it a little more challenging.”

William glanced down at himself and looked up again. I nibbled on my lip to keep from giggling. I felt like I had the maturity of a twelve-year-old for wanting to laugh. Although even in the chilly space, I thought he filled the underwear out quite nicely. But James knew what he needed to get the right look for the shoot.

“You can step behind the curtain.” James looked over at me and raised his eyebrows. He nodded toward the curtained-off area. “Maybe this will go faster if you help?”

My mouth dropped open, but I quickly closed it again. Oh my god, he wants me to

“Oh, sure.” My cheeks flushed hot, so I quickly joined William behind the curtain before James could see me blush.

William grinned at me.

“Did you know he’d have you pose in underwear?” I asked, keeping my voice low.

“James probably told me, but I don’t usually worry about it,” he said. “I just show up.”

“Well, this is… I don’t even know. They need you…”

“Partially erect,” he said, his tone amused.

I took a deep breath. I was not such a prude that I couldn’t get my boyfriend hard, even with people on the other side of a thin curtain who knew exactly what we were doing. He watched me step closer with that little half smile on his lips.

“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?” I asked.

“Isn’t that the point?”

I looked up at him and our eyes locked. My hand wrapped around his cock and I squeezed lightly. It was enormously satisfying to feel him respond, his cock growing beneath my touch.

He didn’t need to be fully erect—in fact, that was probably a bad thing—but his cock felt so good in my hand. My mouth watered, and I decided to take a chance and do something very unlike me… and very unexpected. I pulled his waistband down and lowered myself onto my knees in front of him.

His eyes widened as he watched me take the tip of his cock into my mouth. I sucked it gently, then swirled my tongue around.

“Oh fuck, Ivy,” he said, his voice low.

Once I started, I didn’t want to stop. I took him in deeper and pulled out, sliding his thickness in and out of my wet mouth. Looking up, I met his eyes. He watched me with awe, his eyes unfocused, his lips parted.

I held his shaft and ran my tongue around the ridge of his tip. He shuddered and groaned. I knew I should stop. I couldn’t finish him now if he was supposed to stay partially hard. So I slowly pulled back and released him.

Licking my lips, I pulled the waistband back up. Or tried to. My little stunt had worked too well. The top of his thick erection stuck out past the underwear.

He shook his head, as if to clear it, and took a deep breath. He had to adjust his cock so it was at least contained by the black fabric. I stood and brushed my hair back.

“You ready, William?” James asked.

Meeting my eyes, he grinned and shook his head again. “Wow. That was fun.”

“Sorry,” I said. “I got a little carried away.”

“I didn’t mind,” he said, his voice amused. He took another deep breath, glanced down at himself, and shrugged. Then went out to the set.

I peeked around the curtain.

James was still adjusting something on his camera. He looked up and blinked. “Oh, shit. Uh… I guess we’ll wait a minute for that to… That’s… wow, okay.”

Part of me was embarrassed. But I had to admit, I felt a little bit proud of myself. William met my eyes and shrugged again.

James moved some things around and checked his equipment again. Looked back at William. He was still filling out those briefs more than partially. Everyone seemed to run out of things to do. They stood around, tapping feet and checking the time. Looking everywhere except at William.

Long minutes later, James finally determined that William looked right. They had him lie on a couch and moved one of the lights.

I stepped outside the curtain to watch. Jade darted in and fixed a lock of William’s hair. James lifted his camera and William titled his face toward me. Our eyes met, and I smiled, nibbling my bottom lip.

“Really?” James asked, stepping back and lowering his camera.

William’s bulge was… larger.

“She’s way over there,” James said, gesturing toward me. “Think about something unappealing. I’m not trying to shoot lady porn, here.”

William seemed completely unfazed. He took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling.

We all waited, again. James paced back and forth. After a few more minutes, he looked at William through his camera lens and muttered something that sounded like finally.

I wondered if I should hide behind the curtain, but I needed to use the restroom. I figured I’d sneak away while he was busy. I crept across the loft toward the vanity where Jade had done his hair. Pausing about halfway, I looked back. James had William standing now.

God, he looked delicious. I wasn’t sure if I liked him being photographed like this. I didn’t want to share him.

Our eyes met, and his mouth hooked in that subtle smile I loved so much. Feeling suddenly naughty, I brought a finger to my mouth and slowly licked it with the tip of my tongue. Then I pressed my lips around it and pulled it out, winking at him.

His smile transformed into an expression that was downright carnal. I felt my cheeks flush and my body tingle with desire.

“Damn it, William,” James said. “Forget it. We’ll go with what we have.”

I stifled a giggle and tried to look innocent. The wardrobe guy caught my eye and gave me a covert thumbs-up.

In the bathroom, I took a deep breath and fanned myself. My cheeks were pink, and I was warm. When I came out, William was behind the curtain changing. James looked at me and rolled his eyes. Stifling another laugh, I just shrugged.

James spoke to the tall woman again, and I thought I heard him say, “And remind me to never introduce him to my girlfriend.”

William came out, dressed in his own clothes. “Ready?”

“That’s quite the asset you have there,” I said, running my finger down his chest. “We should hurry home, so I can finish what I started.”

His eyes widened, sparkling blue. “My place is closer.”

I laughed as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward the door.