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The Player Gets Coached by Janet Nissenson (21)

Chapter Twenty-One


“I don’t care what you say, Finn. I’m giving that girl a call tomorrow and there’s nothing you can say or do to stop me. She might still be angry at you, but that doesn’t mean she’ll take it out on me. Besides, I might be able to convince her to give you another chance.”

Finn sighed, recognizing that stubborn tone in his mother’s voice and realizing that there would be no talking her out of her mission. “Mom, please don’t call Delilah, okay? You do realize that I’m forty years old and don’t need my mother to fight my battles for me, don’t you? And this really isn’t like second grade where the class bully kept stealing my lunch every day and you confronted him on the playground.”

Susan McManus chuckled at the memory. “He stopped taking your lunch after that, didn’t he? Ironically, that kid is now a deputy sheriff. Who knows - maybe it was because of my setting him on the straight and narrow that he chose a career in law enforcement.”

Finn couldn’t help smiling to himself at his mother’s perpetual sense of optimism. “Actually, Mom, if this is Ted Ramsey we’re talking about, I’m pretty sure that several generations of his family worked in the sheriff’s department. Sorry to disappoint you, but I don’t think you scared him straight or anything. More likely following in his father’s footsteps.”

“Maybe,” replied Susan grudgingly. “My real point, however, was that sometimes it doesn’t hurt for a third party to - well, act as a go-between. If Delilah is still mad at you - which I don’t blame her for in the least, by the way - then maybe I can help to smooth things out a bit. Ask her to talk to you for my sake. Tell her that she’ll make an old lady very, very happy if she would agree to do this one tiny thing for - ”

“Mom,” interrupted Finn. “Enough, okay? For one thing, it’s hysterical to hear you describe yourself as an old lady. You’re barely in your mid-sixties, still ski and go to yoga and kickboxing several times a week, and so far as I know you don’t even have any gray hair yet.”

“That’s because I have a great hairdresser,” Susan informed him. “And maybe I’ll leave the part about being an old lady out. But I certainly wouldn’t be lying if I told Delilah how happy it would make me if she could somehow find a way to forgive you. Though not for my sake, of course. For your sake, Finn, as well as for her own. She always seemed so happy during our chats on Facetime. And of course the two of you are so gorgeous together. I can’t help but imagine how beautiful your babies would be.”

“Jesus, Mom.” Finn exhaled sharply. “First of all, I have to convince her to speak to me again, so any talk of babies is way, way premature. Second, even when we were together there was never any discussion about marriage or kids, so you’re really making some big assumptions here.”

“Well, of course I naturally assumed you’d marry her one of these days,” replied Susan calmly. “I mean, she’s the only woman you’ve ever bothered to introduce to me and your father, even if it still hasn’t been in person. And I’ve never seen you so happy before, Finn. If you hadn’t managed to find a way to hold onto Delilah and convince her to marry you at some point, I would have officially thrown in the towel on you. You’re lucky I didn’t do exactly that when you finally confessed about that nonsense in Las Vegas. I’m still furious with you, by the way.”

“Yeah, I sort of figured that you would be,” acknowledged Finn. “Which is why I held off as long as possible telling you.”

He’d finally fessed up two nights ago, figuring that he wouldn’t be able to put it off any longer, and especially since his parents were due to pay him a visit within the next two weeks. They had originally planed to fly out to San Francisco at the end of August, but a big construction project his father had been overseeing had run over schedule and thus their trip had been delayed. Finn knew he wouldn’t have been able to keep the truth from them while they were here in person, since they would have fully expected to spend some time getting to know Delilah during their visit.

Susan had initially been furious at him, berating him for his stupidity and asking what the hell he’d been thinking of at the time. But her anger had quickly dissipated when she’d realized how upset he was, and her motherly instincts had taken over instead. Now she was prepared to go to whatever lengths necessary to reconcile him with Delilah, and Finn cringed a little as he recalled how persistent his mother could be at times.

“Coward,” his mother taunted him teasingly. “In all the years you played football you never seemed to be the least bit intimidated by those hulking defensive ends whose only job was to knock you on your butt. But here you are terrified to tell your own mother that you screwed up big time and now your girlfriend won’t speak to you.”

“Hey, what can I say?” joked Finn. “You’re way scarier than those guys ever were. But I’m glad I told you, Mom. I held off for so long because - well, I guess I didn’t want to disappoint you. I know how long you’ve waited for me to finally settle down, and to meet someone like Delilah. If it’s any consolation, I’m pretty disappointed in myself right now, too.”

“It’ll all work out, Finn,” assured Susan. “I really believe that. And I don’t care what you say, I’m giving that girl a call tomorrow. It’s a free country, you know. Unless - you don’t think she’s blocked my phone number too, do you?”

“No,” replied Finn without hesitation. “Delilah isn’t mad at you, after all. Just me. And she’s too nice a person to do something like that. I know she really likes you, Mom, and I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear from you. Just don’t lay it on too thick, okay? It’s one thing for you to call her up and say hello, ask how she’s been and all that. But please don’t start fighting my battles for me. Promise?”

Susan huffed. “Fine. I promise. Though if the subject comes up - and I’m positive it will - it doesn’t hurt for a mother to put in a good word for her son.”

He laughed helplessly. “I guess not. Let’s hope Delilah is in a more forgiving mood when you talk to her tomorrow.”

He chatted with his mother for a few more minutes, then talked to his father for a bit before wishing him good night.

It would be good to have them out for a visit, he thought as he set his phone down. Not just to spend time with them, but also to distract himself from his heartache, give him something to think about besides how damned much he missed Delilah. Though now that they were estranged he was going to have to make some arrangements - and quickly - for accommodations for his parents during their visit. Back before everything had gone to hell in his life, he’d planned to let them use his condo for the duration of their stay while he bunked with Delilah just across the hall. However, since that idea was definitely off the table now, he was going to have to think of something else pretty quickly.

‘Maybe Aubrey can help,’ he thought hopefully. ‘I’ll call her in the morning, see if she can snag a reservation for Mom and Dad at the Gregson. Dad probably won’t like it there, though, will think it’s too fancy for him. Hell, I’ll stay there instead and they can have my place.”

He hadn’t even begun to consider what to do with his parents when he had to fly down to L.A. to tape his show. Fortunately, he wouldn’t be required to also fly out to cover a game that weekend, so that he could spend more time with his folks. If he hadn’t screwed everything up so royally with Delilah, he could have left her in charge of his parents overnight while he taped his show. Or all three of them could have accompanied him and enjoyed a weekend in southern California.

But it was pointless to think about any of that now, he told himself wearily. He’d fucked up everything good in his life by succumbing to his insecurities and loneliness, by allowing his bruised ego to push him into making unwise decisions. Taking second place to anyone or anything hadn’t been something he had ever experienced before, and when Delilah had put her job ahead of his needs time and time again, he had lashed out exactly like the spoiled child she had called him.

Finn grimaced at his half-eaten dinner - spaghetti and meatballs, salad, and garlic bread from his favorite neighborhood Italian restaurant. Always before he’d practically devoured a meal like this one, but he didn’t seem to have much of an appetite for anything these days. He’d dropped a few pounds, even though he hadn’t been to the gym for a month, and whatever he had managed to eat had been greasy and without much nutritional value.

In general, he hadn’t paid much attention to his appearance or his overall health as of late, and if it hadn’t been for the on-set hair and makeup crew at the NFL network his hair would probably reach down to his shoulders by now. The only time he wore anything but a pair of ripped jeans and a grubby T-shirt was when he was on the air, and he would often go several days at a time without shaving. And it might have been his imagination, but Finn could swear Max had actually sniffed at him when they’d had dinner a few nights ago, then grimaced in reaction.

He’d make more of an effort when his parents arrived, he promised himself. Would dress better, eat better, and even try to smile once in awhile. After all, he didn’t get to see his family all that often, and it wasn’t fair to trouble his mother and father with his problems.

Finn was trying to decide whether to watch the last quarter of a college football game, read a book that he was trying desperately to get interested in, or just have another early night when his doorbell rang, startling him out of his reverie. He considered not answering it, figuring that it had to be one of the younger guys in the building who was stopping by to bullshit for an hour or two, something he really wasn’t in the mood for. But something told him it wasn’t one of his fanboy neighbors, and he padded over to the front door on bare feet a bit warily.

He could almost feel the blood draining from his face, guessed that his eyes had to be practically bulging out at the sockets, and knew for a fact that his jaw was hanging open in shock as he stared at the petite woman on the other side of the door.

Unlike his own unkempt appearance, Delilah looked as gorgeous and perfectly put together as always. His eyes drank in the sight of her hungrily, taking in the semi-sheer white silk blouse, fitted navy skirt, and sky-high navy stiletto shoes like a starving man. She looked thinner, he noted with concern, the hollows of her sculpted cheekbones more pronounced, and he suspected that without her carefully applied makeup there would be dark circles underneath her eyes.

“Are you going to stand there and stare at me all night or can I come in?” she asked derisively. “Oh, and you might want to close your mouth. You’re starting to drool a little.”

Finn hastily motioned her inside, running a hand through his uncombed hair and hoping that his T-shirt didn’t have any noticeable food stains on it. He was so surprised by her sudden appearance in his condo that he really, really hoped she spoke first - because he wasn’t sure his vocal cords would function properly at the moment.

But when she continued to gaze up at him expectantly, he cleared his throat and forced himself to say something, anything.

“Uh, hi,” he croaked. “Um, this is a - a surprise. A pleasant one, of course, but a surprise just the same. Did my mom just call you or something?”

Delilah frowned. “No. Was she supposed to?”

Finn shrugged. “She mentioned that she was going to call you tomorrow, but I wouldn’t have put it past her to move up the agenda.”

She smirked at him knowingly. “You just told her recently, didn’t you?” she asked. “I’ll bet she had no idea of what happened until a few days ago.”

He nodded. “Pretty much, yeah. She, uh, can be a little scary when she’s mad. And boy, was she pissed off when I told her what had happened. Called me an idiot, and asked how I could be so stupid as to ruin the best thing that had ever happened to me.”

Delilah crossed her arms over her midsection, a smile teasing the corners of her mouth. “I knew there was a reason your mother and I hit it off right from the beginning. She’s a very perceptive woman. Doesn’t pull any punches, either. I like that about her.”

“Yeah.” Finn exhaled sharply, trying to slow down the rapid thud of his heart. He had no idea what had compelled Delilah to come over this evening, and was trying like hell not to get his hopes up about what her presence here might mean. Still, as desperate as he’d been to talk to her, to see her up close again, it was all he could do not to yank her into his arms and kiss her senseless right about now.

“I haven’t talked to your mother in weeks,” confirmed Delilah. “In fact, I was thinking of calling her up over the next few days, since I’m finally starting to come up for air at the studio. But that’s not why I came over tonight, Finn.”

“I didn’t think so. Does this mean that you’re willing to talk?” he asked hopefully. “That we can finally discuss this whole mess, and that you’ll let me apologize?”

She looked at him in disbelief. “I think you’ve gone a little overboard with the apologies, actually. I’ve lost count by now of all the floral arrangements, cookies, and letters you’ve sent begging my forgiveness. Oh, and we can’t forget Valentino, can we?”

“Huh?” Finn scratched his head. “Who or what is a Valentino?”

Delilah laughed. “He’s the giant stuffed bear you sent me. The one holding a heart shaped pillow that says “I Love You”. That traitor Calvin insisted we name the enormous creature, and even brought a chair into my office just for the bear. I’m forced to stare at that overgrown mess of fur all day long.”

He gave her an answering grin. “I thought you might like him. And don’t blame Calvin for any of this, okay? He’s a romantic at heart, you know, wants us to get back together big time.”

She snorted. “Trust me, Calvin also has his own best interests at heart, too. In case you haven’t noticed, he loves to flirt with you, thinks you have a nice, tight ass, and he practically swoons whenever you’re in the office. Then, of course, he goes ahead and tells me about the hot date he has that night with the new barista at the Peet’s near his apartment. A female barista. But, yeah, I get that he’s been doing his damndest to reconcile us. And while he pisses me off on a daily basis, I can appreciate the fact that he does care about me. About us.”

Finn leaned a shoulder against the wall, gazing at her a bit warily. “And what do you want, Delilah? Did you come over here to talk about what happened, to maybe give me a second chance? Or are you here to break things off with me? Because if it’s the latter, that isn’t fair, you know. You need to at least hear my side of things, need to - ”

She slapped a folded piece of paper into his hand. “Here. This is my list - don’t worry, it’s a fairly short one - of demands. Things that I expect from you if we’re going to kiss and make up. And shit that I just won’t put up with ever again, so you’d better be prepared to - oomph!”

Finn couldn’t handle being this close to Delilah for the first time in a month one second longer without touching her, and pulled her flush against his body. Not giving her a chance to protest, his mouth claimed hers in a ferocious, desperately hungry kiss, his hands roving over her ass, hips, and lower back possessively. Beneath the fierce pressure of his lips, he could hear her whimper, but whether it was of protest or passion he was already way past the point of caring. His arms tightened about her waist, more than a little terrified she’d leave as unexpectedly as she’d arrived. Her hands drifted up to rest tentatively against his biceps, as though she couldn’t decide whether to shove him away or draw him in closer. It was only when she gave a little sigh of surrender, relaxing into his embrace, that he allowed himself to feel a sense of triumph.

“My list,” she protested faintly as he swung her up into his arms and began to carry her with swift, purposeful strides towards his bedroom.

“Yeah, whatever,” he muttered. “I don’t need to read it ‘cause I’ll agree to anything you say, anything you ask. You want me to dye my hair black, dress in a suit and tie 24/7, switch to boxers instead of briefs, you got it, babe. Or if you want to be on top every single time, I’m good with that, too. I already offered to quit my job, so I know that’s not it. But it doesn’t matter to me what you wrote on that piece of paper, Delilah, because I’ll do whatever you want.”

Delilah placed a hand on his chest as he tossed her gently onto his bed. “Honestly, Finn,” she pleaded. “We should at least talk about it first.”

He shook his head firmly, already peeling his T-shirt off and unfastening his jeans. “Later. We can talk all night long if you want, but right now I need to be inside of you so bad I might start crying if it doesn’t happen real soon. So if you’re fond of that pretty blouse you’ve got on I suggest you start unbuttoning it right about now. Otherwise, it’s just going to be a scrap of fabric.”

She made a little face at him but hastily began to unfasten the dainty pearl buttons of her silk blouse. The fragile garment was barely off her shoulders before he was on her, causing her to squeal loudly in alarm. Not waiting for her to unfasten her bra, he plunged his hand inside one lacy cup, scooping her breast out and sucking the nipple between his teeth. There was nothing even resembling finesse in his eager, out-of-control caresses, or the way he shoved his hand beneath the hem of her close-fitting skirt and slid it all the way up her inner thigh, to where she was already wet and eager for him.

Finn!” she whimpered, arching her lower body against his hand.

He clumsily pushed aside the dampened crotch of her lacy panties, then worked two fingers inside of her pussy, gauging her readiness. She felt as tight as ever, and he knew he should at least make an attempt at foreplay. But as much as his body was screaming for its long-denied release, he couldn’t wait another minute to re-claim this woman.

“Everything off,” he commanded, then yanked open the nightstand drawer, hoping that there was at least one condom in there. He had always been diligent about keeping a supply on hand, but during his estrangement from Delilah he hadn’t bothered to check. Fortunately, there were still several of the packets remaining, and he ripped one open, then sheathed his straining cock in record time.

Delilah had barely removed her panties, but hadn’t had time as yet to kick off her shoes, when he wrenched her thighs apart then thrust deep inside of her without a moment’s hesitation, hard enough to bang her head against the headboard.

“Shit,” he grunted, forcing himself to remain still while he gently massaged her head. “You okay there, baby?”

In reply, she merely wrapped her legs around his hips, then dug the heels of her stilettos into his bare ass. He winced in reaction, briefly wondering how deep of a mark that was going to leave, then just as quickly decided it would be worth it. He would have given anything to have this woman back in his life, back in his arms, and by some miracle his wish had been granted. And there was no way in hell he was ever letting her go again, even if it meant having a permanent scar on his backside.

“Easy,” he soothed upon hearing the breathless little gasp she made when he began to move inside of her. He bent low over her prone body to capture her lips in a long, lush kiss, taking the time he should have earlier to seduce her, to tease and caress and arouse her. But he’d been too needy to posses her for the first time in weeks, too desperate to feel her hot, tight little body clenching around his cock and welcoming him back. The feel of her now, the way her vaginal muscles squeezed him like a fist, was nearly enough to bring on his climax even if he remained perfectly still and let it happen.

She sighed blissfully when his hand cupped her breast, then as he gently plucked the nipple between his forefinger and thumb. “So good,” she whispered. “Missed this.”

Finn ran his tongue around the nipple, making it wet. “Missed doesn’t even begin to describe how much I’ve wanted this, baby,” he murmured against her breasts, kissing a path between the full, firm mounds all the way up to her throat. “And I never thought I’d get to have you again this way, Delilah. Figured I’d ruined everything, messed up the best thing that had ever happened to me. And that there was zero chance - ”

“Shh.” She placed a finger over his lips, then shook her head. “Not now, Finn. In fact, don’t talk, okay? At least not until you fuck me hard enough to see stars.”

He grinned, sliding his hands beneath her buttocks and lifting her slightly. “Now that I can definitely do, darling Delilah. As usual, your wish is my command.”

He pulled out of her nearly all the way, leaving just the tip of his cock still inside of her before pushing back in until he was once again fully sheathed. She cried out in reaction, but he knew from past experience that hers was a cry of pleasure, of passion, and not of pain. And even though it had been endlessly long, heartbreaking weeks since he’d enjoyed her body this way, it felt as though they had never been apart. He knew her body intimately, nearly as well as his own, and was very well aware of exactly how to give her the ultimate pleasure - how deep or how shallow to make his thrusts, how to angle his hips a certain way in order for his penis to touch a particular spot inside of her, to sense when she wanted it harder or slower.

“So good,” she breathed, her head falling back limply against the pillow. Her eyes were half-shut, heavy lidded with desire as she gazed up at him.

Finn groaned at the erotic picture she made, with her masses of dark hair spilled across the pristine cream bedsheets, her plush lips parted as she breathed erratically, her reddened nipples hard and pointed. He was crazy about this woman, crazy in love in a way he’d never believed himself capable of being, and knew there would never be anyone else for him but Delilah. He’d waited forty years to find someone like her, had very nearly lost her forever because of his rampant stupidity, but he had zero intention of ever taking a risk like that again.

“The best, sweetheart,” he murmured against her throat, his lips teasing her earlobe. “The best I’ve ever known. And all I could ever want from here on end.”


His name escaped her lips in a long, low moan, her pelvis arching up off the bed to meet him thrust for thrust. Her head thrashed back and forth, her lower body bucking wildly now as she climaxed, her moans becoming screams. Her nails dug sharply into his biceps, while the heels of her shoes scraped against the backs of his thighs, but Finn wasn’t even aware of the slight pain. Instead, it was pleasure that he felt, only pleasure, and so much of it that time and space and awareness ceased to exist, as every single one of his nerve endings and senses rejoiced to feel that pleasure again. His cries of fulfillment mingled with her shrieks of reaction as he came so hard there were little black spots dancing in front of his eyes afterwards.

Finn collapsed onto the mattress weakly, still maintaining control over just enough functioning brain cells to not crush Delilah’s much smaller, daintier body beneath his. He flung an arm limply across her midsection, as though to hold her in place and prevent her from slipping out of his bed. But when she gently interlaced her fingers with his, bringing their joined hands to her lips, he forced open his eyes to smile at her sleepily.

“Hey,” he whispered in a husky voice. “Please tell me this is real and not just another one of my really great but also really frustrating dreams. They’ve been great while they lasted, but frustrating as hell when I wake up to find they weren’t real.”

She snuggled up against him in response, nestling the top of her head beneath his chin. “It’s real, all right,” she assured him. “So real that I don’t think I’ll be able to walk a straight line for a couple of hours.”

Finn snickered. “Yeah, well, I’m pretty sure I’ve got a brand new collection of scratches and bites thanks to a certain she-devil. And new rule, babe - as sexy as those high heels you like to wear are, I don’t think while we’re having wild monkey sex is the best time to be wearing them. Ouch.”

Delilah laughed when he rubbed his abused posterior, and kissed his shoulder. “Okay. We can add that to the list I handed to you. The one you didn’t even bother to glance at before you agreed to do anything I wanted. For all you know, Finn McManus, maybe one of the conditions I wrote on that list is that you have to wear stilettos to bed from now on.”

He grinned. “You really are a devil, aren’t you? Though I’ll tell you now. Not only would I agree to wear the shoes but a garter belt and stockings, too, if that’s what you really wanted.”

She scrunched up her nose in distaste. “Uh, no thanks. I just tried conjuring up a mental picture of how you’d look dressed that way and let’s just say it didn’t do a thing for me.”

“Good,” he chuckled, running a hand down her back until he was caressing her ass. “Let’s agree right now that you’ll be the only one in this relationship wearing sexy lingerie and high heels.”

She reached over to drop a kiss on his mouth. “Deal. But aren’t you even the tiniest bit interested in reading that list? And, by the way, there’s only a few items on there, so no need for you to panic.”

“I wasn’t panicking,” he assured her. “Not even a little. Though I can probably guess a few things on that list without even having to look.”

“Be my guest and try,” she offered. “Though I’ll put your mind at ease right from the start, Finn. I would never, ever ask you to quit your job, in spite of the fact that you offered to do so in that incredibly sweet letter you sent me. I’m nowhere near that insecure or mistrustful, and I could never be that big of a bitch to anyone.”

Finn cupped her cheek in his hand tenderly. “You don’t have it in you to be bitchy,” he told her. “No matter what Calvin says.”

Delilah gave a little sound of outrage. “That little jerk,” she burst. “He’s getting way too cocky for my liking, you know. Especially since I know for a fact that he’s been keeping you informed of all my comings and goings. He’s not fooling anyone by putting on that innocent act.”

He guffawed. “Hey, I owe the guy big time. Even if he does like to mess with my head and flirt every time we talk. And he was really worried about you, Delilah, was convinced you were heading for a nervous breakdown if you didn’t take better care of yourself.”

“Yeah, I know,” she acknowledged sullenly. “Though it wasn’t bad enough for him to have had all these not-so-secret conversations with you. No, he had to conspire with Jordan and Max the other day, too.”


He propped himself up on one elbow, frowning down at her. “What about Jordan and Max?” he asked warily. “Please tell me those two clowns didn’t call you. Especially after I made them promise not to.”

“They practically kidnapped me is what they did,” retorted Delilah. “Ambushed me outside of my office - and not so coincidentally it was the first time in weeks that I actually took a walk. And guess who more or less shoved me out the door to take that so-called “walk around the block to get a little fresh air”? The same sneaky bastard who very obviously was in cahoots with your buddies.”

“What exactly did they say to you?” inquired Finn worriedly.

She patted his arm reassuringly. “Nothing for you to be concerned with. And while I was a little pissed off at their underhanded methods at first, I realized how much the two of them really care about you. Especially Max. That’s so sweet of you to invite him to have Christmas with your family every year, Finn.”

He shrugged. “I’m not sure if sweet is the right word. But I think of Max and Jordan as my brothers, every bit as much as I do my biological brothers. And while Jordan’s family life was pretty messed up, at least he knew his parents loved him and he spent most holidays with one or the other. Max, though, had nobody. Still doesn’t. And he’s such a loner I’m afraid he’ll be alone for the rest of his life. But at least I’m still able to bully him into spending Christmas with my family every year. Well, more like my mom bullies him into it, but same result.”

“Hmm.” Delilah trailed her fingers along his stomach, grinning when she found a ticklish spot. “I had an interesting little conversation with Max at that lunch he and Jordan bullied me into. I’ll tell you about it later. Not that I learned a whole lot, of course, since this is Max we’re talking about. But in all seriousness, your friends just wanted me to know how much you cared about me, and how hard you were taking things. And, well, it made me feel a little guilty about the way I was handling everything, how stubborn and closeminded I was being. It felt like everyone was taking sides in the drama - your friends, Calvin, even my sister - and all of them seemed to be on your side. So I thought about everything that had happened, and realized that I was just as much to blame as you were.”

“No. No,” denied Finn emphatically, shaking his head. “Babe, how can you even suggest such a thing? I was the one who had too much to drink, and who let myself get talked into joining that rowdy group. I was the one who had some skank sitting on my lap.”

“Not to mention the other two rubbing up on either side of you,” pointed out Delilah in a snarky tone. “And, yes, I’m well aware that you made some very poor decisions, Finn, and that you were angry and hurt and felt neglected, which is why you acted out. But I’m the reason you felt that way. Because I was so busy chasing my dreams and making sure this deal with Bloomingdale’s went smoothly I totally neglected you. And I’m not sure what I could have done differently at the time, but I know I should have at least tried to do better.”

Deeply touched by her admission, Finn took her into his arms, cuddling her close. “Both of us should have,” he corrected. “Yeah, it hurt when you couldn’t make time for me, but I shouldn’t have taken it so personally. I knew this was a big deal for you, the biggest deal of your life, and you were exactly right about how I’d already had not one but two successful careers. My stupid oversized ego couldn’t handle not always coming first in your life, so I reacted like the immature high school boy Max once accused me of being.”

“We were both at fault,” agreed Delilah. “Which means that we need to do a better job in the future of discussing our feelings when something bothers us. That’s actually one of the items on my list, you know. To talk things out - reasonably - when one of us is bothered about something. And, yes, I know that’s not going to be easy. For either of us, by the way. For you because ours is the first real relationship you’ve ever had, and for me because it’s so hard to trust anyone after what happened with my father. But I’m willing to try if you are, Finn.”

He gave her a quick, hard kiss. “Of course I am,” he told her fiercely. “And I think the first thing we should reasonably discuss is the rest of this list. Do you need me to go find where I dropped it?”

She shook her head. “Not necessary. Like I mentioned before, it’s a pretty short list, and easy to remember.”

“So, go ahead,” urged Finn. “In addition to discussing our issues like levelheaded adults instead of acting like immature teenagers, what else do I need to agree to?”

“First,” began Delilah, holding up one finger, “there is to be no flirting of any sort with any female other than myself. At least, nothing serious. I realize that flirting is part of your nature by now, so asking you to completely stop might not be possible. However,” she warned ominously, waggling that same finger at him, “if I ever see another woman cozying up to you, whether it’s in person or in some tabloid, you will regret the day you were ever born.”

He held up his hands in surrender, grinning madly the whole time. “I swear to you, Delilah Ferris, that from this moment forward you are the only woman I will flirt with, and definitely the only one I plan on doing any cozying up to. What’s next on your list?”

She added a second finger to the first. “Second item on the list - no more making a fool of yourself in public, especially if I’m not glued to your side. That means not getting sloppy drunk, raising a ruckus, or any other over the top behavior that’s guaranteed to make you fodder for the tabloids.”

Finn put his hand over his heart. “Consider it done. In fact, until I had a beer at the baseball game Jordan and Max dragged me to the other day, I hadn’t had any booze since Vegas. I can say with confidence that my days of wild, out of control partying are done. That doesn’t mean, however,” he added slyly, “you and I can’t have some wild parties of our own - private parties, of course.”

“Of course.” Delilah rolled her eyes. “Now, there were just two more things on that list, and I think you’ll agree both of them will be pretty easy to abide by.”

“I’m all ears, baby,” he said enthusiastically. “Let’s hear it.”

“The third requirement,” she murmured in a low, almost shy voice, “is that we tell each other “I love you” every single day. Think you can handle that?”

He squeezed her so tightly she gave a little yelp of alarm. “Yup. In fact, I might take that one step further and make it every hour. How does that sound?”

Delilah smiled at him tenderly, brushing a damp strand of hair off his forehead. “Pretty damned good. And now for the fourth and final item on that list.”

Before he could anticipate her next move, she’d somehow pushed him onto his back, and then straddled his thighs, her brown eyes twinkling naughtily.

“I get to be on top whenever the urge takes me,” she announced, her lush mouth quirking up in a smile.

Finn laughed heartily, then hooked an arm behind her neck, pulling her down to meet his kiss. “Somehow I figured that would have to make the list! Baby, that’s a no brainer. And since it’s a win-win for both of us, how could you even imagine I’d say no to a demand like that?”

She ran a finger over his lips, all seriousness now. “I love you, Finn,” she told him earnestly, her brown eyes shining with the proof of that emotion. “And I’m sorry I was so stubborn and unforgiving and - what did Calvin call me when he just thought I couldn’t hear him - oh, yes, such a beyotch.”

He captured her wrist, sucking her finger into his mouth. “You were no such thing,” he insisted. “Especially since I deserved your wrath after the way I acted.”

“Hmm.” Her breath caught in her throat as he rolled his tongue around her finger in a very suggestive manner. “I, ah, might have thought of just one more little thing to add to my list of demands.”

“Yeah?” chuckled Finn. “And what would that be?”

Delilah brushed her thumb over his lips. “Since you have such a talented, and - let’s call it inventive tongue and lips - I insist that you put them both to very, very good use at least three or four times a week. Agreed?”

She squealed in surprise as he swiftly changed their positions, and then just as quickly slid down her body until his head was between her thighs.

“Agreed,” he replied throatily. “So long as we begin right now.”

Delilah gasped as he rimmed the opening to her body with his tongue. “You - you drive a tough bargain,” she panted. “But since relationships are all about - oh, God! - compromise, I guess I’d better say yes.”




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