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The Grinch of Starlight Bend by Jennifer Probst (5)

Chapter Five

“JOEY, BABE, WHAT’S UP? You’ve been quiet all day. Didn’t even bother to make a snide comment about the Brubakers new excuse for why they want to give back yet another kid.”

Joey watched her friend Megan perch herself on the edge of her desk in her cubicle, hands crossed in front of her chest as she waited for an answer. With her curly red hair, freckles, and white skin, she looked like a grown up orphan Annie, except for her wicked sense of humor. Like many of them, she dealt with the stress of the job by wisecracks, sarcasm, and bawdy humor. Sometimes, it was the only way to cope. They’d become close working together the past few years, and Joey knew the kids in the system were better off with Megan on their side. She was a real bitch when it came to getting her job done well, and making sure every child received the best care available.

Joey fought to keep the truth from her face. Last night, if Noah Elliott had kissed her, she may have not been able to stop. The lure of his full lips haunted her, along with that rock hard body just rippling with muscles. She imagined him moving over and under her like a graceful panther, all hot and growly and...big.

“Hello, earth to Joey,” Megan said. “Are you there, or are you day dreaming about the hot sex you had last night!”

Joey rolled her eyes and dropped her voice. “Shhh! I did not have sex. I kind of thought about having sex, but he didn’t make a move, and kind of threw me out.”

Megan clapped a hand over her mouth. “No way!”


“No one is listening,” Megan said. “What type of guy would throw you out and say no to sex? Men don’t say no to sex.”

“Thanks for the vote of confidence. I feel so much better, but men do say no to sex when it comes to me. Guess recluse millionaires aren’t into women who don’t know how to keep their trap shut.”

Megan frowned, then gasped. “Wait a minute. Are you talking about the Grinch of Starlight Bend? You wanted to have sex with him and he said no?”

Joey sighed. “I hate that term. His name is Noah. Noah Elliott. Yes, I’m talking about him. He’s the one helping me grant my Christmas wish for Owen Salt. He’s not at all who I expected.”

“Wait a minute. First you bully the Gri…I mean Noah Elliott into helping throw a winter carnival. You went to his Beast mansion? And wanted to sleep with him?”

“He’s not a beast.”

“His house looks like the Beast’s castle. Hell, I never had a problem with the guy, I think he got a bum rap, What I don’t understand is why he wouldn’t want to have sex with you. What the hell did you do to get him to say, um, no thank you little lady?”

Joey dropped her face into her hands and groaned. “Why am I actually asking you for advice?”

“Cause I’m smart. Okay, listen up. He’s gotta be all nuts living alone up there for years without social contact.”

“He has a butler.”


“And a dog.”

“Listen, babe, you need to grasp the reins here. If you like him, use this project to invite yourself over again. Heat things up. Get his motor running, if you know what I mean. You do know what I mean, don’t you?”

“He already rejected me.”

“You mean you stood before the man naked and he said no?”


“For Pete’s sake. Be a woman. Call him and ask if you can stop by to confirm some stuff. See what he says. You need to woo him a bit. The man has been up on that mountain for years with just a butler and a dog, I’m sure he’s got no moves and your moves are… well… probably not any better.”

“You read too many romance novels”

“Of course. They keep me hopeful and remind me I’m a kick ass woman. Hear me roar. Now, go roar and call him.”

Her friend made some sense. She was always counseling her kids to take chances, and not surrender because of some rejection. It was important she put action to her words and take a leap herself. “I’ll do it.”

“Good girl.” Megan slid off her desk and pulled down her skirt. “Wanna have dinner next week?”

“Absolutely. Don’t forget to send out the email to your clients about the carnival. Oh, and I got flyers—can you help pin them in town?”

“You got it.”

She watched her friend leave, and stared at the phone. Her stomach lurched with adolescent nerves. Just pick up the phone and call. Should she text? So much easier that way. But no, too many times texts felt cold and unwelcoming. Snatching up the receiver with sweaty palms, she dialed.

He picked up on the first ring.


She opened her mouth but nothing came out. Why did he sound like dark chocolate and sin? Joey crossed her legs and let out another squeak. “Noah, it’s Joey,” she burst out.

A pause. “Josephine? I didn’t recognize the number.”

“I’m calling from my job—the ID is blocked.”

“Are you okay? Do you need anything?” His voice was filled genuine concern. Maybe Megan was right. Too many years alone with just a dog and a Butler.

Her hand turned white from gripping the receiver. Her heart thumped in her chest so hard she thought he could hear it. “I’m fine. Listen, I know you’re super busy but I’m a bit confused with some of the vendor forms and wanted to check on a few details so I thought maybe, if you’re not busy, I could stop by after work again? If you’re not busy.” She sank down in her chair, rolling her eyes. She sounded like an idiot.

She braced herself for the rejection.

“Sure. Charles has dinner ready at six. Six good?.”

“Umm, yes. Yes! I’ll be there at six. Thank you.”

“Come at five thirty. We can have some of that wine.”

“I can do that.”

“I’ll see you later, Josephine.”


She leaned back in her chair. It had worked. She had a date. A working date, but at least it was one more opportunity to get to know this fascinating man a bit better. And of course, enjoy more of Charles’ cooking. And if she wasn’t mistaken, Noah did sound happy to have her over again.

She quickly shot out a text to Megan.

I did it. Dinner at his house tonight. Smiley face.

Her cell vibrated. Thumbs up symbol.

Joey glanced at the clock, counting down the minutes until she could see him again.




Later that evening, Noah watched her intently as she peppered him with various questions on liability, and travel details, and contract lingo. When she’d called, he honestly believed she needed his help. Why else would she ask to come over? But in just two short visits, he figured out, Josephine Whitman was a terrible liar.

She already knew about contracts. The woman talked lingo like a pro. When he gave her an answer, she nodded, but her eyes bespoke he’d only confirmed what she’d done already. And then the real truth bushwhacked him without mercy.

She wanted to see him.

The electricity that hummed between them had risen like bees swarmed to honey. It may have been a long time since he’d slept with a woman, but he wasn’t blind to the way she leaned toward him, or her knee pushed against his when she shifted to point out something inconsequential in a contract. Josephine was sexually attracted to him. When their hands had brushed reaching for the same paper, her hand trembled slightly, but she let her fingers linger against his longer than appropriate. She wasn’t afraid of him, not like he believed at first. She wasn’t disgusted by his appearance. The only thing she was nervous about was what was happening between them. He’d be lying to himself if he didn’t admit he wasn’t nervous as well.

Once his world re-settled, Noah decided he’d gone about this entirely wrong. No more second guessing himself or allowing his inner demons to slyly get in his head. She liked him. He liked her. Nothing else should matter.

And damned if he wasn’t going to kiss her by the end of the evening.

“I think you have it under control now,” he said, clicking off his laptop.

“Yes, I feel better. Thanks for dinner. Again.”

He stretched his hand across the back of the sofa, his fingers brushing the nape of her neck. She wore her hair twisted in a casual bun. He itched to unclip it and run his hands through the strands; bury his face within them and breathe in the feminine scent of her. “You’re welcome. I was just thinking you’ve been here twice now and only saw three rooms.”

She grinned, tilting her face up to look at him. “I saw the bathroom today. Very impressive.”

“You liked the chandelier?”

“Oh, yes, and the fireplace. Plus the claw foot tub. Like your bubble baths, Mr. Elliott?”

“Sometimes.,” he said softly. “Would you like a tour?”

“Yes, please.”

“Then come with me.” He rose and offered his hand. Without hesitation, she took it. A rush of possession took him by surprise. Her small fingers wrapped within his made him want to slay all her demons. What he liked even more was that Josephine could slay them herself. He led her through each room on the main floor, watching her explore his mansion with pleasure. He pointed out the impressive line of antiques, the eclectic art collection, the array of Oriental rugs and sculptures that made his mansion more of a museum than a home. He’d built it originally with the thought of elegant parties and filling the rooms with endless people. He’d kept only a few rooms only for him, and they reflected a masculine simplicity combined with comfort.

“Let me show you my favorite room in the house. I think you’ll love it.”

He pushed open the double doors and stepped inside.

Her hand flew to her mouth to cover her gasp. “The library?”

“Yes. Do you like books?”

The way her face lit up with enchantment told him his answers. She took in the vaulted ceilings painted in a duplicate of Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel, the angels parting to allow them both to enter a world where books were God.

The ceiling to floor bookshelves held ladders to reach the highest places. The bay windows boasted cushioned seats for cozy reading nooks, and the thick wine carpet quieted footsteps to help hush out the world. A fire crackled from the brick fireplace, and the scents of pine and poinsettias filled the air. Large leather sofas and matching chairs held afghans and bright red pillows. It was a book lover’s paradise; a place to be lost in thought and freedom; safely locked away from the cruelty of the world behind the window.

“I want to live here.”

He chuckled. “I practically do. The library, office, and sitting room are my favorite places in the house.”

“What about your bedroom?”

It was a bold question coming from her sweet innocent voice. Heat blistered through his body. Reaching out, he tipped her chin up. “No.”


“It’s a lonely place.” His admission was as bold as her question. How was she able to wrest such raw honesty from his very tormented soul? She took a step forward, their bodies separated only by an inch filled with heat. His nostrils flared as he caught her feminine scent. “Are you playing games with me, Josephine?”

She held his gaze. Her brown eyes never wavered. Her tone filled with a confidence that he knew took courage for a woman who spent her time helping people, not putting her needs, or anything else about herself first. “I don’t know how to play games.”

He brushed her lips with his fingers. Dewy soft, just as he thought. Her breath rushed out and he fought a shudder. What is it you want? To save me like the children? A sympathy project, perhaps?”

Her gaze narrowed just a tad. “You’re nobody’s project, Noah. I don’t want to save you. I certainly don’t pity you. I just...want.” She stood up on tiptoe and leaned in. His hands caught her around the waist, pulling her in tight. His erection pressed into the notch of her thighs as he drew one hand up her side, brushing against her breast before he ran his fingers across the curve of her cheek; the line of her jaw. His body roared with arousal and the need to take; give; pleasure.

“You’re not afraid.”

She whispered the words against his lips. “I’m only afraid you’ll turn me away, leaving me with this ache.”

He uttered a vicious curse. Closed his eye. Then lowered his mouth to hers.

The kiss was deep and demanding. He tried desperately for gentleness, but he was already too far gone. Her response matched his, only to push him to take more, as his tongue gathered her sweetness, learning her silky texture and taste, while his hands slid up her back, pulling her hair down, his fingers tangling in the long strands to hold her still as he feasted.

She made a low sound in her throat and met him thrust for thrust, fighting only to get closer. Her body came alive in his arms, thrilling him with her own demands as her hands gripped his shoulders, digging her nails into the thin fabric of his shirt and leaving marks. He took his time, only breaking the kiss to re-slant his mouth so he could plummet every wet, delicious inch of hers.

“I feel dizzy,” she gasped, clutching him tighter.

He scooped her up into his arms and moved to the chair, sitting down and cuddling her in his lap. He cupped her breast through her sweater, his thumb brushing over her hardened nipple, wresting another groan from her lips. “Better?”

“Worse. And better.” Her hands lightly ran over his face, stroked his hair, her soft lips still pressed to his. He slipped his hand under her sweater and met warm, smooth skin. Her bra was just a scanty piece of lace, barely covering her small breast. He played, stroking her through the lace, tugging at her nipple until she twisted in his arms and nipped at his bottom lip.

“I can’t get enough of you,” he murmured. “You taste so good. Smell so good.”

“So do you.”

“Stay with me tonight.”

She stilled. He knew all the ways to make her body surrender. He ached to slip his hands inside her panties and stroke her to climax, hear her cries echo in his ears. Carry her to bed and claim her, burying himself so deep into her wet heat, she’d never forget him. But he wanted so much more than her body.

He wanted a chance at her heart.

“I want to. But—”

“Too soon?” He spoke gently, still caressing her breast. “Too much?”

“Yes. No. Yes. I want to stay with you. I do. I’m just… I don’t just… Do you understand?”

He kissed her again, treasuring the soft warmth of her body in his lap. “I do understand. Will you come back tomorrow?”

She touched the side of his scarred face with a reverence that broke his heart and put it back together again. Her smile was brilliant and filled with joy. “Yes. But will you cuddle with me a while? This feels so...right.”

“I know.”

“How did this happen?”

“You busted into my mansion and demanded I help you. And now you’re here and I don’t want to let you go.”

Her brown eyes flared with desire. “Then don’t.”

He didn’t respond. Just held her tight in front of the fire, pressing his damaged cheek against her perfect skin.