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Secret Baby Billionaires by Angela Blake (56)

Chapter Thirteen


“We’ve been on this fucking pathway for five hours,” I complained as we went over yet another small hill in order to keep ourselves aligned with the creek. “Maybe this isn’t the right creek.”

Chris shook his head, “No, this is the one. We just need to keep going.”

Brandon looked back at me and nodded in agreement. “I know we’re on the right path. I haven’t spotted a lot of deer lately so we’re probably getting too close to civilization.”

“Why would they avoid the camp site?” I asked.

“Most animals do,” Chris answered. “It’s just smarter to avoid humans. Animals aren’t really dumb; they know when to avoid people.”

That explanation sort of made sense to me. I didn’t really want to bother thinking about it. All that mattered was that they figured we were getting close to the camp grounds and we could find our friends –


“What was that?” I asked as we all froze in our tracks.

I saw Brandon cock his head to the side and we all tried to listen in once again.


“Footsteps?” Chris asked us both. We listened in again and there it was one more time and then again and then again.

It was footsteps!

“Hey!” I started running in the general direction of the footsteps, flailing my hands in the air. “Hey!”

Chris and Brandon quickly followed and we all began running up. I could feel the surge of renewed hope in my chest and I just kept on running without looking back. I just hoped that we weren’t chasing a false ray of light. There had to be someone out there.


“Ow, what the fuck?” I exclaimed when I suddenly ran head-on into something. I hit it so hard I got knocked down to my feet. When I looked up I saw a male park ranger, probably in his early forties, holding a flashlight in one hand and a towel in the other. Right beside him was Shirley!

“Oh my God!” I screamed and got up to hug Shirley.

The park ranger then hollered out and both Chris and Brandon caught up to us. The ranger bent down a little and took a look at my face. “You’re Alia? Are these Chris and Brandon? We’ve been on the look for you guys for days.”

We all nodded in unison.

Shirley embraced me one more time, this time tighter than before. “We were so worried! The storm stopped in the morning and we went out looking for you guys. That girl Katie was also missing but we found her just an hour after searching. She was stuck underneath a pile of branches that broke off during the night but she was fine, other than a few cuts and bruises. We thought we lost you!”

I then pointed to Chris and Brandon, “Well, you can thank them. I wouldn’t have made it if not for them. They found me in the woods and we were a few miles away from here.”

“We got carried off by the river,” Brandon explained to Shirley and the ranger. “We were just lucky none of us drowned but we were so lost in the woods.”

“How did you guys manage to survive that long out there?”

Chris pointed to our makeshift clothes. “We found one of the old park lodges and used what we could there.”

The ranger nodded and thought about it for a second. “Ah, yeah, we do have a few old cabins left. Those have been abandoned for some time now since we had to cut down the number of scouts that could maintain those areas. You guys are really lucky.”

“Well, let’s get out of here,” Shirley then said. “We got everyone up in the camping center. It’s like a freaking five-star hotel. They gave us a few days of full service since we all got stranded out in the rain and stuff.”

I looked at her with an expression of gratitude and relief. “Wow, that sounds really good. I could use a nice, hot bath and some new clothes.”

“Food too,” Chris added. “I’m so sick and tired of rabbit and berries.”

We all laughed and let the park ranger lead us back to the center.



At the center, I discovered there were multiple cases of missing persons from the storm that night. We were the last group that the rangers were still looking for. Fortunately, no one died that night and the park staff held a special party that night for all of us. I guess this was their way to ensure we wouldn’t give them a poor review rating when we all got home.

I got to catch up with Jack and Tommy, those two lovable bastards, but even they noticed there was something new and different with me. They didn’t mind it when I said I wanted to spend some more time with Chris and Brandon.

For the party, I decided to wear something Shirley got for me before but I never had the guts to actually put it on. Well, I was a virgin back then but now I wanted to flaunt my assets, especially since I knew Chris and Brandon would be looking my way.

It was a black mini-dress, with no shoulder straps and it was really high too. If I were to bend even just a little bit everyone could see my pussy and ass, especially if I wasn’t going to wear any panties. I decided to be at least a little modest and went with a black, lacy thong but didn’t bother to wear a bra. I finished off my look with a pair of high heels and I tied my hair in a bun so I could show off my neck and looped earrings. I looked like a whore but at least I was a hot one.

“Wow,” Jack immediately said in shock when he saw me walking out of the hotel room. He tapped Tommy and the latter’s jaw just dropped. Even Shirley had to whistle when she saw me in my new outfit.

“Damn girl,” she complimented me. “Did you get fucked two times over while in the woods with those boys?”

I just had to laugh at that notion. “You have no fucking idea.”

My reply made all three of my friends look at each with surprised glances. I left them there, in the hallway, as they all burst into a discussion amongst themselves. I could even hear Shirley call me a “late bloomer” and I guess she was right.

When we got to the reception I found there were at least fifty different people there. I didn’t even realize how many people liked to camp in these mountain ranges. It was nice and I did get to meet a few new friends as well as interacting with Katie again. She still looked smoking hot despite the cut on her shoulder and arms and she still looked at me like I was about to turn bi-sexual for her. It did kind of turn me on but I still had my sights on the real prizes.

Brandon was in a perfect white suit and Chris was wearing a black suit. They looked like they both could have been candidates for a James Bond movie. I thought it was cute to see them so well-dressed given how I’ve seen them naked for the past few days.

“Wine?” Brandon asked me as I walked up to them and sat at their table. The center of the reception hall was busy with a string band playing wedding music while everybody just chatted away.

I took a glass and sipped. It was good. “Wow, I can’t believe I miss getting wasted.”

“By the way,” Chris then intervened. I saw he was busy munching down on a plate full of muffins and cake. “I do hope you’re still considering the offer we gave you. You know we can all stay together in Springfield.”

I smiled and nodded. “Honey, I haven’t forgotten about it and to be honest I’m looking forward to it.”

Both men whistled with pleasure.

“Won’t your friends have anything to say about it?”

I shook my head. “I live alone and I’m tired of my fucking apartment. I don’t want to stay there anymore. Why would I when I can live with you two and have all the sex I could ever ask for?”

“You’re turning into a real slut,” Chris commented. “I think we’ve really woken up an animal inside you.”

“You’re fault,” I told them both as I took a grape and teased them by putting it in my mouth and licking it like it was their cock. I let them see my tongue lash out and toy with the fruit before I gave it a plump kiss and finally bit down on it.

I guess that was exactly what we needed. We needed to be together.

For the rest of the night, I spent my time reconnecting with Shirley, Jack, and Tommy. I never got to tell Jack and Tommy about my sexual adventures but I did spill the beans for Shirley. She then admitted to me that both Chris and Brandon already approached her even before that fateful stormy night and they both wanted to meet me back then. I guess it was just fate that I ended up lost in the woods with them both.

“Are you going to choose which one you’ll really be with?” Shirley asked me before we headed off to bed.

I shook my head. “Nope,” I told her. “I’m happy with them both and they’re happy sharing me. We’ve got this symbiotic relationship budding for all three of us and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love them both and they love me.”

Shirley could only laugh at how adamant I was on this new relationship and we then called it a night. The next day, we all got ready to go home but instead of hopping into the car with Jack, Tommy and Shirley I got into the jeep with Chris and Brandon. Brandon was going to drive halfway to Springfield, we’d then rest in a motel – and probably fuck – and then Chris would take over the wheel for the rest of the way home.

None of my friends complained. As a matter of fact, they were happy that I had finally found myself. I guess this trip to the camping site really did do me some favors. I did find out who I was and I did try something new.

For now, however, as we got ready to leave, my mind was solely stuck on what kind of fun me and the two boys would have once we got to Springfield. I was wet just thinking about all the possibilities. Sitting in the jeep, waiting for Chris and Brandon to get in, I sneakily slid my hand down between my legs and began to play with my pussy as I waited…