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The Ties That Bind 2 by D. A. Young (5)



Somewhere in the Southwest


“He’s always fucking with us!” Harley raged, bending over the lines of blow he’d shaken on the rental van’s dashboard. He snorted it up with lightning speed. “What’s he doing in there?! Is he getting reamed up the ass by his fat fucking bodyguard? Who the fuck is he to keep us waiting like we’re trained fucking monkeys?!”

“Yet, here we are waiting. Chill out,” Pitch dryly replied. He surveyed their surroundings as they waited for Gualtiero Barrera to emerge from one of the three town cars behind them. Everything was perfect. It was the same setting as always - a dark, abandoned building rigged with recordings, unbeknownst to the Capitán in El Muerte Silencio, and actors posing as ruthless MC members and the lovely product they’d picked up for Barrera. Pitch hoped he was pleased with what they’d found for him. After he was done destroying the club, Pitch hoped to continue working with Barrera and, perhaps, expand this business.

Thunder rumbled in the distance followed by flashes of lightning. Minimal sunlight filtered through the dark clouds rolling swiftly with each gust of wind. The scent of rain was heavy in the air, bringing with it the promise of revival to the dry, barren and deserted farmland. An ominous feeling seeped into Pitch’s bones. A monumental storm was coming, and he was certain his premonition had nothing to do with Mother Nature.

“Fuck his pussy ass!” Harley snarled, reaching into the glove compartment, he withdrew another vial of cocaine.

“Take it easy with the nose candy, man,” Pitch warned uneasily. Since finding Billy, Harley’s use of cocaine was steadily increasing. He’d shifted into a manic-depressive state, and drugs were the only thing motivating him. Pitch felt like he was navigating an emotional minefield around his volatile friend. Coke over-stimulated Harley and made him prone to bouts of anger, irritation, and paranoia in addition to his naturally temperamental state. Harley’s high normally lasted about thirty minutes, but this shit wasn’t even the premium grade cocaine The Immortals dealt. They’d run out of that two weeks ago, and Pitch sent Digger to scout around for more from the shitty neighborhood surrounding the motel they were staying in.

That night with Carmelita hadn’t gone well. The college student was a fighter and Pitch loved it. He’d let her run wild, stumbling naked through the isolated area of the park before giving chase. He’d enjoyed toying with Carmelita, of giving her hope that she might have a chance of escaping when she fought back. Pitch had his way with her first and worked her over good, but Harley couldn’t get into it. He needed to see and experience their fear, to dominate their toys, except Carmelita refused to break.

Pitch had to strangle her almost unconscious before the fight finally left her body. Then he told her if she begged for her life, he’d let her live, giving her hope again. Carmelita did. She begged and pleaded for her life, but Harley was on some other shit. Instead of fucking her, he picked up a nearby rock and bashed her skull and face in until she was unrecognizable. Carmelita’s death had been the most brutal yet of any of their playthings.

“Fuck off, Pitch! I’m good! If Barrera doesn’t show up soon, I say we kill these bitches, roll out, and leave them for his fat ass to deal with.” Laughing wildly, he put the vial back into the glove compartment. Harley leaned back in the passenger seat and used his arm to wipe his nose free of cocaine residue. He could feel his heart racing, and moments later, his body temperature climbing. Harley opened his window and allowed the biting winter air to rush into the van. Thanks to the cocaine, he was on high alert and hyper-aware of his surroundings.

“You ready to go back after this?” Pitch casually asked, keeping an eye on the three town cars behind them.

“Fuck no,” Harley spewed automatically, the thought of facing Slade making his stomach twist in knots. He would be happy to see Ma, though. Guilt ate away at him for neglecting to keep in touch with her. His mother was the sincerest person he knew and loved him unconditionally. She at least would be happy to hear from him. Thanksgiving had sucked filthy, unwashed balls. He, Pitch, and Digger spent the holiday at a fucking Sizzler instead of eating the customary roast pig and turkey while downing tequila around a bonfire surrounded by their club brothers. Harley was unsure of what his reception from Ransom would be. They’d never gone this long without speaking to each other. After seeing Billy’s reaction to ‘Ransom’, he could only imagine how his baby brother was feeling about her. Harley doubted his feelings would be less than hostile.

The open adoration on Billy’s face for his brother lingered in his mind. Harley wanted that for himself. He wanted a good woman who thought the sun rose and set on his unworthy ass. He was drowning in feelings of jealousy and inadequacies that had shadowed him his entire life stemming from his brother and father. That night with Carmelita, he’d been able to see himself clearly through her eyes and hated the revulsion and loathing reflected. Harley picked up the nearest object around him and did his best to shatter the image until he could no longer see it.

“That’s a shitload of crow you want me to eat and for what?” Harley rubbed at his face agitatedly, turmoil at what he’d have to do causing his stomach to churn nauseously. Just thinking about having to kiss Slade’s ass and endure his mind fucks made his skin itch. “I’m tellin’ ya, the shit ain’t worth it, man.”

“Slade is a sadistic sonofabitch! No one knows that better than you, Harley! You honestly think he wouldn’t sell you out to Vargas first if it benefitted him? You’d have to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life. Go to Vargas like a man, and he’ll treat you like one, the way Slade never did,” Pitch urged persuasively. “Let him know it was Slade’s idea to rob and kill his family. This is a dog-eat-dog world, Harley. Time for you to flex your muscle and bite back. Let them know who they’re fucking with before you get fucked!” Pitch’s look was full of regret as he went in for the kill. “I hate to say it, but Ransom would never have let this shit hang over his head…”

“Incoming,” Digger informed them from his position at the back of the van, cutting their conversation short.

Pitch rechecked the rearview mirror. Barrera was emerging from the car along with his most trusted soldier, a larger, younger man named Benito Garza. As always, he was impeccably dressed in a custom suit worn under a long, wool dress coat. Barrera looked entirely out of place in the desert surroundings, yet his authoritative presence commanded all attention. “Pull yourself together, Harley. It’s showtime.” Pitch opened the driver side door and hopped out, looking back at Harley who hadn’t moved. “Let’s go, man.”

Harley glowered into his side mirror at the reflection of the approaching men. “Go ahead. I’ll be right there.”

Pitch glared at him. “Do not fuck this up for us!”

He left to meet Gualtierro and Benito. Their eyes were watchful as he approached, flanked by the three actors who were in ‘enforcer mode’. Pitch nodded to Benito, who did not return the gesture. “Hola, Senor Barrera.”

“Where is he?” Barrera demanded curtly, ignoring the greeting from someone he didn’t consider to be of any significance to warrant his time.

Bristling inside at the intentional slight, Pitch shrugged nonchalantly. “He’s handling some business. Shouldn’t be but a minute.”

One minute turned into five minutes. While Pitch was seething on the inside at Harley’s intentional disrespect that could screw up their cash cow, he secretly enjoyed Barrera and his flunkies’ silent fuming. Five minutes turned into ten before Harley finally emerged from the van wearing sunglasses. Immediately, Pitch could tell he’d snorted the second vial of coke. Motherfucker!

“Whooooooo!” Harley clapped his hands together, rubbing them eagerly. “Well, if it isn’t ‘Mr. Mexican’ himself! How ya been, Barrera?”

His ‘enforcers’ snickered, but neither the Mexicans nor Pitch found him amusing.

Barrera turned to his cohort with a slight smile, withholding the rage he felt at the flagrant insolence Harley displayed once more to him. “Did I not tell you that was the right thing to do?”

Eyeing Harley with disdain, Benito answered, “Si, jefe. You were correct as usual.”

“Awwwww, don’t be like that, jefe!” Harley mocked, imitating Benito’s thick accent. “I was just funnin’ you! Come check it out, ese!”

Ignoring Pitch’s warning look, Harley led Barrera to the back of the van where Digger stood. He nodded at Barrera, but was not acknowledged, and opened the doors to reveal drugged, unconscious, and barely legal, identical twin brunettes whose hair was more honey than chocolate, bound and gagged. Dispassionately, Barrera politely inquired, “What makes them so special? Mexico is overrun by morenas.”

“Aaah, I thought you’d ask that. Ven aqui, hombre!” Harley leaned over one and lifted her eyelid to reveal an iris of the lightest aquamarine. With their lustrous hair, pink bow-shaped lips, small, straight noses with the slight tilt at the end, and ivory complexions, they resembled real-life porcelain dolls. They would be very popular for what Barrera had planned for them. “Like ‘em?”

“You did good, gringo. I’m quite pleased with your selection.” Barrera motioned to Benito, who was followed by another lackey to retrieve the women. 

“Uh-uh-ahhh!” Harley tsked. “Where’s our dinero?”

“Ahhh, yes your dinero.” Barrera snapped his fingers, and two of his men sprang into action. One retrieved two black duffle bags from the trunk and handed them to his comrade to deliver before retrieving another bag with a rectangular shape and moving around to the other side of the car. “I believe you were now asking for two hundred thousand dollars now, correct?”

“Not a penny less.” Harley shifted in anticipation, trying to contain his excitement at the doubled payout. He exchanged a wily smile with Pitch as the soldier brought the bags forward with an impassive face and set them down by Harley’s feet. “Nice doin’ business with ya, Speedy Gonzalez.”

“Esperate, un momento, por favor,” Barrera announced pleasantly as Pitch bent down to open the bags. “Tu madre, Claudia, is Latina, is she not? How would she feel about your ignorant behavior when dealing with a man such as myself?”

Anger and red flags erupted in Harley’s brain, whipping up his adrenaline as he tried to follow Barrera’s train of thought. Nostrils flaring and jaw locked tight, Harley snarled, “My mother ain’t got shit to do with this, Barrera! Keep her out of it.”

“Forgive me, mi amigo. I didn’t mean to upset you; it’s just that I’m truly fascinated by all of you.” Barrera’s smile was compassionate, contradicting the malice in his obsidian eyes. “It makes me wonder who all of you are when you’re not playing this silly game with me. I must confess to being a tad bit envious as you are all having fun, and at my expense, no less. So, I decided to join the game too. You’ll forgive me as I don’t know all the rules, which hardly seems fair, does it? That makes you cheaters. I despise people, especially gringos, who try to take advantage of my fairness.”

Pitch didn’t like the silky quality of Barrera’s tone. It was too slick, like an oil spill. He also didn’t like the way he couldn’t see Barrera’s henchman on the other side of the car. Pitch glanced at Harley to give warning, but he was too focused on Barrera. Goddamnit, no. The older man was spooking the shit out of Harley with his twisted smile, which only grew wider, and incensed, Harley went for his gun. Seeing the movement, Pitch and Digger reached for theirs as well, but Barrera’s men already had their guns drawn and trained on them. The three actors, unsure of what to do and fearing for their lives, dropped their weapons and raised their hands in surrender.

Barrera and his men proceeded to back up as the man on the other side of the vehicle stood up with a bazooka, balanced on his shoulder, and fired it directly into the shed. It exploded on impact, the force of it slamming everyone closest to it to the ground as the van rocked from side-to-side. The flames danced high into the sky like a massive bonfire, with dirt and debris scattered in all directions as acrid plumes of smoke filled the air. The imprisoned women stirred with the loud commotion, slowly regaining consciousness.

Harley rolled over onto his back, disoriented, wheezing and coughing as he stared up at the cloudless sky in the eerie silence. Why was it so quiet? Then he remembered. Barrera and his crew. Harley staggered to his feet and tried to check the condition of his team, but his vision was blurry. His skin stung from the grit of the dirt and pebbles embedded in his skin. Harley frantically swiped it off his face and arms. Finally, his ears popped, and the silence was replaced with an annoying buzz. Harley could vaguely hear muffled screaming. The women! His vision was slowly returning, and he blinked in rapid succession to speed up the process until the smoking ruins came into clear view.

Cheering and clapping commenced, and Harley pivoted to see Barrera, his high spirits restored now that the tables had drastically turned. Harley focused his glare on him, as he stalked forward, with Benito and the man with the bazooka, who exchanged it for a Beretta before joining them. Still disoriented, Pitch and Digger came to stand by Harley’s side.

With a condescending smirk, Barrera pointed at two of the actors huddled together. “John Mesa and Larry Peters. Neither of you are family men?”

“N-No, sir,” they both chorused shakily, paling with the realization that one of the deadliest men in La Muerte Silencio cartel knew their real names. Belatedly, the actors were realizing their mistakes in agreeing to be a part of this farce.    

 “Just a couple of puta opportunistas trying to make a quick buck and pull one over on me, eh?”

Their telltale silence was his answer.

Barrera pointed at the last man. “But not you, Wally James. Everything you do is for your mother and younger sisters. Your hospital bills are mounting because your mother is sick, and every little bit of money helps. That is why you do this?”

Wally gulped loudly and nervously admitted, “Yes, sir. Everything I do is for them. I’m so sorry. I never meant to disrespect you. I was paid to play a part and just tried to play it to the best of my abilities.”

Barrera nodded somberly. “I appreciate the honesty of your answer, Wally. You’re a good man for taking care of them and accepting their burdens. That can’t be an easy thing to do.”

Relieved that Barrera was showing leniency, Wally readily nodded his agreement. “It does get hard to make ends meet sometimes.”

Barrera pointed to the bags. “Take one and you may go. You will find that it will alleviate some of your troubles.”

Glancing dubiously at Harley and Pitch’s rigid faces, Wally slinked by them to pick up one of the bags. To Harley and Pitch, Barrera snarled, “I’m taking what you delivered and you will get nada. Did you really think that I would allow your game to continue indefinitely? You got greedy, amigos! Nothing good comes from greed, and I will show you why. Wally, you may have the payment from both bags since you need it more. As I’m being generous, you may decide to share its contents with some with your compadres if you’d like.”

“I’d like to, if that’s fine with you, sir,” Wally responded humbly, and Barrera waved a hand at him dismissively.

“It’s nothing to me. An example always needs to be made for the message to be clearly received. Today is their lucky day as I’m willing to renegotiate the terms of our arrangement.”

It was Harley who finally spoke stiffly, eyes burning with fury. “Name your terms then, you bastar—”

“Nooooooo!” Wally’s anguished scream pierced the air. He dropped to his knees and cradled the bag, weeping over it. “Sweet Jesus, God! Noooo! Aaaah God nooooo!”

The men could only watch as Wally reached a shaky hand out and dragged the other bag toward him. Barrera strode over to him and gave him a powerful kick to his head as if it were a soccer ball. “Silencio! This is how you repay me?! I try to assist in unburdening you, and this is the gratitude you show me?!”

Two more vicious stomps to Wally’s face equaled blood splatter on Barrera’s pant leg and the quieting of his screams to hushed snivels. Barrera reached into the bag and threw out the decapitated heads of two blonde teenage girls that rolled and landed at Harley and Pitch’s feet. Their frightened expressions spoke of innocence destroyed and identical, wide brown, terror-filled eyes that were the windows to the atrocities they’d endured before finding clemency in death. The captive women and paid accomplices began to scream, some gagging and retching uncontrollably. Not Harley, Pitch, and Digger though. They stared wordlessly, unfazed by the violence but stunned by the radical turn of events that stripped them of their leverage.

“His sisters are in one. His mother’s in the other,” Barrera sneered at Wally’s curled up, traumatized, and bloodied form as he addressed the group. “This is the thanks I get for my generosity, you ungrateful, pendejo?! I’ve gotten rid of your troubles. You should be grateful! They were terribly lacking in bed, but I made sure my men showed them how to please a lover before their time was up.” Barrera turned back to Jon and Larry with a vicious grin. “Now, he’s nothing just like the two of you. There’s no reason for any of you to exist.” Barrera glanced at his men with annoyance. “Why are they still alive?”

That was the cue they waited for. They each picked an actor and shot him at point-blank range in the face. Blood and brain matter exploded, causing the three remaining men to cringe as it splattered on them.

Barrera whipped a pristine white handkerchief from the inside of his suit jacket and wiped the bits of gray matter, flesh, and crimson trailing from the side of Harley’s face. He chuckled at the corrosive hatred in the younger man’s green eyes. “You will now work for me. I will give you a list of what I am looking for, and you will produce them in a timely and respectful manner at a fourth of what you were previously charging per female.”

“Fuck you! I’m not doin’ dick!”

“Harley, enough!” Pitch tried to intervene, reaching for his friend, but Benito aimed his gun directly between his eyes unwaveringly. Its soft click stilled Pitch as Harley spat in Barrera’s face.

The man didn’t even flinch, unfazed by the contemptuous gesture.

 “I was afraid you would say that,” he replied calmly as he wiped his face clean, almost as if being spit on was a daily occurrence. “I’m going to decline that tempting offer but will extend the same to your beautiful madre.”

“Motherfucker!” Harley lunged at Barrera, but the larger Benito overpowered him, suppressing him by wrapping his arms around Harley’s from behind and twisting.

Barrera laughed. “What an appropriate title! That’s exactly what I’ll be.” He patted Harley’s cheek with enjoyment. “I plan to fuck her thoroughly too. All three of her holes will have my undivided attention.”

Harley went berserk. The enraged biker flung his head back, cracking his skull against Benito’s forehead and nose Dazed by the punishing blow, Benito still managed to hold onto him. He twisted Harley’s lower arm until his radius snapped then swept his legs out from under him. With a howl of fury, Harley fell to his knees, and Benito swiftly applied a life-constricting chokehold.

Impassively, Barrera watched Harley struggle unsuccessfully as he attempted to reach him. He was highly entertained by the one-sided show. Barrera continued to taunt him. “I can’t wait to add the lovely Claudia to my collection. She looks like she’d be quite the tigresa in bed—”

“I’m going to kill you!” Harley managed to choke out, face red from pain, exertion, and lack of oxygen. “You’re a fucking dead man, Barrera!”

Unfazed, Barrera retorted silkily, “Careful, Lawson. My interest in you is waning. That will not bode well for you or your compadres when it vanishes completely.”

“Alright, Barrera! You win!” This came from Pitch. “Let him go and let’s talk!”

Pitch felt bad for Harley but saw the chance to achieve his ultimate goal. What drove him to stick with this dumb fuck was focusing on the bigger picture, which in this case, meant opportunity over friendship. Hands held up, demonstrating his harmlessness, Pitch stepped forward and assumed a leadership role.

Facing him, Barrera cocked his head to the side appraisingly. “Aaaah, so you wish to run straight into the devil’s arms, eh? Very well. Let’s you and I talk. I think I might have a proposition that will benefit us both..”

He’d underestimated who was in charge, Barrera realized. That was such a rare occurrence that he felt obligated to hear him out. The subservient attitude that normally cloaked Lawson’s second-in-command had fallen away, revealing a keen intelligence and determination in his cool blue eyes that was previously hidden. Barrera suspected it was a deliberate act on the blonde man’s part.

“PITCH!” Harley roared, or tried to, but Benito finally brought the butt of his gun down on his temple, rendering him unconscious at Barrera’s signal.

Harley was an afterthought as Barrera addressed who he should have been dealing with from the beginning.

“Pitch is it? Walk with me. You have my undivided attention…”













Marcus’s mind was made up. He’d spent the past couple of days contemplating the next chapter of his life. After careful consideration, he’d decided to turn in his notice to the bureau. Marcus sat up and reached for the phone on his nightstand. Dialing a number he knew by heart, he was surprised to find that he wasn’t nervous about making the life-changing call.

The voice on the other end was commanding and direct, letting all callers know that he had no time to waste. “Director Jared Shore speaking.”

“Good Morning, sir. Marcus Glover here. Sorry to disturb your weekend, but I felt that you should hear this from me immediately. I’m giving my notice.”

There was a lengthy silence on the other end, and Marcus could visualize the tall white man with the bald head and wire-rimmed spectacles sitting behind his desk. The chair would be reclined and his fingers steepled as Shore processed Marcus’s news slowly and methodically. Every move by Jared Shore was conducted in such a manner. When he was an instructor at the academy, he made sure that all of his students, Marcus included, did the same. He knew that Marcus would not be swayed if he attempted to persuade him to stay.

“I see,” Shore replied evenly. “May I ask what’s motivating your decision? You’re damn good at what you do and replacing you is going to be a helluva trial process, hopefully with minimal error.”

“Thank you, sir. It’s been an honor to serve this bureau, and I’ve learned a great deal under your exemplary leadership. My reasons for leaving are personal, and I’d rather not discuss them.”

“Does it have anything to do with your little girl? She’s not so little anymore though, correct? How’s she doing?”

Marcus wasn’t shocked that Shore knew about Billy as the ATF did extensive background checks on all potential agents. He was amazed, though, considering in the entire time they’d known each other, which spanned more than a decade, Shore had never inquired about Billy or Melody beforehand. “No, sir, she’s not.”

Shore grunted. “I imagine she wouldn’t be. They can’t stay young forever, no matter how much we wish it were so.” There was a pause, before Shore admitted, “I always thought I’d be training you to take my place someday, Glover. It’s the reason I assigned you that watch. With the amount of traffic coming through there, Chatham is a hub for illegal activity, and you’ve got the patience of a saint.”

“Yet it hasn’t produced the results you were expecting.” Marcus was referring to Barrera. The clock was winding down until Shore’s retirement, and it seemed he’d have to retire without taking down Barrera, who was considered a prime catch for the bureau.

“No, it hasn’t. The results of his meeting with the MCs were highly disappointing, but I’ve led a very credible career, and that’s all I could hope for. I don’t suppose you’d reconsider giving your notice instead and come in from the front lines for desk duty? Or even instructing?”

The years spent in this shithole hadn’t really turned up information of value to make a move on Gualtierro Barrera or his cartel. It was a waste of Marcus’s time, and he was more than happy to relinquish his watch to someone who had time to spare. Marcus wanted to spend more time with Billy. She insisted that she was grown and independent, but they needed each other. His daughter had brought so much more meaning to his world, made him see that there was more to life than a job he’d begun to feel burned out from.

“Sir, I appreciate that, but I think it’s time for me to put in my papers.”

They spoke for a few minutes more, and Marcus let him know that he’d send in a formal letter of resignation, before hanging up. He was relieved to get that out of the way and would tell Lorelai of his decision this morning. His thoughts drifted to Claudia, and his relief mixed with regret. Marcus couldn’t stay in this town and not fuck her again. He felt an inexplicable connection to the married woman. They both knew it was only a matter of time before they gave in to the cravings. Marcus refused to be that dick who broke Man Law. He was considered a catch, and the world was filled with plenty of other women who were free to want and vie for his attention. Case in point, the one standing in his doorway knocking.

“Rise and shine, ‘Sleeping Beauty’,” Lorelai joked. “We need to decorate the bar before opening. I pulled out all the holiday lights and decorations last night and double-checked that all of the bulbs were working too.” She grinned excitedly. “We’re good to go!”

Marcus gave no indication that he was aware of her wearing next to nothing. Lorelai’s cleavage was practically falling out of the white camisole, and the high cut of her white, lacy bikini panties, drew attention to her sexy legs. Lorelai’s aroused nipples pressed urgently against the thin cotton fabric, daring him to get a taste. Her skimpy attire was a calculated move, to entice him back between her legs. Lorelai was a stunning woman and they both knew it, but Marcus wasn’t trying to hop back on the ‘casual fuck’ express train they’d been riding for the last several years. Even if she did look like his favorite treat of fresh honeycomb that he bought from a local beekeeper in Albuquerque.

“Morning. Gimme some time to take a shower and shave my head, and I’ll be down.” Marcus waited for her to leave the doorway because they both also knew that he slept in the nude.

Instead, Lorelai leaned against the doorway, allowing one strap of her camisole to slide down her shoulder. She was horny as hell and could admit that to herself. Now, she needed to get Marcus on the same page, so they could do something nasty and rewarding about it. Her body was primed for his attention, and the thought of him taming her with that big dick of his made her clutch the doorframe tighter for support.

“Why don’t I help you with both?” she suggested seductively. “It’d be just like old times. Remember how much you used to like my help?”

Perhaps this situation warranted a second assessment, Marcus pondered as his dick perked up at her proposal. Lorelai was horny and wanted him. He was horny, among other things, and wanted someone who was unavailable. Marcus could easily replace Claudia in his bed, but would the feelings be the same? Maybe he’d hung his hopes too high on that night. Maybe it was just the feeling of new pussy? Fuck it. Life was supposed to be about seasons of change. Marcus was tired of living his in limbo.

Either way, he was still feeling some way after Lorelai’s dick move to their boss the day Billy left and wouldn’t make shit easy for her. Marcus shifted and got comfortable under the covers, leaning back against the pillows. “Was there something you needed, Lorelai?”

He was going to make her initiate it, Lorelai realized irritably. She loved being in control everywhere but the bedroom. That was Rage’s domain and Lorelai loved it. They hadn’t fucked in a while and normally, he’d be ready to beat her pussy up. Currently, he barely looked interested. Men were always interested in her. To hell with it. She was a master at manipulating situations and this would be no different. Lorelai entered the room and approached the bed, putting an extra sway in her hips as she strode across the room. She reached the bed and crawled her way up until she arrived at Marcus’s side. Kneeling before him, she proudly removed her camisole, allowing Marcus to look his fill of what she’d be honoring him with.

Marcus took note of Lorelai’s spectacular breasts. There was a time when he couldn’t keep his lips or hands off of them when offered, but he’d begun to see Lorelai for what she was: a gorgeous woman he could never fall for. She was too cold and calculated for love. Lorelai was like a diamond - beautiful, hard, and cutting. Marcus didn’t hold it against her, though. At the end of the day, you had to look out for yourself. Being a woman in their profession was hard, but being a black woman in this profession was beyond challenging. Marcus didn’t begrudge her any success.

Lorelai pulled his comforter back and had to give a moan of appreciation for this finely chiseled black man. She licked her lips hungrily as her fingers trailed over the length of his beard, which now lay against his chest, then down his powerful thighs and legs. Lorelai focused on what she was most interested in: the long, thick muscle between his legs. She leaned down to kiss him, luxuriating in the feel of his full, soft lips as she settled her panty-clad pussy on his shaft, allowing Rage to feel how ready she was for him through the soaked silk fabric.

Marcus scooted back to sit up against his headboard, and Lorelai followed, the sunlight from the window behind his bed shining directly on her honeyed form. He allowed his dick to make the choice for him. Expertly, Marcus explored her mouth with his tongue, and Lorelai tangled her arms around his neck, pulling him closer and rubbing her breasts against his chest.

“You want it, Lo?” Marcus teased by capturing her hips and grinding her down on his hardness. He created a hot, sweet friction between their legs by rubbing her pussy along his growing shaft. He smirked when her panties became wetter. “How do you want it?”

She loved it when Rage called her by his private nickname for her. Lorelai tangled her tongue with his, writhing and panting, “I don’t even care, Daddy. Just give it to me.”

She bit his neck, enjoying Marcus’s growl of pleasure. His large hand slipped past her panty line and traveled between her bountiful ass cheeks to tantalize her forbidden hole.

“What about here? I think I’ll start here first, Lo.” Marcus used some of her dripping arousal as lubricant and eased her forward, making it smoother for him to penetrate her ass. Lorelai gripped his bald head, locking her lips to his, and slowly rocked back on his finger. “Like this? You want me to fuck your ass before taking that pussy, Lo?”

“Uhhhh, yeah,” she gasped as one finger turned into two, and Marcus’s lips fell to her rigid nipples. “Yes, please.”

“Then say it.” Marcus was working on threading a third finger in, but paused, eyebrow raised for Lorelai’s confirmation. His teeth grazed her nipple and she shuddered helplessly.

“Rage, baby, please fuck my ass!” Lorelai begged, nibbling on his lips, loving how wickedly he was toying with her. She sank her teeth into his lower lip, savoring his taste. “Or at least start there first.”

The shrill ringing of the phone made Marcus hesitate. Lorelai kept going, though, kissing all over his face and neck as she glided up and down on his fingers, feeling her body relax and ready itself to receive all of him. “Ignore it, Rage. Please. I need you inside of me!”

“No can do. Babygirl always calls at this time.” Marcus eased his fingers out of her ass gently and grabbed the cordless with his other hand as Lorelai flung herself off of him with an infuriated huff.

Balefully, she tracked him as he left the bed and entered his bathroom, the door shutting behind him. Lorelai listened resentfully as he ran the water. She imagined Rage washing her essence from his hands as he talked and laughed with Babygirl. Lorelai knew once he was done on the phone they wouldn’t be resuming where he’d cut them off. Billy’s arrival last summer had changed everything for and around them. Rage wasn’t as attracted to her as he’d once been when Lorelai started nagging him about getting Billy out of Chatham. He didn’t understand that, family or not, there could be no interference with their career advancement. Jesus, he’d only let Billy into his life five minutes ago! Was their bond really that strong?

Lorelai rolled off her back and jumped from the bed. On his nightstand was a framed picture that Ransom had given him via Shakes. It was a picture of Billy the biker had taken when they visited Roswell. Feeling spiteful, Lorelai knocked it off the nightstand and it fell in between the small space between it and the bed. She grabbed her camisole and headed for the door, but her conscience nagged her to go back and pick it up.

“Dammit!” she swore, going back to pick up the picture. She bent down to retrieve it, and something caught her eye from under the bed, by the wall below the window. It was small but brightly colored, and the sunlight reflecting off of it caught her eye. Lorelai crawled underneath the bed, straining to reach it. Once her fingers connected with it, she pulled herself out and stood up, holding it up to the light for examination.

The breath whooshed from her body as she realized it was the broken tip of a woman’s oval-shaped, crimson-colored nail. In Rage’s bedroom. Underneath his bed. The anger and outrage of a scorned woman and federal agent working a crime scene kicked in at once. The motherfucker had brought another woman into his bed under their roof. She reached over and touched the wood headboard. Rage was a fucking animal in the sack. Lorelai could easily see the bitch being fucked vigorously from behind and trying to hold on to the headboard for support. She would have been grasping for purchase to keep up with ‘Super Dick’. Rage’s sexual prowess was legendary. His stamina and skills would have broken her, though. Flailing to stay up, she’d have clawed at the wood but eventually surrendered to the ecstasy of his lovemaking. That was how the nail would have broken.

Pain and betrayal were serrated daggers stabbing at Lorelai’s heart, and she had to remind herself that they weren’t an official couple. She felt dirty and ashamed for even knocking on his door and groveling for his penis. If Billy hadn’t interrupted them, Lorelai would have let Marcus use and ride her body like a merry-go-round. How long had this been going on, and who was the woman?


“How are you doing, babygirl?”

“I’m fine,” Billy spoke cautiously, an awkward silence ensued when she didn’t elaborate.

Lorelai already out of his mind, Marcus kicked the bathroom door shut behind him. He washed his hands as he pried, “Just fine? I thought you were all lovey-dovey over the moon because of whats-his-face? Did he do something to you?”

“His name is Ransom, Dad,” she corrected him sharply. “And to answer your question, yes, I’m happy and he’s happy; we’re both happy. No one’s breaking up. I know that’s what you expected when you confided in me.”

Drying his hands on a washcloth, Marcus sat down on the edge of his bathtub. “I told you that because as your father, it’s my right to protect you. I want to keep you out of Chatham. Let that man come to you. I know Ransom loves you and because he does, he may not tell you shit just to protect you. He’s really doing you a disservice. Now your mama didn’t baby you, and I refuse to either anymore. Short of kidnapping you and sending you away, I can’t stop y’all from being together. I’m just doing my best to make sure your flowers don’t wilt away for good and all you have left are thorns.

I want you to always remember who you are. You’re the woman who drove all the way to Chatham, unknowing of what reception awaited you. You’re the woman who fired a shot off in my bar and stood your ground unapologetically in a roomful of strangers. Billy, you’re a badass with a heart of pure gold. Don’t let anyone ever change that. You see some shit around them bikers you don’t like, remember who you are not who he is to you! We clear on that? Don’t let life make you hard or dependent on anyone else,” Marcus finished softly.

“Hey, Daddy?”

Every fucking time Billy said it, she made Marcus’s chest swell with love until it felt like it’d burst. “Yeah, babygirl?”

“Ransom invited me to Chatham for the holidays, and I wanted to make sure that you would be available to spend it with me as well,” Billy paused to let it sink in, suddenly nervous because she was unsure if he even wanted to spend the time with her. “I know that you have to work, but if you had time—”

“Absolutely, Billy. I’ll make up the spare room, and you can stay with us.”

“I don’t think so, Dad,” Billy laughed at him. “I’m getting a room like I did last summer. I’ll call you with details as soon as I finalize them. Listen, I have another call, so I’ll talk to you next week?”

“Bet, sweetheart. Take care of yourself. Love you, Billy.”


“What’s up?”

“I just want you to know that I heard every word you said and thank you for loving me. I love you too. Tell Lorelai I said hi. Bye.”

Marcus hung up and emerged from the bathroom, surprised to find Lorelai sitting on his bed with a steely look. He shifted uneasily as he’d forgotten all about her. Marcus was relieved that she put her clothes back on. He didn’t want to use Lorelai or be used in return. From this point on, Marcus planned to keep shit professional and his door locked.

Marcus rubbed his nape sheepishly. “Sorry about that. Billy said to tell you hi.”

Lorelai gave a bare minimum smile. “How is she? I heard she and Ransom got back together.”

Marcus’s look was sharp. “Who told you that?”

“Claudia mentioned it on Tuesday when I stopped by Lawson’s Automotive to get coolant for my car,” she explained distantly, trying to conceal her volatile emotions. Bastard had the nerve to look relieved that she was dressed instead of impatiently waiting butt naked for him! “How do you feel about that?”

“It is what it is.” Marcus sat down next to her on the bed, just not too close to give her the wrong idea. He spread his hands, indicating it was out of his control. “She’s my baby but deemed an adult by law.”

“Time will tell.” Lorelai pushed her curls out of her face to see him better.

 “She’s coming out here for Christmas, and I offered her a place to stay,” he calmly informed her.

“Rage…is that really for the best? I thought we talked about this. Don’t jeopardize your career or mine with your personal shit,” she huffed. “I’m not sticking my neck out for you!”

Typical Lorelai, Marcus fumed to himself. “You don’t have to. I talked to Shore this morning and gave my notice. I’m done after the holidays.”

“You gave him your notice?!” Incensed, Lorelai leaped up from the bed. “Why the hell would you do something like that?!”

“What the fuck are we even doing here, Lorelai?” Marcus shrugged his shoulders with a frustrated expression. “Barrera was here and nothing happened! We’re just manning a watch for the ‘just in case’! I didn’t sign up to waste my life away here. I requested a department change a long time ago and the approval was apparently contingent upon catching Barrera. It’s time for me to move on. I’m tired of this shit.”

This couldn’t be happening. They were good together. She always had his back, and he wouldn’t find anyone better than her. Lorelai could feel the onslaught of tears, and they infuriated her. This wasn’t her! She wasn’t the woman who men abandoned. She was the woman men needed. Lorelai stormed away, to stare out the window on the other end of the room. “And if I asked you to stay? Not for work but to see if you and I could try… as a couple? Would you want to?”

She glanced over her shoulder to gauge his reaction. His handsome face softened, and Lorelai knew it was only to deliver the stinging blow of his rejection.

“No, I’m sorry, Lorelai. You’ve been a damned good partner, but when I go, I’m leaving everything attached to this place behind me.. What we had stays here. I wish you great success with everything. We both know you’ll go far.”

His refusal was a slap in her face.

“This is because of Billy, isn’t it?” she hissed venomously, feeling foolish all over again . “You’re just trying to get back at me! Fine! Let her stay! I won’t stand in the way. I’ll be better, and we can work on everything between us.”

“This is mainly about me, but I’m not going to let you or anyone else treat my kid like shit either, Lorelai.” Marcus stood up slowly. This wasn’t going as planned. He thought she’d at least be happy for him, but it was all about her per usual. “You were way outta line using Shore like that! There’s no point in explaining the how’s and why’s because you were and always have been ‘team fuck whoever, ra-ra me’!” Marcus retorted. “By the way, Billy declined my invitation. She’ll be getting her own place. I didn’t have a chance to finish before you jumped down my throat.”

Swallowing hard, Lorelai laughed, but it wasn’t because shit was funny. It was because Marcus really thought she was that fucking clueless. The cold, brittle sound echoed and dropped the bedroom temperature to freezing. Lips curled in disgust, she rushed him, throwing the evidence of his hoe tendencies at his face and lashing out, “You’ll leave everything when you go? What about the bitch you had in your bed when I wasn’t around? Will you leave her too?! Fuck you, Rage! You can go to hell!”

Humiliated and choking on her bitterness, Lorelai stormed from the room, retreating back to her bedroom and savagely slamming the door. She paced the floor intently, fuming at her own stupidity. Rage wouldn’t get away with his mistreatment! He’d underestimated her. That seemed to be happening to her frequently. First Claudia, now Rage – Lorelai’s feet cemented mid-stride as everything clicked.

No. He wouldn’t have.

He didn’t deny having someone in his bed.

She recalled Claudia’s behavior in the shop before Thanksgiving. Her instincts had been right about that bitch. Lorelai threw on a black hooded sweatshirt and the matching bottoms, socks, and shoved her feet into a pair of black Air Force Ones. Twisting her hair into a bun, Lorelai grabbed her leather bomber jacket from the closet and left the sanctuary of her room.

There was only one way to find out.

Rage was in the kitchen and fully dressed. His serious face indicated that he wanted to finish their conversation.

“Where are you going, Lorelai?”

“Shut the fuck up!” Lorelai snapped. “I’m going to eat at the diner. Do the fucking decorations yourself or leave them for me to do later. I want nothing to do with you.” She grabbed her keys from the console by the door and stalked to the door.

Lorelai hurried down the stairs and out the side door of Inferno. The sharp wind slapped at her, and she pulled her hood up over her head, shoving her hands into her jacket pockets. She was so fucking done with men. Lorelai rounded the building corner, rolling her eyes at the whores dancing on the veranda across the street at the brothel. It was thirty-five fucking degrees, and these dumb bitches were dancing around glowing candy cane poles trying to entice customers. Even from a distance, she could see chattering teeth and quivering puffs of breath. They wore red and green striped corseted bodysuits, stockings with garters and Santa hats while their fat, one-handed, Irish pimp leered his approval and Lorelai snapped.

Fucking pig.

Santa baby, slip a sable under the tree, for me
I've been an awful good girl
Santa baby, and hurry down the chimney tonight

Lorelai was unsure of what angered her the most - Rage’s indiscretion, these dumb hoes who decided hypothermia would be worth dying for to make a buck, or the fact that ‘Irish Pig’ was playing the garbage-y Madonna version of “Santa Baby” instead of Eartha Kitt’s. It didn’t really matter; she was pissed.

Danny Flannigan grinned salaciously at Lorelai as she crossed the dirt road and marched up the steps. “What canna do fer ya lass?”

Think of all the fun I've missed
Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed
Next year I could be oh so good
If you'd check off my Christmas list
Boo doo bee doo

Instead of answering, Lorelai caught him off guard by kicking him in the kneecap. He teetered, trying to catch his balance, and she swept his leg out from under him. He hollered like a stuck pig, making Lorelai cackle. She grabbed his handless arm and twisted it behind his stack, planting her foot in his meaty flesh.

“I’m not your lass, but you’re my bitch, understood, Irish? The women are going inside now. Everyone in this shitty ass town knows you run a brothel and what can be found in a brothel.” Lorelai twisted and yanked harder on his arm, and he expelled a loud grunt of pain and discomfort. “If these bitches freeze to death, who are they going to fuck, dumbass? Did you ever think about it like that? Treat your investments well, or I’ll come back and gut you like the fucking fat pig you are.”

She released him, but Flannigan stayed down. Lorelai surmised that from his missing hand, this wasn’t his first rodeo in getting his ass kicked. Perfect. Her work here was done. Ignoring the girls, Lorelai took her time leaving the establishment, just in case Irish changed his mind and grew a pair to confront her. She looked up to find Rage staring at her from the front window of Inferno. His eyes flitted past her, and his face hardened. Lorelai knew it was his way of letting Irish know he had her back. Pain bloomed in her chest at the gesture of supposed loyalty. Asshole.

On the warpath, she continued on her way but crossed the street when she arrived at the café and made a beeline for Lawson’s Automotive. Even though it was Sunday, the shop was open half a day. Lorelai threw the door open ready to confront Claudia but stopped at the crowd in the reception room. A cork sailed through the air with a pop and hit her in the forehead.

“Oops! Sorry about that!” Marnie shouted over the commotion as a scowling Lorelai rubbed her forehead.

“Hey, Lorelai!” Claudia greeted her with a blinding smile, laughing with happy tears in her eyes. “You’re just in time for our celebration! Here take this glass!”

Automatically, she took the offered glass of champagne and allowed Claudia to drag her to the center of the group. “My baby is back where he belongs! Harley, Pitch, and Digger finally came home!”

A chorus of cheers and loud whoops filled the air as more employees and club members crowded in. Lorelai’s initial thought was Harley was on drugs. The Lawson twins were good-looking men, but Harley’s unkempt appearance did not reflect that today. His bloodshot eyes were sunken with a complete set of luggage underneath them. His skin was sallow and his arm was in a cast. What on Earth had he been up to? The other two men appeared in good health. Lorelai didn’t miss that Slade and Ransom were noticeably absent.

“Did you need something, chica?” Claudia asked, glowing with maternal pride. She raised her glass to Lorelai. “Cheers!”

Lorelai was fixated on Claudia’s crimson nails, an exact match and shape to the one found in Rage’s bedroom. Lorelai wanted to smash the glass and use a jagged piece to slice Claudia’s fake ass into tiny bits and pieces. Bitch had the nerve to be smiling all up in her face and fucking her supposed man in her house when she wasn’t around? Oh, fuck you, hoe. With a phony smile in place, Lorelai clinked her glass with Claudia’s.

“Cheers to you and your family! I hope you get everything you deserve!”









One hand on the gas, the other on the clutch, Ransom’s Harley cruised down the road toward home. The bandanna wrapped around his lower face to ward off the cool temperature flapped against his skin. Normally, just knowing he was home made him anxious to get there so he could kick back and let Claudia fuss over him. This time, however, home meant it would be another three weeks before he could see Billy’s pretty face. A sense of melancholy swept over him, and Ransom snorted at himself She’d corrupted him in the best ways possible. His woman wrung emotions out of him that left him feeling off-balanced but equally excited for the fall. Damned, if she didn’t keep him on his toes.

Ransom approached the compound, giving Tank a salute, which he enthusiastically returned and opened the gates. He rode in, noticing there was plenty of activity than usual at the clubhouse and an inexplicable air of excitement. Ransom parked his Harley in its usual spot and proceeded to investigate, nodding greetings and speaking with everyone he encountered along the way. Music was blasting, the air was thick with smoke, and booze flowed freely as half-naked club whores paraded around. Clearly, a celebration of sorts was in full swing.

“Mi hijo!” Claudia rushed him and Ransom hugged her extra hard, lifting her and spinning her around for good measure. His mother was fucking radiant, and he wondered why she was in such high spirits. Claudia laughed at his antics and shouted in his ear, “I’m so happy you’re home! Now, everything is right in my world! You’re here and guess what?! Harley came home today too!”

He’d been waiting for this day yet was unsure of how he felt about the news. His mother was clearly over the moon about it, but Ransom was going to reserve his feelings for their meeting. He released Claudia. “Where is he?”

“Vamanos, Ransom!” She grabbed his hand and led him through the crowd. He noticed that Slade was nowhere to be found. “Come and see for yourself? Are you hungry? How was your trip? Did you have fun with Billy?”

Ransom didn’t want to destroy Claudia’s happiness, so he let his mother ramble on, but his attention was drawn across the clubhouse to where Pitch stood, nursing a beer, a prospect on either side of him against the wall. The little weasel was sporting a spectacular, fresh black eye and busted lip that made Ransom smile. He was studying everything and everyone around him, making no attempt to mingle with other members, who appeared to ignore him. Ransom wasn’t surprised. Pitch always did think he was too good for them. His stare landed on Ransom’s but quickly moved on from his blistering glare.

Ransom followed his mother to the kitchen where Harley was seated at the table, being hovered over by Lucy, Gracie, Jenna, and Ransom’s ex, Tawny. The drastic change in his identical twin brother’s appearance made a protective anger rush to the surface, followed by waves of guilt that he wasn’t there to prevent his brother’s injuries.

Harshly, he demanded, “You look like a fucking junkie! What happened to you?”

Harley grinned sarcastically. “Hello to you too, brother. Good to see you’re still as concerned as always.”

“Don’t get smart with me, or I’ll fuck your other arm up, bitch,” Ransom promised, eyes full of deadly intent, his anger steadily climbing. “Answer the damn question.”

Harley’s red-rimmed eyes darted around the kitchen, avoiding Ransom’s. He raked a hand through his lank hair and swiped his hand over his runny nose. “Quit swingin’ on my nuts so hard. I’ve just been travelin’.”

“Ransom!” Claudia chided him reproachfully. “Don’t be like that! Let him rest and then he’ll be able to tell us everything. Why don’t you sit down too? Let me make you a plate?”

“Stop babying him, Ma!” Ransom snapped at her. “Harley left without saying shit to us. You’ve been a mess and torn up about it, but this motherfucker never called once to show he gave a damn! He owes us an explanation. Nah, fuck that! He owes us some goddamn apologies!”

Ransom grabbed Harley by the back of his neck and shook him before slamming his face to the table. “I’m your fucking brother, and you accused me of sabotaging you to become Prez! Maybe you said that shit because it was something you would have done, huh? Now, answer my fucking question!”

“Get the fuck off me!” Harley gritted but made no moves to fight back.

“Let him go, Ransom! Let’s get him fed and rested. We can talk later! No arruines esto para mi, hijo,” Claudia implored of her angry son. “This is a happy time!”

Don’t ruin this for me? Surely she was fucking kidding. Ransom scowled at her crazily. She ruined it by having hope, which he told her full on in Spanish, something he never did. “Lo arruinas por tener tus esperanzas!”

“Basta ya!” Stop it! Claudia banged the plate on the counter as the women ping-ponged their attention between her and the twins. “I need the room, ladies!”

The tension was tangible as the ladies cleared out. Tawny gave Ransom a sympathetic look and pat on his shoulder. Claudia’s nails tapped aggressively on the counter until they were gone. She pinned her sons with a displeased look. “Are you happy with yourselves? Satisfied that you make your mother loca?! I begged and pleaded for Harley to come home, and having you here as well, Ransom, makes my heart full of love and gratitude! Somos familia!” She pointed two fingers at them. “Let’s fucking act like it instead of running away and hiding or throwing tantrums when we don’t get our way!”

Claudia faced a sullen Harley. “I don’t know what kind of drugs you’re on, but you need help. I will not have a drug addict under my roof or anywhere around my family. It’s time to face your demons, but you will not be alone. We’ll face them together, mi hijo.” She leaned down, pressing a kiss to his forehead, before getting in his face, all traces of softness gone. “If you refuse my help, you can’t stay here, but you will get clean. One way or another, Harley.”

She tipped her head in Ransom’s direction. “We both know he didn’t get the title of enforcer because his mama’s so good-looking. Now, pull yourself together and eat! You’re going to need your strength.”

Ransom would have enjoyed Harley’s flinch if he didn’t understand the meaning behind her pep talk. Those words made him aware that Slade hadn’t seen Harley yet. He was sorry that he ruined Claudia’s mood. As a mea culpa, Ransom grabbed a plate from the stack on the counter and filled it with ribs, potato salad, and two grilled ears of corn. Grudgingly, he pulled the chair out next to Harley, sat down, and began to eat. Following his brother’s lead, Harley picked up his fork and resumed eating. Under Claudia’s approving eyes, they ate in silence until their plates were clean.

“Are you back for good?” Ransom wanted to know.

“Depends on if I’m welcomed,” Harley muttered with a furtive glance at the door. He was waiting for Slade, and Ransom could see, the anticipation was fucking with him.

“This is your home! Of course, you’re welcome!” Claudia stubbornly insisted. She’d made the deal, and Slade would honor it.

“Look, bro, the shit won’t be easy, but for once in your life, man the fuck up. Stop hiding like a little bitch, waiting for him to approach you when it was you who decided to set foot on Immortals owned property again. You didn’t just say to hell with your family but to your extended one as well. Grow up! Take whatever punishment is forthcoming, learn from it, and move on.” 

His brother was right, but Harley instinctively looked to Claudia to defend him, but she did not contradict Ransom’s blunt words. Shame made his skin burn at their unrepentant expressions. They were his strength, and all he’d ever done was be their weakness and bring chaos to their lives.

“I’m sorry, Ma. I’m sorry, Ransom. I fucked up big time.” Harley’s eyes teared up, and he tried to hold their eyes but was unsuccessful. “I said and did things I shouldn’t have. Things I can’t take back.”

“The question is would you want to?” Ransom still thought of the girl he’d rescued and would probably always wonder what happened to her or what else could have if he hadn’t stepped in that fateful summer day. He liked to think that the universe was conspiring against him with Angela, showing Ransom how horrific and painful life could be. Then destiny cut in, flipped the coin of fate, and showed him its flawlessly beautiful side in the form of Billy mere hours later.

“I just want to be better,” Harley confessed in a tiny voice.

Ransom and his mother exchanged grim looks that established a silent agreement. Harley needed long-term help. Ransom would start searching for a therapist for him ASAP.               

“Ransom, how is Billy?” Claudia inquired pleasantly, changing the subject.

Ransom stared at her like she’d grown an extra head. “Do you actually care? Or are you just trying to appease me?”

She had the decency to look embarrassed. “Yes, I do. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have asked, Ransom! You can relax; I’m no longer holding a grudge.””

“She’s fine.” Ransom grabbed a towelette packet from the plastic basket in the center of the table, ripped it open, and used it to wipe the barbecue sauce from his fingers. “She’ll be here to spend Christmas with me.”

“Oh yeah? That should make Rage happy,” Claudia spoke casually, playing cool about being able to say his name in any context without drawing suspicion. “Did you also see him out there?”

“I thought the two of you broke up,” Harley ventured into their conversation cautiously. The last thing he wanted to do was put himself on his brother’s radar over his girlfriend.

“We did but were able to work things out. Yeah, Ma, Rage was there, breathing down my neck about her. He doesn’t want his daughter dating a biker, and I can’t say that I blame him. Hell, I wouldn’t want my daughter dating one either.”

His recurring dream. Ransom knew that all he wanted was a healthy baby, but a little girl who was a miniature replica of Billy would have him twisted around her pinky and eating out of the palm of her tiny hand.

“That’s cool. I’m happy for you, man,” Harley spoke stiltedly. If his brother ever found out he’d gone to see Billy or how he fascinated he was with her, he was as good as dead.

“That pendejo doesn’t think that you’re good enough for his daughter?” Claudia fumed. “What is she? Fucking royalty?” Claudia rolled her eyes. “Screw his ass! Billy should be lucky that you decided to make her your girlfriend!”

Her sons chuckled at her outrage on Ransom’s behalf. Claudia was their biggest cheerleader in life, and everyone knew better than to talk shit about her babies.. She made a face at them. “We all know it’s true! So what if she’s beautiful, smart, and nice?! Billy is lucky to have you, and I’m gonna make sure she knows it.”

Instantly, Ransom stopped laughing. “You’re not going to say or do anything to upset her, Ma. We know what we’ve got together. Keep your distance if your intentions aren’t on the up and up.”

Claudia whistled at his order. “Relax, mi hijo. I was just kidding! As long as you’re happy, I’m happy.”

“I don’t kid about her. Ever. I understand where Rage is coming from because he’s her father, but no one’s coming between us.” At his declaration, Ransom leveled a dead-eyed stare at Harley, sending fissures of alarm through his twin and their mother. “Any motherfucker dumb enough to try me will get massacred.”


After a couple more evasive answers from Harley, to his questions, Ransom gave up before he wound up beating the shit out of him in front of Ma. He met up with Shakes outside of the clubhouse later that night. “Brother, how goes it?”

They exchange a tight hug, and Shakes held a packet of smokes out, offering Ransom one. Ransom took one and lit up, allowing the nicotine to work its magic on his nerves. Shakes tipped his cigarette and the ash sprinkled to the ground with a sly grin. “Can’t complain and neither can you, right? Heard you got your ol’ lady back. Salud, brother! Good to have you home.”

“I appreciate that; good to be back. What do you know?”

There wasn’t a need to elaborate the question between the best friends. Shakes sneered as he stared over Ransom’s shoulders back at the clubhouse. “Nothing good. I get the feeling Pitch doesn’t plan on sticking around, but Slade said otherwise. He wasn’t playing his normal ass-kissing role. We’re babysitting his bitch-ass. See Slade’s handiwork on his face? Christmas came early this year for us.”

The friends sniggered at Pitch finally getting knocked from his high horse onto his ass.

“I was thinking the same thing and a little more about the three of them. Where’s Digger?”

“He’s at Club Flex, drowning his sorrows. Slade wouldn’t let him set foot in the compound.”

“And Prez? I expected to see him earlier, but he never showed up.”

Shakes pointed at Ransom’s childhood home. “In there with Pops and the rest of them.”

“Let’s go.”

They headed to the house. “How was it with Billy? Is it different because y’all are both doing your thing?”

“Yeah, but in a good way. I never wanted to stand in her way or expose her to all this shit, and she understands. I’m fuckin’ freaking out because I know there’ll come a time where she might see something, and I wonder how’s she gonna react to it. She says I don’t give her enough credit.”

“Which you don’t,” Shakes was quick to point out.

Ransom’s mood darkened. “I do, but her best friend is in love with her and can’t seem to understand that the feelings aren’t mutual.”

Shakes perked up. “She’s bisexual? Niiiice, man.”

“You’re an idiot. He’s a pampered, rich, white boy who plays for Fresno State.”

“How are you gonna protect what’s yours all the way out here? I don’t think I woulda left her behind with all these horny motherfuckers running around.”

“I trust my woman to do the right thing.” Ransom did trust Billy. They both knew that what they had was fucking worth it and wouldn’t be found with anyone else. What he didn’t trust were said motherfuckers.

“That’s a good thing.” Shakes shifted uneasily. “Listen, man, I need to talk to you about something.”

His laidback friend seemed unusually tense. “Speak your mind, brother.”

“I know you’re happy with Billy and all, but do you have any feelings left for Tawny?” Shakes held his hands up defensively. “I didn’t even know the two of you were hooking up before, and I approached her. From jump street, she said that the two of you had been involved and asked if it would be a problem. Is it?”

“What happened to your fascination with Lorelai?” Ransom taunted him. “You like ‘em older, don’t ya?”

“Lorelai is a beautiful woman, but she’s not tryin’ to fuck with me. And ain’t shit wrong with an older woman. They know what they like. Young girls are all about pleasing. Older women are more of a challenge and want to be pleased.”

“And let’s not forget that you get on Lorelai’s fucking nerves,” Ransom reminded him.

“I think it’s because she’s trying to fight the attraction so hard,” Shakes smiled confidently.

“I don’t believe anyone really thinks that,” Ransom doubtfully replied. “I’m cool with you and Tawny. Just treat her right, fucker. She’s ol’ lady material, not sweetheart shit. Remember the difference.”

Shakes looked visibly relieved by his approval. “I know. Thanks, man.”

“No problem.” Ransom unlocked the front door, and they walked into the house and headed out to the garage. Opening the garage door, they stepped out to find Slade, Blaze, Jester, and Deke standing around a black duffle bag talking. Slade called from where he leaned against the wall, “Well if it isn’t my son home from his honeymoon!”

The men laughed as Ransom went around the garage, letting them rib him until he got to Slade. He was surprised when Slade hugged him then shook his hand. “Good to have you back. Raze had nothing but good shit to say about you. You get everything squared away with what’s ‘er-name? We gonna be seeing her around more?”

Slade looked completely relaxed, nothing calculated on his face to indicate that he might be setting Ransom up for any of his bullshit. “Her name is Billy, and yeah, that’s the plan. She’ll be here for Christmas. I thought I’d see you up at the clubhouse, but you didn’t show.” He gestured to the gathered brothers. “Is church informal now?”

The room fell silent, waiting for Slade’s answer. It was obvious that the men were here to discuss the return of Harley, Pitch, and Digger. “And if it was, kid? Whaddaya make of it?”

Slade’s grin challenged Ransom to be truthful and not hold back. To see how much Harley meant to him and if Ransom would put him first again. “I think we got a serious matter on our hands, and we need to do it the right way.”

“Then let’s put it to the table.”


“Pitch approached me with the money. Fifty thousand dollars to buy Harley’s way back in.”

“What’d you say?” Ransom asked Slade as he peered into the bag at the stacks of money.

“I reminded him who’s boss around here, took the money, and tossed Digger out on his ass.”


Slade took his time raising his eyes from the duffle back now sitting in the middle of his paperwork on his desk to the arrogant motherfucker standing on the other side of it and leaned back in his chair. “Well, look what the cat dragged in! Where’s your little girlfriend at?”

Pitch flushed red at Slade’s derogatory jeer. “Fifty-thousand dollars cash with two conditions attached. One - Leave Harley alone. Two - Give him a clean slate with his cut. Agree and it’s all yours.”

Slade pulled out the stacks of crisp hundred-dollar bills and flipped through them. If they were counterfeits, someone had done a damn good job with them. “This money clean?”

“Since when do you care? It’s green and that’s all that matters,” Pitch snarked, confident that Slade was greedy enough to agree. “Do we have a deal or not?”

Ignoring him, Slade set the stacks back in the bag and leaned back against the desk nonchalantly. “Where ya been, Pitch?”

“Traveling.” The young fool gave no more or less an answer.

It was the equivalent of a ‘fuck you’ to Slade. “Must be a lucrative gig. I accept your offer then. Allow me to be the first to welcome you back.”

“A welcome’s not necessary.” Pitch shook his head with a scornful glare. “I ain’t staying in this shithole town one minute longer.”

Slade held out his hand and pleased that his plan was working, Pitch reached for it. He’d made a deal with Barrera in exchange for the man to spare Harley and Digger’s lives. The money would be shit in the beginning, but Pitch didn’t mind. He’d show Barrera what he brought to the table and then they could renegotiate. Pitch had two weeks to acquire what Barrera desired to prove himself. It could be accomplished in a shorter time now that he didn’t have to worry about his train wreck of a friend. Digger had proven himself to be useful, but Pitch would have to feel him out and see if he could be trusted without Harley in the picture.

Relaxed now that the deal was made, he wasn’t expecting Slade to lift his hand and wrap it around his throat and squeeze. Slade slammed him against the wall, sending pictures flying from the earthquake-like impact and plowed his fist first into Pitch’s eye before connecting with his mouth.

Pain erupted in his face, and Pitch tasted the metallic tang of his blood from his split lip. Slade released him, and he sank down the wall, staring up at Slade with hate-filled eyes, groaning, “We had a deal—”

Two resounding bitch slaps to each side of his face and a kick to his stomach with Slade’s size twelve boot shut him up real quick. “Which I haven’t broken. The deal was to leave HARLEY alone. Nothin’ was ever said about you or Digger. I never liked your spoiled ass. You or your troublemakin’ bitch addict mother, Eloise, comin’ here and fuckin’ my brother’s head up like ya did, may he rest in peace.” Slade kicked him viciously in the ribs for good measure. “The deal still stands. I’ll take the money and your snivelin’ ass is stayin’ put until I get the answers I want. You don’t have to worry about me retaliating against Digger. He’s not a club member nor will he ever be now, thanks to his misguided loyalties. Now, get the fuck out here.”

Grabbing at his stomach, Pitch crawled to the door where a stoically waiting Blaze and Jester helped him to his feet and out of Slade’s sight.

He showed Ransom his slightly swollen hand, flexing it with a malicious smirk. “It felt good to knock that cocky little shit on his ass.”

“I know it did. Did anyone ask Digger where they’d been?”

“He said travelin’ too,” Blaze answered disapprovingly. “I gotta say that he turned out to be a real disappointment. He was so excited to become a member. Why’d he take off like that? Can’t believe we were gonna patch him in.”

“Shiiiit, that’s an easy one,” Deke chimed in. “His story coulda just as easily been mine or Jester’s. Broken home, lookin’ for somewhere to belong, and eager to do his part and fit in.”

“Don’t let it worry you any longer. That mutt ain’t our problem anymore,” was Slade’s surly response, mutiny in his face.

“But he could be our solution.” Ransom’s announcement had everyone’s attention. “He’s their weak link, and we can’t afford to lose him. Something big is going on, and we need to figure it out. Why did Pitch come back? He can’t stand us. I say we keep them separated but under surveillance at all times. Digger will crack under the pressure and isolation because he’s a follower and needs structure. Put Pitch at the shop, and Digger at Flex. Strip them of everything and twenty-four seven supervision.”

“And Harley?” Blaze asked.

“Isn’t of any use to us right now. He’s going to stay here until after the holiday, and then we’ll check him into rehab until he’s one hundred percent clean. He’ll be ready to talk.” It was the right thing to do, Ransom felt. It also felt like a betrayal to his twin, which made him feel like shit, but Harley’s evasiveness left him with no choice.

“I like it,” Slade announced, pleased with that point of view. Guess his son wasn’t be so pussywhipped by his little girlfriend that he’d forgotten his logical thinking. “All those in favor?”

A round of ‘ayes’ echoed in the room. He grabbed the gavel and slammed it down. “Ransom, you and Shakes go pick Digger up in Claudia’s ride.”


Ransom’s pager went off just as they reached Flex. It was Billy and he couldn’t help the grin that spread across his face.

“Awww, shiiit! You gotta check in?” Shakes made a whip-cracking motion.

With a scowl, he gave Shakes the finger. “Fuck you, asshole! Go grab him and I’ll catch up.”

Pulsating beats throbbed loudly and strobe lights flickered strategically as thong clad strippers fucked dance poles to Prince’s “Gett Off”.

How can I put this in a way so as not to offend or unnerve
There's a rumor goin' all round that you ain't been gettin' served
They say that you ain't you know what
In baby who knows how long

The club was crowded for a Monday night, and NFL football was on the plasma screen. Ransom nodded a greeting to Minnie who was rotating around a pole with a string of pearls around her neck and wearing a white lace thong. She motioned that she’d be over, and Ransom shook his head no. It sounded cruel, but he no longer had a use for her.

“What’s up, Ozzie?” He greeted the bartender as he came around the bar and grabbed the cordless. Ransom quickly dialed Billy’s number, eager to hear her voice. Fuck if he didn’t miss the hell outta her already.


Just hearing her voice calmed him down. “Hey, fancypants. How was your day?”

“Hey, babe. It was good. Just got home and I’m about to make something to eat then study for my calculus test. I see you made it home.” There was a pause then she inquired, “What are you doing? It’s so loud! I didn’t know you liked Prince.”

Gett off, twenty three positions in a one night stand
Gett off, I'll only call you after if you say I can
Gett off, let a woman be a woman and a man be a man
Gett off, if you want to baby here I am (here I am)

Ransom laughed at that, going around the corner to the employee kitchen. “I don’t, baby. I’m actually at Club Flex to pick Digger up and take him back to the clubhouse. That’s all I’m doin’ and will be gone in fifteen minutes tops.”

“Un-huh.” Her voice lowered a fraction, making Ransom’s dick twitch in anticipation. “You know I like to dance too, right? Especially fresh out the shower while I’m putting cocoa butter on? Remember how I showed you?”

How was talking to Billy way hotter than any of the stripper action surrounding him? Ransom wondered as his jeans tightened around his sudden erection, just thinking of Billy smoothing the fragrant smelling body butter and undulating her body in time to Keith Murray’s “The Most Beautifullest Thing In This World”. “Woman, go take care of your business, let me finish up here, and then I want you to refresh my memory in vivid detail. An hour and a half sound good?”

Billy giggled at his thick, gritty voice. “I can’t, babe. I’m going shopping for the kiddos with one of my classmates and she’s going to take me to the salon where she gets her hair done, so I can get my hair braided. Raincheck tomorrow night?”

“Hell yes. You’re driving me crazy, fancypants,” Ransom growled. “I’m looking forward to seeing your new hairstyle. Be careful and I love you.”

“I love you too. Oh, and, Ransom?”

“Yeah, baby?”

“I should probably warn you that Christmas is my thing.”

“Uh-huh. ‘Cause that means…?”

“It means I feel Christmas deeply. You’ve been warned, babe.”

“Looking forward to it.” Ransom spied Shakes talking to Minnie, gesturing then heading his way with a look of frustration but no Digger. “I gotta go, babe. Love you.”

“Love you too.” He hung up as Shakes reached him.

“The motherfucker’s gone! He was here for most of the day, drinking and monopolizing Minnie’s time, but no one’s seen him in a couple of hours.”

Ransom said impatiently. “Let’s view the security tapes,”

“Jimmy just reviewed them with me! He left out the front of his own free will two hours ago.”

They searched through the little town, but no one had seen Digger. It was like he’d vanished into thin air.


















Dominique rolled the second shopping cart of Christmas decorations up behind Billy’s basket as she checked out. “Are you sure that we’re done shopping for Christmas? Because I think there’s a strand of tinsel floating on the ceiling? If you like, I can get a ladder to grab it? Or jack the people who just left with the decorations they purchased?”

“It’s Christmas for the kids, Scrooge,” Billy patiently explained to her friend. “It has to be festive for them!”

They were at the local economy store, and she wouldn’t admit it out loud, but Billy knew she’d gone buck wild on stockings, Santa hats, gingerbread kits, garland and lights, candy, mini pre-lit Christmas trees, and ornaments for each room on the ward. She’d spoken with the charge nurse and doctors and received permission to do her thing. When she mentioned it to Dominique, her friend asked if she could come along and help.

“Can I move in before Valentine’s Day? I met a couple of hotties, and I’d like to try out their Valentine potential in peace without just a sheet as a partition if you know what I mean?”

“I’m afraid I know exactly what you mean, and the answer is a strong HELL NO. You’re not about to turn my place into ‘Skank Central’, Dom.”

“Party pooper. Hey, did I tell you that I met Nick Olente today? Why didn’t you tell me he was so foiiine, girl? I asked him what his ethnicity was, and he said Greek and Mexican. Soooo Rico Suave. Both Callie and Simon probably went home to masturbate over him like I plan on doing when I go home tonight.”

Billy ignored the male cashier’s embarrassed red face and focused on the climbing total as each item was scanned. “I guess because I don’t look at him like that. Did he mention his upcoming project?”

“He did and I gotta say it sounds interesting. If Professor is vouching for him, I’m in. In his boxers too if he’ll let me get at him,” Dominique joked with a saucy wink for the elderly cashier.

“Hush up, fast-ass!” Billy scolded her as she reached into her wallet to pay. She was shocked to see more money than she normally carried in there. Six hundred dollars. Ransom. Quickly, she pulled some out some and shut it again.

“Baby, do you need anything before I go?” Ransom pulled her down on top of him when she tried to kiss him goodbye on her way out the door for class.

Just you, she thought, but instead said, “Yeah, for you to be careful riding home. Call me when you get there.”

“I’m always careful, woman,” he growled, kissing her sexily. “I was talking about money. Can I help you?”

“I love you for even thinking to ask, but I’m good, Ransom.”

He didn’t say anything, just studied her as if committing her face to memory. Billy smoothed her hair in place self-consciously. “What are you staring at, biker boy?”

Ransom tugged his bottom lip between his teeth with a smirk. “Why can’t I just be looking at my fine-ass woman?”

“Because I’m wearing a faded shirt, sweats, and have no makeup on.” Billy rolled her eyes. “Not so put together, I know, but someone kept me up all night and in the early hours too. I’m way too exhausted to even attempt it.”

“You’re perfect either fucking way, wildthing. I’m gonna leave you something anyway for emergencies or whatever you want to do with it.”

“No!” Billy protested vehemently.“Keep your money, Ransom—”

He pulled her back down, pressing her hand against his morning wood. “If you insist on arguing, I’ve got a better use for your mouth.”

The entrance doors to the store slid open, and two bikers entered. Instantly, the cashier became anxious as they approached. Billy recognized the Immortals cuts immediately. They were from the chapter Ransom helped out. The bigger, older one had a bald tattooed head, but the younger one was all long, shaggy blonde hair, goatee, and slightly taller than Billy.

With disgust, he snarled, “This fucking dump is empty! Let’s check out the Target across the street.” Then he glared at Billy’s baskets. “That’s because this broad is bein’ greedy. You don’t really need all this, do ya darlin’? Be a good girl and help us out.”

It was said suggestively, but his demeanor was slightly more menacing. “Sorry, but this stuff is already promised to a local children’s hospital ward.”

Dominique edged closer to Billy. “There’s another store two miles down. This shit is taken.”

Suddenly, the air didn’t feel so festive and cheery when the biker aggressively grabbed Billy’s basket. “Why would I go somewhere else when she’s got everything I need right here? Quit bein’ selfish and share the wealth, girly.”

“If you like, I’ll call for you and have them reserve some of the same things,” the cashier offered, eager to have them leave.

“All I’d like is for you to shut the fuck up and this little bitch here to share.” His hold on Billy’s basket tightened. “What’s it gonna be? Last time I’ll ask nicely.”

“Kiss my ass, Barbie doll!” Billy retorted, angrily snatching her basket back and taking him by surprise. “I said this stuff is taken!”

“Leave off, Quint,” the older biker directed with a dawning look of recognition. He smiled at Billy, revealing capped silver teeth. “Let’s head across the street. We gotta hurry and get back.” To Billy, he winked. “Excuse his behavior, ladies. Merry Christmas.”

Even after they left, Billy’s heart was furiously pumping. Fucking asshole! All she had on her was her knife, and she would have used the hell out of it on that ragamuffin piece of shit. Billy didn’t dare carry her gun in case she got stopped by the police for any reason. Outside she fumed in silence while Monique ranted loudly as they put the bags in the car, “I can’t stand fucking grease back bikers! They think they run shit and try to intimidate everyone. Back home in Minnesota, they’re really bad. Racist scum ass motherfuckers!”

Billy had to speak on it. “That guy was a dickhead, but they’re not all bad. I know because my—”

Dominique’s loud sucking of her teeth interrupted her. “How can you even say that after the way he tried to sweat you?!”

“Because he’s one guy!” Billy snapped defensively. “He doesn’t represent all of them. What about the guy with him? He was nice.”

“I don’t know that dude!” Dominque huffed as she shut the trunk of her car.

“And he doesn’t know us, but he stepped in, didn’t he?”

“I guess he did save that guy from the pig sandwich ass-whuppin’ we were about to put on him,” Dominique grudgingly relented.

Billy’s forehead creased. “Pig sandwich?”

“Yeah, girl. It’s my favorite type of sandwich that I like to binge on. It’s got ham, bacon, salami, and hot links!” Dominque rubbed her stomach. “Mmmmm, you should try it! Whenever I do something I’m hella proud of, I like to reward myself with it. I’m almost sad that cue-ball head interrupted him,” she finished regretfully.

“I wish I knew all of this before I agreed to get in a car alone with you,” Billy solemnly replied, opening the passenger door.

“And that’s why I don’t show all of my crazy at once!” Dominque cheerfully replied. “Now, let’s be out!”

“Listen, that guy was an ass, but I was trying to tell you that I know for a fact that all bikers aren’t bad. The reason I know this is because my boyfriend is one.”

Dominque appeared stunned by Billy’s admission. “You’re dating a white biker? Is it serious?”

“It’s very serious. We’re both in love and completely devoted to our relationship.”

“You’re dating a greasy—”

“UH-UH.” Billy cut her off with a hard glare. “Enough with the stereotypes! We’re friends but don’t talk about my man unless you want to see another side of me. I don’t play that shit.”

“Sorry.” Dominique was contrite enough for Billy to soften up. “What’s it like being a biker’s woman? How does it work? You’re obviously you and he’s got a different lifestyle away from you, right?”

“He’s very family-oriented, and a great guy.” Billy wasn’t about to sit up here and tell all her business. “I just wanted you to know that. Some bikers are different.”

“You don’t think he’s seeing other women when you’re not together?” Dominque was clearly skeptical. “That some bitch isn’t offering him some pussy?”

“Of course, I think that, Dominque. I just know that my man would never accept the offers being thrown his way,” Billy replied with resounding confidence.

“Damn, girl!” Dominique fanned herself with exaggerated motions, making Billy crack up at her silliness. “Faithfulness is sexy as all get out! Does he have a brother?”

Billy’s smile flat-lined. “Unfortunately, he does.”


The nurses and parents were excited to help decorate the ward and rooms with Billy while the kids put together gingerbread houses as Christmas music played in the background.

“This is so nice of the two of you! It really helps to cheer the parents up as well,” one of the nurses admitted to Billy as she helped her decorate the miniature trees. Dominique was reading stories aloud as the kids worked on the treats. She was a great storyteller, using theatrical voices and gestures, and making them laugh. “The time that you’ve spent here has done wonders for the kids. How long ago did you lose your mother?”

“She died in June. I was dreading the holidays because it was our thing.” Billy stared at the clear blinking lights wistfully. “It’s actually turning out to be pretty sweet. Just getting to hang out with the kids is icing on the cake for me. Would it be cool if I could arrange for a Santa to stop by for my Christmas story time?”

The nurse hugged her. “Honey, you can do whatever you like. You’ve brought the kids so much joy; I suspect we’re going to rename the wing after you.”


Later that night, Billy was prepping for bed when the phone rang.



“Hello?” More silence. Billy was about to hang up when she heard a hitch of breathing, then nothing again. “I’m hanging up now, loser.”

“Don’t hang up, Billy! It-it’s Angela.”

Billy was stunned into silence. Even though Angela said she’d keep in touch, Billy had written her off.


She found her voice. “Yeah, I’m here. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine now. The way I left has been eating away at me. I just wanted to apologize for leaving you high and dry.”

“That was a shitty thing to do, Angela. I’ve been worried about you! Where are you now?”

“That’s not important. I just wanted you to know that I am okay,” Angela replied nervously. “How have you been?”

“I’m doing good. School’s going well, but I haven’t heard from Kent. Hopefully, that changes.”

She explained what happened with him and Angela defended her. “Well that’s on him then. You made yourself very clear.”

They chatted for a little longer and feeling nostalgic for the brief but good times they’d shared, Billy asked, “Angela, am I ever going to see you again?”

“I really hope so…”


A couple of days later, Billy was sitting in the quad, staring at the makeshift memorial in honor of Carmelita Williams while waiting for Dominique. The memorial was expanding daily as the students did their best to preserve her memory. Since her death, Billy had made it a point to learn everything about the fellow student she’d never known. Carmelita was a violinist who dreamed of playing with the East Bay San Francisco California Symphony. The youngest girl in her family, she was the first child to go to college. Carmelita loved to workout, dance, and spend her weekends volunteering at the local nursing home and animal shelter.

Carmelita’s mother’s impassioned plea was imprinted in Billy’s brain, and she mourned the loss of the girl she never knew.

“My Carmelita was a good girl! She would help anyone who needed a hand! She did not deserve this! No one does! Please don’t let her death be in vain! Please help us to find her killer and bring that devil to justice!”

The poor woman was so overwrought with grief she had to be carried from the stage by her weeping, oldest son.. Billy could have been Carmelita, so could Dominique. Any of the women on campus or town could have. This hit so close to home.

A shadow fell over her. Shielding her eyes from the sun, Billy found Nick Olente standing over her. “Professor.”

“I can’t stress enough that I’d like for the students to call me Nick. Professor makes me feel old. As I’m only four or five years older than you, I’m not quite ready for cardigans and pipes yet. Mind if I join you?”

Billy gathered her things. “Feel free to sit wherever. I was just leaving.”

“I don’t want you to leave on my account.” Nick sat down and spread out his sandwich and chips. “Especially since Dominique, Callie, and Simon are joining me. It could be an informal meeting of sorts. They tried to find you earlier and tell you.”

“Next time, lead with that then.” Putting a respectable distance between them, Billy sat down again.

Nick secretly enjoyed her annoyance. He was fascinated by her. She wasn’t his normal type, a lot darker and taller than what he preferred in a woman, but she was too striking for him to ignore. What attracted Nick to Billy was that she seemed oblivious to the power she controlled with her looks and body. Growing up in his family, everyone was materialistic and opportunistic in a recycled game of selfishness and one-upmanship. No one could be trusted and they were all drunk on power, decadence, and opulence. Nick had quickly learned to depend on himself if he wanted to survive. That was cool with him. He liked the odds stacked in his favor. It always made the victory that much sweeter.

“Your boyfriend didn’t seem too happy with me last weekend. Hope I didn’t cause any trouble.” Nick held out the other half of his pita to her. “Want some? It’s filled with Greek salad and grilled chicken with tzatziki sauce.”

“No, thanks and don’t worry. You didn’t disturb us,” Billy answered dismissively as she watched a couple come along and place fresh pots of poinsettias at the memorial while removing the dead ones. Carmelita would not be forgotten anytime soon. “What time is everyone expected?”

Nick nodded as he chewed thoughtfully. “That’s good. I’m glad I didn’t. They should be here soon. For a second, it looked intense between the two of you out there on the sidewalk.”

Billy finally looked at him. “Because that’s how shit goes down when two people are madly in love, Nick. Is it still cool to call you, Nick?” At his nod, Billy grabbed her stuff. “Cool! We don’t know each other, so I’ll give you a one-time pass for overstepping your boundaries. What we-me and my man do is of no concern to you and never will be unless you’re tryin’ to overstep again and get yourself fucked up. Mind your own business and focus on your own shit, Nick.”

“I didn’t mean anything by it, Billy.” He spoke soothingly, holding his hands up as if to appease her with an easy smile. “I was just trying to be friendly—”

“Yeah, we both know you did. For the record, I don’t need friends like you. I got one good one that’ll smack the hell out of you for tryin’ me, and that’s my man. If I get disrespected, then we get disrespectful.” Billy slung her backpack over one shoulder. “Now, if it doesn’t pertain to the school curriculum, don’t approach me again because even if you are only a couple of years older than me, you’re a professor and I’m a student. Some lines just aren’t meant to be crossed. Understood?”

Damn, she was even more beautiful when angry, was Nick’s only thought. He was going to love proving her wrong.

“Hey, y’all!” Dominique called out as she approached with Carrie and Simon. “What’d we miss?”


The next two weeks passed in a blur. Billy scurried about, turning assignments in and spending time with Porsha and Neville before their trip. There were no more incidents with Nick Olente and his proposal was intriguing. Billy would wait until she and Ransom were face-to-face to discuss it. She didn’t want him pissed off and brooding while they were apart. She was looking forward to a relaxing, drama-free holiday. The morning of Christmas Storytime at the hospital, Billy rushed, trying to pack and talk to Ransom on the phone. She planned to surprise him three days earlier than intended.

“I want to see the pictures you’re taking! My grandmother called today about the ones you sent them from your visit. You trying to score brownie points? She couldn’t stop raving about them.”

“Billy, theses pictures are simply marvelous!” Porsha gushed. “Ransom is very talented. Your grandfather can’t stop staring at the ones of the vineyards. The one of you is absolute favorite! I can tell a man in love with his subject shot that picture.”

“I’ll have to take your word for it as I’ve never seen his work,” Billy admitted sheepishly.

“Well you are in for a real experience. Your grandfather is going to ask him to shoot more photos of the vineyards.”

“I’ll do anything to stay in their good favor. Damn, babe, I can’t wait to see your pretty face,” Ransom crooned. “Feels like forever and a day since the last time.”

“And I can’t wait to see yours either,” Billy kidded.

“Oh, you got jokes, fancypants?” Ransom’s voice turned darkly seductive, making Billy’s core pulsate and her stomach flutter uncontrollably. “Don’t forget I know how ticklish you are.”

“Stop playing dirty, biker boy.”

“Nope, it gets me off, wildthing.” He lowered his voice. “Actually getting you off is what gets me off. The face you make when you cum all over my dick or tongue is fucking otherworldly. I miss you, Billy.”

“I miss you too. How are things going with Harley being home? You haven’t said much.”

“It’s shitty. Slade is giving him the silent treatment, and Ma is stressing about the holidays.” The tension he was feeling could be heard in his voice, and Billy felt terrible for him. “He’ll be in rehab after Christmas.”

“Hey, babe? I was thinking that I’d like to stay at the compound? I figured since we spent Thanksgiving with my peeps, let’s spend it with your family instead of at the hotel!”

“Are you high?!” Ransom demanded. “That shit ain’t happenin’.”

“Baaabe…it’ll be fun.”

“Not working this time, fancypants.” Ransom refused to give in on this.

“If you say so.”

“Damned straight I do.” He changed the subject. “How’s Professor Dick?”

“Professor Nick?”

“That’s what I said.”

“Ummm, it’s really not.”

“Tomato, to-mah-to and all that other jazz, Billy. Answer my question. Is he still trying to put the moves on you?”

“He’s being completely professional.”

“I don’t believe in that.”

“Professionalism? What do you mean you don’t believe in it? It’s not the Easter Bunny or Bigfoot, Ransom.”

Ransom gave a loud bark of laughter. “I meant that I don’t believe he’s behaving himself. Do I need to come out there?”

“Uh-no, I have everything under control. If you bring yourself out here, it better be because you’re missing me too much and can’t stand another day of being separated.”

“Like I’m not missing you too? I’m getting a cell phone. You got me hanging around the phone like a lovesick fool. You want me to get you one too?”

“No thanks. I heard a rumor that your brain could be radiated from using one.”

“Fancypants, cell phones are the future.”

“I’ll stick to my pager, thank you very much.”

There was a knock at the door.

“What’s that, babe?”

“Somebody’s at the door. Most likely, Dominique. I can’t wait for you to meet her; she’s a trip. Hang on a sec.”

“Make sure you check the peephole first,” he ordered. Ransom was anxious about her being alone. It was times like this that he really despised being so far away from her.

Billy emitted a long-suffering sigh and rolled her eyes as she headed down the hallway. “Yes, Daddy.”

Ransom whistled with relish. “Shit, that was hot! Next time warn me when we’re taking our relationship to another level. I wasn’t sure how much kink you were comfortable with, but I’m digging the way you said that.”

“Silly! I thought you knew we already have an S&M relationship,” Billy teased.

“Say what?” She could hear his interest piquing. “Run that by me again real slow, doll. I’m taking notes.”

“Don’t act like you don’t know that you’ve got me twisted and tangled up in knots, I’m not trying to break free from, babe.” Billy checked the peephole then drew back in surprise. “Oh!”

“What’s up? Everything okay?” Ransom’s hold on the phone tightened. He really fucking hated being apart from her.

“Yeah, everything’s good. It’s just that Kent’s here,” Billy explained as she unlocked the door. “I’m going to talk to him, okay? Can I call you later tonight?”

No! Stay on the goddamn phone with me and tell that pencil-dick pretty boy to take a fucking walk before I jam both of my feet up his ass, Ransom seethed to himself. “Yeah, that’s fine. You good with this? Because if not, I can have someone at your door in about thirty minutes.”

“Mmmm, remind me to tell you that I’ve already encountered some of your brethren.”

“You what?! When?!”

Billy giggled. “It’s all good and I’m fine. I love you, Ransom.”

“I love you too, babe.”

Billy disconnected the call and opened the door with an unsmiling face. “Hey, stranger.”

“Guess I deserve that,” Kent acknowledged self-consciously, he lifted a gift bag. “I come bearing gifts. May I come in?”

He looked tanned but frazzled with drawn lines at the corners of his mouth, and he was unshaven, which was unheard of. Billy felt a twinge of sympathy for him.

“No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. What can I do for you, Kent?” She asked, keeping it more formal than usual with him. Things were officially different, and she didn’t want to give him an opportunity to take advantage of her kindness again.

Billy looked great, not just in her oversized black turtleneck sweater and distressed jeans and black high-top Converses, but she radiated with happiness and serenity, Kent noted dully. “I wanted to apologize for the way I treated you. It was wrong of me and I hope you’ll accept my apology. I miss having you in my life, Billy. If you’ll have me back, I promise not to jeopardize our friendship and cross any lines you draw.”

“Does that also mean not bringing up that night?” Kent’s blue eyes darkened with an emotion that Billy didn’t want to examine. “I need to make sure that you understand that night is not something I’m interested in reliving or discussing. If that sounds selfish, I’m sorry but it’s really for the best.”

Kent’s flinched at her harsh honesty. Yeah, he got it. His feelings were his problem alone. “Understood. Is it cool if I come in and hang out for awhile?”

“I’m actually headed to the hospital before leaving town later tonight. I’m going back to Chatham for Christmas and New Year’s Eve,” she explained stiltedly. “I’m spending it with my father and Ransom.”

The pain and bitterness swirling in Kent’s blue eyes was heart-wrenching for Billy to witness, and she hated herself for being the catalyst of those emotions. This shit was hard, but they had to get past it “So, you’re back together?” This was too much for him. Here he was, trying to act natural and play it cool, hoping their time apart made her heart grow fonder. He was waiting around for Billy to call, while she was falling deeper in love with the biker. This shit was driving him crazy! But she was his best friend and missing her made him crazier. He’d take the lesser of the two evils.

Chin lifted defiantly, Billy tightened her hold on the doorknob as she confirmed his worst nightmare. “A lot has happened in the last couple of weeks, but yes, we are together again since right before Thanksgiving.”

Releasing a hard exhale, Kent just nodded his acceptance. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Billy. Despite my personal feelings, I don’t want to see you get hurt again. Mind if I tag along tonight?”

“No I don’t, but there is a stipulation,” Billy replied with a thoughtful look.

“What’s that?” he asked, leery of her answer.

“You have to promise to sing along to all the Christmas carols. No lip-synching! This is all for the kids.”

“I promise,” Kent swore with a pained expression but grinned when Billy squealed happily and started jumping up and down.

“Hold up a sec!” Billy disappeared from the doorway. When she came back she was holding a festively wrapped gift box. “This is for you, bighead.”

“Is it that Ralph Lauren sweater I was eyeing a couple of months ago?” Kent rubbed his hands together gleefully.

“You mean the one in the catalog that you shoved under my nose every chance you got? That depends on if that bag contains my favorite perfume and assorted truffle chocolates?” Billy held it out to him and he handed her the gift bag. She already knew it did, as it was his customary gift to her.

“Guess we’ll just have to see. Ready… set…go!”

They tore into the packages, laughing when their guesses proved correct. Afterwards, they went to the hospital and found the nurses stressing because the Santa was a no-show, so Kent gallantly stepped in to play the role.

He was a good Santa, laughing and joking with the kids as he read them Christmas, Hanukah, and Kwanza books.. Before leaving, he also passed out small gifts then ate the gingerbread houses they’d made and drank hot cocoa..

Afterward, Kent and Billy went down to the cafeteria for cheeseburgers and milkshakes and caught up on each other’s lives. Billy tried not to mention Ransom’s name, but Kent didn’t flinch if it slipped out. “I’d like for you to meet him when you’re ready. Both of you are very important to me, and it would be odd to have to tiptoe around each other or keep sections of my life so completely divided. Would you consider doing it?”

Kent shot her a meaningful look. “In time, Billy. Right now, we just have too much in common.”

Her. Yikes, she was a certified bonehead.

With chagrin, she tried to apologize, but Kent brushed her off with a kiss on the crown of her head. “No, you’re fine. It’s all good. Just give me time. Merry Christmas, Billy.”

When they parted ways at her front door, it felt almost like old times. Not quite, but Billy and Kent knew in time they’d get there.
































Ransom waited until she hung up to slam the phone in its cradle, banging his fist against the wall as the feelings of restlessness  intensified. “Fuuuck!”

What the hell did Kent want? If that bitch even tried anything with Billy, he was gonna get his ass handed to him, first by Boogy and then Ransom when he made the special trip just to gift him with a Christmas beat down.

He didn’t like this. Ransom thought shit would be fine since he and Billy were finally together, but the distance only proved how much they belonged together in the same physical space. Ransom had always loved Chatham. Even when he went away to college in Albuquerque, he’d come home to Chatham every chance he got, not even bothering to partake in any of the extracurricular activities his university offered. Now he felt stifled in his tiny hometown and that only greater incensed him.

“Trouble in paradise, lovebird?” Slade drawled sarcastically, making kissing sounds as he walked by the garage entrance on his way back to his office, causing Shakes to quickly avert his head, even while his shoulders shook with silent laughter.

At least he was a loyal motherfucker, Ransom thought sourly. Shakes’ new hobby, mercilessly teasing Ransom about all things concerning Billy, was one his friend didn’t indulge in with Slade, something that Ransom could appreciate.

Mentally, Ransom gave Slade the finger. He was part of a bigger problem that was scaling out of control. Harley’s return had put his father in a foul-ass mood that grew darker with each day that passed as Claudia’s happiness increased. “You got a sec, Prez?”

“For you, I’ll even make it two seconds,” Slade deadpanned as he reluctantly turned around, clearly uninterested in what his enforcer had to say.

Before Ransom could answer, Claudia pulled up with Harley. She hopped out of her Chevy with a wave and big smile. “Surprise! We brought food for everyone!”

She grabbed a grocery bag containing liters of soda, and one of the mechanics came forward and took it from her as Harley emerged with boxes of pizza, balancing them expertly, despite the cast on his arm “Why doesn’t everyone take a break and eat out on the back patio.”

The other mechanics glanced at Ransom who was supervising and he nodded his consent. Harley declined their help with the boxes, and they took off for the picnic tables in the break area, except for Pitch. He and Harley covertly shared a silent exchange of sorts before Pitch left with the other mechanics.

What was that about? Ransom wondered as he approached his twin. Despite the care Claudia constantly lavished on him, Harley looked worse. The shadows under his eyes looked like bruises against his sallow skin, and he had an inexplicable nervous twitch. According to the reports Ransom received, Harley was barely sleeping. His brother was jonesing for a hit. “Here, let me take those boxes for you. How you doin’ today?”

Because of his lockdown, Harley was forced to spend all his time on the compound, which he was willing to do since Barrera couldn’t get to him there. He’d been stripped of all his belongings except his clothes, and his room at the barracks was empty except the bed and under twenty-four-hour surveillance just like Pitch’s. Slade was treating them worse than criminals, and Harley needed something to take the edge off. He hated the way everyone stared at him like he was a ticking bomb waiting to detonate.

He especially despised the way Ransom hovered around him, always calm and controlled while Harley was spiraling out of control and helpless to reign himself in. Good ol’ fucking dependable Ransom to his rescue. The comparison set his teeth on edge, and knowing how short he fell next to his goody-two-shoes brother, made him snap resentfully, “I’m fine, man! Get off my back and let me do this!”

“Guess you got it then.” Ransom walked away without looking back. Fuck this shit. If Harley wanted to be a dick and act like he couldn’t or wouldn’t ask for help, then he wouldn’t interfere.

Slade frowned his disapproval at Harley. “Claudia, what are you doing here? They already ate, and we got a shitload of cars to finish up before they’re off the clock.”

With a disparaging look at Harley, Slade told Ransom, “I don’t give a shit what that delivery boy said. Grab those boxes from him. Everyone knows that it’s employees only past this point.”

Claudia was ready to spit nails. Why did her husband have to make everything so difficult? Harley looked so miserable, but there was anger brewing in his eyes, so she interceded before things got out of hand. “We’re all going to eat together. That’s what families do, Slade.”

She glanced pointedly at the diner across the way then back at him through narrowed eyes, and Slade sneered at her silent message. “Clean slate, remember? He can go around back and hop the fence.”

“He has a broken arm, Slade!”

“How long you gonna keep this up?” Harley goaded, ratcheting up the levels of animosity. “How long are you gonna keep running from me, old man?”

“The fuck you say to me, boy?” Slade was on him in an instant as Claudia slid between them. For all the good it did, they practically crushed her as the pizza boxes and slices went flying everywhere and Ransom jetted back to them. The two men ignored the mess and her, caught up in their emanating showdown. Passersby lurked curiously and more patrons trickled out of the neighboring establishments to observe the spectacle the Lawson family was creating.

“You heard me! All you do is run when you see me!” Harley taunted, pleased that he was finally able to get a reaction out of his father. “I’m here and I ain’t goin’ nowhere! Let’s settle this shit once and for all!”

Slade rabidly bared his teeth at him as Ransom forcibly removed Claudia from the eye of the storm. “There’s nothin’ to settle. You ain’t shit to me but a burden I used to listen to your ma bitch about. I took you back in for her sake and no other reason, so wherever you left for, it’d be in your best interest to go back there. There’s no room here for deceitful motherfuckers.”

“You’re a fucking evil piece of shit and aren’t fit to lead this club.”

Slade grabbed his cast and twisted it, and Harley to screamed in pain and fury as the surprise move dropped him to his knees. The commotion drew his employees back up to the front of the shop to witness his brutal ruthlessness. With a perverse smile, he twisted harder, enjoying Harley’s agony. “Because you are? You can’t even defend yourself!”

“The both of you stop it! Enough!” Claudia screamed. She turned to Ransom, and her tear-soaked pleas and anguished eyes made his stomach clench and implored, “Please make them stop!”

Ransom didn’t hear her. He was frozen with one thought. This acid trip was his life. It was always going to be his life. This fucked up, heinous cycle was never going to end because they were his family. It didn’t matter what he tried to accomplish, he would always have to come back to this. To them. That made him so nauseous he grew lightheaded. And he’d intentionally chosen to expose Billy to this clusterfuck and ask her to kindly deal with it. Christ, he was a selfish bastard.

“Ransom!” Claudia grabbed his arm and shook him frantically. “Please!”

Shoving his thoughts aside, Ransom released her. Bolting toward Slade, he engulfed him in a bear hug from behind. “Let go of him, Slade! Now!”

Pitch also ran up and tried to break Slade’s vise-like grip. “Get off him you, bastard! Get the fuck off!”

Ignoring them, Slade taunted his crippled son. “You’re a pathetic piece of shit, and that’s all you’ll ever be, Harley! You obviously inherited all my defective genes.”

Ransom tightened his hold until Slade released Harley, but that didn’t stop him from kicking his son in the face before he was propelled backward.

“I hate him,” Harley hissed under his breath, eyes locked over Pitch’s shoulder on a victoriously smiling Slade, as Pitch helped him to his feet. His friend grabbed a towel from the bucket of clean ones in the garage for Harley’s bleeding mouth and escorted him back to the passenger side of Claudia’s car. He opened it and shoved Harley in.

Harley’s arm was throbbing, but it felt like a paper cut compared to the humiliation he’d suffered at Slade’s hands again. “I fucking hate that motherfucker! I want him to die, man! Why can’t that bastard just die?!”

“Shut up!” Pitch whispered. “Discreetly reach into the lower part of my jumpsuit and grab the bag.”

Harley did as he was instructed and was shocked to withdraw a small bag of coke. “The hell, man? Did you steal this? Slade’ll skin you alive!”

While his mouth said one thing, Harley’s eyes were filled with a longing he didn’t try to hide. Pitch jabbed Harley in the chest with his finger. “It doesn’t matter! I ain’t stayin’, Harley. I can’t. I made the deal with Barrera to get us out of that jam, and I need to honor it or he’ll come after us. We don’t even know where Digger is! I didn’t sign up to be an Immortals club whore. Just came back to buy us some time,” Pitch spat, full of vitriol. “This might be our last to talk for a while, but don’t let Slade get to you like that. Show him the beast that you are, Harley. Stop hiding it to make everyone comfortable. You keep fighting who you really are and trying to be what they want you to be.”

Two suspicious prospects approached, forcing Pitch to whisper faster. “I’ll come back for you when I get us out of that Barrera jam. Remember what I said, though, and take care of yourself.”

He walked away from Harley before his friend could respond. Good. It was better this way. Pitch had no intentions of ever coming back to this dump. He’d stolen the bag from Blaze’s office when everyone rushed to find out what the commotion was about before coming to see for himself. Pitch could feel the prospects breathing down his neck when even more noise erupted from inside the building. They rushed past him, and Pitch turned back to look at the only person he’d ever considered to be his friend. He was saddened to see Harley had barely given him another thought as he was bent over, no doubt getting high in broad daylight where anyone could see. Pitch walked away, heading straight toward the Inferno.

It felt liberating to finally be of his own free will. No one stopped or questioned his every move, and the environment was free of hostility. Pitch entered the bar and nodded a greeting at Lorelai, who was behind the bar.

“Hey, honey,” she cooed. “Haven’t seen you around lately. Want your usual beer?”

“I’ve been busy,” Pitch answered curtly. “Mind if I use your payphone?”

Lorelai pointed behind her, toward the rear of the building. “Go for it! You know it’s around the corner from the bathrooms. I’ll get you your usual ready.”

Pitch trudged down the hall and picked up the phone, preparing to dial the number Barrera had given him. He’d memorized it by heart and was just waiting for the opportunity to use it. A slight stirring in the air behind him was Pitch’s only warning that he wasn’t alone. There was a flash of pain to the back of his skull then darkness overtook him.


“Go to Harley!” Ransom yelled at Claudia, struggling to keep his rage in check. “Make sure he’s okay and I’ll deal with this!”

“I’m going!” She grabbed Ransom’s arm when he would have followed Slade. “But I want you to tell him…” Claudia swiped at the tears gathering, uncaring of the black streaks the thick coats of mascara she always wore created. Her voice was wobbly but fierce, and her eyes were filled with an acrid venom that chilled Ransom to the core. He’d never seen her look so vengeful. “That we’re done, Ransom! That I will NEVER forgive him for this! You tell him that I said that!”

She whirled away from him, shoving past the men gathered in the hallway and past Blaze. Ransom held his hand up when his VP’s face turned thunderous. “Make sure she’s okay!”

Ransom stormed to Slade’s office, throwing the door open with a resounding bang to find his father leaning against his desk, surveying a file and unbothered once again by the havoc he’d created.

Ransom slammed the door, hard enough to rattle the glass portion. “What the fuck was that?! You handled Pitch and banned Digger, but Harley you haven’t even addressed. He’s tried to approach you a couple of times, but you shut him down. He’ll be gone soon, and we gotta find a way to address and move past this shit. What I just saw wasn’t the way to do that, Slade! How are we supposed to progress if you keep holding grudges?!”

“You and Claudia kill me with that shit. You’re ready to fight me at every turn when it comes to his pathetic ass! I’m doin’ exactly what I agreed to do.” Slade regarded Ransom with irritation. “You saw him goading me! The little maggot got what he deserved!”

Ransom shoved his hands into his pockets to restrain himself from reaching for Slade’s throat. He took deep, steadying breaths to control his fury. Just when he thought Slade couldn’t be any more cold and callused, the man introduced them to an unprecedented level of indifference. “That’s fucked up, even for you. You know Ma expects more. You couldn’t even do this one thing to make her happy? All she wanted was to have everyone home for the fucking holidays, Prez!”

“I’m not running a goddamn charity foundation, Ransom!” Slade barked. “He’s a fucking weakling, always has been and always will be. Quit lettin’ him suck at your tit and force him to stand on his own two feet!” Slade pointed at himself. “Me? I’m a fucking asshole and own that shit! I’ve never tried to lie about it or sugarcoat it! I don’t ask anyone to make excuses for me and why should I? I want my fucking cake and everyone else’s too. So fucking what?! It’s who I am and I ain’t changing anytime soon.”

Slade snatched a folder off his desk and plopped into his chair. “I’m not interested in having people around whose loyalties I need t question. He doesn’t belong here and never did. Harley ain’t welcome, and if he died tomorrow, it’d be no skin off my back. You should feel the same! You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, but your brother has got you by the balls. He’s your fucking Achilles heel and always will be, but you’re too clueless to see it. Now you got your answer; I suggest you get back to work.”

“He’s the way he is because of you and you know it!” Ransom bit out, crossing the room to lean over the desk and infiltrate his father’s personal space. His icy green eyes bore into Slade’s turbulent blue ones with resolution. “You’d rather have your family live guarded and in self-preservation mode around you than the ability to trust you as the patriarch to do right by us! Loyalty is a two-way street, even if we don’t see eye-to-eye. It shouldn’t be controlled by opportunity! You’d do well to remember that.

“I do right by all of you! I’m able to separate emotion from logic in order to turn a profit, and this is the thanks I get?!” Slade sneered with a fulminating glare as he tossed the folder on his desk. He didn’t like the guilt trip that Ransom was trying to pile at his feet because he had no use for Harley. The boy would always be a hindrance to what Slade was trying to accomplish. He wasn’t blind and saw Harley for what he really was: a spineless weak. You couldn’t accomplish anything with someone like that. They were too dependent and would drag you down to drown with them if you hung out long enough. 

Slade rose to his feet and stuck his finger in Ransom’s face. “Who the fuck are you to come in here and preach to me?! Don’t bite the fucking hand that feeds you!” His scathing look of disgust raked over Ransom. “Hell, maybe you’re not fit to lead either! Maybe you’re the weak link! You’re too caught up in your mama and brother to stay focused on yourself!”

Ransom knocked his hand out of the way. Voice ominous, he retorted, “Maybe you’re right. Since the advice is flowing so freely today, here’s some for you: I’m not your wife or my brother. Keep on acting like you don’t know that, and I’ll gladly show you who you’re fucking with. We clear on that shit? I’m not a self-proclaimed asshole like you, but I’ve been taking notes and learning from the best for years. Again, I’m not the one to fuck with, Slade.”

“You threatenin’ me?” His younger son could go the distance in a fight, street brawler or pugilist style. It didn’t matter. Self-taught, Ransom had the heart, head, and hate for physical combat, which Slade could see blazing in his eyes for him, but he was the President of The Immortals. Maybe his son needed reminding. “Maybe that little bitch you’re fucking likes your big boy voice—”

He was done with this sadistic asshole. There was no love to be found in him, only contempt and violence, feeding off the vulnerabilities, toward the people he was supposed to love and protect. Ransom’s fist smashed into his father’s mouth, and he followed up with an uppercut and a crossover, catching Slade by his cut when he slumped forward. Ransom dragged him over the desk and flung him into the corner, making the bookshelves rattle. He allowed Slade to find his bearings, welcoming this long overdue confrontation. Staggering to his feet, with a cruel smile on his lips, Slade raised his fists. “Did I say something that struck a nerve, boy? You don’t like me talking about your little black piece? Is it that good to your dick?”

The men gathered in the doorway made no move to intervene, as they knew what Ransom was capable of.

He was going to obliterate him, Ransom decided coolly while Slade waited for him to take the bait. But not on Slade’s manipulative terms of goading him into acting irrationally. On his terms, Slade would die. “You ain’t shit, old man. You’re a sorry excuse for a husband, father, leader, and human being. You’re so insecure and unloved that you can’t stand to see anyone else happy. You’re a fucking joke. Your weak ass, ineffective leadership skills are why I’m going to challenge you for your title—”

Slade’s animalistic roar shook the building as he rushed his son, fists flailing like a petulant child who couldn’t get his way. Ransom used his momentum to his advantage, pulling him into him and jabbing him in the throat. Slade collapsed to the floor, clutching at his throat and writhing for air. Ransom hooked his hand into Slade’s hair and slammed his head repeatedly against the floor, dazing him before grabbing his father’s arm and administering the same treatment he’d bestowed upon Harley earlier. Ransom applied pressure until he heard the bone snap deliciously. “That was for my brother.”

Grunting with pain, Slade hollered, “You little bastard! I’m gonna kill you!”

Slade feebly kicked at the back of Ransom’s knees, trying to knock him off balance until Ransom caught him by the leg and twisted his ankle in a sharp splinter. He meant to go slowly, taking his time to savor his vengeance, but his repressed emotions detonated in a volatile mushroom cloud. Ransom pummeled Slade’s face until blood splatter stained his fists, shirt, and face. The sounds each blow made reminiscent of those in his mother’s kitchen, when Claudia would tenderize the chicken or beef for dinner. Slade’s eyes were now swollen shut; his nose was cracked, lips busted and teeth loose, and his left cheek split open. “That was for my woman Billy… Don’t ever let her name cross your lips or disrespect her again.”

Ransom kneed him in the balls savagely, ramming him repeatedly until Shakes grabbed him from behind. “Enough, man!”

He allowed himself to be led away but not before informing a barely conscious Slade, “That was for my mother! I hope you rot in hell you sonofabitch.”

Shakes released Ransom as Blaze stepped into the room and surveyed the slaughtered mess of his best friend. “Jesus fucking Christ, Ransom!”

“You know he had it coming.” Ransom’s fingers were cut and swollen, and he knew they’d have to be iced ASAP. He left the room, accompanied by Shakes. Ransom looked each person he encountered in his path in the eye, and they nodded their respect and understanding, not judging him for his actions. They reached the changing room, and Ransom went to the sink and ran the water, splashing the cold water all over his face, neck, and arms, washing all traces of Slade away. His hands ached and were starting to swell.

Ransom changed out of his mechanic jumpsuit and into his gray sweatshirt, jeans, and boots. He sat down on the bench and let Shakes apply salve then bandage his hands, tentatively flexing his fingers and deciding the pain was manageable compared to the weight that no longer resided on his shoulders. “Thanks, Shakes.”

Ransom stood up and reached into his locker, retrieving his sweatshirt and cut. He slipped his sweatshirt on and grabbed what he’d considered for so long, his most prized possession. The pride of receiving his cut would forever be a memory he’d cherish, being patched in with Shakes and Harley. They’d drunk the fucking night away, high on euphoria. But the bad times outweighed the good for his family. Now, he wanted to get Harley into rehab and Claudia straightened out. Ransom was damned if he was going to leave her behind to suffer for his choices. He had to protect his family.

“Why don’t you sleep on it?” Shakes suggested quietly. “Don’t make this decision in anger.”

“My mind is already made up. I gotta do what’s best for me and my family.” Tears in his eyes, Ransom handed the cut to Shakes. He took it with great reluctance, and the two men embraced for what felt like an eternity. “You’ll always be my brother. Anytime you need me, I’ll come. I love you, man.”

“Brothers ‘til the end, and likewise, Ransom.” Shakes’ voice was low and broken. It’d damn near killed him to watch his best friend beat his father within inches of death. He’d looked at Blaze and found himself thankful for their relationship. Blaze was firm and gruff, but Shakes had never had to question if or why his father didn’t love him. “I love you and take care of yourself and them. Get that fresh start.”

They walked out of the locker room together to find Blaze patiently waiting outside. Ransom warily eyed the man he’d known his entire life. “I’d like to get my things and Ma’s from the compound. They won’t be returning. Can I expect any blowback behind this?”

Blaze’s hug was bone crushing. “Never, kid. I’ll clean this up. You do what you gotta do for them. They need you now more than ever. Remember you’ll always be family.”

Ransom walked by Slade’s office and didn’t bother glancing inside to see if he was still there, being cared for, or already gone. The only thing that mattered to him when he walked out of Lawson’s Automotive was that he was a free man.





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