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The Second Chance Groom: Texas Titan Romances by Hart, Taylor (2)

Chapter 1

10 Years Later

Anthony Kincaid sat in his truck in front of Titan stadium, hesitant to go in for this publicity stunt today. As much as he liked the idea of helping at-risk kids, he was just a bit nervous to face the press. Between his injury last year and recently being picked up as second-string quarterback by the Titans, the press wanted the full story on him. He’d refused because the story wasn’t about him this year. He was determined everything would be focused on his brother, Kade.

Anthony thought of Kade. Their relationship was close, tighter than ever. Their relationship with their father was close, too. Since Anthony’s accident, Kade’s marriage, and the upcoming baby, their father seemed kinder, lighter, more the father he remembered from his youth before his mother died.

With a sigh, Anthony stepped out of the truck and walked toward the stadium, falling into step with his brother, who was chatting with Xavier Newton. Ace Sanchez was out with an injury, so technically the triple threat was no longer a thing, but Kade and Xavier were still media darlings. He was happy for them, most of the time. He was. It’d been such a great experience for Anthony to move to Dallas, live with his bro for a while, then buy a house in the Reserves next to Kade and Felicity. He really did like the redheaded, feisty woman.

“Hey, Kade, Xavier, Anthony, over here!”

Anthony saw James Knight, owner of the Titans, waving them over. He stood with Rennen Bradley, the guy who took Ace’s position, and Brady Giles, the new cornerback transfer from New England. A lot of testosterone in such small proximity, Anthony thought.

Mr. Knight shook all of their hands, but focused on Anthony, plastering on a smile befitting the rugged businessman. “Just the second-chance quarterback I was looking for.”

Anthony tried not to roll his eyes at the reference. He didn’t want to be a second-chance anything; he just wanted to play the game.

James Knight’s eyes swept over all of them. “I was just telling everyone there’s a freelance sports reporter with the Dallas Star who will be doing interviews today. She’s just looking for a quote.” Pointedly, he gestured to Anthony. “Of course everyone is anticipating what is to come for you this season, so if you wouldn’t mind doing an interview with her later, that would be great.”

A jolt of adrenaline shot through him. He wasn’t ready for the piranhas to uncover the secret he’d been hiding. Only his agent and, of course, his brother and father knew at this point. “I’ll give a quote, but I’m not up for a detailed interview.”

Kade coughed. His eyes flicked toward Anthony in a look of disapproval.

It’d been a bit tricky. Kade thought he got a say in everything in Anthony’s life, which wasn’t too outrageous since he’d been the one to convince James Knight to bring him onto the Titans. It’d been a win for the salary cap on Draft Day, because Anthony didn’t care if he only made the league minimum—not when he had the chance of drawing closer to his family, getting back on a roster, and being given a year to prove himself.

“Just the quote,” Anthony said again, meeting James Knight’s gaze.

Mr. Knight’s lip curled up a bit.

Anthony hesitated, not wanting to tick off the owner, but he wasn’t going to give in, either. He wouldn’t risk everyone in Dallas finding out. Not this year. This was his brother’s year. This was the Titans’ year to win it all and they needed hometown support. If the press got a whiff of the thing he was trying to cover, it would create a crap storm for the Kincaids. A crap storm that would be his fault. “Not today,” he repeated firmly.

Kade coughed again. “Should we go over what we want to teach the kids?” He gestured to the field.

It was an out Anthony wouldn’t pass up. “Okay.” He turned to Mr. Knight, waiting to be dismissed.

Mr. Knight frowned. “Fine, but I want an exclusive done on you soon.”

“Sure.” Anthony took care to keep as casual as possible while he and Kade strode away from Mr. Knight, walking with his brother into the stadium and then out into the beautiful arena. He figured he’d been shielded from Mr. Knight thanks to Kade and his father getting along with him, but he could see how the older gentleman could be vicious. Didn’t owners of pro teams have to be?

Kade stopped next to some cones and a sack of balls on the field. No one was around, except some staff setting up the drills. “Listen, I know I don’t have to tell you this, but just be careful ticking off Mr. Knight. He messes with your life when he’s mad at you.” He sighed and grabbed a ball, heading out to throwing distance. “And be careful of the press.”

Anthony’s hands snapped up to catch a pass from Kade, and he gripped the ball between his hands so hard he thought it might pop. Pulling it back, he sent it sailing back to his brother. “You think I need a lecture on the press? I am a Kincaid. And I know I messed up, okay?” He glared down at his shaking hand and squeezed it by the wrist, hating that he was so jittery sometimes.

Kade caught the ball and put his hands up in surrender. “Chill, it’s fine. Let’s just focus on today.” He pumped his eyebrows at him. “Look at those reflexes!”

Anthony scowled at him, not needing his brother’s kid gloves. He backed up and tossed it back quickly.

With a huff, Kade backed up and snatched it from the air. “Okay, guess I won’t go easy on ya.”

Anthony went wider and caught the next spiral. This was what he liked the most about being back and on the same team with his brother: they could just throw the ball sometimes. “I’ll be taking your spot before you know it, bro.”

A spark lit up his brother’s eyes. He threw the ball harder.

Anthony caught it, but it kinda knocked the breath out of him. He laughed. His brother was making a point.

Kade laughed too. “About time I saw that fighting spirit in you.”

Anthony paused mid-throw. “What?”

“I’ve been waiting for you to stop whining.”

“Oh, I’m a whiner now?”

“Kinda been sounding like it.” Kade quirked his lip up.

Anthony went farther back and laid out a spiral. Kade had to run to catch it, diving for it as he tucked and rolled. It really was amazing how fast and controlled his brother was. Kade might have been able to transition to a lot of other positions on the field. Of course, he didn’t have the speed of X or Ace, but he might if he worked to develop it. Anthony laughed, and then he realized how good it felt to let go and just play. He’d gotten inside his own head lately, worrying about everything.

Kade threw a spiral at him, a bit off, not too far away, not the kind Anthony had just thrown where he would have to dive. Anthony took off after it, catching it easily.


Anthony turned and shot it back at him. They were getting farther and farther apart, but it didn’t matter—both of them were quarterbacks, used to throwing it far.

He thought about that day, after he’d gotten into that car crash and Kade had shown up in Houston. It’d been an ugly scene with his father yelling at him. Kade had pushed their dad out of the hospital room, then sat by Anthony and had a bonding moment. He thought about how he had confessed to his brother that he missed just playing catch together as kids.

Kade shot the football back at him, still spreading wider. They were almost half a field apart now, but their eyes met and Kade’s face lit up with a big, goofy grin as he punched the air. “Kincaids!”

It was something his father had always done to them when they were on the field and it was go time. This was where he was meant to be. He might not understand how his life had ended up here, but he was here nevertheless, playing with his bro again. He pushed aside all his insecurity, doubt, and fear, and he pushed his fist into the air. “Kincaids!” he yelled back.


Both brothers turned and Anthony saw Brandon Walker, affectionately known by the fans and team as Scar, walking toward them.

Scar wasn’t Anthony’s favorite person. He was third-string quarterback and had been pretty vocal about crying nepotism in regards to Anthony being on the team. Granted, Scar always got a lot of leeway because he was an ex–Navy SEAL and had the presence of a warrior to boot.

Scar went to Kade, who fist-bumped him. “Glad you finally showed up,” Kade teased.

Anthony couldn’t hear what Scar said back, but Kade roared with laughter. The guy could trash-talk; that was the truth.

Scar gave Anthony a nod. Anthony gave a half wave and turned to check out the field.

It looked like Ace Sanchez’s sister was helping here today. She was talking with the girl who organized the event, the latter holding a baby on her hip. Was that Teo Parata’s kid, the new guy? He knew Teo’s wife had passed the previous year, but why had he brought his kid?

It was hard not to notice Hailey Knight, James’s daughter, prancing onto the field toward the other women. She was cute, not that Anthony cared about any kind of relationship at the moment. He’d put women on the back burner for now, choosing to concentrate on football.

Anthony turned back to Kade, who leaned back and released a perfect spiral to Anthony without breaking conversation with Scar.

A stampede of kids thundered onto the field, yelling, “Zeus!”

Anthony met Kade’s eyes, and they shared a smile before Kade disappeared in the crowd.

One kid pulled at Anthony’s shirt. “You’re Zeus’s brother, aren’t you?”

Anthony laughed, savoring the desire to teach these kids. This was really the best part of their jobs, when they could give back. It was good to remember that. “Yes, I am.”

The woman with the kid on her hip walked toward them, holding a clipboard and looking official. She held a whistle to her lips and blew it loudly. “Okay, kids, when you hear the whistle, it will be time to rotate stations.”

Anthony pulled his eyes away from the woman and picked up another football, ready for the first group.

“Still can’t stop yourself from the cheerleader addiction?”

There was a brief lag as Anthony registered the familiar voice. His heart stopped, and he turned slowly, uncertain whether he was just hearing things.

Cassidy Stone stood next to him with her arms crossed, her honey-blonde hair still flowing down her shoulders as it had done in high school. She wasn’t giving him the hero-worship look she used to give him from the sidelines, although she still had those Cleopatra eyes that had always mesmerized him.

“Cassidy?” he asked, like she was a mythical being that had appeared out of thin air in front of him.

Their eyes held and he thought about all that had happened between them, all those years ago. Truthfully, he’d thought about it so many times, even looked her up a few years ago to discover she was a famous writer for the magazine Elite Athletes based out of Florida.

Her lips turned up, not exactly in a smile, but a tight, controlled assessment of him. “I’m the freelance reporter assigned to get some statements from you guys and write a puff article about this event. Lucky me.” Her piercing stare took his breath away.

The football slipped out of his hands. His mouth went dry. Reflexively, he looked at her ring finger, which was bare. “I heard you were engaged,” he blurted out before he could stop himself. He’d remembered someone mentioning it. Kade? His father? He tried to remember when he’d heard it. Maybe last year after his injury.

Looking down at the fumbled ball, then back to him, she shook her head and pursed her lips. “None of your business, I don’t think.”

Another whistle blew, followed by someone yelling to gather for instructions.

Cassidy glanced at the group, then back to him. “If you just want to give me a quick quote,” she said curtly.

Anthony watched all the kids and players start to gather to Mr. Knight, but he was glued to this spot. He turned to her, and the past washed over him, thinking of the day he’d buried his mother. The first night he’d ever kissed her.

More memories assaulted him, including the one where he’d watched as she and her father had left, dust kicking up from the gravel as he stood there. “I’d rather talk, Poe,” he said softly, using his old nickname for her.

Anger flared in Cassidy’s blue eyes. “Don’t call me that. If you don’t want to give me a quote, that’s fine. I’ll interview your brother first.” She rushed away from him. “Kade!”

Kade turned, and a stupid grin swept over his face. “Cassidy Stone?” He opened his arms.

She laughed as they met and fell into a hug.

All the old jealousy flared through him, but only for a second. He still could not believe she had been standing in front of him.

Happiness burst into him. Cassidy Stone was here … and she wasn’t wearing a ring.