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The Marine (Seductive Sands Book 3) by Sammi Franks (17)



After I double-checked to ensure no one was aboard her brother’s yacht, Isla gave me a quick peck on the cheek and disappeared into the night despite my objections. “I ordered an Uber,” she argued. “I’ll be fine.”

“Text me to let me know you’re safe,” I called after her. Naturally, I stayed topside and watched her walk down the dock and wave as she slipped into the back seat of the vehicle. I was below deck when her text came through.

Isla: Home safe. Happy now?

I laughed and shook my head while responding.

Me: Actually, I’m more relieved than anything. I save happy for things like…eating sushi with you, sailing with you

I was prepared to compile a long list. Our night together had been just what I needed to get out of my funk. Sure, she made me feel things I was unprepared for, but she also made me forget things I needed to let go. I blew out a breath and her text appeared.

Isla: Having sex with me?

I could actually hear her voice. She sounded insecure, which made zero sense to me. How could she not see her own beauty? How could she not know she was ridiculously desirable? Had no one told her? I shook my head. I wasn’t the man for this job. Still, I didn’t want to hurt her, and Isla wasn’t one to be ignored.

Me: Right.

I stripped down to my boxers and then dropped onto my bed. I stared at the low ceiling for a moment with my hands folded behind my head, and apparently drifted off to sleep.

In the morning, I found comfort in knowing I still had a job. Already, I’d received my first paycheck, which covered a month of expenses. Such was the beauty of downsizing. I needed very little money to maintain my lifestyle. Of course, if Isla became part of my life, I’d never have enough money to suit her. Unfortunately, this sad thought took hold and I carried it with me all day.

Though I’d expected to see Isla around the bar at some point, she never appeared. Maybe she had second thoughts. I frowned.

“Isla’s with Victoria. Wedding stuff. Then she’s going out of town for the weekend,” Bodhi announced.

My brow furrowed. “Cool. I didn’t ask.”

He leaned over the bar where we were arranging the liquor bottles. “Dude, you didn’t have to. It was written all over your face.” He winked at me before adding to the top shelf.

I ignored him, focusing on the task at hand until six in the evening. “Well, gotta go. I’m trying to get in a sunset sail.”

“Nice. So, maybe we can hang out tomorrow during the day.” Bodhi grinned and I shrank back some.

“Yeah. Maybe. I’m just playing it by ear.” I shrugged, eager to get away.

“Hey, don’t you want this?” he asked as he slid an envelope across the bar at me. “It’s payday.”

“Oh, right,” I mumbled as I picked it up and stuffed it in my pocket. I nodded. “Thanks, man.”

I couldn’t leave the bar fast enough. Today, I had to catch a ride back to the marina. Luckily, it wasn’t much since it was a reasonably short drive. I quickly changed into my trunks and threw on a t-shirt before preparing for the trip up the coast.

Soon, I realized I was actually looking forward to this, which kinda messed with my mind. I was supposed to hate this. She was forcing me to meet her. I was risking my livelihood. Only now, with two paydays under my belt, it wasn’t nearly as scary as before. Yes, I’d feel better once I had several months of income stacked back, but I was no longer destitute at least.

When I reached the agreed upon marina and tied off at the day dock, I found Isla waiting for me. She was standing there in a skirt, completely backlit to emphasize her long, thin legs. Her arm was raised to block the sun and also served to expose her midriff. My worries over what I was doing ended right there.

“Regrets?” she asked with a smirk as we met up near her car.

I shook my head and tossed my duffel bag in the backseat. “Not yet. Of course, there’s plenty of time for that.” I reached down and took her hand. “Shall we go get food? I haven’t had dinner yet.”

Isla grinned. “I was hoping you’d say that. I have dinner all planned in the room.” She must’ve seen my look because she added, “You’ll love it.”

We drove a short distance to the hotel and I’ll admit I couldn’t tell you where we were because I could barely take my eyes off of her. “Damn, you’re beautiful,” I murmured.

She tilted her head. “Thank you. You’re pretty hot yourself.”

I chuckled. The ease between us the night before had disappeared. We were like two kids on a first date.

Isla parked and I dutifully followed her to the elevator and then our room. She opened the door and passed me the key. “That’s yours. You know. In case you want to leave or something stupid like that.” She shrugged like it was no big deal, but this felt huge to me. Isla would be the first woman I’d ever spent the night with, let alone an entire weekend.

How does that happen to a guy my age? Simple. Join the Corps right out of high school. Pick up the occasional drunk girl while wearing beer goggles. Get deployed halfway around the world. Come back so damaged you never want to be close to anyone again.

Only Isla, stubborn, frustrating, exhausting, addictive Isla was breaking down my walls. I surveyed the room with its king-size bed and incredible ocean view. I passed by the bistro table, which was made up, but lacking food, so I could stand on the balcony. Closing my eyes, I inhaled deeply. This kind of life would be easy to accept for some people. There was a knock on the door and I leapt into action, rushing into the room and gently pushing Isla aside so I could peek out the peephole. My shoulders sagged. “It’s the food.”

She frowned. “What did you think it was?”

I shook my head. How could I possibly explain what life had been like in Afghanistan, where I learned to trust no one and never let my guard down?

I let the guy pushing the cart in, realized he was delivering a four-course meal plus wine and inhaled deeply. After he left, I turned to her and frowned. “I can’t let you pay for all this, Isla. I may not have a lot, but I still have my pride.”

Throwing an arm around my neck, she purred. “Tomorrow. You can buy breakfast or lunch or whatever you want. Will that make you feel better?”

I stared down at her, my resolve melting. “What’s going on here?”

“I’m holding you captive for the weekend. We discussed this. You owe me many orgasms, remember?” Isla smiled playfully.

I licked my lips and leaned closer. “Then that would make this Stockholm Syndrome. I seem to be falling for my captor.”