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TAKING HIS SEED: The Jagged Rebels MC by Zoey Parker (75)


Zack parked his bike directly outside the tattoo parlor. The street was dark and deserted around him. Slicking his hair back with the palms of his hand, he sauntered toward the door beneath which light was escaping out into the night. He was impressed that Nancy had been decent enough to meet with him.


He knocked briskly against the distorted glass that boasted Nancy’s name. He saw her mottled appearance materialize in the reception area. Seconds later, she was opening the door and bathing him in golden light. He squinted against the sudden brightness.


“Come in,” she ordered briskly. Zack obeyed, eager to get off the street where despite the late hour, he still risked being seen.


“This had better be good,” Nancy crossed her arms over her chest, concealing her bosom and narrowed her eyes at him.


Zack licked his lips. He knew that he needed to choose his words carefully. He needed to keep Nancy as an ally, especially if he wanted her help in safely delivering Brittany out of Colridge, which was what he reckoned it was going to come to.


“Like I said, Brittany is in danger.”


“From you,” Nancy seethed. He could see the hurt and betrayal flare in her eyes as she spoke. He should never have snuck out on her like he did. Women were always so sensitive about that kind of behavior.


“No, not from me.”


“I know who you ride with,” Nancy declared icily. “I recognized your tattoo.”


Zack could feel his cheeks starting to burn. Being with the Red Riders was such a big part of his identity, but one he never spoke about to non-members.


“If you’ve told anyone then - ”


“I’ve not said anything.”


“Good.” Zack exhaled sharply. “Well then, if you know I ride with the Red Riders then you should have picked up that Brittany’s new boyfriend rides with the Skeleton Kings.”


Nancy paled.


“So do those guys who were in here,” Zack continued. “And let me tell you, Nancy, the Kings aren’t to be messed with. I should know.”


“Are they…are they here to start trouble?”


Zack still didn’t know why there were so many Skeleton Kings members in Colridge, but he wasn’t about to admit that to Nancy.


“They’re here for Brittany,” he replied quickly, with confidence. “They think that getting to her is a way of getting to me. They mean her harm.”


“Oh God,” one of Nancy’s hands nervously fluttered up to her throat. “Poor Brittany.”


“And she’s completely oblivious to all of this,” Zack stated.


“I see,” Nancy’s hand had now settled on her chest. Zack couldn’t help but notice the swell of her breasts in the low-cut top she was wearing.


“I need to get her out of town, at least until things have blown over.”


“Out of town?” Nancy repeated in disbelief. “But Zack, she works here. Colridge is her home.”


“No!” Zack raged, clenching his hands in to fists. “She belongs back home with me, not here!”


“Are you truly worried about Brittany’s boyfriend, or are you just concerned that you don’t have any control over her anymore?” the fear was gone from Nancy’s face, replaced by contempt.


“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Zack pointed an angry finger at her.


“I think you want to get the hell out of my store,” Nancy stormed over to the front door and flung it open, letting in the cool evening air.


“You’re making a mistake,” Zack glared at her. “I need to help my sister. If anything happens to her, you’ll have blood on your hands.”


“Yeah, well so will you,” Nancy jerked her head in the direction of the darkened street outside. “Not that you’d notice since I’m sure your hands are already covered in blood.”


“I’m not the monster you think I am.” Zack stepped towards the door.


“No?” challenge burned in Nancy’s eyes. She was goading him, seeking to punish him for having hurt her. Zack wished that women could be more resilient with their emotions. He knew he should just walk out to his bike and ride out of town and forget about Nancy. She was never going to be an ally. But as she stood beside her in the doorway, his gaze lowered to her chest and there it lingered.


“Oh, you’re not getting anywhere near this again,” Nancy scoffed though she didn’t do anything to conceal her bosom. Zack got the impression that she wanted him to keep looking, to keep undressing her with his eyes.


“Is that so?” he made his voice as husky as possible as he asked the question.


“You think you can run out on me before dawn,” Nancy cried haughtily. “Well, I don’t think so. I’m not just some - ”


Her words were silenced as Zack’s mouth pressed against hers. She uttered a brief cry of disdain before hungrily kissing him back. Zack scooped her into his arms and hungrily pressed his tongue against hers as he kicked the door to the shop closed. His hands were now roving over her breasts, eager to unleash them from their cotton cage.


“Oh, Zack,” Nancy gasped as they broke their kiss so that he could hastily unbutton his jeans and hoist up her skirt. He gave a groan of appreciation when he noticed that she wasn’t wearing any panties. So, this had been her plan all along, to seduce him.


Zack pressed her against the reception counter and eased himself inside her. Nancy gasped with desire and dug her nails into his shoulders, gripping him tightly against her.


“Fuck me,” she pleaded breathlessly. So he did.