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Shelter from the Storm by Lori Foster (3)

Continued rainfall brought a gray, dreary dawn. There was no bright sunshine to make waking easier. On her stomach beside Roy, her chin propped on her hands, Sabrina watched him stretch and struggle to get his eyes open. Even this early, with beard shadow on his face, he looked amazing to her. And even while sleeping, he’d kept an arm around her, his hand open and lax on her body.
Suddenly he went still, and then his hand on her hip moved, sort of caressing, exploring. He frowned—and his eyes shot open.
Chocolate brown, filled with awareness and more, Sabrina loved his eyes, always had. They glittered when he laughed, went soft when he hugged his mom, and often heated with anger when he talked about the abused and abandoned animals he sheltered.
As director and founder of the nonproflt organization, he championed animal rights just as she championed children. On more than one occasion, their professional paths had crossed so that they could work together.
He blinked lazily when his gaze met hers. His lashes were long and thick, shades darker than the light brown hair on his head and the hair on his body.
Sabrina watched him intently. “Good morning.”
His gaze went all over her; his hand contracted. He lifted up to an elbow. “How long have you been awake?”
Unwilling to tell him that she’d never gone back to sleep, she shrugged. “Your alarm is due to go off any minute.”
He looked at it, then at the window.
As he reached over to turn off the alarm, the sheet dropped down to his waist. Now, even with the day overcast, she could clearly see him.
Her mouth went dry and her body temperature spiked. Roy had an incredible athlete’s body, strong and fit, large boned, and very capable. He took his strength for granted, but she never had.
After rubbing his jaw, he said, “Still raining.”
“A nice soft rain.” It suited her mood this morning. “I don’t mind it.”
“Good.” He collapsed back on the bed and, with both hands now on her waist, urged her closer. The touch was familiar, as if he’d awakened with her a dozen times. He looked at her mouth. “About last night . . .”
His rumpled hair drew her hand. She threaded her fingers through the cool thickness of it, smoothing it down.
A little hopefully, she asked, “What about it?”
He started to speak—and his cell phone rang. Brows coming together, he said, “Just a second,” and reached over to the nightstand to snag his phone.
Sabrina listened to his side of the conversation, and she knew something was wrong, especially when, while still talking, he threw back the covers and left the bed.
He wore only snug-fitting black boxers.
And he had . . . well, a morning erection.
Her jaw loosened and her eyes went wide.
As if she weren’t there, he strode down the hall and into the bathroom.
She stayed motionless in the bed, unsure what to do.
When he returned, he had closed the phone and he wore that thundercloud expression reserved for news concerning animal abuse or neglect.
He spared her only a quick glance. “Sorry, kiddo, but I have to head to the shelter.”
Kiddo again. The nickname proved a great reminder that she wasn’t a romantic possibility.
Now she knew what to do. Sabrina sat up on the bed and swung her legs over the side. “What’s wrong?”
He stepped into jeans. “That was Chad. He just got to the shelter.”
Chad often opened up the place. He was one of the few actual employees; most who worked at the shelter were volunteers. “He’s okay?”
“Chad’s fine. But someone left a dog on the front steps during the night. There’s no telling how long she’s been there.”
Sabrina rushed to her feet. “In that awful storm?”
He paused, maybe hesitant to stir up memories.
At the moment, her only concern was for the dog. “Is she injured?”
“She gave birth.”
Oh God. Sabrina stumbled back to sit on the bed again. The horror of such a thing nearly flattened her. “How many puppies?”
“Eight.” Roy rubbed the back of his neck. “They’re all drenched, and Chad says the momma seems pretty weak.”
All too familiar with that level of abandonment, Sabrina pictured everything in vivid detail. Determined to help, she left the bed again and faced Roy. “That storm had to be terrifying to her, especially while giving birth.”
“At the very least, she’ll need some TLC. But other than bringing the box into the shelter, Chad doesn’t want to do too much until I get there. He’s not trained, so he can’t tell if the mess is from the birthing or an injury.”
She and the puppies would have been pummeled by rain. And the noise, that god-awful thunder . . .
Roy watched her, his distress obvious. “Chad said a couple of the puppies aren’t moving much.”
Sympathy for the animals choked her. “I don’t need to be at work until the afternoon. I’ll go with you to help out.” Sabrina started out of the room. “Give me two minutes to get dressed. I’ll meet you at your truck.”
“Hey.” Before she’d cleared the doorframe, Roy caught the back of her nightgown, bringing her to a halt. “You had a rough night yourself. Maybe you ought to just . . . I don’t know. Hang out and relax until you go into work.”
It was her fault that he thought her so fragile. She took his hand. “I want to go with you. Besides, I’m flne now—thanks to you.” Better than fine, in fact, since the weather had calmed, it wasn’t night, and she wasn’t alone.
He chewed his upper lip, undecided. “It could be rough, honey. I don’t know what I’m going to find.”
“So we should hurry.”
“You don’t have to do this.”
Of course she did. Any good, caring person would want to help, and despite her parents, or maybe because of them, she cared. A lot. “Two minutes, Roy. I promise.”
His thumb rubbed the inside of her wrist. “Make it five. It’ll take me that long anyway.”
“All right.” She started to leave, then remembered her resolve of the night before. After a second of hesitation, she went on her tiptoes to kiss him.
She meant it to be a quick kiss—a test of sorts—but Roy caught the back of her neck and he didn’t let her retreat.
This kiss was far from platonic. He tasted warm and musky, and his beard shadow abraded her chin and cheek.
She loved it. Every second of it.
But what the heck did it mean?
He reluctantly released her. “You and I have a lot to talk about.”
Sabrina nodded. Boy, hey, he wasn’t kidding. “Okay. But right now, we’re needed at the shelter.”
“Soon.” He kissed her again, hard and fast, and then he turned away and headed to his dresser.
And this time when she raced out, he didn’t stop her. He was too busy getting ready himself.
ROY couldn’t keep his eyes off Sabrina. She had the gentlest touch and an air of caring that encompassed every living thing, including animals.
The puppies were in better shape than the poor momma. The births had been hard on her and being exposed to the weather had compounded the problems. She was weak, panicked, and in discomfort, but luckily there were no serious injuries.
Sabrina worked her unique magic, helping the dog relax as Roy put in an IV to get her fluids back up.
All his life, he’d had a knack with animals. Becoming a vet didn’t quite cover all he wanted to do for and with animals, so with his dad’s help, he’d opened the shelter a few years back. Splitting his time between the clinic and the shelter, he used one to help fund the other. The work kept him too busy for anything resembling an active social life. His “dates” were few and far between.
But then, he didn’t want anyone other than Sabrina, anyway.
“I don’t think there’s any permanent damage.” When Sabrina stayed quiet, he glanced up and saw the fat tears clinging to her lashes. It didn’t sound in her voice or show up in her touch, but he knew that seeing abuse of any kind left her devastated. “Sabrina.”
She sniffled and turned her face away.
“It’s going to be okay.”
“I know you’ll make it so.” Her chin firmed. “I’m just so . . . furious.”
Ah. So her tears were from anger, not upset. He should have realized. Many times over the years he’d seen Sabrina get red-eyed and tearful when enraged.
He preferred her anger any day.
Hell, he was angry, too. If he found out who had left the poor dog in front of the shelter, in the storm, instead of following the procedure to get her admitted, he’d use every legal venue to see them prosecuted. As a no-kill shelter, they rarely turned down the admittance of any animal. It was cowardly and unconscionable to just abandon the dog, especially in her condition.
The IV fluids helped alleviate the dog’s discomfort as Roy finished his exam. He cleaned her up with Sabrina’s assistance and then put her in a crate lined with warm, soft blankets and a dish of high-calorie puppy food. Even weak, she seemed hungry and quickly finished off the food.
“Good girl,” Roy praised gently.
With her most immediate needs met, the dog watched him, and her little furry face pinched with worry. Roy took one look at those soulful brown eyes and knew what she wanted.
“Let’s get her puppies back to her.”
He and Sabrina made quick work of moving the wiggling little fur-balls into the crate. After two grateful thumps of her tail, the momma lifted her head to lick each pup, then settled back and let them nurse while she rested.
“Little gluttons,” Roy said with a smile. He trailed a fingertip down the back of each pup and then stroked the momma again.
“She enjoys your touch.” Sabrina watched the animals intently. “But I’m not surprised.”
She didn’t look at him, but she sounded wistful when she said, “I think you could gentle a bull.”
Was she thinking of the times he’d gentled her through raging storms? He watched her profile, his heart full. “Touch is important.”
“Yes.” She settled her hand around the momma’s head, so gentle and easy. The dog sighed. “Especially now when she needs to learn to trust again.”
Sometimes it drove Roy crazy trying to figure out Sabrina’s thoughts. He didn’t ever want to do or say anything that brought up bad memories for her. Yet because of the vocations they’d each chosen, they would forever be reminded of human cruelty.
“I think they were mostly just miserably cold and wet before.” Now that each little pup was dried and comfortable, they took right to feeding. He pulled back and closed the crate.
Sabrina slipped her hand into his. “She’s a good little momma, isn’t she?”
Because he knew Sabrina so well, there was no mistaking the comparisons she made. Even in the worst of circumstances, most mothers had the instinct to care for their young.
But Sabrina’s mother hadn’t cared, and neither had her father. She knew that wasn’t the norm, but knowing it and living with it were two different things.
“When she gets a little stronger, I can bring her and the puppies over for the kids to see.”
She squeezed his hand and nodded. “They would enjoy that so much.”
Many times he and Sabrina had coordinated to bring a birthing cat or dog to the children’s residential home where she worked. Seeing what love should be, what Mother Nature intended, helped to heal the most wounded spirits.
It had helped Sabrina back when he’d first opened the shelter. He’d grown up with a menagerie of family pets, but Sabrina never had. Roy could still recall the way she’d watched the flrst birthing with wonder and how she’d been so emotionally moved. Seeing the process had given her a new perspective on things, and for days on end she’d hung out at the shelter whenever she could just to be near the new mother and her babies.
Without animal therapy, some kids never understood what should be, because they were so damaged by what had been. They grew afraid to touch or be touched. But animals gave unconditional love, and in caring for them, interacting with them, kids were able to learn to trust again, and hopefully they healed.
As Sabrina watched the puppies nursing, Roy watched her. Her expression was so tender, so filled with pleasure that it left him edgy with desire.
He released her hand to put his arm around her shoulders. “You look exhausted,” he said against her hair as much to remind himself of the previous night as to comfort her.
She slanted him a silly, self-conscious grin. “I look a mess. It’s a wonder the dogs aren’t all howling in fright.”
“No way.” He liked being with her like this, so casual, motivated by the same things. Ruffling her mussed hair, he said, “You look very earthy.”
That made her laugh.
“Seriously, it’s a good look for you—even though I don’t see you like this very often. You’re usually such a girly girl, refusing to answer your door if you don’t have your hair brushed.”
She poked him in the ribs and laughed again. “I didn’t want to take the time for sprucing up this morning.”
“I know, and I appreciate it. Besides, you really don’t need makeup.”
She snorted.
“You honestly don’t know how pretty you are, do you?” Pretty—and sexy, too. He looked her over, head to toes. Now that the animals were okay and settled, his mind moved on to other things. “Beautiful even.”
“You’re obviously in need of more sleep, Roy, but thank you, anyway.” She leaned her head against his shoulder in a show of camaraderie. “And thank you for letting me help today, too. I’ve always loved seeing what you do and how you do it.”
Did she love him?
Roy shook his head. He would not rush her.
“I should be thanking you. I’m always a little short-staffed this early in the morning.” Most of his volunteers worked regular jobs or had college classes. They started trickling in after noon, but crack of dawn? Not so much. Chad was the only one he could get to come in that early, and that’s because Chad was paid on the clock.
As if she hadn’t heard him, Sabrina said, “You make such a difference.”
“As do you.” Probably in more ways than she realized.
Very matter of fact, she admitted, “Some days it feels pretty hopeless.”
“We do what we can, honey, but no one can eradicate cruelty. It’s always going to be a part of our society. Against animals and kids. Against anyone who can’t fight back.” He tipped up her chin. “But you do make a difference. The kids at the home love you.”
“I know.” She looped her arms around his waist and held on to him. Nothing more, but it was enough. They stayed like that until Abner, one of the bigger dogs that wandered freely in the shelter, came and leaned against them. Since Abner weighed around 175 pounds, he almost knocked them over.
Laughing, Sabrina went to her knees to hug the massive dog. She came away with black fur clinging to her T-shirt. No matter how much they brushed Abner, he shed. But despite her fastidious manner with her appearance, Sabrina never seemed to mind the messes made by loving animals or kids.
Abner had been with them for a year now, and although enormous, he was one of the gentlest dogs they’d ever had. When his owner died of old age, Abner mourned him. But thanks to Sabrina and all the attention she lavished on him, as well as his regular visits to the Children’s Home, Abner now flourished.
He had the same type of empathy as Sabrina; he might be an old man himself, but Abner loved to mother all the other animals. Sometimes he’d lie on the floor and a dozen kittens would crawl all over him. Abner would wince at the sting of small sharp claws, but he never disrupted them.
When Abner rolled onto his back in doggy bliss, Sabrina scratched his belly. In record time, he’d become one of her favorites. Abner adored her and vice versa.
“One day I’ll get a house with a yard, and then I’ll fill it with animals and children.”
Picturing that, Roy said, “Sounds like the perfect plan to me.”
She looked up in surprise, and their gazes locked.
Did she understand that he wanted those things—with her?
Just then the front door rattled and Jenna, one of the college girls who volunteered between classes, tried to get in. She pressed her face close to the glass and frowned when she saw Roy there with Sabrina.
“I forgot it was still locked,” Roy said. Chad was now out back cleaning up debris from the storm. He’d use the rear door, not the front.
Roy strode over while digging out the keys from his pocket. With an umbrella over her head, Jenna waited impatiently.
The second he got the door open, she sailed in, dripping rain from her jacket and full of energy and enthusiasm. Probably because she knew Sabrina was watching, Jenna dropped her umbrella beside the door, shrugged off her outerwear, and threw herself against Roy for a giant hug.
“Whoa.” Jenna had been clear in her desire to “hook up,” but she wasn’t usually so physical with him. To ensure that Sabrina knew the embrace wasn’t a common occurrence, he asked, “What brought that on?”
“I missed you, that’s all.”
Feeling helpless, Roy tried not to look at Sabrina. “You were here yesterday.”
Jenna laughed. “I know, and I’m back today. I have a few hours before my classes and figured I could do some of that leftover paperwork for you.”
Jenna wasn’t much for direct contact with the animals. She was not a girl who liked doggie kisses or mucking out kennels. And no way in hell would she have gotten involved in cleaning up after newborn puppies. But she was a whiz with mailing out flyers, and he appreciated her help.
Determined to take control of the situation, Roy set her an arm’s length away. “That’d be great. Thanks.”
Her hand to his chest, she said, “My pleasure. And since I’m here . . .”
Uh-oh. Roy braced himself.
“If you’re not busy tonight, I have an extra concert ticket.” Her fingertips stroked him. “What do you say?”
Sometimes her pursuit wore on him. “Tempting, but I can’t make it.” He took her wrist and moved her hand away from him.
“Why not?” She looked at Sabrina.
Roy glanced back, too, and he saw Sabrina’s stiff expression. Jealousy? Or just discomfort at being an audience of one for Jenna’s blatant flirting?
“I have a lot of work to do.”
“Oh, come on.” Jenna stepped close again, her air suggestive, her tone more so. “Play a little.”
He planned to—with Sabrina. “Why don’t you invite Chad? I bet he’d love to go.”
Disgruntled by the suggestion, Jenna flipped her long dark hair over her shoulder. “Maybe.” She slanted her pretty green cat eyes toward Sabrina. Smile cutting, she nodded at Sabrina. “Am I interrupting?”
Using that as an opening, Sabrina said, “Nope,” and after giving Abner one last pet, she came to her feet. “I was just leaving.”
Like hell!
As she started past, Roy took her hand. She tried to subtly free herself, but he held on and kept her at his side.
He’d driven, so she couldn’t go anywhere without him, anyway.
He understood Jenna. She was young and temperamental, and she liked to flirt with him just for the sake of flirting. That he would never return the favor didn’t dent Jenna’s pride one iota. Eventually she’d give up and move on to some other guy.
“Sabrina was helping with new puppies.” Roy briefly explained to Jenna what had happened.
Jenna eyed Sabrina with resentful aversion. “You’re like a regular Florence Nightingale, aren’t you?”
Ignoring the snide tone, Roy answered for Sabrina. “You have no idea.” He kissed Sabrina’s knuckles. “But I’m glad you’re here, Jenna.”
She smiled.
“I need to drive Sabrina back to her place.”
Jenna’s smile fell. “How long will that take? I’ve only got a couple of hours.”
“Less than half that time.” He held on to Sabrina’s hand when she again tried to pull away. “Chad’s out back cleaning up if you need him. You have my number if anything comes up, but I won’t be long at all.” And then to Sabrina, “Ready?”
Stony-faced, she said a polite good-bye to Jenna and let Roy lead her out the door.
Once outside, Sabrina stopped him and propped her hands on her hips. “I don’t need you to drive me, Roy. I can catch the bus at the corner.”
He shook his head at that idea. “No way.”
“Jenna came to see you.”
“She can see me when I get back.”
Her spine stiffened. “Really?”
The acerbic tone surprised a grin out of him. “You know I have no interest in her.”
“Yeah, well . . .” The dark sky drew her attention and she said absently, “That doesn’t stop her from having an interest in you.”
“You shouldn’t take Jenna too seriously. I don’t.”
“Looks like it might rain all day.”
The switch in topic suited Roy just fine. “All the more reason why you shouldn’t be standing outside, waiting for the bus.”
“I won’t melt, you know.”
He smiled. “I know.” And now that the night had passed and the streets were busy, any reoccurring storms wouldn’t affect her so strongly. “But I wanted to talk to you, anyway.” Talk, touch, taste . . . He opened the passenger’s door to his truck and waited for her to get in.
Sabrina waffled, undecided for only a moment before she relented. “All right.”
She’d barely gotten in before the rain started in earnest. Roy ran around to the driver’s side. He had to turn on the defroster to see out the windshield. The whooshing of the wipers offered a nice backdrop.
They rode in companionable silence for several minutes. Roy waited until after they were on the main road to ask, “Will you have dinner with me tonight?”
She tucked in her chin. “That’s what you wanted to talk about?”
“In part.” A very small part. “Most of what I want to say can be discussed over dinner.” Some place private—like his apartment.
Or maybe even his bed if he could get her there again.
She didn’t look like she believed him. “I wish I could, but we have a local guy donating several computers. I need to go pick them up at the end of the day.”
“So how about I go with you?” They both relied heavily on private donations. “If it’s more than one computer, you could probably use the help loading it all up, and afterward we’ll grab a bite to eat.”
“It could end up being late.”
“So?” He turned on the street to the apartment complex. Even though he already knew the answer, he asked, “Did you have any plans afterward?”
Shaking her head, she said, “No, but—”
“But what?” Sabrina’s social life was more barren than his. She visited his parents regularly, and she had girlfriends that she liked to shop with. But dates? Few and far between—thank God. “You have to eat, right?”
“Of course.” She gave an exaggerated huff of breath. “But you certainly have better things to do than keeping me company.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Yes.” She frowned at him. “You do.”
Ah. When he caught on to her meaning, he grinned. “We’re back to Jenna.”
Sabrina turned to stare out the window. “I don’t want to tie up any more of your time, that’s all.”
Silly woman. “I’d rather wait out a storm with you or clean up a fresh litter of puppies than suffer through a concert with Jenna, believe me.”
That confession left her speechless for a few seconds. “Really?”
She searched his face, and finally nodded. “All right, if you’re sure.”
“Great. We can use my truck.” He pulled into the apartment parking lot.
When he started to turn off the engine, she held up a hand. “There’s no reason for you to get soaked again.”
“I have an umbrella.”
She shook her head. “It’s all right. I was going to take a nice long shower, anyway.”
Roy pictured that, and his body tightened. He had to clear his throat to speak. “What time did you want me to pick you up?”
As she opened her seat belt and turned to face him, she said, “I finish up around five.”
Luckily he had a lot to do to keep him busy between now and then. “Why don’t I pick you up here at the apartment around five thirty, then? That way your car will already be here. We’ll get the computers moved, and when we’re done, we’ll come back to my place.” Knowing it was her favorite, he said, “I’ll grill steaks.”
For the longest time she watched him, and something soft and warm showed in her blue eyes. Finally she nodded. “Sounds delicious.”
Yeah, it did. In more ways than she realized.
He wanted to give her time, to ease her into the idea of a sexual relationship, but every hour with her made waiting more impossible.
He needed her. Soon.
For now, just a taste would have to do. It’d help him to get through the long hours of the day.
Leaning across the seat, Roy took her mouth with his. It pleased him that she no longer seemed so startled by the intimacy.
The rain left the car windows opaque and sealed them in a cocoon of warmth scented by her dampened skin. Because she’d rushed to leave with him today, her hair was the same as when he’d awakened—tumbled, soft, and sexy. The lack of makeup emphasized her natural beauty.
Her naked mouth could tempt a saint.
Because he wasn’t in any way saintly, Roy couldn’t help but touch his tongue to that delectable mouth, not slipping past her teeth but prodding gently, exploring her bottom lip.
Her breath shuddered in, parting her lips enough for a brief taste. And just that, such a simple kiss, ignited his lust.
Resisting a deeper kiss was one of the hardest things he’d ever done. “Damn, you taste good.”
“Roy?” She sounded confused and uncertain. Her eyes were heavy, her skin flushed, and it made him nuts.
He forced himself to move away. “I’ll see you tonight, kiddo.”
She blinked fast, drew back, and frowned. “I don’t understand you.”
“I know.” He tucked her hair behind her ear. “But I promise to make everything clear over dinner tonight.” Or if things worked out right, maybe even before dinner.
Giving him another dubious look, Sabrina sighed. “Fine. Be cryptic. I just hope you know what you’re doing.”
He grinned as she opened her door. “Count on it.”




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