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The Path Now Turned (The Three Realms Book 2) by Colleen Connally (21)


Kela could feel the void within her. The place where her heart had been was nothing more than an empty abyss.

She stared into the mirror, but it remained blank.

Instead, she saw only her reflection. She cursed at it. A foolish girl. How silly to believe I could be happy. I was not born to be.

Neither would she ever be able to claim her birthright. It had been taken from her.

Her appearance was nothing more than a peasant. Her manner of dress would lend to no other view.

She pulled out of her tunic the golden necklace Cono had given her. Silent tears fell down her cheeks. Why had he lied to me?

She loved Cono with all her heart. She had only asked him not to lie to her…nothing else.

He had sworn his love. Knowing of where she came…how she had lived… He had known more about her than she had known herself.

Cono had crushed her heart.

The mark seemed to have enlarged. There was no mistaking her shame.

Closing her eyes, Cono’s words resonated within her. Only know this links us together forever.

No, she refused to think of his empty promises. She secured the medallion back within her tunic. Was this what Turstan had tried to tell me?

The difference within the world she lived and her siblings was plain. She wasn’t of this world. She did not belong here.

Her purpose had always been to protect this world, not be a part of it.

She heard the music carry up from the Great Hall. The feast had begun. Was this the celebration for Cono and Amicia?

Her heart broke, but, in all, she told herself it was not hers to mourn. The love she thought she shared with Cono was only within her dreams.

The time had come. She needed to leave.

Warily, she opened the door into the corridor. She had a long journey in front of her if she was to find Seilda the Tvopac.

Determined, she would place her faith in the Great One to lead her to where she needed to go.

She had faith in nothing else.

Easing into the corridor, she found all quiet. Slowly she made her way down to the mezzanine. Standing at the railing, her eyes scrutinized the guests of the grand feast.

The vestibule was crowded with elegantly gowned ladies and handsomely dressed Sordarins. The hall bustled with activity. It seemed that all the inhabitants within Scarladin with any pretense of noble blood, or ties to such, had been invited.

Laughter and chatter resonated around her, but her eyes fixed upon Cono. Always one to command attention, Kela could not take her eyes from the tall, handsome warrior.

Nor could she take her eyes from the one he escorted.

Leading the lady to the center of the ballroom floor, Cono swept the beautiful Amicia into his arms and led the dance. Amicia wore a lovely light gold of baroque brocade with draped lace sleeves.

Kela saw Amicia gaze upon Cono in a manner Kela well understood. She smiled up at him. Kela’s heart faltered.

Without question, Amicia was in love with Cono.

She could take no more. Then, she caught sight of Prince Pieter. He stood alone against the far wall. Surprisingly, he didn’t look out of place in a sea of Sordarins.

Undoubtedly the most handsome man Kela had ever seen, he stood tall, elaborately dressed, with an air of arrogance. In that moment, while she stared, Prince Pieter glanced up toward her.

A sudden smile emerged on his face.

Oh, by Gotty! Was he smiling at me? No, he could not be!

She broke from her look, for a sound emerged within her. A voice she had longed to hear for so long, yet now frightened her.

Kela? Kela? What are you doing here?

Brother, is that you?

Kela, what have you done? The whole guard is searching for you.

She forgot all about caution.

She began to plead. Where are you, Falco? Please, Falco, I need help. Come to me and I will tell you all.

I cannot do so now. In the morning; I will meet you in the morn.

I ask you, brother, have you no idea of what has happened to me? In the morning? I need you now!

Do not question me, Kela. I will well meet with you in the morn. Name the place.

Place? How would she know a place to meet? Suddenly comprehension swept through her. She halted Falco from her thoughts.

Straightway, Kela caught sight of guards moving toward her.

She bolted.

Rushing down the steps, she ran straight into a server who carried a decanter of ale. The girl fell and splattered the ale over all who stood close.

Cries resounded.

Kela did not slow her pace. She had only one opening.

She took it.

Scarpering, she raced down the servant’s entrance, straight to the kitchen. Her heart throbbed.

Kela ran into the kitchen. Startled, the servants looked up from their activities. Kela made no attempt to calm any.

She ran.

In the space of three quick strides, a hand yanked Kela’s hair. Kela fell down against the bucket of animal intestines, which spewed over her.

“Where do you think you are heading? Through my kitchen! I think not, you wretched girl!” Praia cried.

Kela made no verbal response. She blared her hand at the heavy-set woman, thrusting Praia against the table. Food flew everywhere. The servants scattered.

To Kela’s horror, Samulic appeared in the entrance. She wasted no time.

She blasted. The whole side of the kitchen exploded. The walls shook; the shelves gave way. Pots and pans plunged to the ground.

Kela did not see what hit her, but felt the impact. She tried to fight through the searing pain. Reaching up, she touched warm blood gushing down her face.

She collapsed to the floor.

Dazed, she tried desperately to scramble to her feet, but her head hurt.

Her eyes lost focus…then all went black.

* * * *

Drear, dark, foreboding, Kela opened her eyes to obscurity. Water dripped from her hair. She shivered.

Dazed, she didn’t recognize her surroundings. Then, terror gripped her. Stripped naked, her hands had been chained above her head.

Her head hurt.

Confused, she couldn’t think. Control yourself. Do not panic.

“Awaken, my pretty. Ya something special to have a renouncement as this. Providing entertainment for the royals now and me after.”

He laughed a wicked, depraved laugh.

Kela didn’t have to see his face to know who it was. Samulic. Trepidation swept through her.

She jerked her hands, struggling against the bounds. At her feet, she saw her surcoat and tunic, lying at her feet where they had been ripped off her body.

The beast of a man walked in front of her with a bucket. He threw the cold water in her face.

“Don’t wantcha to miss anything!”

Her heart sank. How could this be happening? How could Cono turn from me? Moreover, how could he have allowed a renouncement? Had not Johannes said he could claim me?

Dispirited, she cared not what fate awaited her.

She had been forsaken by all she loved.

Around her, she began to see a crowd gathering. Most carried torches, giving a clear view of her punishment.

Samulic pulled out a whip with long black straps. He snapped them.

Kela jumped at the sound.

In the torch lights, she saw him sneer. His enjoyment was evident as he sauntered to her side. Walking behind her, he ran his hand down her bare back.

“Shame to scar such a lovely back.”

“I swear you will regret this,” Kela said, fighting against her chains.

He laughed again. “We will see, whore.”

Leaning down, he whispered in her ears. “Scream loud. You have an audience. The royals have come to witness your shame.”

At the thought, tears began to well. Her family…her family came to watch!

He stepped back. He snapped his whip.

Once more, she jumped, but he was only giving her time to contemplate his next lash.

Nausea overcame her. She could not fight back the overwhelming pain in her head. She closed her eyes, swearing she would not cry out.

Samulic snapped his whip. This time it found its mark. Pain surged through her.

Kela screamed.

She called to her brother. Save me, Falco!

Instead, she heard the taunts and laughter from the crowd. “Whore! Wench!”

A moment passed as if he gave everyone time to view his conquest, taking great pleasure in his anticipation of her pain.

Gone was the voice within her telling her to fight. The whole of her body surrendered to the humiliation and degradation.

She cried again to her brother. She knew he was there. In this, she was aware.

The whip came down upon her again. She cried out again for her brother.


A cry rang out for more. Samulic obliged. The whip again descended against her back. Pain scorched her body.


The whip lashed brutally against her back.

She cried no more to her brother. She cared not about anything.

Above her, she heard wings fluttering overhead. Without landing, a commanding voice demanded Samulic cease.

“Once more and I’ll run you through.”

Broken words emerged from her assailant.

“My Lord Commander, I beg your forgiveness...I was ordered…I was told you wanted her renounced…”

There were no more words, only actions. Hands were upon her, holding her up.

She heard a key click, unlocking her hands. Then, she fell back into his strong arms.

Refusing to look at him, she tried to remove herself from him.

No, he had come too late.

“Do not touch me,” she uttered in a weakened voice. She pushed herself out of his arms onto the ground. “Leave me.”

He paid her no mind. Taking his cloak, he covered her. He swept her into his arms.

In her next heartbeat, they took to the sky.