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Ruby (Angel Creek Christmas Brides Book 3) by Hildie McQueen, Angel Creek Christmas Brides (14)



Chapter Twelve



Trevor had not come to bed the night before. Ruby knew he was avoiding her and it suited her just fine. It wouldn’t do to smother him with a pillow while he slept as her ire had yet to diminish.

The loading of the wagon and getting Daniel settled into the back took some doing. He was too weak to walk yet but fought and argued the entire time anyway. Finally Trevor barked for him to shut up.

Corporal Smith rushed over with a huge tray laden with wrapped parcels and a basket also filled to the rim. “Do you have a trunk we can put all this in?” he asked, peering into the back where Daniel was settled.

“Yes.” Ruby pointed to a wooden trunk. Hank dragged the small trunk to the edge of the wagon and they placed everything into it. Any overflow was left in the basket.

“Cookie said Doc can bring the basket back next time he has to come out,” the soldier explained.

Ruby hugged him. “I will have to come back with him. I know I’ll want to see you and Cookie.”

Corporal Smith blushed, a wide smile splitting his face. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Trevor watching them silently.

He’d greeted her with a sullen good morning before rushing into explaining that he’d spent the night giving instructions for the remaining patients and ensuring the men would be well taken care of.

Finally, Hank assisted Ruby to the back of the wagon while Trevor busied himself with the horses.

Sitting near the front next to a sleeping sick man, Ruby settled in for what would be a long day of travel. Trevor refused Hank’s offer to drive the horses and Ruby shook her head. So, her husband was stubborn. Funny, she was often accused of the same thing.

Several hours later, she and Daniel talked about trivial things. She didn’t wish to say the wrong thing to him knowing he’d been through so many horrible ordeals in his life. The amputation only being the latest. Instead she concentrated on asking about his career, what he’d done in the Cavalry and his food preferences.

She found him to be very nice, his deep voice almost identical to Trevor’s. Although he was still weak, he didn’t seem to be in too much pain. They’d padded his left limb with swaddling and blankets had been placed around it to keep from further injury.

Finally Ruby had to ask him. “How did you feel at finding out Trevor was your brother?”

His brows lowered as he considered the answer. The man was handsome, taller than Trevor.

“I suppose after the shock, I was happy. In my gut, I knew he was someone I’d known. When I heard his voice, it resonated in my head. I was unable to speak and ask questions, but the more he spoke to me, the surer I was that he was my brother.”

The entire idea of two long lost brothers finding each other after being apart most of their lives absolutely fascinated her. Ruby leaned forward, enthralled by his story. “You must have been nervous to broach the subject.”

He nodded. “I was. It all seemed incredulous.”

“What was his reaction?”

The sick man gave this response more thought. He didn’t seem at all surprised that she didn’t have this information from Trevor, which was good. She didn’t want to have to explain anything. She wasn’t sure yet what would happen between her and Trevor once they had the time to finally sit and talk.

Daniel cleared his throat. “At first, he was shocked. Walked away for a couple hours. When he returned, he asked many questions. We both had questions about what had happened after we were separated. I am happy to know that although he grew up in an orphanage, Trevor’s life was devoid of hardship. He wasn’t forced to fight for every morsel of food.”

She had little idea of Daniel’s life. However by his reply, he’d had a hard childhood.

“Did you live with your parents?”, Ruby asked.

For the next couple hours, Daniel regaled Ruby with stories of his growing up on the streets. Some of his accounts were sad, with others quite comical. The trip gave her an opportunity to know him better. He seemed a good man.

When he spoke of his late wife and child, both having died as casualties of the civil war, he only skimmed the account and she didn’t pry further.

The wagon came to a stop. A few moments later, Trevor’s bruised face came into view. “Stopping for a bit to rest the horses and allow for us to stretch and such.”

His gaze lighted on Ruby briefly before going to his brother. “I came to help you down so you can relieve yourself.”

Daniel chuckled. “I was about to pound on the backboard.”

With Hank’s help, they helped a wobbly Daniel to stand. The stubborn man insisted he was able to function with only Hank to help. Ruby suspected he wanted to give her and Trevor privacy.

“I’ll walk with you,” Trevor motioned with his right hand to some trees in a different direction than where his brother and Hank went.

After both took a few moments of private time, Trevor joined Ruby who adjusted her skirts ensuring they didn’t drag on the ground.

“How are you feeling?” His words were tentative, halting.

She tilted her head to look at him. “I should be asking you. I feel fine, my ire ebbs just a bit when I’m not around you.”

There was slight movement at the corners of his lips, as if he fought not to smile. He had a delightful smile, but at the moment Ruby was not in the mood to see it.

“We will have time to talk once we return. I will do anything in my power to prove to you how sorry I am for doubting you. I hope you are able to forgive me.”

Too soon. Ruby forced her heart not to give in so easily. If she forgave to quickly, her husband would think he could get away with treating her badly. Besides, she was still angry and very hurt. Even just recalling the way he’d spoken to her caused tears to at once spill over. No one had ever spoken to her like that.

“Don’t cry.” Trevor swallowed, his eyes locked to her face. “I promise to make things up to you. I will make you happy Ruby. I swear it.”

She nodded, not ready to speak.

“We best be on our way.” Fat flakes were beginning to fall, and they had another few hours before arriving in Angel Creek.