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The Lies (Luck of the Irish Book 2) by Tracy Lorraine (3)

Chapter Three

I spend the next three days stuck in Aunt Addy’s kitchen baking like a mad woman, trying to fulfil the orders I reinstated on Sunday evening. By Thursday morning, I’m desperate to get out of the house and I’m also dying to go back to what’s going to be my bakery to try to get some idea of everything that needs doing. Mostly, though, I just want to be there so I can imagine what it’s going to be like. It feels like it was all a dream and I want to make sure it wasn’t.

After raiding Aunt Addy’s garage for some basic tools, I head into town, leaving her behind with her sewing machine. I make a stop in the charity shop next door before letting myself in with the spare key Blake gave me.

I dump my bags on the counter before taking my charity shop spoils into what was the kitchen at the back to get changed, but to my surprise the place is empty. I look around and every bit of crap and old piece of furniture has been cleared out.

I don’t have any clothes I’d happily get dirty, so I grabbed a pair of leggings and picked up a man’s shirt from next door for a few quid. Carefully folding my jeans and jumper and placing them in bag to keep them clean, I head back out to make a start on stripping the hideous orange wallpaper that seems to cover every available inch of the place.

It looks so much bigger with everything gone and it gets me even more excited as I can really begin to imagine what it could look like. I find an electric socket and plug in Aunt Addy’s wallpaper stripper. I leave it to power up while I grab a knife, scraper, my phone and headphones. I set my playlist and pop the buds in my ears before getting started.

The hours fly by as I make my way around the room, stripping all the old paper off. It’s been years since I did any decorating, I think I was probably about seven when Mum suggested painting my bedroom. We did a fairly good job between us but she was no expert, nor a great teacher.

I’m totally lost singing away to a song when some movement over in the corner of the room scares the shit out of me. I spin around, one hand instinctively coming up to cover my racing heart, the other frantically pulling at the cords hanging from my ears.

Two amused faces look back at me and when I look into Blake’s eyes, I start to relax a little—until I focus on the person stood next to him.

Suddenly I’m nine again and in my primary school classroom, staring at my childhood crush. His dark brown and almost black eyes are exactly as I remember and it seems he hasn’t outgrown his cheeky smile.

Jason Duffy.

“Kenny!” he exclaims happily. I, on the other hand, just about manage to contain the groan the reminder of my childhood nickname creates. Blake’s eyebrows draw together and he looks at me questioningly but I shake it off. “Blake said you were back. How’s it hanging?” So apparently I was wrong when I told Blake that he probably wouldn’t remember me.

“Uh…it’s…uh…good?” I reply, but my childhood nerves get the better of me and it comes out like a question.

For fuck’s sake, Addison, you’re now a grown woman and Jason Duffy is just another man. So what you fancied the pants off him in school? Yeah, he’s still good looking, but I’ve got Blake now and with the two of them stood side by side, there is no question for me as to who the most attractive is.

“Anyway,” Blake says, thankfully dragging me back to reality where I’m thirty and about to be a business owner. “My afternoon job got cancelled yesterday so I ripped this place out.”

“I saw, it looks massive.”

“That’s what she said,” Jason comments with a giggle. Okay, so I may now be thirty but it seems he may still be nine. Blake and I stare at him with blank expressions before going back to our previous conversation.

“I wasn’t expecting to find you here doing this,” he says, taking a step towards me and reaching out. I expect him to put his hand on my cheek or my neck so I lean in slightly but when he pulls his hand back, I see a piece of orange wallpaper between his fingers that he just plucked from my hair.

“I’d finished all the cakes I had to do so I thought I’d come and help. Shouldn’t you be fixing someone’s broken light fitting or something?”

“I’m done for the day and I had a few hours to spare before my hot date tonight.”

“Is that right?”

Blake doesn’t respond. Instead, he steps into me. I’m forced to step back until I’m against the wall. His lips come down to mine and he kisses me like he hasn’t seen me for days, which of course is the case.

“Ugh, really? I came here to work, not watch porn,” Jason complains after a minute or two.

“We were going to strip the wallpaper so Jason could hopefully start skimming the walls soon, but it seems we’re a little late,” Blake says.

“I’ve just got this little bit by the window and then it’s all done. The kitchen is just paint and so is the bathroom,” I say as I peel myself off the sticky wall.

“Amazing,” Blake says, sounding stunned.


“I just wouldn’t have put you down for doing any manual labour.”

“Will you please get out of your head that I’m some sort of posh city girl. That. Is. Not. Me,” I state, starting to get a little pissed off by how he sees me.

“That wasn’t how I meant it. You’ve done a great job,” he says, pulling me into a hug. His praise puts a halt to my sulking.

We all spend the next couple of hours filling the dodgy bits in the walls, discussing plans and generally chatting about life. My nine-year-old self dreamt of spending time with Jason, and if I’m honest, he’s fulfilling that fantasy by acting like a nine-year-old himself.

“Come on, baker girl, it’s time to go get dressed up,” Blake announces from where he’s up a stepladder filling in some holes in the ceiling.

“Okay, let me just finish this bit.”

“I’ll come back tomorrow to start plastering. I’ve got a few free days,” Jason says.

“That’s brilliant, thank you,” I say sincerely. He may be a fully-grown man-child, but I couldn’t be more grateful for his help.

I follow Blake’s van back towards our side of town before I pull off towards Aunt Addy’s house. Blake said he’s got a table booked for eight so it doesn’t give me long to get ready; thankfully, he told me to dress smart-casual.

I’m just spraying some perfume on when Aunt Addy shouts that he’s here.

“Oh, I’m so excited for you, Addison. How I wish I was your age again, heading out on a hot date.”

“It’s never too late,” I say, it’s sad that such an incredible woman has spent most of her life single. She has so much to offer and I’m sure she would make someone very happy.

“I’m not sure I’d know what to do with a man after all these years.”

“I’m sure it’s like riding a bike,” I say with a laugh.

“That’s not something I’ll be doing anytime soon, either.”

“You never know what—or who—is around the corner. Some guy might sweep you off your feet any day now.”

“I doubt that very much but we can all hope.”

“We can,” I say as optimistically as possible, grabbing my jacket and sliding my boots on. I decided on a cream heavy knit jumper dress over leggings for tonight. My hair is as it normally is—down and curled at the ends—and my make up is light and natural.

“Anyway, enough about me. You look gorgeous; go and have a great time.”

“Thank you, have a good night,” I say, going to get the front door when I hear the doorbell.

“Oh, you’re ready,” Blake says, sounding surprised.

“Yes. Didn’t you think I could do it?”

“I thought I’d have to wait a few minutes at least. You look beautiful,” he adds, trying to get himself out of the hole he started digging.

“Thank you. I’m starving, let’s go.”

Blake opens the passenger door for me but his hand on my waist stops me from getting in.

“I mean it, you look stunning.” He leans in for a sweet kiss.

“You don’t look so bad yourself,” I say, checking him out when he pulls back. He’s wearing jeans as usual but the pair he currently has on are dark and fitted, topped off with a simple white shirt, sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His hair is pulled back off his face again and his beard’s had a trim. The look is so simple, but so hot.

“Finished?” he asks in an amused tone when my eyes settle on his.

“For now.”

He allows me to get in this time before shutting the door and jogging around to the driver side.

Blake chats away about his plans for the bakery once Jason has plastered it, and I take in all in, nodding and adding my opinion where necessary. Mostly, I just enjoy listening to him get almost as excited about it as I am.

“Could we get a bottle of Sauvignon blanc and just some olives to start us off?” Blake asks the waitress when she comes over for our drinks order.

When Blake told me he was taking me to a pub, I didn’t think he meant his local, but I also wasn’t expecting something this flash. I guess technically it’s a pub, but it’s been recently renovated and it’s stunning with its dark grey walls and funky light fittings—and I’ve only had a quick glance at the menu but I’m pretty sure I won’t find pie and mash or scampi and chips on there.

I continue looking at Blake when the waitress walks off.

“What?” he asks with a smile.

“You just surprise me sometimes, that’s all.”

“Because I know wine and I like to eat olives? I hope you didn’t think I was some stereotypical builder type, Addison, because that would be really hypocritical of you after complaining about me thinking you were a princess.” I can tell by his tone that he’s not annoyed, but nonetheless, I feel pissed off with myself that what he’s just said is true.

“I guess you can call me a hypocrite then,” I say with a shrug.

“I think we’ve both been a lesson to each other and I can’t wait for you to smash a few more stereotypes I may have,” he says with a smile, trying to lighten the mood.

“Like what?”

“Oh, I don’t know,” he says while he thinks. “That you don’t spend every Saturday morning getting your hair and nails done.”

“I used to,” I admit, much to his amusement. “Juliette and I had a weekly date, although I think it was more of an excuse for her to have a couple of kid-free hours and I was more than happy to oblige. Anyway, those days are long gone,” I say, looking down at my hands. “I can hardly have my nails all the colours of the rainbow while making people food.”

“You don’t need all that anyway; you’re beautiful just as you are,” Blake says, just before the waitress returns with our wine. I have to look away because the sincerity in his voice brings a lump to my throat. Edward never complimented me, ever, so it’s a bit of a novelty having Blake be so open with his opinions of how I look. I didn’t realise it before Blake started saying all these things but I really needed to hear them.

“Perfect, thank you,” Blake says after tasting the wine—another thing I never would’ve expected him to do. We both place our food orders and we’re left alone again.

“Are you fan of good wine? I’d have had you down for a beer drinker.”

“I’ve learnt to like it over the past few years,” is all he says before changing the subject. “So, tell me about Kenny?”

“Ugh, really?”

“Yes, I want to learn about little Addison.”

“I was a shy little geek back then,” I admit. “I was miles away from the cool gang that Jason was a part of. I had no idea he knew who I was really and I’d put that nickname behind me a long time ago.”

“Where’d you get it?”

“When we first started primary school I used to hide in the corner with my coat hood up. Someone, who obviously had older brothers and sisters, had seen South Park—or the characters at least—and they started calling me Kenny. I think most of the kids had no idea why I was called it and presumed it was because of my surname but it stuck. I didn’t mind it so much but as I grew up it always reminded me of the shy little timed girl I was. It was a reminder that I was never going to be one of them.”

“You had a crush of Jason, didn’t you?”

“I…uh…” I stutter feeling my face heat. “A little, I guess.”

“It’s okay, Addison. It was a long time ago, I’m not going to be threatened by it.”

“Fine then, yes I did.”

When Blake starts laughing, I can’t help but do the same. I’m not sure if it’s the company or the wine on my very empty stomach, but I can’t remember the last time I was this happy.

I really want to ask more about Jason but I feel a little awkward showing too much interest now I’ve admitted I used to fancy him. Thankfully, the food arrives and distracts us from the previous conversation.

“I’m going to have to go back to London at some point. I’ve got a load of stuff to sort out. My darling ex-husband’s said I can have the contents of our apartment so I need to figure out what I’m going to do with it all.”

“I’ll come with you,” Blake states, surprising me.

“Don’t be silly. You’re needed here.”

“I’m not,” he argues. “I don’t want you going back there to deal with that on your own.”

“I won’t be on my own. Juliette will help.”

“Maybe so but I don’t like it. Tell me when you’re planning on going and I’ll sort it.”

I was dreading having to go back but it suddenly doesn’t seem so bad. There’s a lot of money sat in our apartment—and I don’t just mean in my wardrobe. I need to see if I can sell it all so I have some money to pump into the bakery.

* * *

“Oh my God, that was so good,” I say as I strap myself into the passenger seat of Blake’s van, thinking it was a good idea to wear leggings and not jeans. The crème brûlée I had for dessert was out of this world but a reminder that I really need to do some exercise.

“I wish this didn’t have to be the end of our night,” Blake admits when he pulls up on Aunt Addy’s driveway.

“Me too,” I reply honestly. The little touches Blake’s been teasing me with all night has my blood on a gentle simmer. Sleeping alone on Aunt Addy’s sofa bed really isn’t where I want to be heading.

Blake turns to me once we come to a stop and places his giant palm on my cheek. The heat of his skin instantly warms my entire body. He stares deep into my eyes—I’m sure he’s begging for the night to end differently. He can beg all he wants but this is the way it has to be for now.

“Sinead has a party Saturday night and a sleepover at a friend’s. Do you fancy having a sleepover at my house?” he asks with a smile. I want to laugh but the seriousness in his eyes stops me.

“I’ll have to check if I’m allowed out. I might’ve been a bad girl,” I say, playing along.

Blake growls before saying, “I’ll make sure you’re a very bad girl.” His words send tingles straight to my clit. I squeeze my thighs together to try to stop it but Blake doesn’t miss the move.

“Fuck, you’re killing me,” he groans. He drops my cheek, grabs my hand and shoves it against his crotch. I can feel him hard under the denim. “Been like this all night,” he admits.

I feel sorry for him, I really do, but as much as I’d love to lean over and suck the problem right out of him that’s not happening outside Aunt Addy’s house for her and her nosey neighbours to watch.

Instead, I bring up something that’s been niggling at me for a while. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“When I spoke to Cara recently she said something about you not being with anyone since Kayleigh. Is that right?”


“Wow,” I breathe. I wasn’t expecting such blunt honesty, or for what Cara said to actually be true. “What? No one?”

“No, Addison, no one.”

“But it’s been like—”

“Over three years, yeah, I’m aware.” He thrusts his hips slightly as he says it, reminding me where my hand is.

“Why me?” I whisper.

“Honestly, I’ve no idea. It’s not like I’ve been lacking in offers to keep me company but none of them interested me. I was too focused on work and Sinead, and then you appeared soaking wet in that tiny towel and suddenly I was very interested.” I blush at the memory of how we first met. “You’re different to all those who tried; they all wanted something from me, even if it was just my time, but you…you didn’t want anything from me. Hell, I’m pretty sure you didn’t even like me.”

“I didn’t know you,” I say as a way of avoiding answering with the truth.

“Just as I thought,” he says with a laugh.

“I like you now.”

“Not enough to spend the night with me though?” he asks with a pout.

“I would if I could and you know it.” I move myself away from him and open the door. The longer we stay in this confined space the harder it’s going to be to leave.

I don’t make it to Aunt Addy’s front door before Blake is out of the van and has me backed up against the wall of her porch.

“Fuck, I don’t want to leave.”

“Sinead,” I mutter, reminding him why it has to be this way.

Blake leans his forehead against mine and looks into my eyes. “Saturday?”

“Saturday,” I agree before ducking under his arm and letting myself in to the house. I watch him through the little window in the door for a few minutes. He tips his head up to the sky and shuts his eyes while running his hands over his face. I’ve no idea what he’s thinking but I can only presume he’s trying to pull himself together. After a few seconds, he drops his hands in favour of rearranging himself in his jeans, which makes me smile. I love that I affect him so much. Blake then turns, gets in his van, and backs off the drive.

“Did you have a good night?” Aunt Addy asks from the living room, startling me. Apparently, when I turn around it answers her question. “Don’t answer that, the look on your face right now says it all. I’m so happy for you, Addison.”

I don’t know why but at Aunt Addy’s words I burst into tears.

“Oh my goodness,” she says, jumping up from her chair to wrap me in a hug. “What’s wrong?”

I don’t answer for a few minutes. Instead, I just cry on her shoulder.

Once I’ve calmed down a little she pushes me back and wipes the tears from my cheeks.

“Addison?” she questions when she sees me smiling.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know what that was about. It’s just everything that’s happened since coming back here—well, almost everything—has been so incredible, I’m just a bit overwhelmed by it all. I had another three cake orders today while spending the day working on my bakery, then an amazing night out with an incredible man. It’s all just a little unbelievable. I’m sorry.”

“I understand,” she says softly. “You’ve had a massive change in your life. You don’t need to apologise for being a little emotional. It’s bound to happen with everything you’ve been through.”

Aunt Addy and I chat a while longer before we both begin to get ready for bed.

“Here, I made you a nice hot chocolate with some marshmallows,” Aunt Addy announces as she places it down on the coffee table, reminding me again that I really need to exercise.

“Thank you, that wasn’t necessary.”

“It’ll help you sleep,” she says, and after a kiss on the cheek she disappears down to her bedroom.

I notice that she’s already made the bed for me so I prop my pillows up, grab my laptop and power it up before putting it to one side in favour of my hot chocolate. I just start scrolling through the online furniture store Sinead found some of her images on when my phone rings. I jump into action, thinking it’s Blake wishing me goodnight, and manage to tip chocolate all over the cream duvet cover.

“Fuck,” I complain as I put the mug down and continue searching amongst the duvet. When I grab it, Blake’s name isn’t the one looking back at me. It’s Juliette.

“It’s about time,” I say as a greeting. I tried ringing her as promised on Sunday but there was no answer and she hasn’t been in touch since.

“I’m so sorry. One of the kids brought home a sickness bug from school and we’ve all had it. It’s been fucking horrendous, I’ve never seen so much sic—”

“Okay, Ju, I don’t need all the details,” I say.

“Sorry. I swear though, Adds, I’ve cleaned the toilet more times in the last three days than I have in my entire life.”

“That’s not hard, seeing as you’ve had a cleaner your entire life,” I point out with a laugh.

“Fuck off. Anyway, the puke fest seems to be over and I wanted to find out all your juicy gossip about that sexy man. The last you told me was that he stopped you from leaving all romance novel style so please continue…”

I do as I’m told and tell her everything that happened from then on, including the up against the wall in front of the windows in the middle of town in my new bakery sex.”

“Oh my God, that is so fucking hot, Adds!” she squeals in delight. “Now that’s what you fucking needed, a right good seeing to.”

“Yeah, it was pretty welcome. I’ve still no idea if anyone saw, though.”

“Who gives a fuck? If they did, they’ll have only been jealous that you were being nailed by a sex god against a wall and they weren’t.”

“You’re a sex pest,” I comment with a laugh.


“Anyway, this bakery is going to be amazing. Blake’s daughter did this moodboard for me; it’s perfect. The place needs a lot of work but I can see it already.”

“I’m coming for the opening,” Juliette announces. “I want to see you in action.”

“You mean you want to eat my cakes.”

“Yeah, that too. So what the fuck is going on with my dick of a brother? He’s vanished into thin air. None of us have heard from him in weeks.”

I take a deep breath before revealing Edward’s well hidden secret. “He’s got a gambling problem, Ju.”

“He’s got a fucking what?” she screeches.

“Everything’s gone. He’s basically bankrupt. Our accounts are empty, the apartment re-mortgaged, he’s defaulted on loans he’s taken out in both his and my names. It’s—”


“You don’t say. He’s left me with nothing other than the contents of the apartment. He offered me my job back, which was why I was going to come back to make some money but well…you know how that went.”

“What about the business?” Juliette asks, and I have to admit in all my turmoil I hadn’t even thought of that. Not that it would now affect me in any way. “Didn’t Dad hand it all over?”

“I don’t know the details, Ju, I’m sorry.” I may not be overly fond of Edward or his parents but I would never want to wish the fall of the business on them. No matter what happens with Chapman-Webb, I know Juliette will be fine because her husband earns more than enough to support her lifestyle.

“Shit,” she repeats. “No wonder he’s done a runner.”

“And no wonder he begged me to stay. It had nothing to do with me and everything to do with keeping his secret buried.”

“Motherfucker,” Juliette whispers. “I need to phone my parents,” she announces.

“Wait, before you go, I wondered if you could do me a favour.”

“Of course, what is it?”

“He’s left the contents of the apartment to me. Some bits I would like to keep but the majority of the furniture can go. I was hoping you might be able to find somewhere I could sell it all or someone who might buy it. I’m coming over soon to sort it all out.”

“Of course, leave it with me, I think I know just the place.”

“Thank you, Juliette, and I’m sorry.”

“Don’t you fucking apologise. Edward should be the one doing that. I’ll speak to you soon. Love ya.”

“Love ya,” I repeat, but the line is already dead.

I pick my mug back up and take a sip of chocolate. Should I feel guilty about being the one to open up his box of lies? Maybe. I fucking don’t, though.




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