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The Bachelor Auction (The Bachelors of Arizona Book 1) by Rachel Van Dyken (41)

Brock’s smile melted all her defenses, making her feel beautiful and secure—although she was still a bit nervous. She still hadn’t seen her sisters and she feared that they’d approach her and say something hurtful or embarrassing. Probably both.

Brock’s smile deepened as he slowly examined her from head to toe.

This man in a suit was a dangerous thing, the way his broad shoulders filled out the black jacket. The style reminded her of something she’d seen in an old historical movie.

Which really did make him the prince.

His auburn hair had a slight wave; it was parted to the side but she knew it would soon fall prey to his hands, since that was his nervous thing: running a hand through his hair.

“I’m glad you came.” Brock’s voice was deep, his eyes locked on hers. “Even though you’re technically here with two other men.”

Brock’s gaze shifted to her mouth, as if he wanted to kiss her. She strained toward him just as the music stopped playing.

The dance floor wasn’t too crowded. People were staring at them, probably because he was about to get auctioned off, Jane concluded.

Her stomach clenched.

“So.” She cleared her throat. “What exactly am I supposed to be doing? I feel like I should be helping whatever plan you have here but I’m completely in the dark.”

“Well.” Brock cleared his throat. “Unbeknownst to the twins, we’re actually auctioning them off for charity as well. There will be five bachelors total. Brant, Bentley, and”—he grinned smugly—“Thomas and Lucas—Titus. They’re Nadine’s cousins and when given the option to get on her good side, I knew they wouldn’t say no.” He paused and then whispered, “I go last.”

Jane nodded, careful to keep her smile frozen on her face.

“And then…” Brock sighed. “The woman who bids the most wins a date with me. Each of the top five bidders wins something, but I only have to go out with one of them. Of course, my grandfather still has his mind set on marriage—at least according to the media, but only because it makes sense: rich good-looking woman, rich good-looking man… People are idiots.”

Jane’s throat went dry.

“But,” Brock pulled her into his arms, “it’s not going to happen that way.”

“What makes you think that?” Jane asked.

“Because technically it’s not going to be a real auction. It’s fixed.” He eyed her boldly. “I…” He reached for her hands and squeezed them. “I think it’s pretty clear who I choose…and it’s a girl in a gold dress with seven freckles.”

“Eight,” she corrected, a bit breathless. “You forgot the one on my ass.”

Brock burst out laughing. “I may have to do some inspecting later.”

“But, Brock,” Jane said, suddenly serious. “What will happen if this doesn’t work out the way you want it to?”

“Let me worry about that,” he growled.

“But see, that’s the thing,” She pulled away from him. “I do worry, because I don’t want to be the reason people don’t take you seriously or trust you, or back out of a deal.”


“You would resent me. Maybe not now, maybe not tomorrow, but you would resent me. I think we have enough baggage between the two of us. The last thing we need is to add more.”

Brock’s eyes narrowed. “What exactly are you getting at?”

“No matter how this turns out, you have to go through with everything. I mean, if I don’t win.”

“You will win.” His voice was urgent. “And if it doesn’t turn out the way I’ve planned it, then fine. Fuck them all. I love you and I choose you.”

“But your grandfather,” Jane said in a small voice, her eyes finding the man in question. She could still remember the way he’d tried to convince her to take the million-dollar check and his almost relieved expression when she didn’t.

Something wasn’t right. She just didn’t know what.

“Jane, did my grandfather get to you? Is that what this is about? Did he try to pay you off? Or threaten you?”

Jane froze. “Well.”

“Jane.” He exhaled loudly and placed his hands on her shoulders. “What the hell did he do to you?”

Her face flushed. “Well, he did offer me money to stay away from you. Enough money that I’d never have to clean another toilet. Ever. But then he seemed relieved when I turned him down.” But that made no sense. Why would he go to all that trouble? Something wasn’t adding up.

“Jane!” Bentley elbowed his way toward her, his smile wide.

“We’ll talk about this later.” Brock kissed her temple. “After you win.”

Bentley’s smile widened as he approached. “She cleaned up well, am I right?”

Jane rolled her eyes and stood up on her tiptoes to kiss Bentley on the cheek. At the last minute he turned so his mouth barely grazed hers. “Sorry, couldn’t help myself.”

Brock cursed beside her. “Do that again and I’m cutting off your dick.”

“Ooh…” Bentley winked at Jane and took a long sip of his champagne.
“Remember, I offered to take you off his hands. Until you have a ring on your finger, offer still stands.” His gaze heated. “Besides, he’s the one with the temper. I’m all about love…sexual healing…”

“I’ll do my best.” She shoved him away playfully as Brant approached the group. He had three different shades of lipstick spread across his neck.

“Such a selfish bastard. Leave some for us, too.” Bentley commented once Brant was in front of them.

Brant eyed her up and down again. “For the record, Brock, I approve.”

“Well, that’s a relief.” Jane stepped into his arms. Brant always smelled like women’s perfume. Always. Even at the ranch, which really made her wonder if he didn’t just wear it so that other women got jealous?

“Fruit of my loins!” Charles called out to his grandsons. “Gather ’round, my little chickens. The auction is about to start and I have something to say.”

The group fell silent.

Nadine’s lips were formed into an adoring smile as she blinked up at Charles.

“Tonight, Brock goes to the highest of the five bidders.” Jane tried to keep herself from tensing when he looked her way. His eyes lingered on her then briefly flickered to Nadine. “Now that that’s settled…” Charles eyed Brock. “Why don’t we go to the stage and get things started?”

Brock froze.

Jane squeezed his hand.

“Brock?” Charles tilted his head. “Is everything all right?”

“No,” Brock said, and turned to Jane. “But it will be.”