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Survive the Night by Katie Ruggle (2)

Chapter 2

Ever since that night, Alice had been waiting for rescue—hoping for it, praying desperately for it even as she searched for another way to escape. The days ticked by, and she fought to hold on to hope, keeping alert for any hint that her unknown friend had finally come through. When the first sign of rescue came, however, it took a form she hadn’t expected.

She never dreamed they’d blow up her house.

The explosion knocked her out of bed, startling her out of an uneasy doze. Her insides felt battered, hurting more than her elbow or head where they’d connected with the hardwood floor. Her brain ran through crazy, illogical explanations—it had been an earthquake or a kick from Aaron or a poltergeist that had sent her flying.

She pushed up to her hands and knees while trying to sort out her thoughts. All the chaos made it hard, though. Alarms blared, shrill and ear-piercing, competing with shouts and heavy, running feet. Suddenly, it hit her—was this it? Was this the escape the note had promised?

Even as Alice climbed to her feet, she hesitated. What if this wasn’t part of the plan? What if the house was on fire, and Alice was about to be burned to death because she’d waited for some mysterious savior to arrive? She sniffed. There was the smell of smoke hanging in the air, but it wasn’t heavy—not yet, at least.

Either way, if it was a disaster or if someone had come to help her escape, she needed to be ready to run. Alice hurried over to the closet. Ever since she’d found the note, she’d been preparing for this. Shoving aside designer dresses hung on satin-lined hangers, Alice grabbed a full backpack and the stack of clothes that were sitting at the very back of her enormous closet. She yanked on jeans and a long-sleeved T-shirt, topping it off with a black hoodie while jamming her feet into hiking shoes.

Heaving the pack onto her back, she hurried out of the enormous closet, not feeling a single pang for all the expensive clothes she was leaving behind. They’d been chosen for her by her father and, over the past few years, her brother. To her, the clothes were just costly prison uniforms.

Back in her bedroom, Alice hesitated again, still not sure if she should try to escape or wait for someone to arrive. The smoke was thicker, and the voices were more urgent, although still muted, blocked by at least one level and the heavy door to her room. She moved to try the door, but it was locked from the outside, as always. Every night, from ten until six in the morning, she was bolted into her room.

Her already thrumming heartbeat picked up even more. What if her unknown friend didn’t realize that she was locked in? What if they’d only been offering a distraction, an opportunity, and this was it? She could be missing the only chance she’d have to slip away, to escape from her brother and Logan and a future that was heartbreakingly close to her present.

Someone knocked.

Dropping her hand from the handle, Alice backed away, staring at the door in horror. Who was it—friend or foe or, even worse, family? The knock came again, a sharp tap-tap-tap, and she realized with a jolt of surprise that it wasn’t coming from the door.

Whirling around, she stumbled back a step, swallowing a scream. A dark silhouette filled the window. Someone was outside, their dark-clad form just a few shades blacker than the night sky.

The lurker leaned closer, the dim light from the room illuminating his harsh features, and Alice recognized him. Shock gave way to disappointment mingled with fear. It was Mateo Espina, one of her brother’s colleagues, a man who was as firmly entrenched as Aaron in their criminal empire. Alice berated herself for building so much hope on the shaky foundation of an anonymous note. Of course there was no one willing to help her, not in her tiny world of liars and thieves and abusive assholes.

Mr. Espina tapped again. Outside her room, the alarms still shrieked, and the shouts were getting closer and louder. The man outside the window watched her, still and serious, and Alice tried to figure out what was happening. Why was he outside? If he was on her brother’s side, why sneak into her bedroom? She wondered if there was a chance, even a slight one, that Mr. Espina could be there to help her. Although she quickly shut down that thought, she moved toward the window. Dressed all in black, Mr. Espina stood on the ledge outside her window, over thirty feet from the ground.

“What do you want?” she asked.

“Didn’t you get my note?”

With the window closed and the alarms blaring, she could barely hear him, but that didn’t stop her heart from taking off at a gallop. She’d thought she’d beaten down all hope, but there it was again, trying to break through her doubt. With enormous effort, she kept her expression blank. “What note?”

“Do you want to get out of here?”

Yes! her brain screamed, and she took an automatic step closer to the window, to the freedom Mr. Espina was offering. She pulled herself up sharply. Knowing her brother, it could be an elaborate trick, a test of her loyalty and obedience.

“I’ll get you out of here,” Mr. Espina said.

“Why?” The word burst out of her, revealing too much, but Alice needed to know. “Why would you help me?”

He pressed a small, creased photo to the glass. In the low light, it was hard to make out many details, but Alice could see that it was a picture of a dark-haired, smiling girl. “The Jovanovics killed my sister.”

Alice studied him, looking for any twitch, any tell that meant he was lying to her. There was nothing. He returned her gaze steadily, the picture still flattened against the window. In that moment, she made her decision. Maybe it was a trick, a cruel set-up engineered by Aaron. If it was, she’d take the punishment. It wasn’t worth turning down this opportunity, this possibility of escape.

Alice fumbled to unlock the window but then paused. Opening it would cause an alarm to go off. Mr. Espina made a hurry-up gesture, and she shook herself. With all the alarms blaring, no one would notice another one…she hoped. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she jerked open the window.

There was a quiet, repetitive beep. Alice knew she had four minutes. After that, if the correct code wasn’t entered into the keypad in Aaron’s office, the alarm would start shrieking. It might be ignored, since all the other alarms were also going off. It might not. It could bring Jeb or Aaron tearing into her room, catching her and Mr. Espina in the middle of their escape.

“Let’s go,” Mr. Espina said, pulling her out of her frozen fear.

With jangling nerves that worsened with each shrill beep of warning, Alice swung a leg over the sill. She glanced down at the narrow ledge and immediately jerked her gaze back up to Mr. Espina’s. The decorative molding protruded a mere six inches, not nearly wide enough for comfort.

“Hurry. We don’t have much time.”

Choking back her terror, she fumbled around with her foot until she had it planted as securely as possible on the too-small ledge. Inhaling a deep breath, she let it out in a rush as she swung her other leg over the sill. With both feet on the ledge, she felt a wave of dizziness rush over her, and she clung desperately to the edge of the window.

“Let’s move.” Mr. Espina covered her hands with his, detaching her desperate grip with ease. He shifted her hands over next to the window, where the stucco facade offered very little grip. Alice bit down on her tongue, holding back a sound of protest as she clutched at the too-smooth stone. Releasing Alice, Mr. Espina slid the window closed.

The dark made it harder for Alice to keep her balance. Flattening herself against the wall, she closed her eyes and prayed.

“Let’s go.”

She looked at him, confused. There was nowhere to go. Instead of answering her unspoken question, Mr. Espina wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her up.

She stiffened as the ledge disappeared from under her feet and the rain gutter appeared right in front of her. Automatically, she grabbed it, needing to hold on to something to anchor herself.

“Up,” he grunted, and she boosted herself onto the roof. A push from underneath sent her even higher, and she managed to get a knee onto the red clay tiles. Scrambling, she hauled her other knee onto the roof and crawled toward the peak. There was barely any sound over her shoulder, just the softest brush of fabric on tile, the quietest exhale. When she looked behind her, Mr. Espina was there, gesturing her forward.

The clay tiles were painfully hard under her knees, but she didn’t try to stand. The roof was steep and slick, and crawling was hard enough. Thunder rumbled as she made her slow way toward the first peak, and she glanced at the dark sky. If it rained, this would all get that much harder.

A tile cracked under her knee. She jumped at the sound and started to slide. Grabbing for a handhold, she caught a metal exhaust flue, bringing her body to a jerky halt. Alice paused, trying to catch her breath, looking ahead at the mountain she still had to climb. The thought that she’d have to make up those painful feet she’d lost in her slip made her want to cry, but she’d learned long ago that tears didn’t solve anything.

Clenching her teeth, she started to crawl again. Finally, she reached the peak. She hurried to throw a leg over before she started slipping backward again. Mr. Espina moved up beside her, turning so he was sitting with his feet out in front of him. Without hesitating, he pushed off and slid down the roof like it was a playground slide. As soon as he reached the valley between the peaks, he started climbing the next slope.

Breathing too fast, Alice forced herself to follow his lead. She turned so her feet were forward and slid down the slope. The tiles were painfully bumpy under her, especially as she started moving faster. By the time she reached the base of the next rise, Mr. Espina was nowhere to be seen. Fear built in her chest as she peered through the darkness, trying to spot his dark figure.

“This way,” a voice whispered, and she gratefully started to climb toward where Mr. Espina lay on his stomach at the top of the next peak. As Alice scrambled over the top, she came to an abrupt halt. They were at the edge of the roof now. If she tried the sledding trick again, she’d go sailing off the edge and fall to the ground below—far below.

A hand on her arm made her jump and then freeze, terrified that she was going to lose her balance.

“Stand up,” Mr. Espina whispered, and she stared at him. Stand? She could barely sit straddling the ridge without completely losing her nerve. He must’ve read her thoughts, since he urged her to move across the ridgeline to the spot where a stone chimney jutted out past red tile. Using it for support, Alice carefully stood on shaking legs. The weight of her pack pulled her backward, and she bent slightly at the waist to counter it.

As soon as she was upright, Mr. Espina buckled some sort of harness around her waist and each of her thighs. Hooking a cable to one of the front straps, he wrapped the line around the chimney and held the other end in both of his gloved hands. He gave her a nod.

Confused, she looked at him.





“Over the side.”

“Over the side?” Alice knew she sounded like an idiot, but the idea was crazy. She was supposed to throw herself off the roof with just a thin cable and a moody all-but-stranger to keep her from hitting the ground like a mosquito on a windshield? It was insanity. “I’m sorry. I don’t think I can do this.”

Mr. Espina’s hatchet-carved face softened ever so slightly as he moved closer to her. “You can.” So quickly that she couldn’t even brace herself, he gave her a tiny push.

It was hardly a shove, but it was enough to put her off-balance. She took a step backward to steady herself, but the roof sloped dramatically and her backpack didn’t help matters. Her one step turned into two and then three, faster and faster until she was almost running backward off the roof. Alice knew that if she tried to stop, she’d pitch backward and slide the rest of the way on her back. The thought was too terrifying for words, so she continued her reverse, shuffling run until the roof ended and nothing was underneath her feet.

Time seemed to stop for a second. Alice felt like a cartoon character who’d run off the edge of a cliff, hesitating in midair while the realization of what was going to happen hit her. Then she dropped, free-falling for an infinite moment before the cable tightened and the harness caught her.

The tension tipped her back, and she swung toward the house. Just in time, she yanked her knees to her chest so that she didn’t put her legs through the quickly approaching window to Aaron’s study. It was located at the back of the house because, as her brother liked to say, it was far away from all distractions. Dizzy with adrenaline, Alice wondered if that was the real reason, or if it was isolated so that no one could hear people scream. She’d had several bad visits to that room.

Yanking back her wandering thoughts, Alice struggled to turn upright. She managed to straighten and get her feet underneath her as Mr. Espina lowered her slowly toward the ground. The alarms were suddenly silenced, and she couldn’t hear voices shouting anymore. The quiet made her uneasy. If everyone was running around, trying to fix whatever Mr. Espina had done, then they most likely wouldn’t be looking for her. The silence, though… Aaron could be checking on her right now.

As her feet touched down on the concrete patio bordering the pool, the cable hit the ground as well, coiling like a snake at her feet. Hitching her backpack higher on her shoulders, Alice gathered up the cable, looping it with shaking hands before clipping the coiled line to a carabiner on her harness. She unbuckled the belt and then the straps around her thighs, the dark and her fumbling, nervous fingers making it harder than it should’ve been.

By the time Alice had gotten free of the harness, Mr. Espina still wasn’t next to her. Craning her head, she stared up at what she could see of the roof, although it wasn’t much. Alice backed up several steps until she stood next to the pool, but there still was no sign of Mr. Espina. She wondered if he’d gone a different way. Now that she was out of her room, maybe his part was done, and she had to escape on her own.

If she waited here to find out, it may very well be too late.

She started to turn, to run around the pool toward the perimeter fence, when a loud boom rocked the ground. Alice crouched instinctually, her arms wrapping around her head. As two more blasts echoed through the night, a motion above her caught Alice’s eye, making her flinch down again. It was Mr. Espina, flying through the air. Her first thought was that he’d been caught in the explosion, tossed off the roof like shrapnel, and fear for him made her lungs tight.

He hit the deep end of the pool just as yet another explosion shook the ground. When he began swimming toward the far side of the pool, Alice realized that he was fine. His leap must’ve been intentional, a quick way of getting off the roof. She had a brief moment of thankfulness that he hadn’t made her jump with him. It would’ve been terrifying. Not only was she not a strong swimmer, but there was a long stretch of concrete between the house and the pool’s edge. If she hadn’t jumped far enough, she wouldn’t have had to worry about escape—she would’ve been lying broken on the patio.

Shaking herself out of her shocked daze, she ran around to the other side of the pool, reaching the edge just as Mr. Espina was hauling himself out. He barely hesitated long enough to get his bearings before running toward the back perimeter fence. Alice followed, just as two more bangs echoed from inside the house. The silence afterward was terrifying. Everything sounded horribly loud—her pounding heart, her breaths tearing in and out of her lungs, her footsteps, the crack of every branch as she tore across the decorative landscaping. Even the harness buckles jangled as she ran, still clutching the assortment of straps in one hand.

Alice couldn’t stop herself from checking over her shoulder, expecting at any second for Aaron and an army of guards to come tearing after them. Aaron would like that, to give her hope that she’d escaped before reeling her back in at the last moment. Alice wasn’t the only one with something at stake, though. Aaron would make her life miserable, but at least he’d keep her alive and relatively undamaged. After all, he needed to use her to secure his entry into the Jovanovic family. If Aaron caught them, she might survive, but he’d kill Mr. Espina in the longest, slowest, most painful way possible.

When she tripped over a newly planted lacey oak, Alice forced herself to focus on the ground in front of her. Mr. Espina pulled ahead, the distance between them growing, and Alice had to hold back a plea for him to wait. She knew logically that he wouldn’t abandon her at this point, but her anxiety was still thrumming through her. Without his help, there was no way she could get over the ten-foot wrought-iron fence.

He stopped at the fence and pulled something out of his small pack.

When Alice reached him, she saw that Mr. Espina was removing the bolts securing the brackets on the top and bottom crossbars of the fence. As she bent over, gasping for breath, he moved to the other post and did the same on that side.

A shout from the house made Alice twist around in panic. Someone with a flashlight stood right outside the French doors by the pool. The beam of light crossed the backyard and flickered over her. She hurried to turn her face away, but it didn’t matter.

“Stop!” the man shouted. With sinking dread, Alice recognized Jeb’s voice.

“Time to go.” Mr. Espina gave the fence a shove, and the whole panel fell over with a heavy thud. Grabbing Alice’s wrist, he ran across the panel and over the scrubby grass toward the wooded ravine that ran the length of the property.

There was an odd popping sound, and a clod of dirt kicked up a few feet away. It took her a moment to realize that Jeb was shooting at them. Mr. Espina pulled her to the side, leading her on a zigzagging trail. The ground was rough and uneven, and Alice caught her toe, but Mr. Espina pulled her right out of her stumble and back into a sprint. Jeb kept shooting, but Alice couldn’t think about that, not when she was trying to breathe and run.

Fear kept her heart racing, and their mad dash made it beat faster and faster until she felt like her whole body was trembling with the effort. Lightning flickered overhead, making everything too bright for a second before plunging into darkness. Thunder rumbled, shaking the ground and blotting out the sound of her pounding heart and rasping breaths.

At first, Alice didn’t realize that it was raining, that the droplets were pounding against her head and running down her neck to soak into her hoodie. Then it started to pour, falling in heavy sheets of rain, just as she and Mr. Espina entered the trees. The ground immediately fell away in front of them, dropping into a yawning ravine with a creek rushing along the bottom.

Alice tried to automatically brake, but Mr. Espina kept running, and his grip on her arm kept her in motion, as well. A cry escaped her as they flew off the edge, landing three feet down the slope. The dirt had already turned into mud, and they sank into the muck with each step. With Mr. Espina hauling her forward, Alice couldn’t do anything but keep moving her feet, sprinting and sliding and only staying upright thanks to the hand on her arm and her continuous forward motion.

The rain was loud, too loud to hear if Jeb was still shooting. Alice couldn’t look to see how close he was, though. She was too concerned with her high-speed downhill sprint. The slope started to level off, and Alice looked away from her footing for a moment. They’d reached the bottom, and she gave a gasping sob of relief. Splashing through the small creek, she risked a quick glance at the top of the ravine.

There were so many flashlights now—at least ten—bobbing and moving as Aaron’s men climbed down after them. Jeb was the closest and closing the distance quickly. He grabbed a small tree, bringing himself to a sliding stop, and then lifted his gun.

Alice sucked in a breath, trying to force her legs to run even faster. They started to climb the other side of the ravine, but there wasn’t anything close by that was big enough to hide behind, just brush and small trees and lots of weeds. Jeb had a clear shot.

The incline sloped up dramatically, and their run turned into more of a scrambling climb. Mr. Espina released her in order to use both hands. Alice grabbed a clumpy weed, but the plant pulled out of the ground. She started to slide down the slope, and she fumbled to grasp a half-exposed root. That one held, and she reached for the next handhold.

Every second, she expected to feel one of Jeb’s bullets pierce her skin. Her breathing, already rough from fear and exertion, sped up even more. Closing her fingers around a thick vine, she shot a quick glance over her shoulder.

Jeb was standing in the same place she’d last seen him, his flashlight hand supporting his gun hand. The light turned the rest of Jeb’s body into a silhouette, but Alice could clearly see the gun. The rain poured over him, but he stood perfectly still, his head cocked to the side as he aimed.

Then, the ground crumbled under Jeb’s feet. The flashlight and gun went flying as he fell onto his back. He started to slide, traveling several feet before his body ran into a pair of tree trunks that brought him to a rough stop.

“Move!” Mr. Espina’s command broke her paralysis, and she started climbing up the slope again. Temporary rivulets of water coursed down the side of the ravine, and Alice’s feet slid through the muck as she pushed herself forward and up. The tree coverage became heavier, and there were more saplings and roots to grab. Alice sped up, not wanting to look to see if Jeb had gotten up or if the other guards were closing in. She just climbed.

Alice didn’t notice that she was at the top of the ravine until she reached for the next handhold and there was nothing there but grass and weeds. She looked up to see that Mr. Espina was already on his feet and jogging toward an older-model sedan parked on the shoulder. Alice stood and tried to run for the car, but her head spun and her stomach threatened to expel its contents.

Swallowing down bile, she had to settle for a shambling jog. It felt like it took forever to reach the passenger door of the car. She was sure that, any second, Jeb—or, worse, Aaron—would pop out of the ravine. That would be the end of any escape attempt. Aaron would never let her out of his sight until he’d married her off to Logan Jovanovic.

Her hand caught the handle, and she jerked open the car door. In the back of her mind, she mentally apologized to the car’s owner, since she was head-to-toe mud, but that didn’t slow her down. Alice threw herself into the seat as Mr. Espina shot them forward. The door swung shut, slamming with the force of their acceleration, and Alice wiggled out of her backpack, dropping it onto the floor by her feet as she grabbed for her seat belt. By the way Mr. Espina was driving, she had a feeling she’d need it.

She turned to face him as they flew down the road, the windshield wipers working at their fastest speed. “Thank you,” she said.

His only response was a slight upward tilt of his chin.

“I dropped your harness.” She glanced at her muddy hands as if she’d find the missing equipment hanging there. “Sorry.”

The corner of his mouth quirked. “I have others.”

“That doesn’t surprise me.” She settled back in the seat, her muscles easing slightly one by one, leaving her feeling limp and shaky. They were both still alive, though.

They were alive, and she was free.




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