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Rich S.O.B.: A Romantic Comedy by Bijou Hunter (13)

Asher ❁

My former psychiatrist, Dr. Disher, is a big fan of exposure therapy. Enduring what I fear or loathe never sounded right to me, and I disregarded his techniques. After meeting Junie, though, I’m more willing to cause myself discomfort.

While I don’t call the doctor, I do plan to take the anti-anxiety pills before my next date with Junie. If I can soften the painful parts of my anxiety, I’ll be able to focus on the only woman to inspire me to change.

I run on the treadmill and watch a video of Junie waiting at a bus stop. The private investigator sends videos and photos each day to prove he’s following her. Without them, I doubt I’d sleep at all lately. Meeting Junie has reignited my insomnia, and I’m a slave to her stimuli if I want to find relief for a few hours.

Working out until I’m exhausted, I crash with thoughts of kissing her in front of others with the ease she shows.

‧:❉:‧ ‧:❉:


I don’t know what I hope to accomplish by showing up at Dietrich Tower. Mallory tells me to cool off before I do or say something I can’t take back. She’s the voice of reason, but I don’t listen. My temper boils hotter every time I think of how Asher jerked me around. How he runs hot and cold. How I’m important enough to be followed but not good enough to enter his precious sanctum.

I haven’t allowed anyone to make me feel unworthy since Oona’s death. Now a careless man holds my value in his hands.

I skate into the tower’s lobby and to the front desk where a woman sits behind her computer screen.

“I’m here to see Asher Ferrer. Call up to his place and tell him I’m here.”

“Mr. Ferrer isn’t available on weekends.”

“I know he’s here. Take the phone and tell him that Junie Voss is here. He will want to talk to me.”

“I’m sorry.”

“No, not sorry. Pick up the phone and call.”

“I can’t.”

“You won’t.”

“He isn’t to be disturbed during the weekend.”

“Look, we both know he isn’t the one answering his calls upstairs. His assistant, Egor, will pick up, and you’ll explain I’m here, and I’ll go upstairs, and you won’t get in trouble. Life will be great for everyone. Now do it.”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t,” she says and levels her shoulders defiantly.

“Lois, I want you to consider what will happen if you send me away. Later, I’ll tell Asher Ferrer how it’s your fault I’m pissed at him. That won’t end well for you, and you don’t need that hassle so pick up the phone.”

“Ma’am, please…”

“Don’t you ‘ma’am’ me,” I say, fighting to control my rising voice. “You know what you need to do, and you’re purposely screwing with me.”

“I’m only doing my job.”

Rolling my eyes, I pull out my cell and dial Asher’s number. He doesn’t answer, of course. I call it again and again and again, but he doesn’t pick up. Looking back at Lois, I find her pretending to ignore me.

“I’m going to make a scene. When his security sees what’s going on, I’m going to blame you. I’m just that petty, Lois.”

“I can’t call.”

“You can.”

“If you continue to bother me, I’ll call security and have you escorted out.”

“I will so get you fired, Lois. I can’t even tell you how petty I am. Like you think you know because I’m acting irrationally right now, but I’m way pettier than I’m letting on. So much pettier. Don’t even try me.”

Lois starts to open her pretty little mouth to give me grief when someone appears out of a little side room and hurries to the front desk.

“Is there a problem?” the man asks Lois.

“I need to talk to Asher Ferrer,” I say and then point at the newcomer. “Hey, you were the guy who was checking out my boobs that day I had dinner with Asher. Randy, right?”

“I remember you visiting Mr. Ferrer.”

“So then be a pal, Randy, and call upstairs and tell him that I need to talk to him.”

“I told her we couldn’t,” Lois adds to be annoying.

“Hush, woman,” I mutter. “Let Randy and me figure things out.”

Randy’s gaze flickers from me to Lois to the door of the room he left and finally to the ceiling. “I’ll call upstairs and ask for you.”

“Thank you for your cooperation.”

Lois gives me a dirty look while Randy speaks with Egor. I stare at Asher’s special elevator and will it to open. Something has to give today, and I won’t be the one coming up short this time around.

‧:❉:‧ ‧:❉:

Asher ❁

Egor never wakes me.

A year ago, Alistair was arrested in the middle of the night for a bar brawl. As usual, he expected me to give him bail money. My brother doesn’t have my number, and his call went to Egor who refused to wake me. Alistair was so mad that he whined to my mom who whined to me about how Egor interfered with family business. I told her that I would discuss the matter with my assistant, and I kept my word by praising Egor’s good judgment.

Today, though, he wakes me from a drugged slumber and says I need to take a call.

“Someone best be in the hospital.”

“Junie Voss is making a stink down in the lobby. I assumed you’d like to handle it personally.”

Blinking rapidly, I try to keep my eyes open. Junie’s name wakes something primal in my brain, and I force my body into a sitting position. The next minutes are a blur. I hear Egor’s voice nearby and then Junie’s on the phone.

“You did hire someone to follow me,” she spits out, sounding enraged.

Her words should matter to me, but my mind is awash with the effects of the sleeping pills. I hear her accusing me of lying, and I think I respond.

“I want to see you,” Junie demands. “Come down here or let me come upstairs.”


The word makes sense. Doped up and dressed in boxers, I’m in no position to go downstairs. Having Junie come up here to yell at me is out of the question. Inviting anyone into my home is a big step. Doing so while I’m barely conscious and she’s spitting fire just isn’t happening.

I don’t know exactly what Junie says next. She’s angry but not yelling. I watch her on the security feed as she stares up at the camera. Her finger points at it as if she’s pointing at me. Whatever she says this time, she doesn’t wait for a response. The call ends, and I watch her skate away from the front desk and out of the building. Stumbling back to bed, I promise myself I’ll smooth out things with Junie tomorrow.