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Stringing Me Along (Peach Logic Book 1) by Savanna Grey (2)


Dalton was becoming a real pain in Lacey’s butt. She watched as he leaned on the refrigerator door looking at its contents for the third time. What? Did he expect them to have magically changed?

“There is nothing to eat on this bus. I thought you bought groceries, Lacey.” His complaining was tweaking her last nerve. This tour was going to test her already stretched patience.

Drawing in a deep breath, she stood from her sitting position at the kitchenette table.

“Why don’t you go punch something on your video game while I fix you a sandwich.”

As Dalton plopped down on the bench sofa next to his bandmates, Beau and Jesse were both watching him.

“What?” They were giving him the stare down.

“Nothing, bro. Just wondering if she was gonna have to wipe your ass later too.”

 “Anybody else want a sandwich while I’ve got the grill out? I’m making turkey paninis with banana peppers.” Lacey looked over to the group questioningly.

“Lace, you don’t have to cook for us.” Jesse looked over at Dalton. “We are perfectly capable of doing that on our own.”

“I don’t mind. Really. And it’s better than him trying to cook something up. Don’t you remember the chili incident?”

Beau laughed along with Jesse and Dalton buried his face in his hand.

“You’re never going to let me forget that, are you?” He grimaced remembering the mess he had made when the hamburger had burned and the sauce overflowed.

Just then Beau’s stomach growled. Laughter filled the bus.

“I’ll make that four paninis.” Lacey really didn’t mind cooking for the group even though it wasn’t part of her job as their assistant.

 “These are amazing, Lacey!” She smiled over at Beau sitting on the opposite sofa. Jesse sitting next to her agreed wholeheartedly.

“Best, Lace.”

“Thanks. I’ve got an updated schedule for the next couple of days if you want to go over it now.” Lacey had brought her binder over with her.

“This is crazy, isn’t it? Our first headline tour. Us! I still have a hard time processing it all.” Jesse shook her head in wonderment.

“Hey, we didn’t get it handed to us. We earned it, Jess. It’s what we’ve been working toward, isn’t it?” Lacey knew Dalton was proud of what the band had accomplished. The larger the crowd the better for him.

“We have worked for it, D. I just think it’s amazing. Can I bask in the awesomeness of it for a minute without your sarcastic ass interrupting?” Jesse threw a pillow at him. He caught it with little effort, smiling.

“Go ahead, Lacey. Give us the rundown.” Beau interrupted to rein in their focus to the tasks at hand.

Lacey picked up her binder and flipped to the schedule of events outline.

“Okay. We’ll be in Houston tonight. I’ve booked two hotel rooms. One for each of the boys and one for Jesse and me. The limo will pick us up at the stadium where a security guard will watch the bus. The crew is booked at a nearby hotel for easy transport to and from the stadium.”

“30,000 screaming fans. Woo Hoo!” Jesse couldn’t refrain.

Lacey smiled at her excitement. This was a big deal for them. They should be over the moon. She knew she was for them.

“You have an eight o’clock radio interview and a test run at 10 o’clock at the stadium. Gabe should be there as well. After the test run you have two more interviews. One is radio and the other is television. That will take you to dinner and a little time to relax before you have to be back to the stadium.”

“Television? No one said anything about television.” Beau hated the makeup they made him wear to sit in front of a camera.

“Houston, get ready to be peached!” Dalton was grinning from ear to ear.

Lacey’s cell phone rang. She reached around to her back pocket and retrieved it while making some notes in the margin of her notebook.

“Hey, Mom. What’s up?” She got up from the couch and moved toward the back of the bus, leaning against the stove.

Dalton’s eyes followed her, smiling. Lacey’s family checked in with her weekly. They wanted to make sure their baby girl was doing okay. Thinking of her family reminded Dalton of his high school days at her house with her brother, Matt. He had eaten dinner more times at their house than his own.

He imagined it was the closest thing to the Brady Bunch he would ever know. Lacey had always been around. Her cute little pony tail bounced around the house going off to one event or another. She’d always been involved in something.

He’d thought of her as a surrogate family member for years…that was until last night. His frown was back as he continued to watch her talk on the phone. She still had her hair pulled back but wisps of the auburn mass had escaped, framing her delicate heart-shaped face. 

She was dressed in her usual jeans and t-shirt. Comfortable. That was what Lacey was. The band couldn’t have found a better assistant. She managed their needs effortlessly. After three years, she made confinement to a tour bus a lot less tedious.

The first couple of shows on the road had been difficult for the band. Sharing space close-up and personal was a definite change to a normal way of living. Lacey had recognized the need for them to be able to blow off steam. She’d had a video game installed. They all enjoyed the competitive matches of ping pong, bowling and tennis, although her favourite was the boxing. She had a mean upper cut.

He couldn’t image not having her around. That’s why he had to make sure nothing like last night ever came close to crossing his lower brain again.

“Earth to Dalton. Are you ready?” Jesse nudged his arm bringing him back from his journey down memory lane.

“Ready? For what?” He hadn’t heard a word she had said.

“To run through the new song Beau has been working on.” Jesse handed him a copy of the song material.

“Yeah. Absolutely. Let’s do it.” All thoughts but music left his mind. He loved working on new material. It kept them fresh, and Beau was a natural. He set the tone for their success and continued to help define who they were musically.

Lacey finished the call with her mother, turning to watch the band jam. An easy smile lifted her lips. They really were good. Dalton’s boot tapped in time as he strummed his guitar. Beau’s eyes were closed as the music poured out from his keyboard. Jess swayed on the couch next to Beau as she sang, her vibrant black and blue hair swinging with her movement.

How could she possibly consider leaving them? They were her extended family. She loved them…all of them…just one a little differently than the others. A small twinge twisted through her heart as she continued to watch Dalton. What was she going to do? She knew she was capable of doing more, but did she really want to?

Lacey sat back down at the table to finish going through the next two days events, checking her lists of to-do items for accuracy, making sure she hadn’t missed anything. She shot off several emails to confirm set-up and arrival times for the interviews.

She sat back and took a deep breath of satisfaction. All was in order – at least on paper. A chuckle escaped her. All the planning in the world couldn’t account for a fan’s behaviour or an unexpected interview question. At least her part was in order.

“What’s so funny, Lace?” Dalton’s question surprised her. She hadn’t realized she had laughed out loud.

“Oh, nothing. Just thinking about how buys you guys are going to be the next two days. It’s crazy, isn’t it?”

“Awesome sauce is what it is!” Dalton exclaimed. He punched Beau with a pillow excitedly.

“Dude, chill out. Save it for the stage. Speaking of busy, I’m going to catch a nap until we get to Houston.” Beau stood to put his keyboard away.

“I need to make a few phone calls and decide what I’m wearing. You know that takes me a couple of hours.” Jess wasn’t kidding. She was a fashionista in her own right.

“Party poopers. Come on, Lacey. Let’s go a few rounds. How ‘bout it?” Dalton pleaded.

Laughing as she got up from the table she replied, “Anytime I get the chance to kick your but is one I’m not passing up.”

“Game on!” Dalton cheered.

Beau shook his head as he headed to his bunk. “Try and keep it down, you two. A guy needs his beauty rest too.” He ducked as Dalton flung another pillow at his head just as he closed the curtain to his bunk.

“I’ll close the hallway door. Have fun. Knock ‘em out, Lace.” Jess encouraged as she walked to her room at the back of the bus. There was one benefit to being the only female member of the band. She got her own private space. She’d been gracious enough to share it with Lacey.

“You know I will.” she grinned mischievously up at Dalton. “Round 1. Let’s do this.” She bounced back and forth from left to right, punching out toward Dalton.

“Simmer down, little bee. You don’t want to wear your out before you even get started.” He teased.

“Oh, you don’t have to worry about me…well, actually you do, because you know I’m going to knock your butt out.”

“Challenge accepted.” He hit the start button and the match began.

They were both fierce competitors, both putting all they had into the game. Lacey’s expressive face was like watching a movie reel, every emotion flickering across her face, delighting Dalton. Her excitement at getting off a direct hit or frustration when he got one up on her was exhilarating.

“Yes! And he’s down. One. Two. Three. Look out for the little honey bee. You have been stung and done.” It was a solid knockout, putting her ahead two-one.

She playfully jabbed at his ribcage, egging him on.

“That was a lucky punch.”

“Somebody’s a sore loser.” She continued to jab her finger into his ribs, hitting his ticklish zone.

“Stop.” He said in between laughing spurts. “You know I hate that.” Their hands sparred with one another as he tried to anticipate her move and block her pokes. “I’m warning you, Lace.”

She didn’t stop. She was having too much fun. She loved to win, and she enjoyed spending time with Dalton. He was fun to tease too. He could dish it out, but he didn’t take it as easily.

“Oh, what’s the big bad D going to do, huh? Call his mommy? I have her number? Want me to dial it for you?”

“That’s it. I warned you.”

“What…” Humph! Before she knew what was happening, he had picked her up like a sack of potatoes and thrown her down on the couch. He now straddled her and was proceeding to tickle her with no mercy.

He paid no heed to her howls of laughter and begging him to stop.

“Dal…ton. Please. Stop.” She begged.

“Why should I listen to you. You didn’t listen to me. Now you pay.” He proceeded to ravage her ribcage.

Her legs inadvertently circled his back trying to gain leverage. What the action did do was bring their bodies flush against each other, pelvis to pelvis. Her movement had also caused his hand to slide against her breast, evoking a sharp intake of breath as awareness shot through her.

Dalton instantly stilled at the contact. He stared down at Lacey in shock. She could feel his awareness to her through the bulge in the front of his jeans.

“Lacey, I…” he gulped, groping for control.

She straightened one leg, the other still wrapped around him, he fell on top of her, both stretched out on the couch. She moved against him as heat spread to her core, her eyes pleading with him.

“Dalton.” She said in a husky whisper.

“Christ!” he swore as his head descender toward her, capturing her lips in a not so gently kiss.

An explosion of sensations went off inside Lacey. A flame of desire mixed with need and flat out want ran down her spine and curled her toes.

Daltons hands were everywhere. They slid down her side and back up underneath her blouse, landing on her breast. He caressed her through her bra, gently circling her nipple, now tight against the silk fabric.

His tongue invaded her mouth and tangoed with her own. He rained kissed down her neck and her ear, licking and then biting the tip of her earlobe.

“Jesus, Lacey. Stop me. Please.” He stopped briefly to look down into her eyes.

“What if I don’t want you to stop, Dalton?” her eyes were glazed with desire, their emerald green shining with arousal.

“Then you’re a fool.” He closed his eyes in defeat before claiming her lips again.

His hand cupped her backside, pressing her into him as she ground against him, her need driving her crazy. She couldn’t get close enough. Her hands roamed his back and ran through his hair as their kiss lit the room on fire.

Her hand reached for the snap on his jeans and something snapped inside Dalton. He broke the kiss and jerked back from Lacey, jolting to the other end of the couch. Lacey slowly sat up, tucking her leg underneath her.

Dalton ran his fingers through his hair in agitation. Both were breathing heavily, the sound loud in the quiet cabin of the bus.

“We can’t do this, Lace. I can’t do this. Not with you.” Dalton grit out. He was staring at the floor. He wouldn’t look at her.

Pain shot through Lacey at his words.

“I think we just were, and I didn’t see a problem with how we were doing it either.” She shot back. “So, why exactly is it that we can’t, D? You didn’t seem to have an issue with it a few minutes ago.”

He stomped his foot and jarred to a stand.

“Dammit it, Lacey. There are plenty of reasons, and you know it. The band. The road. This industry. I’m a solo act. No relationship. You and I are friends. You’re family. You’re like a sister to me. Matt is my best friend. I’m not screwing that up by having sex with his little sister.”

Lacey stood up slowly, straightening her blouse and hair before answering.

“Well, thank you for straightening me out, Dalton. Glad we could clear that up so easily. By the way, my brother has nothing to do with who I sleep with. Not now. Not ever.” She turned to go to her room, but stopped halfway, turning back.

“By the way, your fly is open. Might want to take care of that.”

She closed the hall door behind her leaving him cursing and alone.

Jess looked up as she entered the room. She frowned slightly, her eyebrows raising, silently questioning. She was talking on the phone.

Lacey shook her head and smiled. “I’m taking a nap.” She quietly mouthed to Jesse.

She grabbed her favourite throw blanket her grandmother had crocheted her, put her earbuds in, and turned toward the wall in her twin bed. Silent tears fell as she listened to the quiet sounds of the ocean fill her head.

Dalton had said his peace. He obviously wanted her. What she didn’t understand was his reason for pulling back. In his warped mind, it was wrong for them to be together. Idiot! Men. The question was, did she prove to him he was wrong or just throw in the towel and move on? Jerk! Maybe I need to give him a taste of his own medicine.





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