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Saving His Dragon (Dragon Blood Book 5) by Élianne Adams (14)

Chapter 14

Tulia couldn’t catch her breath. Behind her, her dad was barely alive. Her mom was exhausted, but other than what looked like superficial injuries, she was okay. She didn’t know what to make of the two dragons who had come along and killed the other, but she wasn’t letting her guard down. Not for a second. At least, until Austin landed right there and came to stand between them.

Blood dripped from deep gouges on his belly, but he moved as though they were nothing more than scratches. He huffed a breath, smoke curling from his nostrils, then with a shudder, he shifted. She leapt forward. Had he not seen the dragons? They would kill him in an instant in his human form. She sprang ahead, ready to defend him, but that’s when she noticed his posture. He leaned forward, bracing his stomach, but he had his back to the dragons. If his body language could be counted on, he wasn’t worried about them at all.

“Turn away,” he yelled over his shoulder before she could reach him.

When they both did, and incredibly, both shifted, she did the same, running straight into Austin’s open arms. He grunted at the impact but still held her close. His warm blood seeped onto her skin, making her aware that neither of them wore clothes. It had been years since she’d shifted in front of her parents, but she shoved that discomfort aside. If her father was still conscious, he’d avert his gaze out of respect for her. “You’re hurt.”

“Nothing serious. Are you alright?”

She nodded and blinked back the sudden tears blurring her vision. “Friends of yours?” she asked without stepping away from him. As long as they stayed behind Austin, she would be okay.

“They’re clan,” he said. “Pull some clothes on, and we’ll see to your parents.”

“My pack is back there,” she said, pointing to where her mother watched them with fear and confusion in her eyes.

“It’s okay, go get dressed. They won’t turn this way until I give the okay.”

Being naked in front of others before and after a shift was not unusual, but that didn’t mean she was comfortable with it. Tulia peeked around Austin’s shoulder. Sure enough, both men, now wearing jeans and T-shirts, still faced the opposite direction. She trusted him, and he trusted them. For now, it would have to do. With her heart pounding, she jogged to her bag.

Austin joined his friends. One of them handed him some clothes and a bottle of water. She was too far away to hear what they were saying, but all three men were at ease. Austin even smiled at one of them, clapping him on the back.

His gaze found hers, and when she was fully clothed, he gave her a nod and came back to her, his two friends following behind.

“This is Brycen and Mateo,” he said, pointing to each man in turn. Both of them inclined their heads toward her but didn’t say a word.

“Nice to meet you.”

He came to stand next to her and pulled her into his side. “This is my mate, Tulia.”

Her mom, still in dragon form, whipped her head around so fast that she stumbled. The dizziness that had been plaguing her for months was getting worse. Tulia ran to her side. “It’s okay, mom. These men are here to help us.”

“Charlotte Rivers sent us, ma’am. If you don’t mind, I’d like to see to your mate. We can’t linger here,” the one named Brycen said.

Her mom gave her a pleading look filled with fear. It said she didn’t trust them and didn’t want them anywhere near her mate, but what option did they have? Without her dad to help, there was no way she could look after them both. Tulia gave her mom what she hoped was a reassuring glance. “They’ll take care of us. Come on over here. You can shift and get dressed while they examine Dad,” she offered.

By the time her mom was dressed, which took all of a minute, and they walked to her dad’s side, the three men stood at his head, talking. Her dad’s eyes were partly open, deep lines crinkling the corners. He looked around him, not moving his head from where it lay on the ground, frantically searching until his gaze fell upon them.

“There they are,” Austin said as she came to stand next to him, needing his nearness. “We would like to take the three of you back to our estate in Glen Farley, Mr. Mills. You’ll be able to rest and heal there. We will protect them until you are able to do so.”

Tulia could have kissed him for that. Every man had his pride, and her father was no different. The fact that he’d been so severely injured would sting enough as it was. Making him feel as though he’d failed his daughter and his mate would devastate him.

Even though her dad was in no position to deny anyone, they all waited for him to nod his head in agreement.

“If it’s all the same to you, Sir, we’ll carry you and your wife. With your injuries and your wife’s fatigue, we’ll be able to make better time,” Austin added, again, not insinuating that her father couldn’t fly himself, but rather that they needed to hurry. Again, her father nodded. When he groaned and started a slow shift, Tulia turned her back. There were certain things that even a dragon daughter shouldn’t see, and her father naked was one of them.

“A group of seven dragons about fifty miles out are headed this way. If you leave now and fly along the northern border, you shouldn’t run into them,” Mateo said, speaking for the first time in a deep and rumbly voice.

“You’re not coming home?” Austin asked, angling himself so that he stood shoulder to shoulder with his friend. A moment later, Brycen joined them, and Tulia could have cried.

All three of them, without missing a beat, had given her father privacy so that his mate could help him dress.

Mateo shook his head. “Not unless you need me to. I have a lead on Alexandra Burkes. I don’t want it to get cold.”

Austin stiffened. “And you’re going alone? That bitch will slice you up and feed you to the hunters if you’re not careful.”

The big man shrugged. “I know what I’m doing. Besides, with all you pansies getting all mated up and stuff, there’s no one left to do the dirty work.”

Had it not been for the affection in Mateo’s tone, she might have thought he meant it.

Austin looked over at her and smiled. “You ought to try it sometime, it’s pretty damned amazing,” he said without breaking her gaze.

Mateo mumbled something she couldn’t hear before shrugging out of his shirt again. “I better get going.”

“Be careful, for fuck’s sakes,” Brycen said as he gave the man one of those back-jarring man hugs. “She’s got all kinds of pointy arrows at her disposal, and she won’t think twice to use them.”

At that moment, her mom cleared her throat next to her. “I think we’re ready,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Never missing a thing, Austin came over. “Either one of us would be glad to carry you, ma’am, but as your daughter’s mate, I would be honored if you chose me.”

Her mom looked at the ground at her feet for a moment, then squared her shoulders. “I’m Marie, and this is my husband, Jeff. Thank you.”

Tulia could have groaned. With all that had happened, she hadn’t even thought to introduce them.

“It’s settled then. We’ll shift and then come for you,” he said before picking up Tulia’s hand and leading her away.

When they stopped walking far enough away to be out of earshot and the copse of trees blocked them from view, Tulia turned to him. “Thank you,” was all she said before she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.