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Riled Up (With A Kiss #2) by Anie Michaels (11)



“How come every time I come in this house, I find you sitting on your ass?”

Tripp’s voice caught me off guard, making me jump. Luckily, I’d just unpacked the box with the throw pillows for the couch, so I tossed one at him.

Of course, he caught it.

“I’m obviously in a supervisory role,” I said just before he tossed the pillow back at me. We both laughed when it smacked me directly in the face.

Camden and Justin went to return the moving truck we’d rented and were going to bring home pizza for lunch. We’d been moving all morning and afternoon, and even though there were a few things left here and there at the old places, we were pretty much done. And we were pretty much exhausted.

Tripp came over to the couch and plopped down next to me, letting out a large sigh.

“Moving all your shit is hard work.”

“I know, right?”

“Did you pull any muscles carrying the pillows?” he asked sarcastically.

“No, but I broke a nail.”

Suddenly, his big arm was wrapped around my neck and my face was shoved against his side, his other hand purposefully messing up my hair.

“Hey,” I cried out. “Knock it off.”

After thirty seconds of struggling against him, trying my hardest to break his hold and being completely unsuccessful, he finally let me go.

“When did you get to be such a bully?” I said with mock irritation as I tried to fix my hair.

He shrugged. “Just making up for all those years you were bigger than me and used it to your advantage.”

“Remember how Mom used to always warn me that one day you’d be bigger than me and that the roles would reverse?” I let out a loud laugh. “Guess she was right.”

“Funny how when you’re young you think your mom knows nothing. Turns out Mom is pretty smart.”

“Yeah,” I sighed, pulling my hair through the rubber band and then leaning back against the couch, my arm touching Tripp’s.

“Did you guys have a good visit when you were down there? I know things have been tense between you two for a while.”

“I think so. It was definitely cathartic.”

“How so?” he asked, looking over at me.

I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, nibbling on my bottom lip, trying to think of a clear and concise answer to his question.

“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

“No, it’s fine, I’m just still trying to process everything.” I took in a deep breath and decided to let my thoughts out, unrestrained. “I guess for a really long time I’d been a little selfish in blaming Mom for how horrible the four years in Arizona was. When I finally vocalized everything that had been bothering me, she put me in my place.”

“What do you mean? Was she mad?”

“No, she just made me see a different viewpoint.” He gave me a questioning look, raising one eyebrow dramatically. “It had never occurred to me that Mom was just trying to give us a good life. I was so wrapped up in my unhappiness that it clouded everything else around me. I was so focused on what I didn’t think I had I was blind to everything she was trying to provide. Does that make sense?”

“Yeah,” he replied thoughtfully. “To be honest, Smiley Riley,” he said, using his childhood nickname for me and bumping my shoulder with his, “I can see both your points on this one.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I was four years younger and I could still tell you were unhappy. And maybe Mom should’ve done something more to help you. But she was also a single parent and doing her best. For what it’s worth though, I think you turned out fine.” He said the last part with a shrug, as if he was talking about lasagna, not his sister.

“Thanks,” I said, slapping him lightly.

“All I know is that neither one of you is malicious, so if her actions hurt you, it wasn’t her intent, and vice versa.”

“I know that too,” I said quietly. “And thank you.” My baby brother had done a lot of growing up since I’d left Arizona. When he moved to Oregon I thought I’d see more of him, but obviously that wasn’t the case. “I miss you, you know.”

“Aw, shucks, sis,” he said goofily. “I miss you too. You and Camden should come visit every once in a while.”

“I know. We should. Hopefully things will calm down soon and we can make a trip.” I looked over at him. “Is it possible that you have a new reason to come to Portland more often though?” I asked, batting my eyes at him, my tone teasing.

“Shut up,” he said, pushing me again. Although the blush creeping over his face told me I’d hit a nerve.

“Did Rachel stay at her own place last night?” I waggled my eyebrows at him.

“Yes,” he insisted, but his cheeks just grew a deeper shade of red.

“Uh-huh. And what time did you end up getting to Camden’s condo?”

“I don’t kiss and tell, sis.”

“So there was kissing?”

“Shut up, Riley.” He smiled, but I knew I was pushing my luck.

“Rachel’s a friend of mine, okay. And you’re my brother. I understand not everything has to be serious, but I don’t want either of you hurt. So be careful with her.”

Tripp gave me a withering look. “I’m not some playboy dick, you know. I don’t just sleep with women and then drop off the face of the planet.”

“You slept with her?” I cried, eyes shooting wide open.

“Oh my God,” he said, exasperated, and stood up from the couch. “I’m not talking about this with you anymore.” He started walking toward the stairs.

“If you’re going upstairs, could you take a box with you?”

He didn’t answer me, but he did use his hands to make a rude gesture.

I just laughed. “Love you,” I called out after he’d disappeared.

It took a moment, but I heard him yell, “Love you too.”

Yeah, I missed my baby brother.