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Sapphire Falls: Going Zero to Sixty (Kindle Worlds Novella) by Lizbeth Selvig (2)







Chapter Two


The drive from southern Minnesota to the little town of Sapphire Falls an hour west of Omaha took a little over seven hours including her stops for rest and lunch. All the way, Elle’s sense of adventure kept her adrenaline pumping and her spirits bobbing from calm anticipation to breathless excitement. Never in her life had she done something so...independent.

She pushed back all vestiges of nervousness. She was a mere three hundred and fifty miles from Kennison Falls and could be home in a heartbeat. This was no big deal.

It was just a very cool deal.

The peaceful countryside drew her in. It wasn’t so terribly different from the southern part of her home state—lush farm fields, contented cattle, yellow wheat heads starting to stubble rich soil as May began. Despite what Dewey thought, Elle had chosen this job because of the peace and the land, not because of the Norse god shop owner. She was a small town girl and she’d like Sapphire Falls. Although it was slightly larger than her town of nine hundred, pictures showed the same sorts of cozy, small town businesses and friendly celebrations.

She barely thought twice when the ancient, puke-colored Oldsmobile roared up behind her. She ignored it until the driver of the dubious vehicle put its nose nearly on her bumper. Seriously? she thought. On a deserted road? There wasn’t much Elle despised more than a tailgater, and although safety first had been drilled into her head for as long as she could remember, road rage was most likely to hit when some idiot pulled this very stunt.

Her shattered peace didn’t help. She narrowed her eyes and tapped her foot twice on the brake pedal without slowing down. To her satisfaction the front bumper of the Olds—a Cutlass—gave a sudden dip as the driver slammed on his brakes.

“Serves you right, you jerk,” she muttered.

With a roar and a slight puff of gray-blue smoke, the ugly car swerved around her and pulled alongside for a few seconds. She expected the finger but only got a glare, or so she assumed, since oversized, aviator sunglasses masked his eyes. A short, high-set masculine pony tail was his only other identifying feature. All she could do was glare back at him as he shot past.

“Thanks for the warm welcome to town, butthead,” she called after him, and blew out a breath. She hoped the man wasn’t indicative of Sapphire Falls’ attitude.

Five minutes later she got her second happy taste of karmic revenge when, literally at the Welcome to Sapphire Falls sign, she spotted the ugly Cutlass on the side of the road with a police car behind it. An officer leaned through the Cutlass driver’s window.  It took everything Elle had not to honk her horn and send him a gloating smile, however, she didn’t need to upset a local policeman on her way into his town.

She drove past without turning her head.

It took only a few minutes to follow the simple directions to the Rise and Shine Bed and Breakfast. The owner, Austin Stone, greeted her as if she were a long lost niece—erasing any worries that the town was full of arrogant, speeding people.

“You’re here at a perfect time,” Austin said. “We’re a month-plus away from the Summer Festival, and since school isn’t out, the tourist season hasn’t begun either. I only have one other couple staying so you have your pick of rooms.”

“That’s awfully nice,” Elle said, “but I’m happy to take any room. I might be here for a while until I find a permanent place.”

Austin dismissed her concern. “That’s exactly why you get a choice. I have a simple single room. It has its own bath but only a small coffee pot. For fifty dollars a week more, I have a room with a kitchenette—really, its just a refrigerator, hot plate and microwave with a few dishes in a small nook, but I’ve learned how to spin it so it sounds great.”

Elle grinned at his ebullient honesty. “I’m sure it is great.”

“If you’re here an extended time it can save money and time. You can stock up on basics so you don’t need to go out every night. You’re welcome to check out both rooms and compare.”

Elle took only a moment to consider. Money wasn’t an issue at the moment. Dewey had paid her fairly, and she hadn’t ever been a spendthrift. She couldn’t be extravagant, but she could afford fifty bucks for the convenience.

“I’ll take the larger room,” she said. “Thanks for giving me the option.”

“No problem. You said you’re moving to town permanently. Welcome to Sapphire Falls.”


“You’re working here, then?”

“I’m an auto mechanic. I’ll be working at the local garage.”

“That’s a rare career for a woman. Good for you.”

Elle smiled, surprised and warmed by the acceptance. Even in this day, the world of auto mechanics and engines belonged ninety percent to men, and most people didn’t understand her obsession with cars.

“I’ll let you know how it goes after the first week. Other mechanics sometimes have issues believing I have any expertise, but I’ll…” she winked, “spin it so I sound great.”

“That’s the ticket. Come on, I’ll show you your room.”

The room was more than great, filled with quilts on the double bed and landscape pictures Austin told her were by a local photographer. The small ensuite along with the kitchenette nook Austin had described, and the color scheme in Elle’s favorite warm reds, yellows, and oranges made her feel immediately at home.

“This is wonderful.” She turned in place, taking in the whole room. “I’m not sure I’ll ever want to leave. I’d be happy to find this nice a place when I start apartment hunting.”

“Good job buttering me up for guest-of-the-year honors.” Austin patted her shoulder. “You get settled and then head out to explore. Might as well get the lay of the land right away—it’s only two o’clock, the streets won’t roll up for a long time yet.”

“Good to know.”

“I’ll give you directions to the grocery store and some places to try for the first night’s dinner. Breakfast here is every morning from six to nine. If there’s anything you need, just ask.”

“Thank you so much. This is great.”

“Glad you like it. Hope you enjoy your stay.”

Fifteen minutes later Elle was back in her car, eager pick up a few basic groceries and explore this place she’d decided to call her temporary home.

Once in the small but well-stocked grocery store, Elle relaxed for the first time. For the first time in years she had nowhere to get to, nobody expecting her, no jobs to finish. Looking through her choices in the bottled drinks display, she reached for a pack of sparkling water when the brush of a long arm shoved her lightly to the side.

“Hey!” she yelped.

She recognized the sleek, sandy-colored short pony tail. Although its owner’s face was in profile—she immediately recognized the handsome features, strong nose and stubbled cheeks as those of the ugly car’s driver.

“I know you’re deciding,” he said without sparing her a glance. “But if I can grab this Gatorade I’ll be out of here. I’m in big rush.”

“I can see that. For the second time.”

He looked at her then, and her heart pounded into her throat. Something very familiar gripped her, but her brain power deserted her fully. She had no idea where she’d seen him other than on the road into town. His eyes widened, and for a quick second she thought he was going to apologize—or at least acknowledge he recognized her. Instead he blinked and shook his head almost imperceptibly.

“Hunh.” He grunted and grabbed the case of sports drinks he’d been after. “Thanks.” He threw the word to her almost like an outfielder tossing a foul ball into the stands as a gift and was gone as quickly as he had been on the road.

“Oh my gosh,” Elle called. “Rude much?”

He didn’t turn.

She followed in his wake, annoyed that she kept noticing the broad shoulders and muscular arms beneath a perfectly-fitted black T-shirt, and made herself shake off the incident, Still it was weird—meeting the same man, experiencing the same rude behavior, in less than half an hour.

And it wasn’t over. She looked up when she turned a front corner only to see pony tail man and his very handsome, very tall body, pushing through a line of three people at the only open check out. The woman at the end of the line had her arm in a sling, and the one at the front was elderly. She gave a quiet startled cry when the man bulldozed past her.

Shocked, Elle could only stare as the woman in the middle of the pack patted the old woman gently on the shoulder and spoke in her ear. The older woman nodded.

Horrible Man proceeded to check out his case of Gatorade and a few other things and then rushed from the store without a single acknowledgment. The elderly woman he’d nearly bowled flat continued through as if nothing had happened. Nobody even looked twice at the man’s fleeing figure. Flames licked at Elle’s cheeks, and anger burned in her chest. What the hell was up with that guy?

As they had on the road, her emotions took over. She abandoned her cart along with her unpaid merchandise, to scoot through an empty check out and rush for the door. More shock awaited. The ugly Cutlass was already roaring out of the parking lot, preceded by the police cruiser she’d seen earlier.

“What the crap?” she said aloud. “This is completely nuts. What an idiot!”

She turned to see the elderly woman coming through the store’s doors.  Closer up, the woman’s softly-lined face was serene, and bore a pleasant half smile. She carried a full paper bag and walked slowly but steadily. Elle approached and offered her own smile.

“Hello,” she said, touching the woman softly on one arm. “I’m sorry to bother you, but I wanted to make sure you’re all right.”

Startlingly chipper blue eyes lifted to hers.

“Why hello, dear. I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

“That man was so rude to you in the store. I saw what happened and thought for a moment he was going to knock you right over.”

The woman chuckled. “Oh, that Harley. He’s always rushing somewhere. Busiest man in town. Do I know you?”

For an instant Elle couldn’t answer. The man’s face had been familiar, but Harley? How many guys named Harley could there be in a town this small? She pictured his face, handsome, harried, and slightly grim. The hair was darker than in the news article picture, and the pony tail had thrown her, but the familiarity hadn’t been imagined. She shook her head.

“No, I’m sorry, you don’t know me. I’m new in town. My name is Elle.”

“Hello, Elle. I’m Edith.”

For as confused as she’d appeared inside the store, Edith spoke surely with words clear as mountain water.

“I’m so glad. At least you had lots of support when he got rude.”

“Who got rude?” Edith frowned


“Oh, he wasn’t rude. He’s trying to get Chris to his game.”

“Uh…I see?” Nope, she didn’t see at all.

“Pay no attention, dear. Harley gets more done in a morning than an army.”

It was suddenly and clearly time to do as Edith said and let the episode go. Elle had never been a fretter. She could speak up or stand up for herself or others—or she could shut up and walk away. The latter was always harder for her, but she’d learned well at her job that arguing and stewing were pointless exercises. So on the face of things, her new boss appeared to be an asshat, and it was beginning to look as if the town, from this sweet lady to the police, indulged him. The story was undoubtedly more complicated than that—maybe he had Asperger’s syndrome like her nephew did and lacked social skills; maybe he’d had a crappy childhood —but it didn’t matter. She only had to attempt working for the man, and if she hated it or him she’d go back to Kennison Falls.

She smiled again at Edith. “Can I help you with your bag?”

“That’s very sweet of you,” the elderly woman said. “But this is my daily workout, so I’m good.” She turned to the door behind them. “But I think you could help Jack there. She’s not used to having only one arm.”

Elle turned, too, to see the injured woman from the store toting two cloth bags in one hand and balancing a small box on her left, which was swathed in an elastic bandage. A brightly-colored sling held it cocked outward like a broken bluebird wing.

“Oh my goodness!” Elle rushed to her and grabbed the precarious box of orange clementines. “Let me take something. This looks so painful.”

The woman sighed. “Thank you so much. It’s my fault; I told them I could manage and waved off help.”

“With a broken arm?” Elle reached for one of the tote bags as well.

“No, no just sprained. It was vanity. Silly.” The woman surrendered her bag with a sigh, “I compete in flippin’ triathlons—this should not be an issue.” She squinted slightly at Elle. “I saw you inside. I don’t think I know you.”

“You don’t. Elle Mitchell. I just arrived in town.”

“Well, this is very sweet of you.”

Elle smiled. “I’m happy to help.”

“I’m Jaqueline Holt. Call me Jack.”

Holt? Elle’s heart thudded in disbelief. No! How was this possible? The small world she’d fallen into squeezed in on her. Harley Holt, according to his bio, was thirty-one. Jack was middle aged, too old to be a sibling. She would be his mother if they were related, but, but… Please. There had to be two Holt families. That wouldn’t be too strange—even in a small town, would it?

Sapphire Falls was turning into a giant jigsaw puzzle with the box top picture missing.

“All right. Jack. I assume these are going to your car…somewhere nearby?” Elle scanned the lot.

“There.” Jack pointed to a silver-blue Toyota Highlander. “Meet Diana Prince.”

Elle slanted her a questioning look. “Okay. Wasn’t that the name of Wonder Woman’s aler-ego?”

Jack laughed. “Exactly. Diana there has never let me down in all the years I’ve had her. She’s been quite the Wonder Woman.”

Elle couldn’t help it. She liked people who named their cars, especially when they made no apologies for it. “Good enough for me.”

“Are you all right to drive home?” Edith asked. “That injury is pretty new.”

“They gave me good drugs. I’m not in any pain—”

At the words, Jack cut herself off and consternation filled her face. “Oh dear. I just heard that. I shouldn’t be driving after taking Percocet, should I?”

Immediately concerned, Elle shook her head. After working on cars for so long and seeing the aftermath of too many accidents, she had no problem taking peoples’ keys or warning them away from behind the wheels of their vehicles if she had any doubts about their impairment. “You absolutely should not. Can somebody take you home?”

Jack sighed. “This is ridiculous. I am already thoroughly sick of being helpless. My son just left and…” She looked around, her eyes frustrated. Clearly she was a woman who normally took care of her own problems.

“I realize you don’t know me, but I would be happy to drive you home.”

“Someone will come and fetch your car,” Edith added. “I think you can trust this one.” She smiled at Elle. “I’d take her up on the offer.”

“Jack? Jack, what were you thinking?”

A third woman, this one closer to Elle’s age, gorgeous and long-legged in jeans, ankle boots, a bright pink tank top and perfect make-up beneath the crown of a thick blonde ponytail—bustled through the store doors and joined their growing group at the edge of the parking lot. Self-consciously Elle smoothed her loose and slightly ratty traveling jeans along with the comfortable old Abbey Road T-shirt she’d had since high school. Visions of every encounter her tomboy self had had with the cheerleaders and homecoming queens of her past flashed through her mind. She waited for the familiar look-down-the-nose, but it never came.

“Hi Hailey,” Jack smiled.

“Hailey” took in the scene, saw the bags and the box of little oranges in Elle’s hands and offered a broad grin. “Oh, good. Thank you! I was worried she was trying to do this all herself. I’m Hailey Bennett; don’t think we’ve met.”

“She’s just arrived and is playing Good Samaritan,” Jack said.

Elle stuck her hand out from the bag handles for the third introduction in minutes. “Hi Hailey. Elle Mitchell. It’s true; I just got to town from Minnesota.”

“There’s a story in that!” Hailey’s handshake was strong and practiced. “Can’t wait to hear it, but let’s get Mizz Holt into her car first.”

“We’ve just determined that someone should drive her home,” Elle said. “She’s taken a painkiller for her injury and shouldn’t get behind the wheel.”

“Oh, that’s for sure. Would you like me to take you?”

“Elle has offered, too,” Edith said.

“Oh, no problem, whoever you’re most comfortable with,” Elle said quickly.

“How lovely to have two beautiful girls fighting over me.” Jack laughed but her eyes registered weariness now.

“I know!” Hailey nodded. “You drive Jack home, Elle. I’ll follow and then bring you back here for your car.”

“I baked brownies before my run this morning,” Jack said. “And coffee is easily made. But do you really have time, Hailey? I know how busy you are.” Jack raised a brow in Elle’s direction. “Hailey was our mayor until a year ago, and now she’s in charge of our tourism and development. Her civic duties never cease.”

The puzzle got ever more complicated. Stunning Hailey Bennett had been mayor? What kind of fairy tale place was this? A curl of hope swirled through her. Maybe a place where a woman could find acceptance as a mechanic even with a jerk of a boss?

“I always have time for coffee and a brownie.” Hailey laughed. “Very little is worth missing that for. Edith, come on along. We won’t stay late and you can regale Elle with old stories from Sapphire Falls.”

Five minutes later, Elle sat behind the Highlander’s wheel with Jack sighing gratefully beside her. Hailey and Edith were ready behind them in Hailey’s car.

Mind blown.  Elle had definitely never seen her first afternoon in a new place going in this direction. But the women’s friendly warmth, so like what she’d have found in her own home town was hard to resist. She came from a long line of extroverts, so finding kindred spirits had to be a good sign—if she ignored the fact that she’d been led to these spirits by a strange connection to her new boss.

Not that her new boss had given her any reason for long term optimism.