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Savage Bliss (Corona Pride Book 5) by Liza Street (13)


Viviana walked slowly down the stairs. Her body was sore—too much sex yesterday. That time in the woods, and then again, in her bed with Hudson.

Why did he keep pulling away from her? Maybe it was just as she’d feared—she was an ice princess. Ben had been right.

Breakfast things would probably be put away; it had to be at least noon. Her fellow pride members had probably eaten everything and headed out.

But when she got all the way downstairs, she realized that almost everyone was still here. Voices came from the music room, people talking about Chase. Doors opened and closed in other parts of the house. The picture window in the great room revealed the back lawn, where some of the Guardians had arranged themselves in a circle, stretching.

Viviana stopped on the third step. She didn’t want to face everyone right now. They’d be here again tonight, and the night after—however long it took to resolve things with Chase’s death. She loved her pride, but she wanted to be alone. She wanted to think about everything that had happened with Hudson, and figure it out.

She forced herself to keep walking and shuffled into the kitchen. She didn’t want to eat or drink anything—daily routines didn’t feel right knowing that Chase was gone, so suddenly. But she felt like she should put on a brave front. People would look to her to set an example.

After grabbing a banana, she went to the table and sat down alone.

Ben and Doug came out of the music room. They didn’t look over at Viviana, which was new. Usually they’d be asking her questions, teasing her. Probably making dick jokes about the banana. What had she ever seen in Ben? He was immature and rude. Nothing like Hudson, who was kind, and thoughtful. Hudson had been there for her last night, giving her exactly what she needed.

Until he stopped.

She bit the banana rather harder than she needed to, taking out her aggression against men on the nearest phallic object. She heard Hudson’s voice coming from the stairs near the front door, and she followed the sound.

“I’ll be back soon,” he was saying.

“It’s no problem,” Marlana said. “We’re fine during the day. It’s the evenings and nights I fear.”

“I’ll definitely be back by sundown,” Hudson said.

Waiting until she heard her mother’s footsteps fade away, Viviana rushed toward Hudson. “Where are you going?”

He hesitated. “Heritage Pines.”

Viviana had seen the commercials, growing up. When you have a problem you can’t solve on your own, try Heritage Pines. If life is too difficult, try Heritage Pines. We’ll help get you back on track.

Suddenly she realized that he knew all there was to know about her, but she knew absolutely nothing about him.

“Who are you visiting?” she asked.

“My mother.”

Viviana looked around the room. “I’m sorry. She must not be well.”

“She’s not.”

“Would you like company?” The question surprised Viviana—she hadn’t meant to ask it. Her desire to go wasn’t only the fact that she wanted to get out of the house for a while. It was more that Hudson looked so lonely and sad. Viviana hated the idea of him going out to Heritage Pines all by himself.

“My mom might not want the extra company,” he said.

Viviana nodded. “I understand. It’s okay. It was just, if you wanted company.”

“I do want company.” He reached for the door, then hesitated. “If she doesn’t want to talk to you, you won’t mind waiting somewhere else?”

“Oh! No, not at all,” she said.


Now it was Viviana’s turn to hesitate. “I actually didn’t think this through. Marlana might not want me to go.”

Hudson leveled a look at her. “Is it her decision? Are you alpha material or not?”

Anger flared in Viviana’s chest. Was she alpha material? Hell yes, she was. She’d been training since adolescence. She’d even trained to fight in case of a pride war. She’d monitored the members of the pride and managed Marlana’s accounts. She’d watched carefully as Marlana made and executed decisions. Viviana was alpha material.

His voice was softer when he said, “I know you’re alpha material. But does your mother know that? You have to show her.”

She wanted to stay mad. Mad at Hudson, mad at herself. But he was exactly, one hundred percent right. She hadn’t been showing her mother that she was an alpha. She’d been showing her mother, instead, that she was obedient, that she would listen to instruction, that she would fall in line.

She’d been showing her mother that she was a follower, not a leader.

“You’re right,” she said, her voice clear and strong. She turned to the staircase and marched up to Marlana’s office. The door was open a crack, and Viviana walked in.

Marlana looked up in surprise, probably because Viviana hadn’t knocked. “What is it?”

“I’m going out,” Viviana said.

“You are? Where?”

“Heritage Pines, with Hudson.” Viviana stood up even straighter. “I’m telling you so that you don’t worry, but know that it isn’t your business where I go. I’m an adult now, Mother.”

Marlana’s ice-blue eyes flashed with irritation. “I know you’re an adult.”

“Good.” Viviana walked back downstairs, feeling taller than she had when she walked up.