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The Husband Mission (The Spy Matchmaker Book 1) by Regina Scott (11)

Katherine wasn’t sure how she made it through the rest of the evening. She smiled and danced and talked of commonplaces with her guests as if nothing had happened. Her body miraculously kept functioning when she was certain she had left her heart in Lord Borin’s hands.

Oh, but his kiss had been wonderful: Warm, filling, heady. Why should that surprise her? From the beginning she had thought him a magnificent specimen of manhood. Why would his kiss be any less magnificent?

What she hadn’t expected was her reaction. She had chosen him for Constance after all. It was a logical, dispassionate choice. He had face, fortune, and family to recommend him. She hadn’t involved her own preferences in the equation. Why then did her heart beat faster when he took off his coat, her face heat when he bared his arms? Why did her mind persist in wondering whether the rest of him was so marvelously strong and supple? Why did her hands itch to smooth over that bare skin or stroke the golden hairs that peered from the V of his open shirt? She certainly shouldn’t revel in the way their bodies melded together or their lips meshed. Above all, she shouldn’t lose herself in his kiss, wishing never to part.

But she’d done all those things and more, and she very much feared she’d do them all again given the opportunity. She did not know whether he was merely flirting or whether he too felt the stirrings of something more powerful. Either way, these feelings could spell their doom. Constance must marry, and Lord Borin was not only the perfect candidate, but the only man in whom she’d shown interest. They didn’t have time to wait for someone else to appear.

Constance was, of course, disappointed when Lord Borin did not attend the ball. Given Katherine’s discovery of him, she realized he could hardly make an appearance. In fact, he had left after promising to call on the morrow. When next she saw him, she would have to go carefully. Simply explaining would likely wound his male consequence. Perhaps she should paint Constance as a poor waif. Some fellows seemed to like to play the knight-errant. She could almost see Lord Borin in the role. For now, she had to make his excuses to her stepsister.

“He sent word of some unexpected exertions during the day,” she told Constance. “No doubt it had something to do with a horse or his boxing. He said he would call tomorrow.”

To her relief, Constance did not press her. She seemed satisfied that he would be calling. Katherine attended her through the party and then made several arrangements before retiring to bed. She wanted to be ready when the viscount called.

He arrived promptly at three. Gone were all traces of the gangly, fat-cheeked footman. He was his usual handsome self in a cinnamon coat of wool superfine and tan trousers. He bowed to her and Constance. She didn’t think it her imagination that he seemed disappointed that he was not to meet with her alone. He would simply have to wait. Constance must have her time first.

“We missed you last night, my lord,” her stepsister murmured with a flutter of her golden lashes.

“I regret that I could not attend,” he replied graciously. “But I am certain you had any number of admirers to keep you busy.”

Katherine watched as Constance simpered.

“You are too kind,” her stepsister murmured. “There were a number of gentlemen in attendance. Mr. Whattling asked after you, and I am certain Mr. Wardman would have if he hadn’t been smitten with Katherine.”

Katherine felt herself blush at the reminder of how the slender Mr. Wardman had puffed his way through no less than two country dances with her.

Alex smiled. “Yes, I have noticed your stepsister has that effect on people.”

Her cheeks felt even hotter, but she refused to acknowledge his compliment. He waited a moment, then, apparently realizing she would not speak, he engaged Constance once more in discussion of the party. Katherine sat quietly as they continued to converse about commonplaces. As she had planned, Eric poked his head into the room a few minutes later, and she nodded. He squared his shoulders and marched into the room, bowing before the viscount, who raised a brow.

“Lord Borin,” Katherine said. “May I present my brother, Eric Collins?”

Alex rose and bowed before shaking her brother’s hand. Her heart could not help but warm at how seriously he took Eric. “Mr. Collins, a pleasure, sir.”

“Your servant, my lord,” Eric responded with equal formality. “And may I say you have a smashing set of blacks. They look to be real goers.”

“What an excellent judge of horseflesh you are, Collins. They are my personal favorites in my stables.”

“Tattersalls?” Eric asked.

“But of course.”

Her brother puffed out a wistful breath. Katherine had to jerk her head to encourage him to continue with the plan they had set. He grimaced as if recalling himself. “Sorry to intrude. May I borrow my stepsister? My uncle has need of her.”

Constance frowned, rising. “Now? How odd. Excuse me, Lord Borin. I promise to return shortly.”

Eric looked as if he would like to return as well, but Katherine shook her head once, and he deflated. She breathed a sigh as they left the room.

“Another subterfuge?” the viscount asked. “Was that necessary?”

“I fear so. You see, my stepsister has no knowledge of what I did. And I prefer to keep it that way.” She took a deep breath and hurried on. “I would like your word as a gentleman that you will never tell anyone what I am about to divulge.”

He sobered as he reseated himself. “You have my word, Miss Collins.”

She took another breath and went on to explain the situation with Lord Templeman and Constance. She tried to paint the picture of Constance in need, desperate, searching. Watching him, she saw no signs that she had succeeded in touching his heart. His jaw remained tight, his eyes bright and passionless.

“So you see,” she concluded, “I was left with no choice but to find her a suitable husband.”

“Certainly I see your concern,” he replied, “and I applaud your interest in caring for your stepsister. Perhaps, however, you should simply ask the next gentleman his intent rather than following him about.”

The next gentleman. He did not understand. Why could he not see Constance’s worth? “I am certain you are correct,” she told him, “but I fear there will be no other gentleman. At least, not in time.”

“I am sorry for your problem, my dear, but I will not sacrifice myself for your stepsister.”

“But why is it such a sacrifice?” she pressed, perplexed. “You could not ask for a lovelier bride or a more devoted one. And her fortune is huge.”

“I will not enter into a debate over Miss Templeman’s merits. Suffice it to say that I am as finicky in my bride as your stepsister is in her groom. I will help you in any other way I may, but I cannot marry Miss Templeman.”

All that planning, wasted! She could hear the determination in his voice. He would never submit now. His precious male consequence was more wounded than she had guessed. Men were entirely unreasonable once they reached that state, she knew from experience. Her disappointment must have shown on her face for he reached out to pat her hand.

“There now, Miss Collins. It is done. No more secrecy between us. You can call back the fellow you’ve had following me the last few days.”

Katherine started. “Someone else has been following you?”

He smiled. “Very convincing. You almost make me believe you had nothing to do with the man who dogged my steps the last few nights. And he was good. I very nearly missed him as well. But I am on to you, my dear.”

Katherine felt cold all over as she shook her head. “My lord, I promise you, no one in my household has followed you in days. If you do not believe me, think back to your experience yesterday. You must have seen that Bixby is our only male servant.”

He frowned as if realizing she spoke the truth. “Then who?”

“I don’t know. Perhaps you should inform Bow Street.”

He nodded. “Yes, of course. Forgive me. I naturally assumed you had had a hand in it.”

Of course he would make that assumption. Most likely he had never had the misfortune to meet a managing female like her before. But the thought that someone might be after him for nefarious purposes made her blood congeal in her veins.

“This is horrid!” she cried, rising to pace. “Why should you be followed? Could my work have somehow encouraged others to think you carry valuables? Will you be set upon by cutthroats?”

He rose to catch her by the shoulders. His touch somehow managed to stave off the worst of her chill. “Don’t blame yourself. I’m certain there is a logical explanation, and it has nothing to do with you. Besides, I can take care of myself.”

“The spies!” She pulled away from him to bring a hand to her mouth. “You are their next target!”

He chuckled, and she was surprised at the bitterness in the sound. “Oh, no, Miss Collins. These rumored foreign agents could have no interest in me. I used to think I was made for adventure, but the last few days have proven to me that I am not cut out for espionage, as someone else once pointed out. No one wishes me ill. When I die, it will likely be from some old man’s disease like gout. That is, if I do not die of boredom first.”

Before she could respond, Constance bustled back into the room. “So sorry to have kept you waiting, my lord.”

“I would wait an eternity for the right woman,” he replied, turning to kiss her hand. She dimpled. “Sadly, however,” he continued, “I have another engagement. I must take my leave of you.”

As Constance’s face fell, Katherine shook herself. He was no doubt right. There was a logical explanation for this new shadow. Perhaps after seeing Bixby or Eric behind him for so long, he had merely conjured the image of another. In any event, she should trust him to care for himself. At the moment, the most important thing was to get him to call again.

“Oh, how disappointing,” her stepsister was saying. “Well, of course you must go if you have another appointment. Will we see you again soon, my lord?”

“I expect my estate to keep me busy the next few days,” he replied, moving toward the door. “Perhaps after that.”

Katherine’s heart ached to watch her stepsister hurry after him. “But surely you will be about in Society. We will see you at balls, the theatre? Perhaps Almack’s?”

“Possibly,” he allowed, pausing as if afraid to be impolite. “I tend to run in a different pack, I fear.”

“But we have some acquaintances in common,” Constance protested. “Mr. Whattling, Mr. Sloan, the Willstencrafts.” The girl reminded Katherine so much of a loyal hound that she nearly cried aloud.

Lord Borin seemed to be similarly moved. The coolness of his face lessened, his lips moving into a smile. “Yes, of course. Do you plan to attend Lady Janice’s ball next week? Perhaps I might see both of you there.”

“Assuredly,” Constance promised. His gaze, however, sought Katherine’s. He looked to her for understanding. She took a breath and nodded. He bowed and left.

Constance let out a sigh. “What a very presentable gentleman. We must encourage him to keep calling.”

Katherine agreed, but she found it hard to hope after their conversation.

“We must dress with care for this ball,” her stepsister continued. “Both of us.”

Katherine shook her head. “What I wear can make little difference. I am not courting, if you will recall.”

To her surprise, Constance did not demur. “And does not your showing reflect upon me?” she challenged, hands on hips.

Katherine frowned. “I never thought so.”

“Then think. I saw the way Lord Borin looked to you just now. It is your approval he seeks. If you wish him to continue calling, you must encourage him. We must give him every reason to further the acquaintance.”

With that, she could not argue.

Indeed, she did not fight her stepsister when Constance insisted on fitting one of her dresses to Katherine. It was a soft spring green silk that whispered as she moved. The cap sleeves and low neckline made her feel scandalously unclothed, but she had to own the feeling was not entirely unwelcome. She would have been quite pleased with the dress if she hadn’t kept thinking how her stepsister would react if Lord Borin did not respond to their overtures and refused to continue to call.

The night of the ball she could not help being pleased when Sir Richard decided to join them. They made a merry threesome in the hired coach, and it was only when she was standing with Constance at the edge of the ballroom that she remembered how important this night could be. But then they were surrounded by gentlemen begging for a dance, and she was more than a little surprised to find that many were interested in partnering her. She was more pleased to see Constance led off by the handsome Marquis DeGuis. Perhaps they didn’t need Lord Borin’s services after all.

The thought of never seeing him again spoiled the next two dances for her.



Sir Richard smiled as he watched his wards dance. Katherine was finally dressed in something more fitting to a pretty young woman than a matron. Constance was more lively than usual; to his eye, she outshone every other young lady in the room. Both were much sought after. He’d need to be on his toes to make sure no young fellow lost his head. He grimaced as his thigh reminded him just how hard staying on his toes was going to be.

But it was not entirely the young fellows for whom he worried. He spotted his old supervisor, Lord Hastings, in the crowd and noted the strategic placement of Allison Fenwick, Lord Trevithan, and Davis Laughton. Trev and Davy were two of his lordship’s top men, more often to be found in the field than in London Society. That they were here tonight could only mean the rumors of the foreign spy were true or they wanted to prevent the rumors from coming true.

He glanced about the room again, wondering which smiling face masked a traitor. The Willstencraft family, holder of the Marlton earldom, were generally high sticklers. They were also high fliers. Gilt dripped from the candle sconces on the Chinoiserie walls, the scrolled backs of the chairs in the dowager’s circle, the branches of the chandeliers overhead. The dance floor was of Italian marble, the hearth of Indonesian teak. Every attendee was draped in silk and satin and finest wool. Gentlemen raised fluted crystal in toast to bejeweled ladies who dimpled at the compliment. Music floated on the perfumed air. Nearly everyone seemed to be having a marvelous time.

Only two faces in the crowd looked less than pleased to be among the select group. One belonged to Constance’s cousin. Lord Templeman was glowering as the Marquis DeGuis favored the girl with a second dance. No reason to wonder at his concern. Sir Richard knew that Katherine was correct in her assumption that Templeman was already counting his fortune. He rather hoped Constance did settle on someone, if for no other reason than to cheat the odious fellow out of the money.

The other person who was obviously distressed surprised him, however, for it was Lord Borin. The handsome lord stood at the side of the ballroom and glowered almost as darkly as Lord Templeman, but it appeared to be Katherine who had earned his censure. Sir Richard glanced at his niece again and saw only a smiling young woman. As he watched, she seemed to notice Lord Borin’s gaze on her. She stiffened. Then she purposely brightened her smile and fluttered her lashes at the gentleman who was partnering her. The poor fellow actually missed a step so taken was he with the sight. Borin grabbed a flute from a passing footman and quaffed the contents.

What was this? Borin jealous of attention to Katherine?

Sir Richard smiled. What a lovely end to this mess that would make. He would have to see what he could do to help things along.

If he knew those two, he’d have his work cut out for him.




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