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Seven Princes: A Very Dirty Fairtytale by Angela Blake (13)

Bella – The escape


I had no light upon me, and it had now become the dead of night, it must have been close to midnight. Thankfully it was a full moon and its beautiful reflection showered the ground with its dull light. Once my eyes adjusted, I was able to find my way. I stayed off the roads, but close to them. I felt a sense of calm, as I knew there were people in the village that could help me and I knew they had places I could hide. That calm quickly turned into panic though. As I approached the village I could already hear the commotion, screaming and banging. The enemy had taken over the village and had guards by the entrance, it had been protected by a wall so there was only one way in. There’s no way I could risk it, the whole kingdom was seemingly under attack.

I had little choice; the dark wood had a reputation as a wicked place, but how scary could the woods be? I thought if I was quiet enough then I’d avoid any sight of the beast. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I had only my bag with me, I could sleep on that I thought. It was warm and clear night; I was a grown woman and wouldn’t be bothered by a few bugs. Better than being killed, I thought. How I longed for the comfort of my father’s rule right now. I was looking for somewhere to lay my head, but not sure what I was looking for. I hadn’t exactly been brought up to survive in the great outdoors; I should have risked bringing Max with me.

The light from the moon was struggling to make its way through the ever thickening branches of the dark wood. I knew I’d be safe from whatever army was out there, but had no idea if I’d be safe in here. I’d quickly find out. I heard a rustling through the trees, I’d gotten used to a certain level of rustling by now, but this was different, you could hear the cracking of larger branches and heavier footsteps. I kept looking over in the direction of the sound, but it never got any closer. Almost as if I was being followed. Whenever I’d stop and hide, the sounds would stop. Was it the beast? I was trying to be as quiet as possible, but it seemed to be tracking my every move. I was scared, I should never have come into the dark wood.

In my distraction, I forgot to look at what was straight ahead of me. I heard a loud grumbling in front, and immediately stopped in my tracks. When I looked up, I was frozen still in fear. The light meandering its way to the forest floor was enough for me to make out exactly what it was, a humongous bear that was staring directly at me. I had no idea what to do, so I ran. I desperately tried to avoid the trees, but the sound got nearer and nearer. I tripped and fell, and banged my head against a rock on the forest floor. In that brief moment of consciousness I had left, I knew I was going to die.

That certainty of thought made it all the more confusing when I next opened my eyes. I was in a house, a small house that appeared to be in the middle of the wood, going by a brief look out of the window. The confusion continued when I ventured into the kitchen to see Adam, the handsome doctor standing there, making food in the kitchen. At that point I was either in heaven, or dreaming. The pounding headache I was feeling from the rock I had encountered confirmed to me that it was neither.

“Where am I?” came the obvious question from myself. “In my home” he said, “Where is your home?” I enquired. “In the middle of the wood” his short answers were intriguing me further. “Why is your house in the middle of the wood?” I don’t know why I asked that question, it wasn’t important. “That’s a complicated answer” he said, which got me even more agitated. “Okay . . . so why am I in your house in the middle of the wood?” trying to get to the point. “Because I found you unconscious on the floor in the middle of the forest, and thought I’d make sure you were safe” I was rather cut to the core by his reply, reminding myself of the danger I was in. “Well, thank you” I said in reply.

“More pertinently, my dear, what were you doing unconscious in the middle of the dark wood? I need to take you back to the castle” He had a fair point; it must have been very odd finding the princess in such a state.

“Ah, that might be a problem.” I said clearing my throat; the handsome doctor was clearly unaware of the events at the castle. “My father was killed and I was fleeing the castle for safety, but I must have lost my way” I said in a sombre tone.

“I’m sorry to hear about that.” was the reply.

I looked around trying to evaluate my options, hoping my sore head wasn’t fuzzing up my thoughts. The house looked small and safe, obviously it hadn’t been found by the army and it was my only hope of safety right now. I still wanted to know why the doctor lived in the middle of nowhere, in the dangerous dark wood but he obviously didn’t want to answer that question.

“I’ll have to stay here tonight, I have nowhere else to go” I said, hoping I could have a night of peace away from the chaos. The handsome doctor almost turned white in shock, and stuttered before he could even say anything.

“You can’t, that’s not possible” he said. I was confused; he’d helped me in my time of need but wouldn’t give me his spare bed for the night?

“You have to, that’s an order, I need protection” I’m not sure on whose authority I made that order, but I said it strongly enough. By this time the handsome doctor had calmed down, and had a face that looked like a million thoughts were being processed all that the same time.

“Okay” he said, succinctly, “I’ll work it out”

I didn’t know what he had to work out, but I was thankful for his help. In that moment I was able to calm myself down, and settle in to my surroundings. The pain in my head was easing off, and for the first time in a long while I was able to gather my thoughts. I didn’t know where I was or exactly what I was doing there, but I felt safe. The handsome doctor was my saviour, I still couldn’t figure out how I wasn’t killed by that bear. For now, I was under the protection of a man who I had long desired. He was my hero for the moment, and he certainly looked like one. He was young for a doctor, he could only have been in his mid-thirties. He has chiselled good looks and while not having the biceps of some of the prince’s I’d encountered, he clearly worked out. I imagined his body to be ripped and oozing masculinity. I wanted to get inside of his head, and I wanted him inside of me.

I followed Adam when he went into his bedroom as I wanted desperately to share a moment of passion with him. I looked up at Adam and we shared a passionate kiss, but it was not going to stop there. I sunk to my knees in front of Adam and unbuckled his pants and unbuttoned them. I pulled them, and his underwear, down to reveal a hard cock that must have been all of seven inches in length.

I grabbed the base of his cock and placed my lips over the tip and eased the cock into the back of my throat. Adam let out a moan as he watched me suck his cock below him. I continued to work his cock, stroking it with my hand and massaging the tip with my tongue.

After a heavenly few minutes for Adam, I got to my feet and pulled him back onto the bed in the centre of the room. With Adam now lay back on the bed, I climbed onto him, ready to take his full length into my pussy. I grabbed my panties with my left hand and the base of his cock with my right. I pulled my panties to the side and guided his cock into my now warm, wet pussy. We both let out a moan as Adam’s cock slid all the way in.

I pushed the top Adam was wearing as high as I could to reveal his ripped torso; I placed my hand on his chest as I started grinding my hips on my cock. We were both moaning in pleasure as I switched from rotating my hip to bouncing up and down on his cock. I was barely able to balance myself as the pleasure was overwhelming.

Adam then sat up, with our two chests now upright and pressed together. Adam placed one of his hands on my arse cheek and one on my back as I moved to the end of the bed and stood up with his cock still rock hard in my pussy. Adam walked over to his bedroom wall and continued fucking me against it, as my moans turned into screams of joy. We were in the middle of the dark wood and where was no-one to hear my moans of pleasure.

Adam grabbed me once again, but this time to take me to the bed and place me down. Adam placed my back on the bed and moved both of my legs so they were resting on his shoulders with my feet pressed in against the side of his face. He placed his hands on my hips as he started thrusting his full length in and out of my tight pussy. Adam was going harder and faster and was going as fast as possible when I let out a huge moan as I orgamsed under the sheer enjoyment of being fucked by my hot new lover. Adam released his whole load of cum into my pussy as he collapsed onto me as we embraced on his bed.

It was a quick, hot fuck and exactly what I needed after the madness of the day. It was a huge release from a man who still had many mysteries to tell me. We lay on his bed for a while as we recovered from the sex that we just shared together.