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The Lawyer and the Tramp (Chicago Syndicate Book 7) by Soraya Naomi (37)




“Well, what happens to me?” Eva asks, and I’m entirely dumbfounded while the stab wound in my hand throbs, even though I’ve got painkillers.

“I still don’t know what you mean?” I counter.

She hesitates a beat, so I rub her back, urging her to speak. “I...I’ve been living with you because Roman was looking for me. But where will I go now since he’s gone and the Syndicate knows about us?”

For a second, I’m speechless. I’d thought bringing Eva here would reassure her, but I forget that she’s just now becoming one of us and hasn’t learned how to let go of violent memories instantly. Adriano, Luca, Cam, and I can switch it off easily because we know how our anarchic world works and we’ve killed and maimed in ways much worse than last night in the past. In addition, I’m calm because once the boss has given his okay, there’s no need to fret anymore.

When Eva and I were almost ripped apart, it made me ache for the world we’d created. The havoc of the previous night has proven without doubt that my time with Eva has been a welcome change of pace from my otherwise busy and merciless existence. She affects me like the most potent wine, making me lightheaded and warm.

Latching my arms around her, I pull her close and admit, “The time for hiding is over, Eva. I never thought that the moment would come where I’d choose a woman over the organization, but it has, and you are the only reason.” I carry on quietly, “And your reckless plan to save Cam helped speed things along. I’ve fought what’s between us, but now I don’t have to anymore. More importantly, I don’t want to. We’ll continue from where we left off; you’ll stay with me. You belong with me.” Eva has dug herself deep into my life, and even before Adriano found out, I was already coming to the conclusion that I didn’t want to let her go.

“To live with you indefinitely?”

“Yes,” I confess.

“But Adriano doesn’t seem really happy.”

“Give him time. He keeps his promises. Don’t overthink this. What happened only hurt us on the outside. This is who we are; we’re used to violence and don’t dwell on things. People might break our skin, but they’ll never break us. You’ll be a part of this family – they’ll accept you. And no one cares about your past work or mistakes – in case you’re worried about that. All of us have done things we’re not proud of.”

Sighing softly, she bites the inside of her cheek. “Then there’s nothing for me to do except get a job.”

Grunting, I reply, “You don’t have to. Just think about what you want.”

“I need an income.”

I chuckle. “I have income. Plenty of it, in case you didn’t realize. You don’t need to work, okay? I want you to think about college or what you want. Do something for yourself.”

Her face falls. “I don’t want to go back to college. Do you know what I studied – psychology.”

“That sounds boring,” I retort.

“It actually wasn’t, but I just don’t see myself inside classrooms all day anymore. I don’t want that.”

“Then don’t do it. You don’t have to decide what to do right away,” I comment, securing my arms around her as she smiles, nodding in acquiescence.

All of a sudden, Mary pipes in loudly, bringing up her hand as if she’s showing us something, “Guys, has no one seen the ring on my finger?”

Fallon and Cam shriek, “Oh, my god! Henry proposed to you?”

At that point, I realize that my sister is wearing a silver engagement ring.

“Yes, he asked me last night over dinner.”

“Congratulations!” the women cheer, and Eva turns to me for a second, so I kiss her forehead while she keeps leaning against me.

“Thanks. I already have a date. Save December thirty-first for our wedding!” Mary exclaims, excited, and I catch Henry smirking at her infectious good mood. But she pauses, glancing at Adriano first, then at Luca. “Um, but I’d love to get married at Club 7 – it’s the best venue in the Loop with the high ceiling and huge dance floor.”

Luca, who’s co-owner of the club, signals to Adriano, “It’s his decision.”

“You want Club 7 to be closed down entirely for your wedding? How many people are you inviting?” he retorts around a grin.

“Not too many, but I can transform the balconied floor into a restaurant where dinner can be served.”

Adriano looks at me in question. “Can we close it?”

“You can. But do realize that New Year’s Eve is a very profitable night.”

Adriano grunts while Mary stares at him expectantly.

I wouldn’t deny our sister.

“Fine,” Adriano agrees. “If it makes you happy, you can have the wedding at the club.”

“Thank you so much!” She moves to Adriano and pecks his cheek.

Eva’s taking it all in, entertained, and when she peers back at me, her grey eyes shine with affection. And while with other women, something like that bothered me, with her, it doesn’t in the slightest.

As she sips her coffee, I realize that I’ve been sitting here, doting on her like Luca and Adriano dote on Fallon and Cam. This time, as I gaze around the table, I finally don’t feel lonely anymore. Because I don’t have to wonder why they’re devoted to their significant others. I understand the need that rises up inside once you care enough for a woman to protect her.

While I’d rather have avoided the culmination of the events of last night, it did push us forward. Furthermore, it was necessary because I was never going to let Eva go. My intrigue has turned into an obsession to be with her, regardless of the circumstances. At last, I intend to never refuse the affection she so willingly offers me.