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The Promise by River Laurent (82)


I turned around and ran down the stairs. I flew across the hallway, and before he could ring the doorbell, I flung open the front door and threw myself at him. His eyes widened with surprise as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

“I’m sorry, I just couldn’t stay awa-”

Before he had a chance to finish, I kissed him. Right on the mouth. Cutting him off mid-word. His hands snaked around my back and he drew me close, until his body pressed tight against mine. His mouth devoured me. His tongue slipped past my lips and I abandoned myself to the sensations that only Quinn could make me feel.

Oh, Quinn, Quinn, Quinn.

I needed him more than I’ve ever needed anyone in my life.

I’m head over heels in love with this man.

We had only been apart less than an hour, and yet it felt as though we were making up for a lifetime of separation. It felt like someone had set off fireworks inside my head. I was so lost to him I didn’t hear the study door open behind us. There was no chance to jump apart when my father’s enraged, horrified voice thundered between the two of us.


Quinn pulled away from my lips at once, but his hand still remained curled possessively around my waist. My father’s incredulous eyes noted that.

“Kevin,” Quinn replied slowly, his tone soothing, as if he was taming a wild animal. “I need to talk to you…”

“Talk to me? Are you mad? What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Dad roared, storming toward us. He pushed us apart so forcefully I stumbled and nearly fell.

“Hey, don’t take this out on her!” Quinn protested angrily, as his hand shot out to steady me before my head could hit the door frame.

“I can’t believe you’d do this, you little piece of shit,” Dad stormed. “You took advantage of my daughter.” Dad lifted his phone and hit a button. “There is an intruder in my house,” he said into it. I understood instantly that he was talking to the security guards at the gatehouse. He turned on Quinn, his voice low and harsh. “I trusted you and sent her to stay with you, and you took advantage of her.”

“Kevin, it wasn’t like that-”

“Don’t you tell me how it was!” Dad exclaimed angrily. “She’s a kid, Quinn. My kid.”

I couldn’t just stand back and let my father make him out to be some sort of predator. “I’m twenty, Dad. I’m not a kid. No matter how many teddy bears you buy for me,” I said.

“You’re not a part of this conversation,” Dad screamed. “Go to your room now. I’ll deal with you later.” He was so angry, he almost frothed.

I reeled and stepped back. He had never spoken to me like that in my life, not even when I found a tin of blue paint, poured it in his bed and carefully placed his duvet over it. Not only was he covered in blue paint, but he had to order a new mattress the next day.

“Kevin, this isn’t how I wanted to break the news to you, but it’s not what you think. I’m not taking advantage of Madison.” Quinn held his hand out toward my father in an imploring gesture. “I have feelings for her. I want to make something of this.”

My father’s eyes bulged out of his head. “You have feelings for her. What the fuck is the matter with you? You’re old enough to be her father, you pervert,” he bellowed. His face was red with anger, and he looked like he could bust a gut.

But none of that mattered to me. Because: Oh. My. God! Quinn felt the same way I did.

My heart felt as if it would explode into a million dancing pieces of happiness as soon as I heard those words fall from his mouth. I knew then everything would to be all right. “Dad,” I called.

My father didn’t even turn toward me. “Go to your fucking room now. Don’t make me tell you again.”

Quinn turned to me. “Stay out of this, Madison.”

At his words my father’s face deepened to a hue of red I’d never seen before. His jaw clenched, his posture stiffened, and quick as a cat, he swung his fist and slammed it hard into Quinn’s jaw.

“Fuck!” Quinn swore, as he stumbled, his head snapping to the side. The pain made him grimace, but he straightened instantly and met Dad’s gaze. He spread his hands out. “I know you’re-”

Pow! Another blow. A right hook this time.

I slapped my hand over my mouth to keep from crying out.

Outside, I could see the security detail pounding up the driveway. They would be upon us in minutes, but I didn’t know how to stop the inevitable. I felt completely and totally helpless. Quinn would get the shit kicked out of him, and it was all because of me. Tears poured down my face.

“Dad!” I shouted desperately. “It’s not his fault. I seduced him, I wanted him, I pushed for this, Quinn didn’t want it, but I forced myself on him,” I screamed desperately, but no one took any notice.

Using the wall to steady himself Quinn pulled himself upright. He ran his tongue along his bleeding lower lip as he tried to focus on Dad. I could tell he was hurt. Dad’s a big guy too, and packs quite a punch.

“Kevin, if we could just talk about-”

Before Quinn could even get another word out, the security detail was on him, landing blow after blow on him, so fast their flying fists were a blur of violence. The dull thud of testosterone fueled male skin connecting with outnumbered skin made me feel almost temporarily insane with fear and dread. Every cell in my body screamed at the wrongness of what was happening. I felt sick to see Quinn crumpling to the ground, not saying a word, determined to take any punishment he had to in order to atone for what the two of us had done together. What I had made him do.

It couldn’t have gone on for more than ten seconds before I found myself screaming and lunging forward. My mind felt like it was on fire. My only thought was I had to stop them from killing Quinn.

I was silenced suddenly, as one of the fists flying toward Quinn flailed out in my direction. The blow that caught me wasn’t nearly as hard as the ones that had been powering down on Quinn, but I saw stars and it was enough to send me flying backward.

“Madison!” Quinn howled.

I landed on the floor with a jolt of pain. Suddenly, Quinn pulled himself back to his feet shoving off the men hurting him as though they were nothing more than irritating insects, he strode over to me. Shaken and voiceless, I lay on my back and stared up at him. I could already see red bruises starting to appear on his head and neck. Dizzily, I rose up on my elbow and tried to focus on his face.

“You so much as lay a hand on her again,” Dad began, but he trailed off, when Quinn turned toward him. I don’t know what he saw in Quinn’s face but he must have realized he had lost this battle.

Quinn caught my chin, tilted it up toward him, and scanned my face worriedly. “Are you in pain?” he asked.

I couldn’t speak. I shook my head wordlessly.

“It’s okay. I’ve got you,” he said, and scooped me up into his arms.

Quinn turned to my father, narrowing his eyes. “We’re going.” His voice was harsh.

Dad was breathing fast, and his fists were clenched with fury, but didn’t try to stop Quinn. He focused on me. “Do you really want this, Madison?” His eyes were wide and half-begging me to tell him otherwise.

I nodded. “I love him, Dad. With all my heart,” I said earnestly.

A look of utter defeat crossed my father’s face. His shoulders slumped and stepped away from the door and gestured for us to go through. “Go on. Get out,” he muttered. He didn’t sound mad any more. Just sounded exhausted and lost.

Quinn carried me out the door. When he reached the gatehouse, I said, “You can put me down now.”

“Why?” he said and carried me to his car. With one hand he opened the door, placed me inside carefully. He closed the door and walked around to the driver’s side. He turned his head toward me. “So…” he began, “You love me?”

“Yeah,” I admitted, scuffing my foot against the carpeted floor. “Sorry if this is all a bit sudden. You don’t have to say it back, or anything stupid like-”

He touched his fingers to my lips.

“It isn’t.” He shook his head. "And I want to say it back.”

My eyes widened. “You do?”

He looked deep into my eyes. “I do.”

“Since when?”

“Since you left my house and I felt as if I would die if I didn’t come here and take you back. You are a part of me, Madison. I was willing to give everything up for you. Kevin, the business I had worked all my life to build. Even my life.”

“I’ve been in love with you since I was a girl,” I confessed mistily.


“Yup, I had the biggest, most painful crush on you. Every night before I fell asleep I used to say a little prayer for you. Please God, save him for me and don’t let him find anyone else.”

He shook his head in wonder. “Well, your prayer sure worked.”

“Why wouldn’t it? I was totally dedicated to my goal. I never missed a single night.”

He reached out and touched my cheek and I flinched without thinking. Instantly, he yanked his hand back as if I had burned him.

“Oh shit, have I hurt you?” He stared at me in horror.

“I’ll be okay,” I said waving my hand.

“I’m so sorry,” he whispered harshly, almost as if he blamed himself.

“It’s okay. I’m fine. How about you?”

He shook his head. “Nothing a few kisses from your sweet lips can’t fix.”

It hurt my cheek to smile but I did. “I’m looking forward to playing nurse.”

He grinned. “I don’t want to end up in ER.”

“Or the morgue if you don’t teach that mouth of yours some manners,” I shot back.

He laughed. “You ready to go home?”

Home. To his home. Oh, wow! This was real.

I beamed and nodded. I had no idea what was going to happen next, but I knew it wouldn’t matter, nothing would, if Quinn and me were together.