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Their Spoiled Virgin (A Twin Brothers MFM Menage Romance) by J.L. Beck (13)




I couldn’t believe that I was holding one of my twin baby girls. My eyes shifted over to  my own twin who was holding the other little girl. The bond they would share would be eternal, and we could show them the ropes of what it meant to be a twin.

Soon after we started dating Bailey she discovered she was pregnant. We decided not to do a paternity test to determine which of us the father was. Logan and I preferred to just live as a tight little family, knowing we were both the father to these beautiful angels, named Elizabeth and Emily.

I was holding Elizabeth and I could only tell by the pink colored blanket we had wrapped around her. Emily’s blanket was purple. They were so calm and beautiful, a true blessing that we would cherish forever.

We were getting ready to head home from the hospital, milestone number one of heading out into the world and their first car ride was already happening, and it felt like their lives were already moving at a rapid pace and they were only two days old.

The birth had been hard for Bailey, her water broke three weeks early but the doctor assured us that this was normal for multiples. Once the babies were born via c-section, they were healthy and developed enough that they didn’t need any further neonatal care and we were allowed to take them home, proudly to show friends and family.

Bailey was tired but we could tell by the way she cooed over the babies that she was madly in love with them. We loved her too, and we wanted to make our lives together official.

Bailey had been working as a secretary for the marketing department of the company ever since we became official that fateful night after we went swimming in the pool. Now that the babies were born she had planned to stay home and care for them while we continued to work. We didn’t mind it at all, and Bailey had been looking forward to staying home with them for months before they were even born and now that they were here, her dreams could officially come true.

“Let’s bring our babies home,” I leaned over placing a kiss on the top of Bailey’s head. “Good job mama,” I praised her, feeling the bond between all of us growing stronger now that the twins were here.

“They are so cute aren’t they?” Bailey gazed dreamily at the sleeping girls.

“You did a great job, Princess.” Logan chimed in a bright smile on his face.

“It wasn’t all me, you guys gave half of this adorableness.” She smiled and rubbed Elizabeth’s tiny wrinkled hand.



I had been home with the twins for a week now, and without Tyler and Logan’s help, I would have been a basket case. My parents refused to help me or be a part of their grandchildren’s lives because of the relationship I had with the fathers, but there was nothing I could do about it and I had stopped caring a long time ago. It was their loss that they would not be around to watch these sweet girls grow up.

I loved being home with them and not having to go out into the stress of the corporate world. I was happy to have gotten the experience I got while I was out in the workforce and I would never regret getting my Georgetown education. But like a book, every chapter of life had a different ending and I was ready to start the next one.

“You are such a pretty girl,” I sang to Emily as I gave her a bath and she kicked out her cute little arms and legs.

“Need some help in here?” Logan came up behind me as I bathed the girls in their matching pink tubs. It had always been my dream to have a daughter one day to dress up in cute clothes and brush her hair, and now fate had brought me two. I didn’t know when my double blessings would end after having found the twins and then having twin girls of my own, but I knew I never wanted it too.

“Yeah I could use a hand or two,” I said gratefully as Logan grabbed a washcloth and helped lather Elizabeth up who was already becoming chunkier even after only a week of life. I loved how helpful the twins had been. They were going above and beyond my expectations and they had a good grip on the whole father thing. I tried not to put too much pressure on them to help me but they seemed to love bonding with their daughters so it all worked out in the end.

I was so tired at night because the girls were waking up every couple of hours to eat having Logan and Tyler around to help with feedings was just what I needed. No matter what, I was lucky to have them and I knew that.



I scratched the stubble on my face feeling nervous. “What if she says no?” I paced the floor and tried to wrestle out the nervous feelings.

“She’s not going to say no,” Tyler said confidently as he zipped up a duffel bag that contained his gym clothes for the next morning’s work out session.

“You don’t know that…” I argued.

Tyler spun around. “Why would she say no? She loves us Logan and just had our twin daughters. She loves being home with them. There’s no reason for her to say no now.”

“I guess you’re right,” I plopped down on the bed and looked out into the hallway.

“Well, I guess we should go say goodnight to the twins.” They were getting so big, at already three months old. They were changing every day and I felt like I couldn’t keep up with it all. Pushing from the bed we both headed towards the twins room where they slept in their matching white sleigh bed cribs. We touched the top of their heads tenderly and whispered our goodnights to them.

When we walked into the master bedroom, we saw Bailey getting ready for bed. She was stripped of makeup and her hair was wavy and running down her shoulders. She looked radiant as she put moisturizing lotion on her hands. I loved her bedtime routine and everything about her.

“Hey guys!” She lit up when we walked into the room, her eyes beaming with joy.

“What’s with the serious faces?” She looked at us perplexed.

With a nod of Tyler’s head in my direction, I knew that was my cue. I got down on one knee as he did the same. Bailey gasped as she realized what was happening. “Oh my goodness.” She breathed out, perfectly stunned and surprised, which we had hoped for all along. I pulled a ring from my pocket that had a two -carat princess cut diamond in the center of it, flashing it in front of her.

“Bailey, we love you so much. You have given us our perfect daughters and make our lives brighter by just being a part of it. Will you marry us?” My heart was racing as I waited for her reaction.

“Yes! Yes!” She cried out, pulling both of us off the floor and into her arms. Never, not even once in my life had I thought that I would find someone as great as Bailey, but like always life had a way of making things interesting and Bailey well she was the most interesting thing to ever happen to us.

“I love you!” I smiled pressing a kiss against her forehead, feeling so much happiness, and love that I was sure I would burst.