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Time and Space Between Us by Knightley, Diana (18)

Chapter 21

The food was passable. Probably because it was so necessary. Meaty and filling, though really seriously needing some spice, or sauce, or sweetness. And some vegetables. The dessert was much like the meal — not sweet. But I hadn’t eaten in a day. Or make that centuries. I was ravenous enough to have eaten a horse. Lamb would do. A pudding would do for dessert. Lots and lots of beer because I was so crazy thirsty.

It was hard to focus on the discussion between Magnus and the Earl. Magnus also spoke to many other men who came up, clapped him on the shoulder, and spoke long and boisterously to him about battles or — really I had no idea what they were talking about. Forced to guess it was all about fighting. Then as soon as they left Magnus and the Earl returned to speaking directly to each other. My hearing was still wonky. Their voices were just a bit too low. My heartbeat and breathing were just a bit too loud. My senses were all jangled. My nerves weren’t as jangled though, by degrees — the effect of the beer.

I overheard the Earl say, “You have heard His Royal Highness, King William, has passed?”

Magnus’s face clouded over, he shook his head. “Nae I haena heard.”

The Earl studied Magnus’s face, then asked, “I believe you spent much time at court, were you friendly to the King?”

Magnus’s jaw clenched. “I never met His Royal Highness, I was never presented at court.” I watched the side of Magnus’s face. He was lying to the Earl, but I didn’t know why.

“So you don’t have an opinion on succession young Magnus?”

“Nae, my opinion lies with you, my grace, with my cousins and my family.”

“Ah, well said, but understand your family and your country lies divided about a great many things.”

The Earl and Magnus leaned closer and discussed the ‘many things’ for longer until finally Magnus leaned back with a grim look on his face. The Earl turned away and rejoined his former conversation with the woman on his right.

“What happened? He wouldn’t give you any men?”

“He has said he canna spare them. There are uprisings and rebellions in every quarter and he needs his armies. He will give me two men tae accompany me tae Talsworth—“

“But last time you were there you were held a prisoner. You’ll be captured.”

“Aye. I might be able tae send one of the men inside, but if I am captured, I can’t see that will do me any good.” He shrugged. “Though at least I would be on the inside.”

“No, no, that’s not—“ I fumed trying to imagine a better plan than this. I could think of three right off my head:

One, call Lord Delapointe by phone and tell him to release Lady Mairead immediately.

Two, call the police.

Three, fly planes over and drop bombs until he surrenders.

None of those would— “Are the men good, that will be traveling with you?”

His eyes flitted to mine nervously. “I have picked them.”

“So they’re good? Who is it?”

“My brother, Sean, and another cousin. They are good enough.”

I stewed quietly. “And I’ll be here, alone, six hours away while you’re gone?”

“Nae, twould be best for ye tae be back home.”

“No. Now that it’s so much harder to do this, I won’t leave with the only vessel we have. I won’t. We both go together or we go when we have two vessels in our possession. That’s the only way. It can’t be too hard to see Lady Mairead. You just — the Earl should go with you and take a band of men. He should demand a conversation with her.” I glanced up and despite our whispers the Earl was listening to our discussion. “Lord Breadalbane—“ I spoke across Magnus.

He turned with a broad, well-practiced smile on his face. “Dear niece, your opinion differs from mine?”

“It does, I mean, I don’t want to overstep — I understand you have difficulties raising enough men for Magnus, but to send him with only two men means he will probably be captured again, and then Lord Delapointe would be holding your sister and your nephew, it seems —“

Magnus said, “Kaitlyn.”

I clamped my lips between my teeth.

The Earl looked from me to Magnus. “I would like for my new niece to finish, young Magnus.”

Magnus sighed.

I said, “Magnus was beaten. I’m afraid if he goes anywhere near the castle he will not come out again.”

“Tis true?”

“Aye, he held me captive for a time.”

I finished. “His back still has whip marks.”

Lord Breadalbane made a sound like a tsk tsk. “You did see your mother there, young Magnus?”


“So Lord Delapointe wants your capture. You dinna mention this afore.” The Earl gestured to have his beer filled again and waved toward my half-full glass too. “Tis more complicated. I have heard nocht of Lady Mairead in many weeks.”

Magnus said, “I saw her about a month ago, she spoke tae me of some danger tae her.”

The Earl sighed and seemed about to give up the conversation altogether. I had to act. “What if I went?”

The Earl and Magnus both directed their focus to me.

“I could go to the castle—”

Magnus said, “Kaitlyn…”

“What if I told Lord Delapointe that Magnus is missing, and I need to speak to Lady Mairead about his disappearance?” I spoke faster because Magnus’s expression turned sharp. “If you went, Lord Breadalbane, as my escort, he would have to answer us.”

Magnus mouthed, “Refrigerator.”

The Earl raised his brow. “I would attend you?”

“Yes, it would raise no suspicions if the uncle and wife of Magnus Campbell were to appear to ask about him. Why shouldn’t we ask to speak to Lady Mairead?”

Magnus’s eyes grew wide. “Refrigerator.”

I turned a fierce eye on Magnus, and said, “Refrigerator,” in return. To the Earl I finished, “And then we would learn if Lady Mairead is okay.”

The Earl seemed amused about our facial expressions and back and forth, “Froigrator?”

“Tis an expression in the West Indies. It means, ‘I disagree vehemently.’” Magnus’s jaw was hard, his gaze forceful.

The Earl said, “I believe Madame Campbell’s idea has some merit. Twould take us just a couple of days tae accomplish. I would take six men. Would ye want tae attend us, Magnus?”

Magnus grumbled, “Och aye, if Kaitlyn is going I will attend her. Though I am nae convinced this is—“

The Earl waved him away with a hand. “We are decided. I suppose if Madame Campbell travels with us, you winna want Ewan?”

I glanced sharply at Magnus.

He said, “I asked tae take Ewan with me so ye winna have tae see him while I was away.”

I gulped at the idea of Magnus traveling with Ewan; someone would end up dead for sure. Possibly everyone. He was still glaring at us from his place at the far end of the table. I clutched Magnus’s hand. Settled in my mind that my idea was the best plan.

The Earl said, “The rain will clear tomorrow morning. We will ride just after dawn and arrive before dark.” He turned away to speak again with the woman to his right.

Magnus urgently whispered, “Nae Kaitlyn, ye canna go in there. I winna be with you. I winna be able tae protect you. You expect me tae watch ye go into Delapointe’s castle without me? He is—“

I clutched his fingers, and whispered “Magnus, think about it — you’re waiting just outside. I go in with the Earl, under his protection. We’re surrounded by men. I see Lady Mairead and she tells me everything she knows about the location of the other two boxes. I leave, meet you outside, and we decide what to do next.”

Magnus scowled. “I suppose ye could have the vessel with you. If anything happened ye could return tae your time.”

“No, you’d have the vessel. If something happens, you storm the castle and rescue me. We jump together. That’s the thing Magnus. We only have one vessel right now. I’m not jumping without you; I might never see you again.”

He sat quietly looking around the great hall. I scanned the room too, the tapestry across from my seat, the carved wall, and especially people, the faces down the table. Many looking like relatives of Lady Mairead. The men and women were all dressed, layers of clothes, nicer than my own, hair done. The servants were bustling around. The noise had grown louder as the night became later. Beer was passed around the tables. A musician played a stringed instrument behind us.

As if he read my thoughts Magnus said, “Tis nae Food Fighters.”

I laughed. “It’s hard to be mad at you when you’re so helpless. You can’t even get the band’s name right. You need me so desperately.”

“I do, I am a desperate man without ye.” He nodded looking out over the hall. “Okay Kaitlyn, I agree. And if we only have one vessel, we will jump together.”

“Thank you.”

“But, if you find a second vessel at the castle. If ye can get your hands on it, steal it, take it back home. I will get tae ye.”

“Okay, it’s a deal.”

He clasped my hand, and we watched the diners for a few minutes. Finally Magnus’s brother, Sean, entered the room. He rushed us and swept Magnus up into a gigantic bear hug. Magnus and Sean banged each other’s shoulders. Their hulking masses exclaiming and battering each other happily, until Magnus flinched painfully. “I have an injury brother, tis—“

Sean deftly twisted Magnus and yanked the back of his shirt to forcefully look inside the neck. “What has happened to ye Mags?”

I chuckled, remembering James calling Magnus ‘Mags’ too.

“I have had a run in with Lady Mairead’s husband.”

“Och, well, tis only a scratch.”

Magnus laughed and introduced me. Sean exclaimed, “Kaitlyn, sister!” And hugged me so tightly I wondered if a rib might break. Magnus asked after his sister, Lizabeth, who happened to be off traveling with their Uncle Baldie.

Then Sean was told about our errand the following morning. His voice boomed. “So we must rescue mum again, fine, though I wish she would make a better choice of husbands.”

Magnus laughed, “Her newest one seems tae be the most dangerous of the lot.”

Sean said, “True. We’ll catch up tomorrow, Mags, on our ride. I need to get some food in me in the meantime. And speaking of better choices, ye needs be careful. Ye are making enemies of your cousins, I hear. I will need tae mend the bonds and I daena want tae work so hard.”

“You heard then?”

“The whole castle heard. Cousin Ewan is much favored by the Earl. I am grateful ye spared his life or I might be attending a hanging tomorrow instead of an easy visit with mum.”

They hugged again before Sean left to sit at a seat at the far end of the table. Another group of men came up to speak to Magnus. He introduced me to what seemed like the hundredth person.

The Earl stood and made a speech, mostly Gaelic. It was followed by cheers. Cups were raised in our direction. My name was said, so I blushed though I had no idea what was being said about me. I drank more beer, feeling quite tipsy and comfortable for the first time in hours.

Magnus whispered, “Chef Zach right now is scooping vanilla for Emma.”

“Ah, but see, she is fond of chocolate fudge with ribbons of marshmallow through it. Plus she is pregnant. She probably wants pickles or something with it.”

“Pickles? With ice cream?” He looked outraged, but then laughed. “Well, I will try anything once.”

We both gestured for another beer and drank it, whispering to each other and laughing at inside jokes.

“I would like tae have a baby with ye Kaitlyn.”

“I’d prefer to have babies in my century than yours.”

He rubbed his hand along the back of mine. “Would ye like tae go upstairs?”

I glanced across the room. Ewan was glaring at us. It had only been about six hours since he had his forearm across my throat. Only about four hours since I had been furious with my husband and yes, the food and beer had helped my mood, but I didn’t feel loving or sexy yet. Not when my head still ached from the punch and when it hit the stone floor. “I’m not in the mood for anything Magnus. I’m still… I need some sleep and time to get back there.”

He kissed my fingers with a nod. He leaned to the Earl’s ear and told him we were retiring to our quarters, and then we walked the long dark corridors back to our bedroom.